Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

No wonder EconChick Made up the story about IS terrorists capturing Route Irish. That was so she could make this prediction seem to be true:

EC 10058115
I've been saying this for about two weeks. Only difference is I predict they'll go for BIAP first, though. It would be smart for them to close off the escape route from the GZ.
The US public must must be figuring out all the right wing lies about iSIS being all Obama's fault:

Obama Has Tied Reagan In Public Opinion Polls
Posted: 12/27/2014 12:04 pm EST Updated: 12/27/2014 12:59 pm EST

Don't look now, but President Barack Obama has been inching up in the polls, tying Reagan for this juncture in his presidency. Several polls have him inching up to nearly 50 percent approval rating after a rough 2014. Is it just a bit of holiday cheer, or is the trend real? And how does Obama compare to Reagan and other presidents in their sixth Christmas?

Back up to 50% approval..
The US public must must be figuring out all the right wing lies about iSIS being all Obama's fault:

Obama Has Tied Reagan In Public Opinion Polls
Posted: 12/27/2014 12:04 pm EST Updated: 12/27/2014 12:59 pm EST

Don't look now, but President Barack Obama has been inching up in the polls, tying Reagan for this juncture in his presidency. Several polls have him inching up to nearly 50 percent approval rating after a rough 2014. Is it just a bit of holiday cheer, or is the trend real? And how does Obama compare to Reagan and other presidents in their sixth Christmas?

Back up to 50% approval..


You cling to that delusion fool...
Gonna be amusing to see what happens with online vitriol if by some miracle a Republican wins in 2016 and still can't make everything perfect forever.

At least Bush left Obama with an Iraq that was Stable. Obama will be leaving the next President with ISIS, a crippled CIA unable to even interrogate a prisoner, a weakened military, and fewer allies who will trust working with us. Yeah I imagine the Democrats would actually be pleased to see a Republican win
Will Obama let ISIS burn the American flag and raise the black flag of death at the US Embassy?

So what if they do?

Why should we fight the Iraqi's battles for them. If Iraqis aren't willing to fight ISIS, why should we?

Iraq wasnt strong enough yet. Look how long we stayed in Germany after WW2 to make sure things were stable........... uhh wait we are still in Germany and have a Japanese base as well. Hmmm no way we should have stuck around in Iraq to make sure the crazies didnt take over.
Now theyre killing everyone there who risked their necks to help us. Good luck for us getting cooperation from someone next time
Gonna be amusing to see what happens with online vitriol if by some miracle a Republican wins in 2016 and still can't make everything perfect forever.

At least Bush left Obama with an Iraq that was Stable. Obama will be leaving the next President with ISIS, a crippled CIA unable to even interrogate a prisoner, a weakened military, and fewer allies who will trust working with us. Yeah I imagine the Democrats would actually be pleased to see a Republican win

Yep... just as Clinton left Bush 9-11.
Gonna be amusing to see what happens with online vitriol if by some miracle a Republican wins in 2016 and still can't make everything perfect forever.

At least Bush left Obama with an Iraq that was Stable. Obama will be leaving the next President with ISIS, a crippled CIA unable to even interrogate a prisoner, a weakened military, and fewer allies who will trust working with us. Yeah I imagine the Democrats would actually be pleased to see a Republican win

Yep... just as Clinton left Bush 9-11.

History repeats itself
Gonna be amusing to see what happens with online vitriol if by some miracle a Republican wins in 2016 and still can't make everything perfect forever.

At least Bush left Obama with an Iraq that was Stable. Obama will be leaving the next President with ISIS, a crippled CIA unable to even interrogate a prisoner, a weakened military, and fewer allies who will trust working with us. Yeah I imagine the Democrats would actually be pleased to see a Republican win

Yep... just as Clinton left Bush 9-11.

History repeats itself

Well in fairness to history, the obama cult is just Clinton redux... The difference is that Clinton was an amatue compared to the subversion that the brown clown has laid down.

The 9-11 he is setting us up for will make 01 look like a Barn Raisin'... and keep in mind that 9-11-01 cost US a trillion dollars in lost GDP and 3000 innocent lives.
Gonna be amusing to see what happens with online vitriol if by some miracle a Republican wins in 2016 and still can't make everything perfect forever.
Everything or anything.

It takes six weeks to train an American to become a soldier. OCS turns out officers in three months. Republicans worked diligently from 2003 until 2009 trying to build an Army in Iraq. The kind of Army Saddam had and after trillions of dollars and thousands of US advisers, they built an army of paper and straw. An army that cut and run after a mere "boo".

Just like everything the GOP touches, it failed. This is a party of ignorance and know nothing. And they are proud to know nothing. It means they aren't liberals.

They may be trying with all their might to blame this on Democrats, but history will tell a different story. One we call the "truth".
Gonna be amusing to see what happens with online vitriol if by some miracle a Republican wins in 2016 and still can't make everything perfect forever.

