Are we sure Trump or DeSantis is ‘extreme’ enough for this new-age Republican voter?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Think about it…While Trump did many great things he didn’t build the wall, he didn’t defund sanctuary cities / states, he didn’t stop states from providing free healthcare to Mexico’s people at the peoples expense, he didn’t reform a bullshit welfare system, he didn’t shrink the size and scope of government, he didn’t stop governors from imposing unconstitutional bullshit on the people during the scamdemic.

Ultimately I think we need someone far more extreme…we need a male version of a fully unbridled MTG.

So you're one of those "barefoot in the winter pregnant in the summer" kind of guys, ay?
Not really…that’s Mexicans you speak of.
But REAL women do raise children and take care of household responsibilities.
Anyway…stay on topic.
Think about it…While Trump did many great things he didn’t build the wall, he didn’t defund sanctuary cities / states, he didn’t stop states from providing free healthcare to Mexico’s people at the peoples expense, he didn’t reform a bullshit welfare system, he didn’t shrink the size and scope of government, he didn’t stop governors from imposing unconstitutional bullshit on the people during the scamdemic.

Ultimately I think we need someone far more extreme…we need a male version of a fully unbridled MTG.

He accomplished a lot prior to Biden's buddies unleashing their bio weapon.

I think most Conservatives would be happy with eight years of Trump pissing off the Libtards.

It may not restore our Constitutional Republic. We will still have a bloated big government welfare state with tremendous waste and corruption but it would take a Civil War to fix that.
He accomplished a lot prior to Biden's buddies unleashing their bio weapon.

I think most Conservatives would be happy with eight years of Trump pissing off the Libtards.

It may not restore our Constitutional Republic. We will still have a bloated big government welfare state with tremendous waste and corruption but it would take a Civil War to fix that.
For now, there really isn’t any other viable candidates beyond Trump and DeSantis but as we look to the future we really need a leader who is willing to attack the Left and all their policies and ideoligies with a level of vigor that has never been seen before.
For now, there really isn’t any other viable candidates beyond Trump and DeSantis but as we look to the future we really need a leader who is willing to attack the Left and all their policies and ideoligies with a level of vigor that has never been seen before.
If we don't stop the Left turning this country into a Socialist shithole it willy surely become a Socialist shithole.
The Lincoln Project is a conservative group, which has long opposed Trump and his Republican allies. It issued a strongly worded statement late on Tuesday following the primary defeat of Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney.

Trump Republicans have largely abondoned conservative principles. The statement essentially said that the Republican Party is no longer a conservative party. It is something else entirely.

Tonight, the nation marks the end of the Republican Party. What remains shares the name and branding of the traditional GOP, but is in fact an authoritarian nationalist cult dedicated only to Donald Trump.

In 2016, Vladimir Putin helped Trump become our President.

"The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office."

The cult members don't care. Most of the uninformed educationally challenged members don't know of Putin's role in 2016.

Putin is pleased with his choice because our nation is in turmoil as the former President is embroiled in a number of investigations. They would include White House documents, the Jan. 6 coup attempt to overthrow the elected government, civil and criminal business actions in New York, and Trump's tax returns.

The cult members don't care. Most of the uninformed educationally challenged members don't know of Trump's multiple criminal liabilities, and they don't know they are doing the bidding of the Russian dictator.

All the cult members have one thing in common. They don't know, and they don't want to know. They are not fans of reality, and, beyond the Farm Report, they rarely watch responsible news programming, believing it to be fake news because they report the difficulties faced by their cult leader, Donald Trump.

They believe. That's all they know, and that is all they want to know.

A number of reports involve Trump's many problems with the law. Trump Republicans are a no-show. They don't defend Trump. They don't support Trump.

Their support for their cult leader is based entirely on avoiding what Trump says and does.

The mystery is, why Trump? Why a man with inherited billions? Why an extreme narcissist who doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone except himself?
Think about it…While Trump did many great things he didn’t build the wall, he didn’t defund sanctuary cities / states, he didn’t stop states from providing free healthcare to Mexico’s people at the peoples expense, he didn’t reform a bullshit welfare system, he didn’t shrink the size and scope of government, he didn’t stop governors from imposing unconstitutional bullshit on the people during the scamdemic.

Ultimately I think we need someone far more extreme…we need a male version of a fully unbridled MTG.

I think you make a good point.

All Coulter has taken to excoriating Trump, saying things like the left accused him of being authoritarian which is a laugh because he was such a weak sister on building the wall. I agree, he should have instructed the Army Corps of engineers to shift whatever funds they needed from diversity training to wall building.

