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are whites superior?

The trouble with so called scientific studies of this kind is they often find what they are looking for. Suppose instead I wanted to prove how dumb whitey was. I could then go to some deep dark rural areas right here in the US - I won't mention the obvious ones - and there I will find some of the dumbest crackers ever, thus proving my scientific study.

I do wonder what motivated the thread poster? What gives him, who probably is a combination of all sorts of ethnic groups, such deep stupidity, er insight. Diversity makes us who we are and strengthens us but personally I hate when it interferes with our commonness.

How the West Grew Rich: The Economic Transformation of the Industrial World
by Nathan Rosenberg and L.E. Birdzell Jr.

"If we take the long view of human history and judge the economic lives of our ancestors by modern standards, it is a story of almost unrelieved wretchness."

PS I usually post on fullpolitics.com and politicalpass.com

You buy that old "diversity makes us strong" crap huh? Explain to be how it does that.
How? In the same way a city offers more possibilities than a rural area. Diversity allows each person to do something different, to enjoy a particular hobby, or a particular livelihood. It allows flexibility in what we do each day, so many things, it seems unnecessary to even mentions them. It allows change and creativity and art and religion and theater and a hodgepodge of people who can live together in society and maybe make it a great place.
Yea, its called the civil war, which spawned the north to break away from the loyalists who believe in slaves and superiority among races. I think lieberalism was absent that day. Sessesion is not the answer, confederate ideology is so outdated its literally a joke to resort to that belief system. Maybe the baby boomers should get with the new generation, where kids are getting more and more aware of whats going on around them and what direction we should NOT be going in. Thats what matters most, not how you can change the world....but how you can learn to avoid outdated, De-evolutionary ideologies like Lieberalism's.
How? In the same way a city offers more possibilities than a rural area. Diversity allows each person to do something different, to enjoy a particular hobby, or a particular livelihood. It allows flexibility in what we do each day, so many things, it seems unnecessary to even mentions them. It allows change and creativity and art and religion and theater and a hodgepodge of people who can live together in society and maybe make it a great place.

Odd---I didn't see you mention a thing about strength.
Yea, its called the civil war, which spawned the north to break away from the loyalists who believe in slaves and superiority among races. I think lieberalism was absent that day. Sessesion is not the answer, confederate ideology is so outdated its literally a joke to resort to that belief system. Maybe the baby boomers should get with the new generation, where kids are getting more and more aware of whats going on around them and what direction we should NOT be going in. Thats what matters most, not how you can change the world....but how you can learn to avoid outdated, De-evolutionary ideologies like Lieberalism's.

sorry, but if you want to talk to a baby boomer, talk to my parents.

i can honestly see the civil rights movement going forward based on equal rights for all living things, but that is where it ends. after that, the distinction between races is fact based. equality is making sure one race isnt treated badly by another. it is not setting them equal to each other in spite of obvious differences. it is pathetic that we force companies to hire x number of blacks for a job, yet we dont make the NBA hire x number of whites to play basketball. tell me how insane it would be to force an NBA team to start 2 whites, 2 blacks, and an asian and you just proved my point. which is that where one race excels, they should rightly so dominate that area. white people should be a minority in the NBA. as blacks should be in areas that require intelligence. some races are smarter. not all whites in every case, i will admit asians and indians specifically are just as smart, if not more, than whites. it is this bullshit "respect" of "differences" that is regressive.
sorry, but if you want to talk to a baby boomer, talk to my parents.

i can honestly see the civil rights movement going forward based on equal rights for all living things, but that is where it ends. after that, the distinction between races is fact based. equality is making sure one race isnt treated badly by another. it is not setting them equal to each other in spite of obvious differences. it is pathetic that we force companies to hire x number of blacks for a job, yet we dont make the NBA hire x number of whites to play basketball. tell me how insane it would be to force an NBA team to start 2 whites, 2 blacks, and an asian and you just proved my point. which is that where one race excels, they should rightly so dominate that area. white people should be a minority in the NBA. as blacks should be in areas that require intelligence. some races are smarter. not all whites in every case, i will admit asians and indians specifically are just as smart, if not more, than whites. it is this bullshit "respect" of "differences" that is regressive.

