Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

The proof of what you said is that all these treasonous jerks cannot respond to questions relative to the jerky things they say. Such as this recently asked
Question for JimBowie.

NF 10612794.
What is your problem with Iran assisting the slaughter of DAIISH terrorist scum,

I did answer that question, dumbass. Must have gone over your head.

Conservatives are taught that human thought comes to them similar to religion - through divine intervention and to be taken on faith that all conservative thought is infallible and does not need to be base on objective reality, fact checking or any desire to understand why and what they think.

Hatred of Obama suffices as a reason for every thought including complaining if some Iranians put their lives on the line to kill some DAIISH killers in Iraq.

Your inability to understand your political opponents is parallel to you inability to understand your military opponents, assuming that ISIS is actually an opponent to your mind.

And did I forget to suggest that you go fuck yourself, whore?
There rightwingnuts cheered for Putin, and then they cheered for ISIS. In both cases, they were and are clearly against the interests of this nation. They want, no matter what it costs the USA, President Obama to fail. And thus far, the President has made these treasonous jerks look like fools.

You are a fucking liar.
JimB 10610404
For now. When summer comes back lets see whats up. Military forces that rely on maneuver instead of massive numbers tend to hole up for winter historically

That may have been true for al Qaeda and the Taliban in years past in Afghanistan, but not so for DAIISH in Iraq. They have what they call an Islamic State to run govern and defend.

There is no hiding out in caves through the winter for defenders of a state or even a city like Mosul.

Your response was once again pure nonsense.

You are an idiot. 'Holing up' does not require a cave moron, it is simply an expression. Winter across the northern hemisphere hinders maneuver in various ways. Operations tend to be conducted from late spring to early autumn. So they set up defensive perimeters and wait for better weather so they can operate at full capacity. Even the shallowest dilettante knows this. The only major exception was the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front in WW2 and the Chicoms in North Korea in 1950. Both were willing to conduct major winter operations because they were not armies that relied on maneuver but on massive numbers, and so the winter had no serious reduction in their efficiency or maneuverability.

To summarize; don't you have a street go play in, dipshit?

Sometimes a little research goes a long ways. At the present date and time of day it is 72% at the Baghdad Airport and 63% in down town Mosul. Latest news on Iraq and Kurd military situations is that that they are maneuvering alongside the highways entering and around Mosul for the purpose of blowing up and bombing ISIS assets as ISIS attempts to supply it's forces that are attempting to prevent the loss of more of the territory it captured back in August, as per your outdated obsolete map.
So they set up defensive perimeters and wait for better weather so they can operate at full capacity

You did not respond to the fact that you originally started with a stupid map showing DAIISH terrorist scum encircling Baghdad ready to cut off the food supply of Shiite run Baghdad. That map shows quite offensive positions and Baghdad under siege in the frozen cold northern Hemisphere.

Now you say DAIISH are dug in for the winter and waiting for summer to starve out Baghdad and the raise the black flag of death over the US Embassey as Baghdad falls.

Its all in your pro-iSIS anti Obama dreams isn't it. ISIS was the best thing to happen to conservatives since the killings if four Americans in Benghazi. And you just can't imagine they will be defeated and never take over any part if Shiite and Kurdish Iraq which is most of it,
JimB 10613795 [QUOTE="JimBowie1958, post: 10613795, member: 32813" ] And did I forget to suggest that you go fuck yourself, whore?[/QUOTE]

I understand that you are a foul mouthed uninformed inarticulate simpleton that can't explain facts or reason behind a lot of factually deficient thoughts.
JimB 10610404
For now. When summer comes back lets see whats up. Military forces that rely on maneuver instead of massive numbers tend to hole up for winter historically

That may have been true for al Qaeda and the Taliban in years past in Afghanistan, but not so for DAIISH in Iraq. They have what they call an Islamic State to run govern and defend.

There is no hiding out in caves through the winter for defenders of a state or even a city like Mosul.

Your response was once again pure nonsense.

