Are we worth saving?

"Worth" is a human concept. There is no "worth" 'out there', in the universe. It's inside humans.
Humans are the source of all worth and value.
Humans decide if humans are worth saving. If even one person says yes, it's true.

What I enjoy about left wingers is that they don't believe in a God yet get bent all out of shape the way humans are destroying "Mother Earth"

As has been said, the only reason they care is because they believe humans are destroying the planet and they assign worth to their precious mother earth.

What is worth if not derived from God? It only exists in our stupid little minds and is otherwise nonexistent..

Here is a taste of left winged ideology.

Yes, we are all a "virus" don't you know, much like the unborn are not human but mere parasites.

Well if they are going to assign value to "mother earth" but not to me then screw them all to hell. I could really care less, but it is important to understand that many left wingers out there secretly hope for some major catastrophic event to wipe out humanity. I kid you not.

It reminds me of the left winged group, the Human Extinction Project. They want humans to disappear, including themselves. Of course, none of them want to actually kill themselves, no, no, they would rather work at killing off everyone else. In fact, one member had an abortion to minimize their carbon footprint on humanity.

These people are mentally ill, as are most, if not all, left wingers.

Anthropomorphizing what non-humans feel is projection.

Observing a reaction and attaching one's nouns to them is approximate at best.

All concepts are human. All words are human. All judgment is human.

Value is ascribed by humans to what humans like.

What other beings 'think' is beyond one's capacity to know, but it is easy to assume.
Healthy assumption. We know what grieving looks like. Have you SEEN an elephant grieve? It's amateurish to think it doesn't value its young.
"Worth" is a human concept. There is no "worth" 'out there', in the universe. It's inside humans.
Humans are the source of all worth and value.
Humans decide if humans are worth saving. If even one person says yes, it's true.

What I enjoy about left wingers is that they don't believe in a God yet get bent all out of shape the way humans are destroying "Mother Earth"

As has been said, the only reason they care is because they believe humans are destroying the planet and they assign worth to their precious mother earth.

What is worth if not derived from God? It only exists in our stupid little minds and is otherwise nonexistent..

Here is a taste of left winged ideology.

Yes, we are all a "virus" don't you know, much like the unborn are not human but mere parasites.

Well if they are going to assign value to "mother earth" but not to me then screw them all to hell. I could really care less, but it is important to understand that many left wingers out there secretly hope for some major catastrophic event to wipe out humanity. I kid you not.

It reminds me of the left winged group, the Human Extinction Project. They want humans to disappear, including themselves. Of course, none of them want to actually kill themselves, no, no, they would rather work at killing off everyone else. In fact, one member had an abortion to minimize their carbon footprint on humanity.

These people are mentally ill, as are most, if not all, left wingers.

oh shaddappp
"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'

"It is not enough to ask, Will my act harm other people? Even if the answer is No, my act may still be wrong, because of its effects on other people. I should ask, Will my act be one of a set of acts that will together harm other people? The answer may be Yes. And the harm to others may be great." Derek Parfit 'Reasons and Persons (1984)

Oh please!!

Greed, avarice, and self interest is a recent human phenomenon? It is more like the human condition, proven out since recorded human history.
What if everything from the systematic annannihilation of our Neanderthal cousins to the development of nuclear weapons is perfectly natural in the course of the Evolution of Sentience?

Baby steps to the Stars, Baby! :thup:

Part of the Drake equation if not mistaken. Time. Time a species exists before it destroys itself. For a species to develop technology and space travel, they probably develop nuclear weapons along the way and other things.

Our species will destroy itself.

What a bunch of crap. "Mother Earth" will do that for us.

George pretty much nails it.

Believing that your subjective reality exists 'out there' is a fundamental illusion.
Where do one's perceptions take place?

It is not an opinion, it is evident.
Yes, I ascribe that theyre awesome so to me, theyre awesome.

And they are. Nihilist.
Where does one's knowing take place?
Hint: it isn't outside the self.
Humans make any other animal - ever - look like infants as adults.

We are the best, we literally removed ourselves from the food chain altogether, apart from isolated incidents.

We have saved some species from extinction.

We went from the ages of conquerors to now ironing our GovernMENTAL spats, our last resort reasoning for wars at this point. The vast majority of humans are non violent.

We invent, evolve, love, discover and care.

Humans - are fucking awesome.
Humans make any other animal - ever - look like infants as adults.

We are the best, we literally removed ourselves from the food chain altogether, apart from isolated incidents.

We have saved some species from extinction.

We went from the ages of conquerors to now ironing our GovernMENTAL spats, our last resort reasoning for wars at this point. The vast majority of humans are non violent.

We invent, evolve, love, discover and care.

Humans - are fucking awesome.
Humans make any other animal - ever - look like infants as adults.

We are the best, we literally removed ourselves from the food chain altogether, apart from isolated incidents.

We have saved some species from extinction.

We went from the ages of conquerors to now ironing our GovernMENTAL spats, our last resort reasoning for wars at this point. The vast majority of humans are non violent.

We invent, evolve, love, discover and care.

Humans - are fucking awesome.
Some are.

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