So are you saying you are against affirmative action, is that your point?
I have a dream
where one nation, stands up and says
We have a dream
Where we, as a people, go back in time
And we find, the underground railroad
And we find the engine
And we find the gears
And we set them to only operate in reverse
I'm hardly holding my ears. I'd say if either of us was, it's you. I at least can hear your argument. It doesn't stand up.

The fact is. given the same exact opportunities, whites and ethnic minorities are equally capable. I don't need to spend years reading books to convince me otherwise. I've had friends all my life of every race and religion, and served under Marines of every race, religion and gender, and had marines of every race and religion serve under me.

The differene just doesn't exist.
Bad Gunny! Don't be logical or make a valid point! You'll wreck his brain. :|
given the same exact opportunities, whites and ethnic minorities are equally capable.

This begs the question, where do these "opportunities" come from? Opportunities are either created by human beings (say, a library, or a job possibility) or exploited by them (in the good sense). Blacks don't do either. You don't go to an African country and find job opportunities. And the natural resources of Africa (oil, diamonds, etc.) aren't exploited by blacks.

Why not?
Odd---I didn't see you mention a thing about strength.

Strength comes from all those things. But I think maybe you mean something like the machismo of a teenage boy trying to prove he means something. Even in that case strength is tested as there is always someone a little tougher, a little stronger. Gives us real perspective, even maturity. And you need to check all the various nationalities and ethnic groups who fight for this country sometime.
Strength comes from all those things. But I think maybe you mean something like the machismo of a teenage boy trying to prove he means something. Even in that case strength is tested as there is always someone a little tougher, a little stronger. Gives us real perspective, even maturity. And you need to check all the various nationalities and ethnic groups who fight for this country sometime.

You've contradicted yourself. How can there be "always someone a little tougher" if we're all equal?

And do you see anything ridiculous about the statement that "various nationalities" fight for this country? I think you mean the military has different races. I commend military service, but it doesn't mean that at the end of the day, the loyalty doesn't lie elsewhere. Mexican nationals who snuck into the American military and died in combat have requested burial in Mexico, with a MEXICAN FLAG draping their coffin.
Who said we were all equal? Not everything is black and white. If someone is stronger, so what, what's that have to do with assuming people with pale skin are better that others. Ever notice the strongest men are from Icelandic nations? But within each group is a wide range of strengths, some Icelandic men are as weak as Dick Cheney. Some dark skinned men as smart as Bush. Same with all other traits, which means as a group, intelligence, athletic skill, all other traits, even stupidity, are widely spread among its members. My point is diversity makes us strong, doesn't make us equal, just different contributors, just as a team works better because each member brings a particular skill. But to reiterate, I am not a fan of too much diversity nor of the opposite tribalism, be tolerant, but be that way recognizing we are all just a happy accident.

And so what if some Mexican is proud of being of that heritage, we are melting pot or as some today say a tossed salad. You are too much a nationalist as well as a racist.
It is absolutely ridiculous for you to cal someone racist for being nationalistic. Every country should be nationalistic. Every country should be united under one flag, one language, and one culture. That doesnt mean being ashamed of where you came from, your religion, or your race, but I dont run around saying, im white, im proud, or im straight, im proud or im jewish im proud, Because people who are truly proud arent so insecure that they have to throw it in peoples faces.

Nationalism is not racist, if all in one country are proud to be of that country. Regardless of your race, if your not proud to be an america, then your a traitor, and should move to a country where your prouf to be of that country. Good luck finding a better country.

And for the record, mexico treats guatamalens like shit, they look down and spit on them, and give no rights to illegal aliens.

Who said we were all equal? Not everything is black and white. If someone is stronger, so what, what's that have to do with assuming people with pale skin are better that others. Ever notice the strongest men are from Icelandic nations? But within each group is a wide range of strengths, some Icelandic men are as weak as Dick Cheney. Some dark skinned men as smart as Bush. Same with all other traits, which means as a group, intelligence, athletic skill, all other traits, even stupidity, are widely spread among its members. My point is diversity makes us strong, doesn't make us equal, just different contributors, just as a team works better because each member brings a particular skill. But to reiterate, I am not a fan of too much diversity nor of the opposite tribalism, be tolerant, but be that way recognizing we are all just a happy accident.

