Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

And your proposal to get rid of the bazillion guns is what? The reality is that we have them and we cannot get rid of all of them. Any gun confiscation wouldn’t result in only law abiding citizens losing their guns. I don’t understand why gun grabbers don’t get this point.

I think most anti-gun follks are city dwellars who have never even seen a gun, much less an AR, unless it is in the hands of a gang member. Away from the large blue cities, guns are everywhere and people aren’t scared of them. It is a common occurrence at get togethers for the guys to break away from the pack and discuss sports and check out their buddy’s gun collection. These aren’t crazy people, just people who like to hunt and target shoot and would of course use these guns for protection if necessary. Some of these folks are the ones that would be forced to give up their guns. The gang bangers give stricter guns laws two thumbs up. They are all for less resistance.
I don't really want to get rid of a bazillion guns. Never said it was. I have said that in some parts of this nation it's irresponsible to not have a gun as a means of self defense.
The guntards seem to think the solution to mass shootings has something to do with doors and putting cops in schools.

Well, the cops completely failed at Parkland and Uvalde. In fact, the cop who fucked up at Parkland was fired, but then he sued and got his job back...with back pay.

So much for "the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

The guntards are also ignoring the fact that just a few days before the Uvalde, a white replacement bleever mass shooter took out a bunch of black people at a grocery store.

They also ignore the fact a white replacement bleever traveled hours to kill a bunch of Mexicans at a Wal-mart in El Paso.

We cannot harden every grocery story, Wal-Mart, mall, or other gathering places.

So your answer is????

Sounds like you don't have one. Just wanna bitch at "guntards"
Where did I say I have no issue with that?

What I have an issue with is there are millions of other 18 year olds that are fine with a gun. So your solution is to stop million because of one bad one?
Do you want people like Ramos to have legal access to guns or not?
Hey. Why can’t the Justice be responsible for his own safety. You know. Arm himself?
Seriously? How about we eliminate the Capitol Police and SS protection for the SOTH, Pres Pro Tem and Majority leader of the Senate as well as all sitting and past presidents and their families and leave it up to them to defend themselves?
Do you want people like Ramos to have legal access to guns or not?
Ramos had done nothing prior to this event that would have rendered him ineligible.

Without such violations every one has the right to keep and bear.

On what basis do you think he could or should have been barred?
Ramos had done nothing prior to this event that would have rendered him ineligible.

Without such violations every one has the right to keep and bear.

On what basis do you think he could or should have been barred?
Being 18.

So the guy was torturing animals and slashing his face for fun. And you want someone like that to be able to purchase an AR-15.
Or to honor them because they lived in liberal ran cities that do nothing about the violence on a daily basis. In fact they promote violence when they put in clowns like Gascon and Foxx. Chicago police have complained about arresting a person with an illegal firearm and seeing them out on the street the next day. Even leftists have realized the problem which is why a 90% Democrat majority city got rid of Boudin.
Got it. Your fellow Americans aren’t worth your time or even a thought. You’re a true piece of shit.
Being 18.

So the guy was torturing animals and slashing his face for fun. And you want someone like that to be able to purchase an AR-15.
Being 18 is not an issue, it was perfectly legal and still is for an 18yo to buy long guns.

So the guy was torturing animals and slashing his face for fun.

When, where, and to whom was this reported? What legal action was taken to get him declared ineligible?
Being 18 is not an issue, it was perfectly legal and still is for an 18yo to buy long guns.
That’s the point.

It was perfectly legal for this psychopath to purchase a weapon, I’m not disputing that. I’d like for it not to be legal for future 18-year-old psychopaths.
Why did he have access to guns in the first place? What criminal history did he have when he purchased the gun?
He had access to guns in the first place because he didn’t have a criminal history.

Now back to the question. He was torturing animals and slashing his face for fun. Do you want people like Ramos to have legal access to guns or not?
That’s the point.

It was perfectly legal for this psychopath to purchase a weapon, I’m not disputing that. I’d like for it not to be legal for future 18-year-old psychopaths.
Since he'd never been diagnosed as a psychopath nor declared ineligible there would be no such bar preventing him from legally purchasing the rifle and as easy as guns are to get illegally nothing would have stopped him from betting one if he was hell bent on carrying out that attack.
Now back to the question. He was torturing animals and slashing his face for fun. Do you want people like Ramos to have legal access to guns or not?
How do you prevent it if such things are never reported, evaluated, and a legal determination made rendering the person ineligible?
Since he'd never been diagnosed as a psychopath nor declared ineligible there would be no such bar preventing him from legally purchasing the rifle and as easy as guns are to get illegally nothing would have stopped him from betting one if he was hell bent on carrying out that attack.
So you want 18-year-old psychopaths like that to have legal access to guns.

Thank you.
How do you prevent it if such things are never reported, evaluated, and a legal determination made rendering the person ineligible?
You can’t. That’s the point.

Hence why we need a better method to screen 18-year-old psychopaths from legal access to guns. Of course you don’t agree with that. You want 18-year-old psychopaths to have legal access to guns so they can kill all the children they can.
He had access to guns in the first place because he didn’t have a criminal history.

Now back to the question. He was torturing animals and slashing his face for fun. Do you want people like Ramos to have legal access to guns or not?
No he should not but with no criminal or any documented accounts of his behavior then there is no reason to deny him, is there? On what basis do you deny a Constitutional right?

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