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are whites superior?

Nobody who broaches this topic gets a good taste in their mouth. It DOES stink. It's not a happy topic. Any white person who took PLEASURE in the fact that blacks are inherently less intelligent WOULD be an asshole. I think a lot of people who understand the facts fear that some would take advantage of that and pump up their own egos. And I admit, I'm sure that would happen. You could very easily have a white hick who thinks he's better than a smart black person, but isn't.

But it does matter. It matters because all our laws, all our beliefs, all our culture is BASED ON AN ASSUMPTION OF EQUALITY OF THE RACES. But this is error. And the injustice comes to land on whites.

We essentially live under a system of 'racial communism.' Say you work hard and make $100. The guy next to you is lazy and makes $50. But we both get $75. Is that fair? Whites under this system are the $100-dollar earners.

MSK, every single day, we hear about demands from blacks, Hispanics, etc. that white people and white nations give them this, give them that, "stand aside", "diversify," etc. WHEN IN THE FUCK HAVE YOU EVER HEARD A DEMAND THAT A HISPANIC OR BLACK COUNTRY "DIVERSIFY"? THIS IS WHAT DRIVES THE IMMIGRATION DEBATE. It's Hispanics playing on white guilt to essentially TAKE THE COUNTRY AWAY FROM US. Do you think 12 million Swedes would get away with this?

Anyway. For a demand to be legitimate, it has to be based on facts. The extortionate demands on whites ARE NOT. But whites are so SCARED SHITLESS of being seen as a 'racist' or "insensitive" that they bend, bend, bend! They give in to every whim.

But the whole thing is a fucking shakedown. Whites need to realize that they are different, that they do have smarts other groups don't, and that they aren't "evil" if they choose to forge their own path instead of being the slaves of other racial groups. White people are so bullied they're afraid to speak freely about their real feelings on race, or practically any other issue. All they have to seek refuge under is watered-down "conservatism" where they start every sentence with "I'm not a racist, but...

So, that could suggest racial separation. It could also suggest, more modestly, the end of affirmative action, the end of "civil rights" laws, the end of busing, the end of whites' feeling guilty about things they shouldn't feel guilty about. Would that be so bad?

If all you are right, that blacks and Hispanics are equal to whites, the proof will be in the pudding. They will be able to build successful societies on their own.

A load of horse shit. Your trying to play on emotions to win a point. Your underlying claim is simply NOT true. Further THIS COUNTRY is a nation of laws and Equal protection under those laws. You do not like that? Find somewhere better to live that will cater to your racist views... ohh wait, you can not because currently no one is stupid enough to try and run a country that way, except maybe Serbia and Croatia.

What is truly sad is you may actually believe the garbage you spew. THAT in it self is ignorance on a grand scale.

One can be opposed to illegal immigrants and to bussing and to afirmative action and still not believe that blacks and other races are some how inferior at birth.

My opinion on the condition of the majority of the blacks in this country to turn to crime and welfare is not that they are stupid, its because at first they were simply denied rights and success by racism, then when that started to be addressed in the 60's the "enlightened" liberals created a new way to keep them down, with welfare and an excuse to blame others for their own failures. As a culture the blacks in this country have chosen to believe they are victims and need help and the Liberals play on that and reinforce it. They turn to crime because it pays and because their own leaders allow it to be lionized as a "good" thing or as not their fault. Thats not inherient, thats taught.
Is there a quantum of evidence that would persuade you otherwise?

How about this. Do you believe that an individual can be inherently more intellectually capable than another individual? If so, what is the logical impediment to racial grouping as a locus for the same differentiation?

That's a fair question.

Without being racist, what if that individual was black or brown, or RED?

Not a BAD subject to discuss, but one that has MANY pit falls, and MANY preconceived notions, agreed?

Just because a RACE or INDIVIDUAL has a more capable "out look" on a particular subject, DOESN'T make them MORE intellectually capable.

Seems simple enough to me.:cool:
Is there a quantum of evidence that would persuade you otherwise?

How about this. Do you believe that an individual can be inherently more intellectually capable than another individual? If so, what is the logical impediment to racial grouping as a locus for the same differentiation?

There is no scientific evidence to support your claim. A human being, minus intellectual defect, is a human being. Yeah some people can be smarter than others, but that is an individual thing, not a racial thing.
But it does matter. It matters because all our laws, all our beliefs, all our culture is BASED ON AN ASSUMPTION OF EQUALITY OF THE RACES. But this is error. And the injustice comes to land on whites.