And so what if some Mexican is proud of being of that heritage, we are melting pot or as some today say a tossed salad. You are too much a nationalist as well as a racist.
Acts, I think you missed the point or I made it poorly. Nationalism and racism are all part of tribalism. The belief that my tribe is better than your tribe. The original poster made that claim, most people do, it is deeply embedded in our evolutionary make up and a real deterrent to peace. Funny how criticism becomes dislike of your own country. If we are honest there is lots to criticize, that doesn't make you less patriotic, it should mean you are thinking and looking and maybe more patriotic than blind followers (Tribalists lol). Of course the Mexicans treat the Guatemalans bad, and vise versa is also true as are a million other in-group vs out-group. Sure you can think of many.
It is absolutely ridiculous for you to cal someone racist for being nationalistic. Every country should be nationalistic. Every country should be united under one flag, one language, and one culture.

Since the sunnis and shiites of Iraq are of a different "culture" even though they speak arabic, and since the Iraqi kurds are not only of a different culture, but also speak an entirely different language, can I assume, therefore, that you vehemently disagree with the administration's plan to attempt to keep Iraq under one flag?
It is absolutely ridiculous for you to cal someone racist for being nationalistic. Every country should be nationalistic. Every country should be united under one flag, one language, and one culture. That doesnt mean being ashamed of where you came from, your religion, or your race, but I dont run around saying, im white, im proud, or im straight, im proud or im jewish im proud, Because people who are truly proud arent so insecure that they have to throw it in peoples faces.

Nationalism is not racist, if all in one country are proud to be of that country. Regardless of your race, if your not proud to be an america, then your a traitor, and should move to a country where your prouf to be of that country. Good luck finding a better country.

And for the record, mexico treats guatamalens like shit, they look down and spit on them, and give no rights to illegal aliens.

Extreme forms of nationalism are the ideologies that spawned nearly all of the facist movments of the 20th century. How can you define a nation based on race or genetics? Hitler was a nationalist, an extreme facist who defined his empire on race. Please explain to me why every nation should be a nationalist nation?

Perhaps a very tiny amount of nationalism is good for a nation, but to go around shouting in the name of nationalism as if its some kind of beacon of hope for peace, is complete lunacy.

You can never justify throwing someone in jail for speaking a language other than english. Your universalistic claims about how the world should be oraganised, is century's old and would not stand up in congress. I dont know any legislator that wants to make it illegal to speak spanish. Do you? Because thats what your proposing, a nationalisic United States.
But within each group is a wide range of strengths, some Icelandic men are as weak as Dick Cheney. Some dark skinned men as smart as Bush. Same with all other traits, which means as a group, intelligence, athletic skill, all other traits, even stupidity, are widely spread among its members.

But the stronger point is that there are GROUP CHARACTERISTICS that DON'T vary much. Blacks TEND to be less intelligent than whites. That's a fact, even if you can find individual blacks who are smarter than some individual whites. What this means is that if all else is equal, blacks will never be as accomplished, as a group, as whites. But they demand that result, which means we have to "force" it from the front through affirmative action, taxes, etc. That's dishonest and disruptive. It does NOT "make us stronger." It's a lie that tears us down.
Tears who down? I don't know where you live or work but what tears us down is the loss of manufacturing jobs, the loss of technologies we created, lack of healthcare, a fair wage, and the corporate bamboozle that control those fools in Washington. There is no way we can test your superior theory without a totally level play field which ain't gonna happen. As far as overcoming discrimination and bigotry, of which you are the epitome, AA attempted to do that. Progress is slow but it had/has impact. As I said, one's tribe is always the best, it may be centuries before that idea stops us from killing each other. Or thinking we are better than the other.
Tears who down?



By extension, my family. If the Boston Globe won't hire me because I'm white, but will hire a black person, that's a pretty direct reduction in my opportunities and life plan. I don't know what else to tell you. At some point, we have to assume that you're willfully ignoring facts in order to cling to your point of view. I think if gravity were associated with racism, you'd jump off the Empire State Building to prove you weren't a racist.

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