You are an idiot. 'Holing up' does not require a cave moron, it is simply an expression. Winter across the northern hemisphere hinders maneuver in various ways. Operations tend to be conducted from late spring to early autumn. So they set up defensive perimeters and wait for better weather so they can operate at full capacity. Even the shallowest dilettante knows this. The only major exception was the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front in WW2 and the Chicoms in North Korea in 1950. Both were willing to conduct major winter operations because they were not armies that relied on maneuver but on massive numbers, and so the winter had no serious reduction in their efficiency or maneuverability.

To summarize; don't you have a street go play in, dipshit?

Sometimes a little research goes a long ways. At the present date and time of day it is 72% at the Baghdad Airport and 63% in down town Mosul. Latest news on Iraq and Kurd military situations is that that they are maneuvering alongside the highways entering and around Mosul for the purpose of blowing up and bombing ISIS assets as ISIS attempts to supply it's forces that are attempting to prevent the loss of more of the territory it captured back in August, as per your outdated obsolete map.

You missed the point I was making, somehow, but since you seem to not grasp the point of warm weather operations vrs winter operations when you have different seasonal conditions beyond mere temperature, duh, I'm not going to bother with a third explanation. And it isn't % for degrees, lol.
So they set up defensive perimeters and wait for better weather so they can operate at full capacity

You did not respond to the fact that you originally started with a stupid map showing DAIISH terrorist scum encircling Baghdad ready to cut off the food supply of Shiite run Baghdad. That map shows quite offensive positions and Baghdad under siege in the frozen cold northern Hemisphere.

Now you say DAIISH are dug in for the winter and waiting for summer to starve out Baghdad and the raise the black flag of death over the US Embassey as Baghdad falls.

Its all in your pro-iSIS anti Obama dreams isn't it. ISIS was the best thing to happen to conservatives since the killings if four Americans in Benghazi. And you just can't imagine they will be defeated and never take over any part if Shiite and Kurdish Iraq which is most of it,

lol, so since I think ISIS is likely to resurge this next summer I must be pro-ISIS?

You are an true imbecile.
JimB 10613795 [QUOTE="JimBowie1958, post: 10613795, member: 32813" ] And did I forget to suggest that you go fuck yourself, whore?

I understand that you are a foul mouthed uninformed inarticulate simpleton that can't explain facts or reason behind a lot of factually deficient thoughts.[/QUOTE]

Lol, you mean a simpleton as in someone who thinks only pro-ISIS people think they might be resurgent next summer?

JimB 10618224
lol, so since I think ISIS is likely to resurge this next summer I must be pro-ISIS?

There are no indicators that DAIISH terrorist scum will "resurge" next summer and take over a starving Baghdad. Proposing such mental rubbish has to mean you desire ISIS to prevail over the Shiite dominated Iraqi central government. That is as much a pro-ISIS fantasy that an American conservative can have. You want them to resurge this summer because keeping pro-ISIS myths alive also keeps the political assault on Obama alive.

If you were to admit the truth that ISIS can't take over all of Iraq and will likely lose most of what territory they gained last summer within a year, there is no conservative political argument that Obama squandered Bush's so-called victory in Iraq. So you have manufactured a story that ISIS is taking a time out for weather conditions of some sort to explain why ISIS is not doing so well in Iraq since Obama's air strikes began.
JimB 10599401
Baghdad is nearly encircled; where do they get their food in from once ISIS cuts off all ground routes into Baghdad?

This was JimBowie (post 10599401) being quite certain that Baghdad is already nearly encircled and Baghdad's population will be starved out once "ISIS cuts off all ground routes into Baghdad?"

Now that JimBowie has learned that Baghdad is not encircled by ISIS and ground routes into Baghdad will be near impossible for ISIS to cut off, he has lowered his pro-ISIS forecast to "likely to resurge" next summer.

JimB 10618224
lol, so since I think ISIS is likely to resurge this next summer I must be pro-ISIS?

Likely? Likely to resurge? But not cut off all ground routes into Baghdad anymore. JimBowie really lowered the bar for ISIS next summer. At least we forced some bits of reality into JimBowies's mind.
JimB 10618224
lol, so since I think ISIS is likely to resurge this next summer I must be pro-ISIS?

