Are you a Baby Boomer

Ronald Raygun was 70 when he took office, Sanders is 74.

And Raygun turned out to be one of the vilest criminals to ever hold high office in the US. At least Sanders has a grip on the Constitution.

Reagan was 69 when he first took the presidential oath.
Sanders would be 75.

Remember how you guys on the left criticized Reagan's age ? Most of you pointed out Reagan had the beginning stages of Alzheimers before he left office.

Imagine Sanders shitting his Depends as his wife tells him for the 40th time that John Kennedy will not be dropping by the White House to visit him.

Raygan was a criminal. Sanders is a lot more coherent than Raygun was and he is more coherent than all of the Republican candidates except maybe Kasich and Rubio. The rest are batshit with a capital batshit.

McCain was 71 in 2008 and cons voted for him in droves.

Its a fake low hanging fruit type of Red Herring. But this is the conservative go to play so have at it. Conservatives are afraid of the heavy lifting.

He's an old white guy, you guys need some new blood.

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