Zone1 Are White People Wrong to Judge Fani Willis by Our Standards of Marital Fidelity and Ethics?

You use only one category of crime. Let's look at all crimes.

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What you will see here is that 30 categories of crime exist and whites led in every category but murder and robbery. Whites far and away commit more crimes than blacks and everybody else. So it must be culture.

You use only one category of crime. Let's look at all crimes.

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What you will see here is that 30 categories of crime exist and whites led in every category but murder and robbery. Whites far and away commit more crimes than blacks and everybody else. So it must be culture.
Find one where blacks are less than 13% BTW, Hispanics who have higher crime rates than whites though not nearly as high as blacks are lumped in with whites.
You goofball. We sacrificed no one and did not practice cannibalism. The nordic nations did, and so did the Romans.

Europe and Euro-America had no qualms about murder, rape and slavery.

You are staring at yourself.
Who is “we”? Your specific ancestors? Cause it sure as shit ain’t native Americans in general.

Why are you so sensitive about your identity all of a sudden? The people you vote for just see you as “POC”. You might as well be from Africa far as they are concerned.

The most advanced Native American civilization was centered around ritual human sacrifice. The Aztecs built giant stone structures around human sacrifice. They are still finding the mummies of children ritually sacrificed by the Inca. And then there is the psychos of the Pacific Northwest and their slave-killing fetish…

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Who is “we”? Your specific ancestors? Cause it sure as shit ain’t native Americans in general.

Why are you so sensitive about your identity all of a sudden? The people you vote for just see you as “POC”. You might as well be from Africa far as they are concerned.

The most advanced Native American civilization was centered around ritual human sacrifice. The Aztecs built giant stone structures around human sacrifice. They are still finding the mummies of children ritually sacrificed by the Inca. And then there is the psychos of the Pacific Northwest and their slave-killing fetish…

You attacked me and my heritage, now you are expanding to "well, I meant everybody."

Aztecs and central America had ritualistic human sacrifice societies. So did the Europeans and the Near Eastern peoples: ship launching, agricultural festivals, religious executions.

The Europeans murdered millions and caused tens of millions to die from disease.

You are not better but even worse as cultures than the American indigenous peoples.
You are not better but even worse as cultures than the American indigenous peoples.
Is that why your bigoted ass characterized morality by a racial standard?

White 'moral standards' are similar to all other Americans' moral standings: lacking.

Native Americans are the biggest sore losers in history. Your ancestors got defeated by a more advanced civilization. End of story. The “white people” did nothing to your people that the Indians weren’t doing to each other for thousands of years. Nobody loved the wholesale slaughter of native Americans more than native Americans themselves did. Your ancestors played the same game they had been playing for their entire history and got defeated by an outside contender.
Serious question.

I'm white so I don't know. I'm asking any black posters on here if they feel that the white lawyers questioning her are coming from a different place as far as how important marital honesty is, or the morality of romance with someone who is married to another.

In this clip:

She seems very surprised and annoyed that the opposing is asking her about the money that she gave her married lover, for their vacations and dinners and other entertainments they shared. She tries to be a bit of a wise guy, but she does not really evade the fact of having given him money, just tries not to answer about the form.

More oddly to me is that she is not at all embarrassed about the fact that she was doing all this with a man who has a wife at home who may or may not be aware of this affair.

Is that a common thing, that all that would be important is the relationship she enjoys, and has no thoughts or feelings about the wife whose husband she is taking. In her world, it that normal, I guess is my question.

Your Orange Jesus was banging two porn stars while your wife was pregnant.
She also admitted to taking campaign money for herself. And since money is fungible, that means she took donations intended for her campaign and used them for a trip to Aruba.
What donations? She funded her campaign with her own money.
Serious question.

I'm white so I don't know. I'm asking any black posters on here if they feel that the white lawyers questioning her are coming from a different place as far as how important marital honesty is, or the morality of romance with someone who is married to another.

In this clip:

She seems very surprised and annoyed that the opposing is asking her about the money that she gave her married lover, for their vacations and dinners and other entertainments they shared. She tries to be a bit of a wise guy, but she does not really evade the fact of having given him money, just tries not to answer about the form.

More oddly to me is that she is not at all embarrassed about the fact that she was doing all this with a man who has a wife at home who may or may not be aware of this affair.

Is that a common thing, that all that would be important is the relationship she enjoys, and has no thoughts or feelings about the wife whose husband she is taking. In her world, it that normal, I guess is my question.