Injustice was visited upon the Blacks by Whites for generations several generations ago. It was not long ago when we had segregation. When one’s ancestors were slaves and another’s ancestors were slave owners, it takes a while to balance the “playing field". There was a time when affirmative action was needed but that time has passed.

We essentially live under a system of 'racial communism.' Say you work hard and make $100. The guy next to you is lazy and makes $50. But we both get $75. Is that fair? Whites under this system are the $100-dollar earners.

That is a gross generality that I do not agree with. For the most part, those who are not as productive earn less than do those who are more productive.

MSK, every single day, we hear about demands from blacks, Hispanics, etc. that white people and white nations give them this, give them that, "stand aside", "diversify," etc. WHEN IN THE FUCK HAVE YOU EVER HEARD A DEMAND THAT A HISPANIC OR BLACK COUNTRY "DIVERSIFY"? THIS IS WHAT DRIVES THE IMMIGRATION DEBATE. It's Hispanics playing on white guilt to essentially TAKE THE COUNTRY AWAY FROM US. Do you think 12 million Swedes would get away with this?

Many people make demands but that does not mean that we must honor those demands. As I said, I think that we should end affirmative action and tighten the border. Did we ever use Swedes as slaves or treat them unfairly? Sweden is pretty far way, so I doubt that they would become as much of an immigrant problem. It is easier for Mexican to cross the border without getting caught than it would be for Swedes to travel here in a boat. It is understandable why we have more problems with Blacks and Mexicans as opposed to problems with Swedes.

Anyway. For a demand to be legitimate, it has to be based on facts. The extortionate demands on whites ARE NOT. But whites are so SCARED SHITLESS of being seen as a 'racist' or "insensitive" that they bend, bend, bend! They give in to every whim.

At one time the demands of Blacks were based on facts – Gross abuse and unfairness perpetrated by Whites. Yet, I think that the situation has changed and that the demands for affirmative action and preferential treatment no longer apply. I think that I give people more credit. White people are not scared of being called “racist” and “insensitive” if they do not support affirmative action. Some white people still think that Blacks deserve preferential treatment. I am not one of them.

But the whole thing is a fucking shakedown. Whites need to realize that they are different, that they do have smarts other groups don't, and that they aren't "evil" if they choose to forge their own path instead of being the slaves of other racial groups. White people are so bullied they're afraid to speak freely about their real feelings on race, or practically any other issue. All they have to seek refuge under is watered-down "conservatism" where they start every sentence with "I'm not a racist, but...

I agree that Whites are not evil when they choose to forge their own path. Whites do not need to considerer themselves different. It is racist to draw that distinction. Whites are no more bullied when they speak than are Blacks when they criticize Whites - democrats when they speak to republicans or republicans when they speak to democrats – or anti-gay-marriage crowds when they speak to gays or gays when they speak to anti-marriage crowds. When you say something that someone does not like, then he will argue with you and may even call you erroneous names. It happens often to me.

So, that could suggest racial separation. It could also suggest, more modestly, the end of affirmative action, the end of "civil rights" laws, the end of busing, the end of whites' feeling guilty about things they shouldn't feel guilty about. Would that be so bad?

Well. What do you advocate: segregation or simply an end to affirmative action? I oppose returning to segregation but I certainly think that we should end all forms of preferential treatment and affirmative action. With respect to what a white person feels – that is his or her own choice. People can’t control the feeling of other people. If someone wants to feel guilty, he can feel guilty. If he does not want to feel guilty, he need not feel guilty.

If all you are right, that blacks and Hispanics are equal to whites, the proof will be in the pudding. They will be able to build successful societies on their own.

I completely agree. By the way, Blacks and Hispanics have built the lives that they want and, based on their definitions of successful, are successful.
I believe the constitution says: we are endowed by our creator, with inalienable rights.

I think these type arguments are destructive and its not only whites that have a racial ego. There are all kinds of people who think they are better then others for a myriad of reasons. We should stop with the im proud to be , fill in the race here. we all have unique talents that should not be discounted because they may not the sexy or hip talents like musician or athlete.
I believe the constitution says: we are endowed by our creator, with inalienable rights.

I think these type arguments are destructive and its not only whites that have a racial ego. There are all kinds of people who think they are better then others for a myriad of reasons. We should stop with the im proud to be , fill in the race here. we all have unique talents that should not be discounted because they may not the sexy or hip talents like musician or athlete.