At least Bush left Obama with an Iraq that was Stable. Obama will be leaving the next President with ISIS, a crippled CIA unable to even interrogate a prisoner, a weakened military, and fewer allies who will trust working with us. Yeah I imagine the Democrats would actually be pleased to see a Republican win

Yep... just as Clinton left Bush 9-11.

History repeats itself

Well in fairness to history, the obama cult is just Clinton redux... The difference is that Clinton was an amatue compared to the subversion that the brown clown has laid down.

The 9-11 he is setting us up for will make 01 look like a Barn Raisin'... and keep in mind that 9-11-01 cost US a trillion dollars in lost GDP and 3000 innocent lives.
Republicans trumped al Qaeda. They had over three thousand young and healthy Americans killed in Iraq over nothing, over 40,000 maimed for life and threw away well over three trillion.

It's like al Qaeda said, "Look at what we can do" and Republicans said, "That's nothing, watch this".
Gonna be amusing to see what happens with online vitriol if by some miracle a Republican wins in 2016 and still can't make everything perfect forever.

At least Bush left Obama with an Iraq that was Stable. Obama will be leaving the next President with ISIS, a crippled CIA unable to even interrogate a prisoner, a weakened military, and fewer allies who will trust working with us. Yeah I imagine the Democrats would actually be pleased to see a Republican win

Yep... just as Clinton left Bush 9-11.

History repeats itself

Well in fairness to history, the obama cult is just Clinton redux... The difference is that Clinton was an amatue compared to the subversion that the brown clown has laid down.

The 9-11 he is setting us up for will make 01 look like a Barn Raisin'... and keep in mind that 9-11-01 cost US a trillion dollars in lost GDP and 3000 innocent lives.
Republicans trumped al Qaeda. They had over three thousand young and healthy Americans killed in Iraq over nothing, over 40,000 maimed for life and threw away well over three trillion.

It's like al Qaeda said, "Look at what we can do" and Republicans said, "That's nothing, watch this".

Actually, the 13 years of the US defense from Islamic terrorism has cost the US 1.6 trillion... or roughly that which it cost us every year for having allowed the mentally deficient to vote, resulting in the election of obama.

But yeah... we should add the nearly 5000 US military who died defending the US from Islam and the 40,000 (your number) who were injured as a result of 9-11. You bet.
Everything or anything.

It takes six weeks to train an American to become a soldier. OCS turns out officers in three months. Republicans worked diligently from 2003 until 2009 trying to build an Army in Iraq. The kind of Army Saddam had and after trillions of dollars and thousands of US advisers, they built an army of paper and straw. An army that cut and run after a mere "boo".

Just like everything the GOP touches, it failed. This is a party of ignorance and know nothing. And they are proud to know nothing. It means they aren't liberals.

They may be trying with all their might to blame this on Democrats, but history will tell a different story. One we call the "truth".

But the GOP built the army that conquered Saddam's Iraqi Army in 100 hours... the first time. And took the entire nation in three weeks the second time.

ROFL! Remember back when the Left was cryin'... LOL! "The 4th Largest Army IN THE WOOOorld! ". "BATTLE HARDENED!". They'll eviscerate the untested America Army!"

Only to find out the Rhode Island Highway Patrol was the '5th Largest Army in the World!'.

But hey, they had no way to know THAT!
Everything or anything.

It takes six weeks to train an American to become a soldier. OCS turns out officers in three months. Republicans worked diligently from 2003 until 2009 trying to build an Army in Iraq. The kind of Army Saddam had and after trillions of dollars and thousands of US advisers, they built an army of paper and straw. An army that cut and run after a mere "boo".

Just like everything the GOP touches, it failed. This is a party of ignorance and know nothing. And they are proud to know nothing. It means they aren't liberals.

They may be trying with all their might to blame this on Democrats, but history will tell a different story. One we call the "truth".

But the GOP built the army that conquered Saddam's Iraqi Army in 100 hours... the first time. And took the entire nation in three weeks the second time.

ROFL! Remember back when the Left was cryin'... LOL! "The 4th Largest Army IN THE WOOOorld! ". "BATTLE HARDENED!". They'll eviscerate the untested America Army!"

Only to find out the Rhode Island Highway Patrol was the '5th Largest Army in the World!'.

But hey, they had no way to know THAT!

Maybe your on to something there, maybe thats why this administration has worked hard to soften the military. Gonna make sure we cant do something like that again
Where R My Keys knows almost nothing of the military, its creation, ita TO&E, its policy and planning; his above remarks show the little he thinks he knows to be wrong.
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re: Wrong to blame Bush for invading Iraq - Right to blame Obama for ISIS invading Iraq being debunked.

