Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

I’m still free and brave. I am more afraid of getting hurt in a car accident and never think I’ll die in a mass shooting. Never owned a gun, I see no need. If others want to own guns legally, I have no issue, that is also called freedom.
Understand them? You want mandatory mental health checks? Banning "assault weapons?" Lol what is an "assault weapon?" Closing loopholes? What loopholes do you want to close? :lol:
All that list is, is platitudes and authoritarianism. But i would still love for you to define what an assault weapon is and what loopholes you would like to close.
People don’t want to define an assault weapon until after they are banned.

They use the word “loophole” to define some law they may or may not like but don’t know the law, but their has to be a loophole, because people are still buying guns. They use the phrase to define something they know nothing about to feel better that they want something done, because somehow, that undefined loophole has to be the problem. If it sounds complicated, in their minds it is, thus there has to be a loophole.
It's becoming more and more clear that "freedom" to these people is America as a heavily-fortified military base, with a giant wall, heavily-armed guards all over the place and paranoid citizens walking around with guns ready to blast away at anything that scares them.

For them, that's "freedom". Incredible.

Ready to blast at anything? Statistics show that CCW holders are the most law abiding in the country, and that includes the police. Just like statistics show that mass shooters often select targets where guns are prohibited.
No deal. You’re trying to connect two things that don’t need to be connected.

See Florida.

They are connected. Both are constitutional rights, correct? If you can place age limits on one, why not others? Outside of self-defense, what can be more important than choosing the leadership of our state or country? Look at who the morons put in office and the suffering of the entire country thanks to them.
They are connected. Both are constitutional rights, correct? If you can place age limits on one, why not others? Outside of self-defense, what can be more important than choosing the leadership of our state or country? Look at who the morons put in office and the suffering of the entire country thanks to them.
That won’t float, the left is not about compromise, they are about control. They are intolerant to anyone with a differing opinion. They are not liberals, liberals are very tolerant about ideas and concepts, the left is about following in step with their plans to make what they believe is a better world.
They are connected. Both are constitutional rights, correct? If you can place age limits on one, why not others? Outside of self-defense, what can be more important than choosing the leadership of our state or country? Look at who the morons put in office and the suffering of the entire country thanks to them.
Ask Florida. Because they don’t see any sense in your suggestion either.
It's becoming more and more clear that "freedom" to these people is America as a heavily-fortified military base, with a giant wall, heavily-armed guards all over the place and paranoid citizens walking around with guns ready to blast away at anything that scares them.

For them, that's "freedom". Incredible.
If thats how Tweeners feel about protecting children you should extend the policy no defense to all elected and appointed officials at every level of government

The man that you helped elect president wants armed guards around him all the time while telling the children to “go fish”

Are these dead children such a political asset for your side that they wants the killing to continue because it helps the gun grabbing agenda?

Could trump haters stoop that low?
I think the problem will eventually solve itself as the number of guns keep increasing and arms manufactures keep increase the kill power of guns and ammunition, the high court will stop ignoring the first phrase of the 2nd amendment, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State". When firearms in hands of public threaten the security of the country, and very few owners of guns are members of a well regulated militia, then what is justification of the right to bear arms.
What the fuck are you talking about?

Increasing the kill power of guns and ammunition?

Firearm technology has been pretty much the same for the last 60 years. What "increases" are you talking about?
I’m still free and brave. I am more afraid of getting hurt in a car accident and never think I’ll die in a mass shooting. Never owned a gun, I see no need. If others want to own guns legally, I have no issue, that is also called freedom.
Salvador Ramos was 18 years old. He would torture animals and slash his face for fun. You have no issue with him getting an AR-15?
Salvador Ramos was 18 years old. He would torture animals and slash his face for fun. You have no issue with him getting an AR-15?
Where did I say I have no issue with that?

What I have an issue with is there are millions of other 18 year olds that are fine with a gun. So your solution is to stop million because of one bad one?

He was male, so we stop all males from owning a gun? How far do you want to take it? Ban all guns?

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