These types of arguments are NOT destructive provided they are kept at the objective level and not devolved into pissing contests/personal attacks.

What is destructive is pretending a problem does not exist. The way to solve a problem begins first with identifying it, followed by looking at it from every angle to determine which course of action, if any, is best in resolving the issue.

No amount of legislation and/or education is EVER going to solve man's inherent hatred and/or fear of difference. The best one can hope for would be that the more people are educated, so too are the numbers of those who allow their inherent hatred and fears to control their logical minds; and, legislation should be fair and equal for all.

Racism exists. On both sides. William Joyce is no more or less racist than Louis Farrakham, Sharpton or Jackson, who have turned the issue of race into billion dollar cash cows. It's NOT a one-way street.

And our current legislation, driven by the ever-present spectre of politicl correctness is about as fair as a fistfight between me and the 6-years-old next door.

Affirmative Action is an absolute failure, IMO. Bussing was an absolute failure. The fact that anytime anyone addresses any of these issues is usually dismissed out of hand with the cry of a simple word "racist" is the biggest cop-out in the world because it does not address the issue itself.

I don't agree with many of WJ's views ... IMO, his racial superiority comments are neither logical, nor based on scientific evidence; rather, contradict it.

His arguments concerning equality and law; however, many times DO have merit, and dismissing them out of hand with the cry of "racism" is every bit at prejudicial towards him and his right to freedom of expression, and ignoring a REAL issue, as his racial superiority arguments are toward non-white ethnicities.

Thus ends todays sermon ladies and gentleman. Pleas feel free to contribute liberally as the hat comes by. The pastor is driving a 2 years old Mercedes andnot keeping up with Robertson's.:badgrin:
does anyone deny that whites are intellectually superior than negroes, chinese, africans, etc? this is proven through history,

The Chinese invented civilization.

but liberalist teachings want to hide it in their revisionism. there are no white countries where the natives live in huts or igloos or caves or in tree huts.

That's because its too cold.

white people got to the moon.

White people also invented the holocaust.

white men invented calculus

The persians invented algebra.

. white men found america.

Yeah, they found it with people from Asia already on it!

white men invented computers.
white men invented communism and "Fear Factor", too.
why do liberals want to mess with this great race by allowing race mixing? why de-evolve the most inventive race on the planet?

Hey righties, is this a fact? Is it only liberals that aren't bigots?
There is no scientific evidence to support your claim. A human being, minus intellectual defect, is a human being. Yeah some people can be smarter than others, but that is an individual thing, not a racial thing.

But you haven't said why it CAN'T be a racial thing, even assuming it isn't. Is the fact that men are generally taller than women a "sexist thing"? Or perhaps you deny that men are generally taller than women? Do you deny that blacks tend to inherit black appearances, and whites, white appearances? Is that inherited, or is it "racist" to note that a black man and a black woman tend to produce black offspring? And if appearance is a generally heritable trait, why not intelligence? Would you expect a smart man and woman to have a smart baby, or a dumb one? If your answer is "anything could happen", you really need to brush up on genetics.

But as to scientific evidence in support of my point that there are genetic differences between races, well, there is plenty. Read Sarich and Miele's Race: The Reality of Human Differences, for starters. They lay out plenty of scientific evidence.

The fact that you hold your ears and scream "la la la, I can't hear you" doesn't mean it's not there.
dont forget the fact that men are smarter than women. and more physically strong. this is a natural fact, but libs want to try and push equality where there is none. just to be fair, women are a lot more attractive than men, even in a non sexual way. a woman's body is more symmetrical while mens are not so much :muahaha:
dont forget the fact that men are smarter than women. and more physically strong. this is a natural fact, but libs want to try and push equality where there is none. just to be fair, women are a lot more attractive than men, even in a non sexual way. a woman's body is more symmetrical while mens are not so much :muahaha:

What does this have to do with anything?
But you haven't said why it CAN'T be a racial thing, even assuming it isn't. Is the fact that men are generally taller than women a "sexist thing"? Or perhaps you deny that men are generally taller than women? Do you deny that blacks tend to inherit black appearances, and whites, white appearances? Is that inherited, or is it "racist" to note that a black man and a black woman tend to produce black offspring? And if appearance is a generally heritable trait, why not intelligence? Would you expect a smart man and woman to have a smart baby, or a dumb one? If your answer is "anything could happen", you really need to brush up on genetics.