Ydog 10426338 re: "Bush Left and Iraq that was stable"
At least Bush left Obama with an Iraq that was Stable
Actually Yarddog has cited a common Bushy ininitiated misnomer that Iraq was stable when Obama took over in 2009. I'll have to begin debunking this false history now also.

On the question of the stability of Iraq and in particular in Anbar Province, EconChick manages to tell one truth while at the same time repeating a couple of common myths with regard to what happened in Anbar Province.

EC 10150828.01
It was relatively stable when I left.

EconChick used the phrase 'relatively stable' which is a caveat needed because the March 2003 invasion 'destabilized' Iraq to cause the need for a recovery from the deadly and disastrously unstable days from 2005 through 2007. Iraq was not actually 'stable' in 2009 when Obama took over. It became more so as Obama implemented the withdrawal plan that Bush left him to get all the troops out of Iraq by 2012.

You see Below EconChick admits (it cannot be denied) that Anbar was far from safe. But it was not the Marines that 'cleaned it up'. It was the local tribes and their fighters that drove al Qaeda out. This was accomplished by arming and paying locals to fight al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was in Anbar only because of the void in government created by the US invasion.

EC 10150828.02
There used to be nothing safe about Anbar until the Marines cleaned it up under Bush. Now it's back to being a disaster.

And here we just see EconChick making up stories about how tough the IS terrorists are and what a bad time Ameircans would have if they went in to fight them directly.

EC 10150828.03
Troops going to Anbar now are in for a bad time, idiot

Trouble is our troops won't be fighting directly - the Iraqis will be doing that and are doing that already. The need to glorify the strength and power of this Daesh cowardly scum by political hacks in the US is a problem. It must be stopped. . Lets all get on the good guy's side.

Bush handed over a relatively stable Iraq but not as stable as before he invaded and destabilized it to a point that ISIS could this year do what they did.

So remember - No US invasion in 2003 - there is no Daesh uprising in Anbar in 2014,
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You forget.....the CINC has got to have the will to use them. This idiot doesn't have a straight bone in his body, let alone his back.

Econchick, I too think you are a fraud. If as you keep informing everybody, you see "the big picture", then you would no full well that the US would never be first to use nukes. If you were the military professional you claim to (have?) be(en) you would not have made such an infantile statement.
Lie of the page: ROFL! Remember back when the Left was cryin'... LOL! "The 4th Largest Army IN THE WOOOorld! ". "BATTLE HARDENED!". They'll eviscerate the untested America Army!"
Everything or anything.

It takes six weeks to train an American to become a soldier. OCS turns out officers in three months. Republicans worked diligently from 2003 until 2009 trying to build an Army in Iraq. The kind of Army Saddam had and after trillions of dollars and thousands of US advisers, they built an army of paper and straw. An army that cut and run after a mere "boo".

Just like everything the GOP touches, it failed. This is a party of ignorance and know nothing. And they are proud to know nothing. It means they aren't liberals.

They may be trying with all their might to blame this on Democrats, but history will tell a different story. One we call the "truth".

But the GOP built the army that conquered Saddam's Iraqi Army in 100 hours... the first time. And took the entire nation in three weeks the second time.

ROFL! Remember back when the Left was cryin'... LOL! "The 4th Largest Army IN THE WOOOorld! ". "BATTLE HARDENED!". They'll eviscerate the untested America Army!"

Only to find out the Rhode Island Highway Patrol was the '5th Largest Army in the World!'.

But hey, they had no way to know THAT!

What an idiot. And a confident one.
Everything or anything.

It takes six weeks to train an American to become a soldier. OCS turns out officers in three months. Republicans worked diligently from 2003 until 2009 trying to build an Army in Iraq. The kind of Army Saddam had and after trillions of dollars and thousands of US advisers, they built an army of paper and straw. An army that cut and run after a mere "boo".

Just like everything the GOP touches, it failed. This is a party of ignorance and know nothing. And they are proud to know nothing. It means they aren't liberals.

They may be trying with all their might to blame this on Democrats, but history will tell a different story. One we call the "truth".

But the GOP built the army that conquered Saddam's Iraqi Army in 100 hours... the first time. And took the entire nation in three weeks the second time.

ROFL! Remember back when the Left was cryin'... LOL! "The 4th Largest Army IN THE WOOOorld! ". "BATTLE HARDENED!". They'll eviscerate the untested America Army!"

Only to find out the Rhode Island Highway Patrol was the '5th Largest Army in the World!'.

But hey, they had no way to know THAT!
What the fuck are you on? Acid?

Bush Sr. drove Saddam's military out of Kuwait because of superior American air power. Saddam's military had almost no equipment because of Bush Sr. When they say the 4th largest military, the reference is about "membership". You know, the number of boots. It only takes a few bombs to kill thousands. A few bombs dropped by one pilot. It's about the technology and the available arms, NOT the volume of cannon fodder.

Tell us you knew that and you were being a dipshit. Better a dipshit than a tard.

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