Zone1 Are White People Wrong to Judge Fani Willis by Our Standards of Marital Fidelity and Ethics?

Proof of this being how black crime and violence before the woke 60's was not out of in....very similar to white communities level of crime and violence if not even lower.

When the democrats began giving black women a financial incentive to be single mothers...thel children were the biggest victims of this huge mistake...that resulted in their being raised in a home with no father present.
This is a purely racist argument that white supremacist make hoping for a return to Jim Crow. White crime was out of proportion before the 60's just as it is now. And whites exaggerated black crime just as you are now. Welfare basically started in 1910 and blacks were excluded.

The assistance to single women with children part of the Social Security Act provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Aid to Dependent Children functioned mainly to provide federal grants to help the states with mothers’ aid laws that began in 1910.

The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position.

From the Children’s Bureau in 1910 until 1965, no one talked about how the welfare state was wrong and created the disintegration of the white family. I read no lectures about the irresponsible white father. Nor did anyone speak the rabid ignorance about white women being incentivized to have children out of wedlock. The program was not denigrated as something creating dependence on government; it was seen as essential assistance needed to help women without husbands who had children. Only when the law required that others besides whites be included did the story change and now we have to read dumb ass white racists reciting the bullshit you have posted.
That part where Fani says, "He likes wine, I drink Grey Goose". I think she had a lil bit of it before testifying. Mainly a druggie or drunkard would admit that in court.

Fani says she took over her friend's condo (friend who testified) and she began paying her friend via "cash app" in which the transactions are traceable.

Yet she never paid Wade via "cash app" for her part of the vacations - weak claim of paying him in cash only - untraceable. Fani is certainly familiar with paying by way of a more traceable option, and has experience in doing so.

Make no doubt about it, that condo was used as the hideout love nest for her and her married lover. Fani seems to know that she could not bring him into her family home. That's what they do in the business world to cheat on spouses. They do not go to hotels and motels. They live in the suburbs, but rent an apartment or get a condo/townhouse in the inner city for their extramarital extravaganzas.
Bullshit. I believe Wade was divorced in 2022,
You have not shown any evidence of any "hundreds of thousands" of Northern Democrats that fought for the Union.
Well the fact is they did. And another fact you don't post when you try lying about Democrats is that the Republican party was formed by anti-slavery democrats. So you need to stop lying about Democrats because lying about the Democrats in the 1800's does not erase the racism of the Republicans in 2024.
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Bullshit. I believe Wade was divorced in 2022,
Then, once again, you believe something that is counter-factual - i.e. bullshit.

Wade insists marriage ended in 2015, denies affair​

By Rosie Manins
Feb 15, 2024
Nathan Wade is resisting attempts by defense counsel to label his personal relationship with the DA Fani Willis as an affair.
Wade is still in the process of divorcing his estranged wife, Joycelyn, with whom he has a temporary settlement. He has said repeatedly during today’s hearing that his marriage ended in 2015. He said the marriage was “irretrievably broken” after Joycelyn had an affair -- something she has denied.

Well the fact is they did. And another fact you don't post when you try lying about Democrats is that the Republican party was formed by anti-slavery democrats.
I wish more anti-slavery Democrats today would join the GOP.

Democrat still push the slavery of social welfare on the black community, as well as whites, though whites are not specifically targeted for this.
So you need to stop lying about Democrats because ying about the Democrats in the 1800's does not erase the racism of the Republicans in 2024.
Sir, this is Zone 1, as I never tire of reminding you.

Have you ever read the Zone 1 rules?
Bullshit. I believe Wade was divorced in 2022,
Stop that profanity. You should be better than that by now.

Wade was still legally married in 2024. He just got divorced in Late January or early February of 2024.
Serious question.

I'm white so I don't know. I'm asking any black posters on here if they feel that the white lawyers questioning her are coming from a different place as far as how important marital honesty is, or the morality of romance with someone who is married to another.

In this clip:

She seems very surprised and annoyed that the opposing is asking her about the money that she gave her married lover, for their vacations and dinners and other entertainments they shared. She tries to be a bit of a wise guy, but she does not really evade the fact of having given him money, just tries not to answer about the form.

More oddly to me is that she is not at all embarrassed about the fact that she was doing all this with a man who has a wife at home who may or may not be aware of this affair.

Is that a common thing, that all that would be important is the relationship she enjoys, and has no thoughts or feelings about the wife whose husband she is taking. In her world, it that normal, I guess is my question.

Why would race even be brought up? You think moral honesty is different because of your race?
Why would race even be brought up? You think moral honesty is different because of your race?
I didn't, not until Ms. Willis claimed that it was.