There are no indicators that DAIISH terrorist scum will "resurge" next summer and take over a starving Baghdad. Proposing such mental rubbish has to mean you desire ISIS to prevail over the Shiite dominated Iraqi central government. That is as much a pro-ISIS fantasy that an American conservative can have. You want them to resurge this summer because keeping pro-ISIS myths alive also keeps the political assault on Obama alive.

Lol, so you double down on stupid, typical leftist shill. I want ISIS to be eradicated more than most since I understand their theology to some degree and know it has no boundaries.

You on the other hand don't seem to understand much of anything other than your ass-to-mouth lickspittle devotion to Obama's nether regions.

If you were to admit the truth that ISIS can't take over all of Iraq and will likely lose most of what territory they gained last summer within a year, there is no conservative political argument that Obama squandered Bush's so-called victory in Iraq. So you have manufactured a story that ISIS is taking a time out for weather conditions of some sort to explain why ISIS is not doing so well in Iraq since Obama's air strikes began.

roflmao, oh yes, Obama's mighty air strike just MUST be causing ISIS to retreat.

You are such a fucking moron.
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JimB 10599401
Baghdad is nearly encircled; where do they get their food in from once ISIS cuts off all ground routes into Baghdad?

This was JimBowie (post 10599401) being quite certain that Baghdad is already nearly encircled and Baghdad's population will be starved out once "ISIS cuts off all ground routes into Baghdad?"

Now that JimBowie has learned that Baghdad is not encircled by ISIS and ground routes into Baghdad will be near impossible for ISIS to cut off, he has lowered his pro-ISIS forecast to "likely to resurge" next summer.

So when one says that the Wermacht got up to the gates of Moscow, you just assume that they mean PRESENTLY instead of historically?

lol, how can you be such a fucking retard?

JimB 10618224
lol, so since I think ISIS is likely to resurge this next summer I must be pro-ISIS?

Likely? Likely to resurge? But not cut off all ground routes into Baghdad anymore. JimBowie really lowered the bar for ISIS next summer. At least we forced some bits of reality into JimBowies's mind.

They are a clear and present threat to Baghdad as they still control areas to the west, north and NE from the city.

I would explain that to you and why that should be a concern to any rational person, but as you are a certified moron, I wont bother.
JimB 10619840
They are a clear and present threat to Baghdad as they still control areas to the west, north and NE from the city.

The DAIISH terrorist scum controlled hardly any other areas in Iraq other than predominantly Sunni areas. Now as they retreat from some areas and hunker down in some other Sunni areas, time is not on their side. That is because too many forces are lining up against them. But what you noticed is not very significant. Terrorists in retreat certainly will present a threat. They are after all cowards that prey on the weak and defenseless.

Why do you think you have some kind of special knowledge about the threat from DAIISH? They will not seize Iraq from Kurds and Shiites and they will be squeezed out of Mosul and Tikrit by Iraqi forces within a year.

ISIS will not be inclined or able to surround and control all the roads into Baghdad by summer. Then what are you going to do?
JimB 10619840
They are a clear and present threat to Baghdad as they still control areas to the west, north and NE from the city.

The DAIISH terrorist scum controlled hardly any other areas in Iraq other than predominantly Sunni areas. Now as they retreat from some areas and hunker down in some other Sunni areas, time is not on their side. That is because too many forces are lining up against them. But what you noticed is not very significant. Terrorists in retreat certainly will present a threat. They are after all cowards that prey on the weak and defenseless.

Why do you think you have some kind of special knowledge about the threat from DAIISH? They will not seize Iraq from Kurds and Shiites and they will be squeezed out of Mosul and Tikrit by Iraqi forces within a year.

ISIS will not be inclined or able to surround and control all the roads into Baghdad by summer. Then what are you going to do?

Yeah, I know that our experts were completely aware that ISIS would explode into Iraq and capture Mosul when they did...ooops! Shit! No, they didn't anticipate this at all! OMG, our experts say they will capture this or that and are shocked to shit in their pants when the unexpected still happens.

