Zone1 Are White People Wrong to Judge Fani Willis by Our Standards of Marital Fidelity and Ethics?

White 'moral standards' are similar to all other Americans' moral standings: lacking.
Says the guy who’s ancestors just 150 years ago we’re still in the stone-age, had no qualms about murder, rape and slavery, and were no strangers to the practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism.

Every ounce of “morality” you have as a modern man in the 21st century was imported by white people from Europe. If your ancestors had shared the same “morality” you have today, they wouldn’t have needed to be conquered. There is a reason the Indians were described as “savages” and it wasn’t because they had the same morality that you do today.
Serious question.

I'm white so I don't know. I'm asking any black posters on here if they feel that the white lawyers questioning her are coming from a different place as far as how important marital honesty is, or the morality of romance with someone who is married to another.

In this clip:

She seems very surprised and annoyed that the opposing is asking her about the money that she gave her married lover, for their vacations and dinners and other entertainments they shared. She tries to be a bit of a wise guy, but she does not really evade the fact of having given him money, just tries not to answer about the form.

More oddly to me is that she is not at all embarrassed about the fact that she was doing all this with a man who has a wife at home who may or may not be aware of this affair.

Is that a common thing, that all that would be important is the relationship she enjoys, and has no thoughts or feelings about the wife whose husband she is taking. In her world, it that normal, I guess is my question.

It has nothing to do with marital fidelity; she perjured herself.
Well. I guess I'll get in before the ''discretion'' lock/move on the OP.

Seems like they're gonna run with martyring Willis on the the Stacy Abrahms model. So any mention of race that may be invoked outside of their control of the terms of controversy, and before it can be officially invoked by them alone, and under their strategic terms alone, will likely be strictly guarded against.
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Serious question.

I'm white so I don't know. I'm asking any black posters on here if they feel that the white lawyers questioning her are coming from a different place as far as how important marital honesty is, or the morality of romance with someone who is married to another.

In this clip:

She seems very surprised and annoyed that the opposing is asking her about the money that she gave her married lover, for their vacations and dinners and other entertainments they shared. She tries to be a bit of a wise guy, but she does not really evade the fact of having given him money, just tries not to answer about the form.

More oddly to me is that she is not at all embarrassed about the fact that she was doing all this with a man who has a wife at home who may or may not be aware of this affair.

Is that a common thing, that all that would be important is the relationship she enjoys, and has no thoughts or feelings about the wife whose husband she is taking. In her world, it that normal, I guess is my question.

His marriage was over in 2015. Your righteousness is not a good look.
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Whites are no more moral or upstanding than peoples of color.

His marriage was over in 2015. Your righteousness is not a good look.
The divorce was final in 2015?

Because that’s what “marriage was over” means. Until then it’s a marriage that doesn’t need some fatass over paid prostitute busting it up.
Marriage is racist. Free Fani Willis! She is a political prisoner of white heteropatriarchal supremacists!

“In this article, I draw upon critical feminist and intersectional frameworks to delineate an overarching orientation to structural oppression and unequal power relations that advantages White heteropatriarchal nuclear families (WHNFs) and marginalizes others as a function of family structure and relationship status. Specifically, I theorize that marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key structuring element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy. Marriage fundamentalism can be understood as an ideological and cultural phenomenon, where adherents espouse the superiority of the two-parent married family.”

Marriage is racist. Free Fani Willis! She is a political prisoner of white heteropatriarchal supremacists.

“In this article, I draw upon critical feminist and intersectional frameworks to delineate an overarching orientation to structural oppression and unequal power relations that advantages White heteropatriarchal nuclear families (WHNFs) and marginalizes others as a function of family structure and relationship status. Specifically, I theorize that marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key structuring element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy. Marriage fundamentalism can be understood as an ideological and cultural phenomenon, where adherents espouse the superiority of the two-parent married family.”

Funny, you sound just like your fellow cultists, prostrating themselves for Trump.

Which is hilarious.

"I will insult someone by accusing them of acting like me!"
Says the guy who’s ancestors just 150 years ago we’re still in the stone-age, had no qualms about murder, rape and slavery, and were no strangers to the practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism.

Every ounce of “morality” you have as a modern man in the 21st century was imported by white people from Europe. If your ancestors had shared the same “morality” you have today, they wouldn’t have needed to be conquered. There is a reason the Indians were described as “savages” and it wasn’t because they had the same morality that you do today.
You goofball. We sacrificed no one and did not practice cannibalism. The nordic nations did, and so did the Romans.

Europe and Euro-America had no qualms about murder, rape and slavery.

You are staring at yourself.
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That chart is supposed to represent "morality"? What are you, 6 years old?
How does it not? Before President Johnson's War on Poverty, the black family unit was one of our strongest. As you can see, now it is the weakest. How is that beneficial to kids growing up?
So what? Whites murder, kill, rape, commit arson, start wars, adulterate, fornicate, just make shit up acte.

You goofball.
Yep, sure do. But not in the numbers of our black Americans. Why? It isn't skin color so it must be culture.

children from 3 different women. trump is setting the standards for white "morality,"
Three different women, all of whom he married and supported both the women and their children in a lavish lifestyle without using taxpayer dollars.
The divorce was final in 2015?

Because that’s what “marriage was over” means. Until then it’s a marriage that doesn’t need some fatass over paid prostitute busting it up.

His wife was sleeping with his best friend.. You're like Trump.
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Yep, sure do. But not in the numbers of our black Americans. Why? It isn't skin color so it must be culture.

You use only one category of crime. Let's look at all crimes.



What you will see here is that 30 categories of crime exist and whites led in every category but murder and robbery. Whites far and away commit more crimes than blacks and everybody else. So it must be culture.

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