Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

We are funding Ukraine's war we rebuilt Afghanistan and Iraq.... we fund China's bio weapons labs that killed a million Americans but idiot libs think we can't make public schools safe without taking guns away from law abiding citizens....

They don't think that at all. In fact that's what they want.

Take guns away from law abiding citizens and only the police and bad guys have the guns. Us not being able to defend ourselves would greatly increase crime. So how then would we fight big crime? The same way we fought big business, big pharma, big tobacco, and that is with a bigger government.

I tell all these anti-gunners to have a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSEHOLD, put it on their front porch, and get back to us in a few months (if you're still alive) to tell us how that worked out for them.
It seems your reflexive anger has made you look like an idiot once more.

I'm for more school security. Gates, guards, and guns in the hands of the guards. It's a bad idea compared to the painfully obvious and much better solution that has been implemented in like 150 other advanced countries but it's the only one we're apparently comfortable doing.
You were doing fine till you started slinging mud at the NRA. That big bad boogeyman has nothing to do with anything.

Try some actual logic for a change.


Not now, not ever.

If any criminal can walk down to the corner and buy an untraceable piece for a hundred bucks then so can I. I can, and I have. And if I know how to do it, a hundred thousand others know how to do it too.

Start there. You can not, EVER, take guns out of the hands of people with bad intentions. They'll just walk down to the corner and buy new ones.

Corporations and other people with interests in SECURITY, which is what we're talking about, use the methods that work. There isn't a single Intel agency in all of the US without access control. No MILITARY facility, no scientific research institution, not even most hospitals

Access control is not the second choice, it is the FIRST choice because it is the ONLY THING THAT WORKS.

I have credentials and a long career in security, including physical security. But... ask anyone. Ask the DoD. Ask the unnameable three letter agencies. I used to consult for the #2 medical provider in the country, ask them. They don't like their abortion doctors being attacked, ask them how they keep the riff raff out
It doesn't matter what he said. I'm asking you since you have a hardon for ARs. The point I'm making is that taking away AR's won't stop one mass shooting. Even if you think the shooter may kill one or two less people doesn't change that. The mass shooting will still happen.
Hence why I’m pushing for 18-year-olds not to have access to any rifles.
The guntards seem to think the solution to mass shootings has something to do with doors and putting cops in schools.

Well, the cops completely failed at Parkland and Uvalde. In fact, the cop who fucked up at Parkland was fired, but then he sued and got his job back...with back pay.

So much for "the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

The guntards are also ignoring the fact that just a few days before the Uvalde, a white replacement bleever mass shooter took out a bunch of black people at a grocery store.

They also ignore the fact a white replacement bleever traveled hours to kill a bunch of Mexicans at a Wal-mart in El Paso.

We cannot harden every grocery story, Wal-Mart, mall, or other gathering places.

I see that some bank branches in my area have a a armed officer(target) outside the front door. The armed guard @ the door is supposed to be intimidating to any would be robber. In all reality the armed officer would be the 1st casualty of any robbery attempt. This is NOT the way to do it if expecting any real action on the premises. Any armed officer would be better situated for action by being out of sight(surprise element) & off the 'flank' of a robbers line of approach from access entry/exit main door(s) to the teller(s) counter. Fortunately this general area is not known for much violence(Thank God!). The officers I see @ the Wally World I frequent generally are Sheriffs deputies(deputies make the best officers!) that work in tandem with thetwo deputies that stay a good thirty five to forty feet apart(smart move!). Arming oneself is still the best way to defend oneself as for the most part police only arrive upon a crime scene AFTER an incident has already occurred.
You were doing fine till you started slinging mud at the NRA. That big bad boogeyman has nothing to do with anything.
They fund the opposition to limiting the number of guns in our society and, not coincidentally, the rise in rampage shootings.
Try some actual logic for a change.
You first
It works in every other nation.
Not now, not ever.
Yes it does. Every day.
If any criminal can walk down to the corner and buy an untraceable piece for a hundred bucks then so can I. I can, and I have. And if I know how to do it, a hundred thousand others know how to do it too.
I'm not surprised.
Start there. You can not, EVER, take guns out of the hands of people with bad intentions. They'll just walk down to the corner and buy new ones.
Somehow the people with bad intentions (most of them anyway) in other nations are not able to procure assault rifles. Why do you think that is? Is the average lowlife in Chicago or Atlanta just smarter than the average low life in London or Paris? Or, do you think, just maybe, it's the fact that we have a bazillion guns over here and they have almost zero?.
Corporations and other people with interests in SECURITY, which is what we're talking about, use the methods that work. There isn't a single Intel agency in all of the US without access control. No MILITARY facility, no scientific research institution, not even most hospitals

Access control is not the second choice, it is the FIRST choice because it is the ONLY THING THAT WORKS.

But... ask anyone. Ask the DoD. Ask the unnameable three letter agencies. I used to consult for the #2 medical provider in the country, ask them. They don't like their abortion doctors being attacked, ask them how they keep the riff raff out
Again, I'm all for keeping the rif-raff out. Which is why I support federal funding for armed guards on every campus. But the same rif-raff will just move on to an un-hardened target. A school bus for example. What then? Armed convoys?

I have credentials and a long career in security, including physical security.
My brother worked for Wackenhut too. So?
What are you talking about, you gaslighting gun grabber?

You decry the violence in schools and public spaces.

You deny the efficacy of the unfettered self-defense of law-abiding citizens and hardened school security. You stupidly characterize these things as the stuff of paranoia in the face of a very real, on-going threat.

So what are you proposing we do?
But I'm not a gun-grabber. That's just more of the standard misguided, raw paranoia that consumes you poor souls. That's not my fault.