I am not black but I am pretty sure skin color doesn't make a difference to anybody who is just a typical U.S. citizen trying to make his/her way in the world. Adultery is wrong to people of faith and I would guess even agnostics and Atheists, if they are normal people, believe it is a violation of trust to cheat on your spouse and all want their spouses to be faithful. At least if they love them.

As far as fidelity re Fani Willis and Wade goes, the morality of that is their private business and I will leave any judgment up to God to sort out. The issue for us is that the relationship puts into serious jeopardy the ethics and integrity of both when it comes to prosecuting Donald Trump.

At issue is the fact that she is a George Soros created D.A. which automatically weaponizes her to go after conservatives while protecting those on the left. And the fact that she appointed her married boyfriend as the lead prosecutor, any reasonable person has to believe the fix was in. Another case headed straight to the Supreme Court if Trump is made guilty.

I am curious though. Wade said he booked the air fare, reservations, cruises etc. but Fani paid in cash. When Fani's father was questioned about the apparently thousands in cash Fani was carrying to 'pay back' her married boyfriend, he said (paraphrased) that he didn't want to be racist, but that was a 'black thing' as black people carry lots of cash. It never occurred to me to ask my black friends and colleagues about that, but since they seemed to use check books and credit cards every bit as much as I do/did, I wonder if our black friends at USMB carry lots and lots of cash?
I am not black but I am pretty sure skin color doesn't make a difference to anybody who is just a typical U.S. citizen trying to make his/her way in the world. Adultery is wrong to people of faith and I would guess even agnostics and Atheists, if they are normal people, believe it is a violation of trust to cheat on your spouse and all want their spouses to be faithful. At least if they love them.

As far as fidelity re Fani Willis and Wade goes, the morality of that is their private business and I will leave any judgment up to God to sort out. The issue for us is that the relationship puts into serious jeopardy the ethics and integrity of both when it comes to prosecuting Donald Trump.

At issue is the fact that she is a George Soros created D.A. which automatically weaponizes her to go after conservatives while protecting those on the left. And the fact that she appointed her married boyfriend as the lead prosecutor, any reasonable person has to believe the fix was in. Another case headed straight to the Supreme Court if Trump is made guilty.
Wise words, as so, often from you, sir!
I am curious though. Wade said he booked the air fare, reservations, cruises etc. but Fani paid in cash. When Fani's father was questioned about the apparently thousands in cash Fani was carrying to 'pay back' her married boyfriend, he said (paraphrased) that he didn't want to be racist, but that was a 'black thing' as black people carry lots of cash.

It never occurred to me to ask my black friends and colleagues about that, but since they seemed to use check books and credit cards every bit as much as I do/did, I wonder if our black friends at USMB carry lots and lots of cash?
Interesting point. Unfortunately, no black person has answered on this thread, as far as I know.

When I was in the army starting in 1982, the Black people I knew carried cash. But so did the white people, the Hispanic people, the women, the men, the short, the tall, the beautiful, the not so beautiful, etc. etc.

All of us junior enlisted would carry Cash. That was because, the paymaster would pay us on the last of the month in cash. They had a check for us, we signed the back of it, and they count out the cash. It was a horrible job for those officers, because any money they lost for whatever reason they would have to replace.

we stored it in our lockers, because most of us do not bother with a bank.

When I left the army and went to college, there was an even mix of people who would pay in cash and people who would use credit cards. Those days, the mid to late 90s, it wasn’t that easy for a college student to get a credit card. But I don’t remember it being along racial lines.

Later in several different careers, I work with lots of black folks, and socialize with them after hours. Never once did I notice a black person to say “excuse me, while I whip this out” and pull out a big bankroll of bills to pay for the restaurant or whatever. I can’t imagine any grown woman caring a large lot wad cash. She would be making herself a target. A district attorney is not sophisticated enough to operate a bank account?

I think Fanny’s dad just figured ‘hey, I’m talking to a bunch of dumb white folk, especially liberal, white folk, so they’ll believe whatever I tell them.’
Is that why your bigoted ass characterized morality by a racial standard?

Native Americans are the biggest sore losers in history. Your ancestors got defeated by a more advanced civilization. End of story. The “white people” did nothing to your people that the Indians weren’t doing to each other for thousands of years. Nobody loved the wholesale slaughter of native Americans more than native Americans themselves did. Your ancestors played the same game they had been playing for their entire history and got defeated by an outside contender.
Whites have used Christian morality to enhance their sense of superiority.
Whites are all Christian? I’ll have to tell my rabbi.
Hadn't seen your posts lately. Glad you're still with us. :)

Why somebody decided to make this about Christianity I don't know. I guess that is an acknowledgment that Atheists and agnostics don't have any morals. LOL

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