Are we worth saving?

Humans are the only violent or murderous species. Those terms are subjective adjectives applying strictly to human determination. We see something as violent. That something is only what it is, an event in the universe to be perceived and interpreted in the mind of man. Animals don't murder, though they may kill.

Ever see a house cat kill a bird? My cats kill birds all the time. Do they kill it for food? No. My cats are well fed and they don't even eat the bird after they kill it. Is the cat and the bird in competition for the same food source? Hardly. Is the bird threatening the cat and the cat is killing is self-defense? Nope. So why does the cat kill the bird? For sport. They do it for the hell of it because that's what cats do.
There is nothing 'mean' nor 'cruel' about it.
The young man who gunned down all those praying people was both mean and cruel and a murderer.
Those cats are merely animals following their nature.
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With humans we call it murder. Projecting that onto other species is anthropomorphizing.
Doctrine and Covenants 18:10-13

10 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;

11 For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him.

12 And he hath risen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him, on conditions of repentance.

13 And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth!
"Is that which nature creates a part of nature or "unnatural"
Is What man creates a part of nature or "unnatural"
Is man a creation of nature?"

simple stuff, we humans are so arrogant that we forget what we are.

Maybe we humans are not suppose to think about the future generation?

Maybe we humans are just a temporary tool of nature that will self-destruct after serving our 'purpose'.

Maybe we humans do not have any actual value, all the value we think we have are just delusional concepts we happily deceive ourselves with.

Maybe this thread is not as bad as I thought because I am able to form some crazy and disturbing questions from it?

Monkeys have value because Monkeys are a species which became aware of their place on the Timeline.

This makes us unique, as far as we know.

This feeling of being unique and the resulting youthful arrogance may well be our greatest tragedy as one of the many species trying to share this wet rock in space, but it also gives us our greatest value. Sad, but I would rather Monkeys be valued for the tragedy our youthful but growing Sentience, than our value as food for mosquitoes.
Human beings are the first and only species this planet has created capable of destroying the planet or at least killing everything on it ensuring no new species come about. When invasive animal species invade an area (Australia say) they're called invasive species and designated a 'killable.' The local area has no natural predators to deal with the invasive species, no natural resistance to venoms or other things, and basicly the invasive species dominates and destroys everything else.

Are humans an invasive species for the Earth? We've created nuclear weapons, are dabbling in genetic engineering, and the most violent and murderous animal this planet has ever seen.

Is working to ensure the continuation of the human species morally right or wrong?

In a word.

No. Human beings are a disease like cancer. We adapt to every method nature comes up with to exterminate us. We will eventually ruin the planet for all living things. Like Cancer we have no problem killing our host.
Human beings are the first and only species this planet has created capable of destroying the planet or at least killing everything on it ensuring no new species come about. When invasive animal species invade an area (Australia say) they're called invasive species and designated a 'killable.' The local area has no natural predators to deal with the invasive species, no natural resistance to venoms or other things, and basicly the invasive species dominates and destroys everything else.

Are humans an invasive species for the Earth? We've created nuclear weapons, are dabbling in genetic engineering, and the most violent and murderous animal this planet has ever seen.

Is working to ensure the continuation of the human species morally right or wrong?

In a word.

No. Human beings are a disease like cancer. We adapt to every method nature comes up with to exterminate us. We will eventually ruin the planet for all living things. Like Cancer we have no problem killing our host.
Oh, then kill yourself huggy jeebus.
Human beings are the first and only species this planet has created capable of destroying the planet or at least killing everything on it ensuring no new species come about. When invasive animal species invade an area (Australia say) they're called invasive species and designated a 'killable.' The local area has no natural predators to deal with the invasive species, no natural resistance to venoms or other things, and basicly the invasive species dominates and destroys everything else.

Are humans an invasive species for the Earth? We've created nuclear weapons, are dabbling in genetic engineering, and the most violent and murderous animal this planet has ever seen.

Is working to ensure the continuation of the human species morally right or wrong?

In a word.

No. Human beings are a disease like cancer. We adapt to every method nature comes up with to exterminate us. We will eventually ruin the planet for all living things. Like Cancer we have no problem killing our host.
Oh, then kill yourself huggy jeebus.

Cool well thought out response. Can't take your suggestion seriously. I've still got 20 plus years to watch you idiots kill yourselves off though. Very entertaining. My path is a little less toxic than many. I reclaim useful things, rescue a handful of the worthy and attempt to invent and produce things that make work less dangerous. I believe I will stick around a while longer. But keep those suggestions coming in! Maybe you will stumble upon something worthwhile. Even a blind squirrel eventually finds an acorn.
As long as a human is there.
As long as any mind able to rationalize is there.

Humans didnt invent value. Animals have empathy, some of them, for their young, etc.

Whales grieve. Which means they place value on the lives of other whales.

Value is something DESCRIBED by humans, but not invented by them.
Human beings are the first and only species this planet has created capable of destroying the planet or at least killing everything on it ensuring no new species come about. When invasive animal species invade an area (Australia say) they're called invasive species and designated a 'killable.' The local area has no natural predators to deal with the invasive species, no natural resistance to venoms or other things, and basicly the invasive species dominates and destroys everything else.

Are humans an invasive species for the Earth? We've created nuclear weapons, are dabbling in genetic engineering, and the most violent and murderous animal this planet has ever seen.

Is working to ensure the continuation of the human species morally right or wrong?

In a word.