What am I proposing? It will be too complicated for you, but since you ask:

But I'm not a gun-grabber. That's just more of the standard misguided, raw paranoia that consumes you poor souls. That's not my fault.

What am I proposing? It will be too complicated for you, but since you ask:

Banning ar-15s is gun grabbing
The saddest part of the reaction to these ongoing slaughters is our continued desire for simplistic band-aids.

"Let's just pack schools with armed security". Evidently the fact that we need military fortresses instead of schools doesn't make many people wonder if we should think a little deeper and address why this would be needed.

These people want armed guards all around us, and civilians loaded with weapons walking around us, and a huge guarded wall around our country, America looking like a fucking military base, so we can be "free".

FREE, they say. This is insanity. It's like a bad movie.
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Your thought processes appear to be a never-ending swirl of paranoid extremes.

I'm so thankful I'm not going through life like that.

Guns are here to stay. We can’t wave a magic wand and take them away from criminals. There will always be crazy people that want to do crazy things. Ideally, we would be able to weed out the those that intend to do harm, but that is a pipe dream and a very slippery slope.

We can’t all go through life dreaming of balloons, lollipops and winning the Willy Wonka golden ticket, but I’m sure it is quite blissful. Some of us must be adults and deal in reality. Democrats lost that ability years ago and they have drug many “independents” back to pre-school with them.
The saddest part of the reaction to these ongoing slaughters is our continued desire for simplistic band-aids.

"Let's just pack schools with armed security". Evidently the fact that we need military fortresses instead of schools doesn't make many people wonder if we should think a little deeper and address why this would be needed.

These people want armed guards all around us, and civilians loaded with weapons walking around us, and a huge guarded wall around our country, America looking like a fucking military base, so we can be "free".

FREE, they say. This is insanity. It's like a bad movie.

Is Israel free? What are we going to do when crazy people decide to start blowing themselves up instead of going on a shooting spree? What will all the unarmed citizens do about it?
The saddest part of the reaction to these ongoing slaughters is our continued desire for simplistic band-aids.

"Let's just pack schools with armed security". Evidently the fact that we need military fortresses instead of schools doesn't make many people wonder if we should think a little deeper and address why this would be needed.

These people want armed guards all around us, and civilians loaded with weapons walking around us, and a huge guarded wall around our country, America looking like a fucking military base, so we can be "free".

FREE, they say. This is insanity. It's like a bad movie.
A bad movie is the fruitcakes who have turned our society to insanity. Not guns. When we grew up everyone had guns and kniwn of this bs happened. LSD freaks grew up and poisoned the morals and culture of our country. Now the want to blame guns for what they themselves did to society.

Screw them and all you gum grabbing losers
A bad movie is the fruitcakes who have turned our society to insanity. Not guns. When we grew up everyone had guns and kniwn of this bs happened. LSD freaks grew up and poisoned the morals and culture of our country. Now the want to blame guns for what they themselves did to society.

Screw them and all you gum grabbing losers
Hey, nice of you to pop out of your heavily-fortified foxhole to post to us!

Well, the cops completely failed at Parkland and Uvalde.
There were no cops present at either location when those shootings began.

If the buildings had been secure the shooters would have never made it in without meeting resistance and armed resistance would have had a chance to intercede before either became a mass shooting if there had been armed security in either building.

School shootings and public mass shootings are completely different events and have to be dealt with differently.

Laws severely restrict who may lawfully be armed on school campuses, that's not the case in the other locations.

They answer is the same, immediate armed intervention is proven to be the most effective solution and deterrent but there has to be a "good guy" present who is willing to interdict them.
The saddest part of the reaction to these ongoing slaughters is our continued desire for simplistic band-aids.

"Let's just pack schools with armed security". Evidently the fact that we need military fortresses instead of schools doesn't make many people wonder if we should think a little deeper and address why this would be needed.

These people want armed guards all around us, and civilians loaded with weapons walking around us, and a huge guarded wall around our country, America looking like a fucking military base, so we can be "free".

FREE, they say. This is insanity. It's like a bad movie.
We put fences, walls, and armed security around things we value, and we do so because we know they are very effective deterrents and when necessary the best way to bring a potential mass shooting to an end.
Or, do you think, just maybe, it's the fact that we have a bazillion guns over here and they have almost zero?

And your proposal to get rid of the bazillion guns is what? The reality is that we have them and we cannot get rid of all of them. Any gun confiscation wouldn’t result in only law abiding citizens losing their guns. I don’t understand why gun grabbers don’t get this point.

I think most anti-gun follks are city dwellars who have never even seen a gun, much less an AR, unless it is in the hands of a gang member. Away from the large blue cities, guns are everywhere and people aren’t scared of them. It is a common occurrence at get togethers for the guys to break away from the pack and discuss sports and check out their buddy’s gun collection. These aren’t crazy people, just people who like to hunt and target shoot and would of course use these guns for protection if necessary. Some of these folks are the ones that would be forced to give up their guns. The gang bangers give stricter guns laws two thumbs up. They are all for less resistance.
And your proposal to get rid of the bazillion guns is what? The reality is that we have them and we cannot get rid of all of them. Any gun confiscation wouldn’t result in only law abiding citizens losing their guns. I don’t understand why gun grabbers don’t get this point.
As long as our borders remain unsecure and 3D printers exist there would be no way to ever seize enough guns to prevent the next massacre.

Even absent firearms completely massacres will continue and likely with much more effective means than firearms.
Lefties encourage anger at Supreme Court Justices to the point that a maniac was planning to murder one or more and they create a climate of hatred for most of society including the police and then they whine about having to "harden" common retail outlets. Go figure.

Hey. Why can’t the Justice be responsible for his own safety. You know. Arm himself?

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