Are White Men Wimps?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
When it comes to defending their race, yes, they are:

Occidental Observer

But these differences are not the main cause of our malaise. A correspondent writing to me about my last column said that I should ask why white men are such wimps that they are basically lying down and allowing themselves to be displaced.

It’s a good question. How could a race of people that conquered the world suddenly lose confidence and voluntarily cede power? What explains the culture of Western suicide?

White men have to look in the mirror when thinking about our ongoing dispossession. After all, even though there is a preponderance of men in societies of people who explicitly advocate the interests of European-Americans, these men represent a miniscule percentage of the European-American male population. One such society, the Charles Martel Society, is named for Charles Martel, a man who stood up for his people by leading an army against invading Muslims. This is what one should expect from men. But such men — and people willing to follow such a man into battle to preserve their people and culture — are vanishingly rare among contemporary Europeans, whether in Europe or the European Diaspora.
you've got a good point.

It is pretty wimpy to promote white power, under an anoymous screen name on a message board. That doesn't seem brave at at all.

Why don't you try walking around your office, and tell co-workers how white males need to reassert themselves against feminazis and blacks?
White's a pretty wide category. And the differences between races genetically are pretty superficial. The whole concept of race should be abandoned.
This happens to me every time I read Billy J's posts: I never know whether I should feel threatened! It sounds like this is some serious shit. Should I be worried the displacement of the "white man"? Or should I rejoice? I just don't know which side I'm supposed to run to to defend my "race interest." Tell me, Bill, do Slavs count as white? Can catholics be white? Are jews? Jews and Slavs look pretty fucking white to me, personally, but Hitler didn't think so. The KKK wasn't too fond of "Catholics", either... Does the one drop rule count? I'm not sure if I have any dirty Injun blood in me, which is another problem, my family tree gets a little hazy after the 30s and I don't know...

Help me, Bill! I'm shaking! Which is my side in the coming Race Wars?!
Why don't you try walking around your office, and tell co-workers how white males need to reassert themselves against feminazis and blacks?

Why don't you try walking around the office and telling everyone that whitey must be destroyed for justice to prevail?
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White's a pretty wide category. And the differences between races genetically are pretty superficial. The whole concept of race should be abandoned.

So we can get rid of affirmative action? Great!

Only, the people who say "race is just a social construct" never have any trouble figuring out who's white and who's black for the purposes of reverse discrimination.
White's a pretty wide category. And the differences between races genetically are pretty superficial. The whole concept of race should be abandoned.

There's the concept of race, and then there's the reality of race. We come in different colors.
Help me, Bill! I'm shaking! Which is my side in the coming Race Wars?!

Drive a truck through Los Angeles after the acquittal of Rodney King. Slow down at the corner. They'll tell you.

:( I don't get it.

LA is across the continent, man. I can't get there anytime soon. If I stay in Canada, am I safe from the Race Wars?

I don't think you'll be safe from the race wars! :eek:

White's a pretty wide category. And the differences between races genetically are pretty superficial. The whole concept of race should be abandoned.

There's the concept of race, and then there's the reality of race. We come in different colors.

One thing I've noticed from observing the younger generation, is that there is a HUGE misconception about race. Not to mention a complete absence of knowledge regarding race, ethicity, and nationality.

The concept of race and racism is extremley overblown. Put yourself in a circle surrounded by various ethnic groups and/or races, and you have to choose one to go to. 9 out of 10 people would choose their own race or ethnicity. Does this mean that they are racist? (many people believe so), however, it is a natural thing. Naturally, people are more comfortable around other people to whom they have alot in common with. Look at a school lunch room.

I also try to understand the idiotic political correctness we go through in this country. It really makes me want to go around calling myself a European-American because my ancestors are from Europe :cuckoo:, considering we have Mexican-Americans and African-Americans. IMO, if you're born in the United States, you're American, so drop the prefix and call yourself what you are- an American.
William Joyce

I feel no need to defend my race unless it’s against racists trying to stir up trouble.
Go eat your "Drunken Negro Face" cookies you racist wimp.
Yes, I think white men are wimps. Probably not for the same reason you do, but they are wimps nevertheless.
Why don't you try walking around your office, and tell co-workers how white males need to reassert themselves against feminazis and blacks?

Why don't you try walking around the office and telling everyone that whitey must be destroyed for justice to prevail?

why would I do that? I've never advocated anything of the sort; that racial politics is your bag.

shall I assume you only advocate for white power from the safety and anonymity of a internet screen name? that sounds pretty wimpy to me. Why aren't you out in public among co-workers and peers advocating your white power views?
White's a pretty wide category. And the differences between races genetically are pretty superficial. The whole concept of race should be abandoned.

So we can get rid of affirmative action? Great!

Only, the people who say "race is just a social construct" never have any trouble figuring out who's white and who's black for the purposes of reverse discrimination.

Originally affirmative action was necessary to show people that Blacks actually are equal and can make it if given the chance. Today racism still exists, albeit to a much lesser degree, but people who would have been convinced by examples are already convinced. It’s not racism that’s the main problem now, it’s poorly funded public schools in poor neighborhoods. I'd have no problem with doing away with it at this point.

White's a pretty wide category. And the differences between races genetically are pretty superficial. The whole concept of race should be abandoned.

There's the concept of race, and then there's the reality of race. We come in different colors.

Biologically race is roughly akin to subspecies.

There is only one extant subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens.
Human - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The scientific name of a subspecies is the binomen followed immediately by a subspecific name, e.g. Homo sapiens sapiens. The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (4th edition, 2000) does not attempt to codify any "infrasubspecific entities" (e.g. human "races" or pet breeds).
Subspecies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it should be stressed that race is meaningless biologically, but because skin color is a readily observable trait, it took on significant social meaning historically. We inherit this in the form of cultural differences today. It’s just important to understand that there’s nothing inherent about the differences. It’s all artificial.
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Are we talking about the average white guy who wears glasses, looks like an accountant, and parts his hair on the side while wearing a white shirt and tie to work every day like John Clayton.

Or are we talking about the Randy Couture type?

Or the hybrid? Maybe a guy like me.

Or the wigger type?

The rocker type?

The Skater Type?

The Surfer?

The Jock?

The Comedian?

The Politician? W Bush3.jpg

Which white guy are we talking about here. Some are definitely wimps. Some are not.

I'm reading book by Patrick Buchanan, I think you might find interesting:

Chuchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War
How Britian Lost its Empire and
The West Lost the World

It starts out by maing the argument that the First World War was a tragic mistake that almost nobody (except Winston Chuchill) wanted.​

Then it discusses the tragedy of the Treaty of Versailles which set the stage for World War II.​

I'm finding it an interesting read.​

I think you might as well, given the person whose name you've taken as your nom d' plume
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Help me, Bill! I'm shaking! Which is my side in the coming Race Wars?!

Drive a truck through Los Angeles after the acquittal of Rodney King. Slow down at the corner. They'll tell you.


Ironic isn't it?

Just as the Jews of Europe ended up being defined not by themselves, but by the NAZIs, so too are American Whites defined not by themselves, but by the people who hate them.

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