Republicans never shrink the size of government. At best, they slow the growth from exponential to linear. We had a beautiful economy under Trump because he made a show of eliminating regulations. The free market knew he wasn't really going to de-regulate, but at least there would be no new and even crazier regulations like we get when a Dem is in power.

Not sure why you suspect DeSantis would not deliver as promised, other than that politicians never do. But if that's a universal truism, why would a male MTG do any better?
Only so much you can do with McConnell and Ryan in there. That said, I think he’d use the bully pulpit to shame congress into acting a little better this go round. Remember, he was brand new to that cesspool.
I think you make a good point.

All Coulter has taken to excoriating Trump, saying things like the left accused him of being authoritarian which is a laugh because he was such a weak sister on building the wall. I agree, he should have instructed the Army Corps of engineers to shift whatever funds they needed from diversity training to wall building.

Republicans never shrink the size of government. At best, they slow the growth from exponential to linear. We had a beautiful economy under Trump because he made a show of eliminating regulations. The free market knew he wasn't really going to de-regulate, but at least there would be no new and even crazier regulations like we get when a Dem is in power.

Not sure why you suspect DeSantis would not deliver as promised, other than that politicians never do. But if that's a universal truism, why would a male MTG do any better?
DeSantis has no real swamp experience, he hasn’t gone toe to toe with the establishment RINO’s and DC Democrats so I’m not real sure of how he’d handle it….I know this, we need someone in there that is tough as nails, abrasive/aggressive as hell, completely unapologetic, someone partisan as fuck, someone willing to embrace and engage in social engineering, someone willing to spend their days standing on the necks of the Left.
Only so much you can do with McConnell and Ryan in there. That said, I think he’d use the bully pulpit to shame congress into acting a little better this go round. Remember, he was brand new to that cesspool.
No doubt Trump learned a lot during his four year tenure. If he wins in 2024 he will come out swinging and he won’t stop swinging until the last day on the job.
Only so much you can do with McConnell and Ryan in there. That said, I think he’d use the bully pulpit to shame congress into acting a little better this go round. Remember, he was brand new to that cesspool.

Speaking from a non-Trump perspective, I can't help but note the irony of your statement, which is that McConnell has been far more effective at advancing many of the things that conservatives want. They wanted a conservative judicial system, and McConnell made sure it happened with some pretty no-holds-barred political maneuvering in the Senate. Conservatives wanted the tax cut and they got it. Trump just sat on his ass and signed where he was told to sign.

McConnell is right about something else: Republicans are in danger of letting an opportunity to control the senate slip away because Trump and his supporters have turned off the same kinds of voters that got Glenn Youngkin elected in Virginia. Democrats misread their mandate in 2020 - the country didn't vote for 'wokeness'. But the country doesn't want batshit insanity from the right either.
DeSantis has no real swamp experience, he hasn’t gone toe to toe with the establishment RINO’s and DC Democrats so I’m not real sure of how he’d handle it….I know this, we need someone in there that is tough as nails, abrasive/aggressive as hell, completely unapologetic, someone partisan as fuck, someone willing to embrace and engage in social engineering, someone willing to spend their days standing on the necks of the Left.

And in the end, the billionaire class will laugh their asses off as they stand on the necks of people who foolishly thought that they were voting to take their country back, when in reality they were voting to embrace neo-feudalism.
Speaking from a non-Trump perspective, I can't help but note the irony of your statement, which is that McConnell has been far more effective at advancing many of the things that conservatives want. They wanted a conservative judicial system, and McConnell made sure it happened with some pretty no-holds-barred political maneuvering in the Senate. Conservatives wanted the tax cut and they got it. Trump just sat on his ass and signed where he was told to sign.
Hahaha…surely you jest?
Mr Turtle McConnell pushed what Trump ran on and promised the people…he pushed what he was told to push…he pushed what he knew Trump would support….that’s all

But the country doesn't want batshit insanity from the right either.
What policies and ideologies are the right pushing that can be considered “bat shit crazy” by sane folks?
There was relative peace and prosperity during the Trump administration. That's how they used to judge successful administrations. What do we have now?
And in the end, the billionaire class will laugh their asses off as they stand on the necks of people who foolishly thought that they were voting to take their country back, when in reality they were voting to embrace neo-feudalism.
Cool hypothesis….now can you demonstrate how you arrive such a theory?
America’s core people were in fact “taking their country back” under Trump……point us to an example of the neo-feudalism you speak of.

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