My first instinct was to disagree, but how can I - a white male - know whether black women have the same morality as I?

That's why I asked.
I didn't, not until Ms. Willis claimed that it was.

My first instinct was to disagree, but how can I - a white male - know whether black women have the same morality as I?

That's why I asked.
Morality is an individual thing. People of all races have different levels of morality. That’s why I said it has zero to do with race.
I wish more anti-slavery Democrats today would join the GOP.

Democrat still push the slavery of social welfare on the black community, as well as whites, though whites are not specifically targeted for this.

Sir, this is Zone 1, as I never tire of reminding you.

Have you ever read the Zone 1 rules?
Bullshit. I'm black so quit trying to tell me what democrats are pushing on black people based on your existing anti-black hatred. Whites are just as "targeted". You started a race bait thread in this zone with no real links supporting your OP. So don't lecture me about what zone this is.

Are White People Wrong to Judge Fani Willis by Our Standards of Marital Fidelity and Ethics?​

This is the topic and you are off topic posting this crap about what democrats are supposedly doing to blacks based on the opinion of a racist republican. This garbage has been repeated by whites for the past 60 years since we left the republican party. You are off topic and this is indeed zone one. So then the answer to the topic is that whites do not have any standards to judge anyone else by. Furthermore, this relationship doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the facts of this case. When Chris Darden and Marcia Clark were sexing during the OJ trial none of this came up. These relationships happen and there has been no proof that this relationship creates any type of advantage that Willis will gain financially by the conviction of Trump and the other 19 coconspirators.

Slavery was a white policy in America and that was both immoral and unethical. Jim Crow was a white policy in America and that was both immoral and unethical. Whites have had sexual relations with children, that's immoral and unethical. You worship a serial adulterer who cheated on his wife with a porno star while his wife was pregnant with his child, Susan McDougal, and yet you start this thread and wonder why somebody black uses foul language with you.
We are lectured by our MAGA chums, led by an orange crime prophet, swept along by a fake alarmism, being overwhelmed by their irrational fears of a world only the Orange Prophet supposedly can stop. We should be compassionate with them, but not allow our sympathy to enable their neuroses.
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I am not black but I am pretty sure skin color doesn't make a difference to anybody who is just a typical U.S. citizen trying to make his/her way in the world. Adultery is wrong to people of faith and I would guess even agnostics and Atheists, if they are normal people, believe it is a violation of trust to cheat on your spouse and all want their spouses to be faithful. At least if they love them.

As far as fidelity re Fani Willis and Wade goes, the morality of that is their private business and I will leave any judgment up to God to sort out. The issue for us is that the relationship puts into serious jeopardy the ethics and integrity of both when it comes to prosecuting Donald Trump.

At issue is the fact that she is a George Soros created D.A. which automatically weaponizes her to go after conservatives while protecting those on the left. And the fact that she appointed her married boyfriend as the lead prosecutor, any reasonable person has to believe the fix was in. Another case headed straight to the Supreme Court if Trump is made guilty.

I am curious though. Wade said he booked the air fare, reservations, cruises etc. but Fani paid in cash. When Fani's father was questioned about the apparently thousands in cash Fani was carrying to 'pay back' her married boyfriend, he said (paraphrased) that he didn't want to be racist, but that was a 'black thing' as black people carry lots of cash. It never occurred to me to ask my black friends and colleagues about that, but since they seemed to use check books and credit cards every bit as much as I do/did, I wonder if our black friends at USMB carry lots and lots of cash?

Compare it to Trump's white morality.
He filed for divorce in November of 2021.
Wade met Fani in 2019 at the conference. They started having sex then he threw his wife of 26 years to the gutter.

Filing for divorce does not equal divorced. It takes months to years for a divorce to be final after one files.
Wade met Fani in 2019 at the conference. They started having sex then he threw his wife of 26 years to the gutter.

Filing for divorce does not equal divorced. It takes months to years for a divorce to be final after one files.
I thought Wades wife had been cheating on him with one of his friends. But regardless, this has nothing to do with the case.
Then, once again, you believe something that is counter-factual - i.e. bullshit.

Wade insists marriage ended in 2015, denies affair​

By Rosie Manins
Feb 15, 2024
Nathan Wade is resisting attempts by defense counsel to label his personal relationship with the DA Fani Willis as an affair.
Wade is still in the process of divorcing his estranged wife, Joycelyn, with whom he has a temporary settlement. He has said repeatedly during today’s hearing that his marriage ended in 2015. He said the marriage was “irretrievably broken” after Joycelyn had an affair -- something she has denied.

Since Wade decided that his marriage had ended in 2015, all you're doing is proving my point. This entire thread is counter factual because it has nothing to do with the evidence in this case.

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