No. Human beings are a disease like cancer. We adapt to every method nature comes up with to exterminate us. We will eventually ruin the planet for all living things. Like Cancer we have no problem killing our host.
Oh, then kill yourself huggy jeebus.

Cool well thought out response. Can't take your suggestion seriously. I've still got 20 plus years to watch you idiots kill yourselves off though. Very entertaining. My path is a little less toxic than many. I reclaim useful things, rescue a handful of the worthy and attempt to invent and produce things that make work less dangerous. I believe I will stick around a while longer. But keep those suggestions coming in! Maybe you will stumble upon something worthwhile. Even a blind squirrel eventually finds an acorn.
Your superiority complex Im sure is well founded and perfectly though out, dude.
Human beings are the first and only species this planet has created capable of destroying the planet or at least killing everything on it ensuring no new species come about. When invasive animal species invade an area (Australia say) they're called invasive species and designated a 'killable.' The local area has no natural predators to deal with the invasive species, no natural resistance to venoms or other things, and basicly the invasive species dominates and destroys everything else.

Are humans an invasive species for the Earth? We've created nuclear weapons, are dabbling in genetic engineering, and the most violent and murderous animal this planet has ever seen.

Is working to ensure the continuation of the human species morally right or wrong?

In a word.

No. Human beings are a disease like cancer. We adapt to every method nature comes up with to exterminate us. We will eventually ruin the planet for all living things. Like Cancer we have no problem killing our host.
Oh, then kill yourself huggy jeebus.

Cool well thought out response. Can't take your suggestion seriously. I've still got 20 plus years to watch you idiots kill yourselves off though. Very entertaining. My path is a little less toxic than many. I reclaim useful things, rescue a handful of the worthy and attempt to invent and produce things that make work less dangerous. I believe I will stick around a while longer. But keep those suggestions coming in! Maybe you will stumble upon something worthwhile. Even a blind squirrel eventually finds an acorn.
Your superiority complex Im sure is well founded and perfectly though out, dude.

Thank you. Now go back and repair your spelling errors. If you believe I am superior that and a quarter will get you a big jaw breaker down at Fred Meyer's.
Human beings are the first and only species this planet has created capable of destroying the planet or at least killing everything on it ensuring no new species come about. When invasive animal species invade an area (Australia say) they're called invasive species and designated a 'killable.' The local area has no natural predators to deal with the invasive species, no natural resistance to venoms or other things, and basicly the invasive species dominates and destroys everything else.

Are humans an invasive species for the Earth? We've created nuclear weapons, are dabbling in genetic engineering, and the most violent and murderous animal this planet has ever seen.

Is working to ensure the continuation of the human species morally right or wrong?

In a word.

No. Human beings are a disease like cancer. We adapt to every method nature comes up with to exterminate us. We will eventually ruin the planet for all living things. Like Cancer we have no problem killing our host.
Oh, then kill yourself huggy jeebus.

Cool well thought out response. Can't take your suggestion seriously. I've still got 20 plus years to watch you idiots kill yourselves off though. Very entertaining. My path is a little less toxic than many. I reclaim useful things, rescue a handful of the worthy and attempt to invent and produce things that make work less dangerous. I believe I will stick around a while longer. But keep those suggestions coming in! Maybe you will stumble upon something worthwhile. Even a blind squirrel eventually finds an acorn.
Your superiority complex Im sure is well founded and perfectly though out, dude.

Thank you. Now go back and repair your spelling errors. If you believe I am superior that and a quarter will get you a big jaw breaker down at Fred Meyer's.
I could give enough fucks about correcting typos as a faceless user on a messageboard as you could give about the human race, you un nurtured nihilist.
In a word.

No. Human beings are a disease like cancer. We adapt to every method nature comes up with to exterminate us. We will eventually ruin the planet for all living things. Like Cancer we have no problem killing our host.
Oh, then kill yourself huggy jeebus.

Cool well thought out response. Can't take your suggestion seriously. I've still got 20 plus years to watch you idiots kill yourselves off though. Very entertaining. My path is a little less toxic than many. I reclaim useful things, rescue a handful of the worthy and attempt to invent and produce things that make work less dangerous. I believe I will stick around a while longer. But keep those suggestions coming in! Maybe you will stumble upon something worthwhile. Even a blind squirrel eventually finds an acorn.
Your superiority complex Im sure is well founded and perfectly though out, dude.

Thank you. Now go back and repair your spelling errors. If you believe I am superior that and a quarter will get you a big jaw breaker down at Fred Meyer's.
I could give enough fucks about correcting typos as a faceless user on a messageboard as you could give about the human race, you un nurtured nihilist.

I give less fuck than you. Neener neener.
Confusion abounds about what words, ideas and concepts are.
ideas and concepts, words.....there's an intersection there for all of them.

When we put a word to a concept, we didn't thus invent the concept we simply invented the word.

We didn't invent value the concept, just the word. Many animals display the concept of value.
What if everything from the systematic annannihilation of our Neanderthal cousins to the development of nuclear weapons is perfectly natural in the course of the Evolution of Sentience?

Baby steps to the Stars, Baby! :thup:

Part of the Drake equation if not mistaken. Time. Time a species exists before it destroys itself. For a species to develop technology and space travel, they probably develop nuclear weapons along the way and other things.
Why dwell on nukes so much since they haven't been used since 1945.
Anthropomorphizing what non-humans feel is projection.

Observing a reaction and attaching one's nouns to them is approximate at best.

All concepts are human. All words are human. All judgment is human.

Value is ascribed by humans to what humans like.

What other beings 'think' is beyond one's capacity to know, but it is easy to assume.

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