But as to scientific evidence in support of my point that there are genetic differences between races, well, there is plenty. Read Sarich and Miele's Race: The Reality of Human Differences, for starters. They lay out plenty of scientific evidence.

The fact that you hold your ears and scream "la la la, I can't hear you" doesn't mean it's not there.

Aren’t the oriental people more intelligent than the Americans? Perhaps we should segregate ourselves from them. The Bell Curve and other similar books have been criticized.




One could spend a lifetime debating and arguing whether or not Blacks are genetically less intelligent than are Whites. For the sake of argument, let’s assume that there is universal agreement and undeniable irrefutable fact that Whites are more intelligent. So what? It might be racist but it would not be bad to point out a statistical fact – if it is a statistical fact.

What is bad is to:

- Continue to repeatedly harp on something (almost like a chant: Blacks are less intelligent. Blacks are less intelligent. Blacks are less intelligent.) that has not been soundly and irrefutably proven. It is still being debated among scientific communities.

- Suggest that we should distance ourselves from them (return to segregation) because of it

You mentioned segregation but I don’t think that you made a declarative statement as to whether or not you favor it. Yes or No – Should we have racial segregation?
The problem with racism is the same as most arbitrary distinctions. Who can say honestly their ancestry is a single line of one people. How far back do you go. Since Africa has the earliest fossil records then by ancestry we are all black. I would suggest that most racists shouldn't look too far back they may find grand daddy wasn't a pure whitey.

As far as understanding why some societies succeed and others fail, the author of this thread knows no history. For contemporary times I would suggest "how the west got rich" (not sure of title). Think of future wo/man looking back on current America, what would they say I wonder? killing, greed, war, and fear.
The problem with racism is the same as most arbitrary distinctions. Who can say honestly their ancestry is a single line of one people. How far back do you go. Since Africa has the earliest fossil records then by ancestry we are all black. I would suggest that most racists shouldn't look too far back they may find grand daddy wasn't a pure whitey.

As far as understanding why some societies succeed and others fail, the author of this thread knows no history. For contemporary times I would suggest "how the west got rich" (not sure of title). Think of future wo/man looking back on current America, what would they say I wonder? killing, greed, war, and fear.

Weah. Weren’t we all born from Adam and Eve? When God changed our language at the Tower of Bable, did he change our skin color? Oh. I forgot the mark of Cain. That's why Blacks are less intelligent. Never mind. My bad.
But you haven't said why it CAN'T be a racial thing, even assuming it isn't. Is the fact that men are generally taller than women a "sexist thing"? Or perhaps you deny that men are generally taller than women? Do you deny that blacks tend to inherit black appearances, and whites, white appearances? Is that inherited, or is it "racist" to note that a black man and a black woman tend to produce black offspring? And if appearance is a generally heritable trait, why not intelligence? Would you expect a smart man and woman to have a smart baby, or a dumb one? If your answer is "anything could happen", you really need to brush up on genetics.

But as to scientific evidence in support of my point that there are genetic differences between races, well, there is plenty. Read Sarich and Miele's Race: The Reality of Human Differences, for starters. They lay out plenty of scientific evidence.

The fact that you hold your ears and scream "la la la, I can't hear you" doesn't mean it's not there.

I'm hardly holding my ears. I'd say if either of us was, it's you. I at least can hear your argument. It doesn't stand up.

The fact is. given the same exact opportunities, whites and ethnic minorities are equally capable. I don't need to spend years reading books to convince me otherwise. I've had friends all my life of every race and religion, and served under Marines of every race, religion and gender, and had marines of every race and religion serve under me.

The differene just doesn't exist.
The trouble with so called scientific studies of this kind is they often find what they are looking for. Suppose instead I wanted to prove how dumb whitey was. I could then go to some deep dark rural areas right here in the US - I won't mention the obvious ones - and there I will find some of the dumbest crackers ever, thus proving my scientific study.

I do wonder what motivated the thread poster? What gives him, who probably is a combination of all sorts of ethnic groups, such deep stupidity, er insight. Diversity makes us who we are and strengthens us but personally I hate when it interferes with our commonness.

How the West Grew Rich: The Economic Transformation of the Industrial World
by Nathan Rosenberg and L.E. Birdzell Jr.

"If we take the long view of human history and judge the economic lives of our ancestors by modern standards, it is a story of almost unrelieved wretchness."

PS I usually post on fullpolitics.com and politicalpass.com

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