Are you a Godless American?

Are you a Godless American?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 41.7%
  • No

    Votes: 21 58.3%

  • Total voters
Ya? What exactly is the charge? Just more legal bullshit by the left to silence the right. Now they think they can shut people up with lawsuits. Obama would be proud.

Are you so clueless that you don’t know there are limits on free speech? You can’t yell “fire” in a crowed movie house, and you can't say intentionally something untrue to cause harm to another. I am sure if the Democratic candidate had ads claim that Dole had sex with sheep you would say that (assuming that’s not true) Dole could have a could stop her opponent from airing those adds.

If the ads do harm to the candidate, the candidate may be able to sue for damages, I am not sure if the Democrat is suing for injunctive relief (stop the untrue adds) or equitable relief (cash). Either way the burden is on the plaintiff to show that the statements are absolutely false.

There is no absolute right to free speech but it’s very hard (here in WA state) to get someone shut up if what they are saying is true.
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so you totally admit you could care less about issues as long as the gop wins.....point noted.

Good luck separating the issues from the parties.
People choose parties because of the issues. Not because they like the sound of the word "Democrat" or "Republican".
Good luck separating the issues from the parties.
People choose parties because of the issues. Not because they like the sound of the word "Democrat" or "Republican".

I'd just like to say god damn elizabeth dole for lying about her opponent. I used to respect the woman but clearly she is without conscience.

Fuck godless, are you homeless, pensionless, jobless.

Beware of anyone who talks about god too much. Ala jerry falwell, hagee.

Hey allie, was that minister who turned out to be gay a part of your church?

And how are you going to retire? I'd love to see your finances. I bet you're a baptist because they don't teach their members to change their situation. They teach them to cope and deal with life because the afterlife will be their reward. They teach por people this so they don't revolt.

And all the proof I need that americas organized religions are corrupt is to know they endorse the gop.
No links, huh?

Randi rhodes played dole's commercial where she accused her opponent of being godless. Then her opponent had to do a comercial confirming she is a christian and taught sunday school.

I'm sure you can utube/google it.

Anyways, the people in her state are not happy with dole, so I don't care if you believe it or not.

Where is she from? N. carolina or somewhere like that?

Allie, you're about to lose seats in both houses and the white house.
Why do you think the gop lost in 06? Now add the recesion we are in to that.

And didn't you argue we aren't in a recession? Now do you see you were fos? You weren't talking about the technical definition either. Just like mccain wasn't talking about workers when he said the economy was strong.
No links, huh?

Dole even got someone who sounded like her opponent to say horrible things on the commercial.

Why give you a link when you don't care that she's a liar. I'm sure you still support her because abortion is probably the only issue you care about.

And the gop only cares because its a wedge issue. A good one too.

You'll even bankrupt your own future for my man juice.
We weren't in a recession. Have to have negative growth for two quarters. Still not in a recession..until we have negative growth for two quarters.

CNN played Dole's commercial, too. With pictures of her opponent attending a FUND RAISER hosted got it...GODLESS AMERICANS.

The whole stink over this is just silliness, and the press is all over it because they want Dole to lose her seat. Then they will have almost complete global dominion!

I hope you're ready to be ruled by journalists. You wouldn't be excited about that, if you'd ever met any. Not only are they stupid, they're bigoted as well.
Dole even got someone who sounded like her opponent to say horrible things on the commercial.

Why give you a link when you don't care that she's a liar. I'm sure you still support her because abortion is probably the only issue you care about.

And the gop only cares because its a wedge issue. A good one too.

You'll even bankrupt your own future for my man juice.

Er...the "horrible thing" she "said" was something like "There is no God".

More evidence that you lie.

Give up a link, propogandist.
Randi rhodes played dole's commercial where she accused her opponent of being godless.

Randy Rhoads was a great guitarist. RIP.


Now back to the discussion! :cool:
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Er...the "horrible thing" she "said" was something like "There is no God".

More evidence that you lie.

Give up a link, propogandist.

She hasn't taken any PAC money from the Godless America group, so that is lie number one, the Godless america group/pac did not have a fund raiser for her, that's lie number two, and she never said there is no God, lie number three.

in the fox link it said:

a man that is a member of Godless America did have a fund raiser for her with John Kerry and others, but it was NOT on behalf of the Godless America group or PAC.

lies are evil, truth is Good. evil=Devil Good= God ;) simple as that!

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I am an American and a believer, too.

Still I am a Godless American because I do not believe that God loves Americans or america more than anyone or anyplace else.

I appreciate the sentiment. I don't know if it qualifies you as a "godless" American, but hey...we're not exclusive. I'd be interested where you stand on some other social/political/religious juxtapositions, though.
Are you a godless American?

No, actually I'm a god-FREE American. There's a big difference. GodLESS implies the person might want God sooner or later. GodFREE means the person is happy to be WITHOUT any gods whatsoever.
Godless in that I do not claim a Diety. And certainly do not claim to know the mind of any Diety that might exist. Could there be a Diety? Well, in a universe that Quantum Physics actually work in, I fail to see why not. I also fail to see any reason that there should be. Agnostic.
I think Dole was a jerk for making those comments but I didn't like Hagan's response. She sued because she thought Dole's pointing out her association with atheists was slander. She should have responded with "Yeah, I associated with atheists - so what?"
I realize that this is happening in a place where atheists are on the same level as lepers, however.

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