To say that this or that will happen and our enemies put back their bottles is the ultimate in hubris and/or stupidity and I am certain that with you it is a case of BOTH.
JimB 10626894
Yeah, I know that our experts were completely aware that ISIS would explode into Iraq and capture Mosul when they did...ooops! Shit! No, they didn't anticipate this at all! OMG

ISIS had the element of surprize last summer that's true. And Maliki was in power at that time and American rightfully was not allowed to become Maliki's Air Force and Maliki was told to go in a peaceful drmocratic transfer of power among Sunnis Shiites and Kurds.

The new government is preparing to drive ISIS out / there is no element
of surprise involved anymore, you are stuck in the past when ISIS looked unstoppable like with your outdated map. The past has to be a fond memory for you because you refuse to accept the reality of the here and now.

You love a strong ISIS in Iraq that does not exists. Deadly yes but no longer as strong as they were when the rampage began.
JimB 10626894
Yeah, I know that our experts were completely aware that ISIS would explode into Iraq and capture Mosul when they did...ooops! Shit! No, they didn't anticipate this at all! OMG

ISIS had the element of surprize last summer that's true. And Maliki was in power at that time and American rightfully was not allowed to become Maliki's Air Force and Maliki was told to go in a peaceful drmocratic transfer of power among Sunnis Shiites and Kurds.

The new government is preparing to drive ISIS out / there is no element
of surprise involved anymore, you are stuck in the past when ISIS looked unstoppable like with your outdated map. The past has to be a fond memory for you because you refuse to accept the reality of the here and now.

You love a strong ISIS in Iraq that does not exists. Deadly yes but no longer as strong as they were when the rampage began.


JimB 10626894
Yeah, I know that our experts were completely aware that ISIS would explode into Iraq and capture Mosul when they did...ooops! Shit! No, they didn't anticipate this at all! OMG

ISIS had the element of surprize last summer that's true. And Maliki was in power at that time and American rightfully was not allowed to become Maliki's Air Force and Maliki was told to go in a peaceful drmocratic transfer of power among Sunnis Shiites and Kurds.

The new government is preparing to drive ISIS out / there is no element
of surprise involved anymore, you are stuck in the past when ISIS looked unstoppable like with your outdated map. The past has to be a fond memory for you because you refuse to accept the reality of the here and now.

You love a strong ISIS in Iraq that does not exists. Deadly yes but no longer as strong as they were when the rampage began.

Wow, with all our satellite high tech bullshit and a bunch of Toyota truck driving mofos caught us all by surprise?

You are a stupid fuck.

And you double down on your 'you must love ISIS if you think they are a threat' nonsense just as if you were still on the school yard taunting some fat kid.

ESADIAF retard.
JimB 10626894
Yeah, I know that our experts were completely aware that ISIS would explode into Iraq and capture Mosul when they did...ooops! Shit! No, they didn't anticipate this at all! OMG

ISIS had the element of surprize last summer that's true. And Maliki was in power at that time and American rightfully was not allowed to become Maliki's Air Force and Maliki was told to go in a peaceful drmocratic transfer of power among Sunnis Shiites and Kurds.

The new government is preparing to drive ISIS out / there is no element
of surprise involved anymore, you are stuck in the past when ISIS looked unstoppable like with your outdated map. The past has to be a fond memory for you because you refuse to accept the reality of the here and now.

You love a strong ISIS in Iraq that does not exists. Deadly yes but no longer as strong as they were when the rampage began.



Yemen didn't happen, see, it is just a nation that the Obama regime called our best ally in the region and shining example of success in the war against terror about a year ago.

Guess they must have those Toyota truck super-weapons too, just like ISIS.

Geaix 10627106

What about Yemen? Shiites just overthrew the government there. They would hate ISIS wouldn't they?

lol, yeah Shiites don't count since Iran is now our best buddy in the Mid East, right, shit-for-brains?

You never told me, BTW, how my stating that ISIS had Baghdad surrounded makes me an ISIS lover. Citing history must be a traumatic experience for you, eh, dumbfuck?

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