Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

So you want 18-year-old psychopaths like that to have legal access to guns.

Thank you.
Lie all you want, but don't lie about me or attribute things to me I never said.

When, where, and to whom were those things reported? What psych evaluations were done? What police involvement was there?

When was he rendered ineligible by court order, conviction, or court ordered committal to a mental institution or drug/alcohol rehab facility?
What about 21 year old psychopaths?
I’m hoping that raising the age limit from 18 to 21 would give people more time to snap out of whatever twisted thoughts they’re having.

For people who actually are just twisted psychopaths, it gives authorities more time to collect data on them and evaluate their mental state before handing them an AR-15.
The guntards seem to think the solution to mass shootings has something to do with doors and putting cops in schools.

Well, the cops completely failed at Parkland and Uvalde. In fact, the cop who fucked up at Parkland was fired, but then he sued and got his job back...with back pay.

So much for "the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

The guntards are also ignoring the fact that just a few days before the Uvalde, a white replacement bleever mass shooter took out a bunch of black people at a grocery store.

They also ignore the fact a white replacement bleever traveled hours to kill a bunch of Mexicans at a Wal-mart in El Paso.

We cannot harden every grocery story, Wal-Mart, mall, or other gathering places.

When you harden each time you hear of a school shooting, I think it is best to do so in the privacy of your own home rather than out in public.

I realize it is exciting to you to have an opportunity to press forward a political agenda that ignores all the real reasons these things keep happening, but out of consideration for your fellow shoppers, you should keep your arousal to yourself. People do often refer to the democrat party as "the big tent", but I don't think this is quite what they had in mind.
No he should not but with no criminal or any documented accounts of his behavior then there is no reason to deny him, is there? On what basis do you deny a Constitutional right?
So you don’t want people like Ramos to have legal access to guns yet you push for nothing being done about people like Ramos having legal access to guns.
I’m hoping that raising the age limit from 18 to 21 would give people more time to snap out of whatever twisted thoughts they’re having.

For people who actually are just twisted psychopaths, it gives authorities more time to collect data on them and evaluate their mental state before handing them an AR-15.
Do psychopaths grow out of their illness?
You can’t. That’s the point.

Hence why we need a better method to screen 18-year-old psychopaths from legal access to guns. Of course you don’t agree with that. You want 18-year-old psychopaths to have legal access to guns so they can kill all the children they can.
Stop lying and making it personal jackass.

You said one thing that is accurate, "You Can't".

You can't render anyone ineligible without going through the legal processes to do so be they 18, 28, 68, or 118.

Even if we do there's nothing to prevent him or someone like him from obtaining a gun illegally.

There are millions of guns on the illegal market being swapped, traded, and sold among the criminal class and another half million stolen firearms are added to that total every year.

Nothing we can do will ever stop criminals from being able to obtain firearms so we'd better damned well start accepting that fact and look at better ways to secure our schools and ensure if someone makes the attempt they can be met with an immediate armed response and stopped before it becomes a mass shooting.
Stop lying and making it personal jackass.
Let me know when you have something to say about preventing psychopaths like Ramos from legally obtaining a gun you piece of shit.

Until then, my point stands. You want 18-year-old psychopaths like Ramos to have legal access to guns.
Let me know when you have something to say about preventing psychopaths like Ramos from legally obtaining a gun you piece of shit.

Until then, my point stands. You want 18-year-old psychopaths like Ramos to have legal access to guns.
Take a look in the mirror tough guy. You haven't offered anything that would have prevented him from perpetrating this shooting.

A simple locked door however would have and he'd have been met by armed cops before he could gain entry to the building.
What if said psychopath joins the military at 18 and gets handed all kinds of weapons? Shouldnt we raise the minimum age to join the military as well?
Nobody below the rank of E5 is even allowed access to weapons, ammo, ordnance, or explosives except under very careful supervision so it's totally moot.
Do psychopaths grow out of their illness?
I don’t know. But I’m looking at the two recent 18-year-old shooters. Gendron and Ramos.

Gendron says he wasn’t racist until he was radicalized on 4chan. It seemed to happen quickly with him and I think there’s at least a possibility that he snaps out of his white supremacist views just as quickly.

Ramos, on the other hand, wasn’t going to change in my opinion. However, he would be more likely to be flagged if he didn’t have immediate access to guns. It’s hard to get data on someone especially when they dropped out of school.
ahh ok. Thanks
I do believe whole heartedly though if we're going to raise the minimum age to 21 to legally purchase firearms the voting age has to be raised to 21 as well.

Either you are an adult or you aren't and there's a real problem with the 14th Amendment and particularly the privileges and immunities clause if the age of Majority, voting age, and Right to legally purchase firearms are not all raised to 21.

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