Zone1 Are You A Perfectionist When It Comes to God?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
It's like I know the fact that we're all sinners, and that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins so we didn't have to if we repent and just trust and believe in Him, but yet time and time again every time I sin I constantly beat myself up for it. My mind keeps telling me oh God surely isn't going to forgive me this time. I sure wish why I felt that way and what I could do to stop it.
Prior to Christ, Jews believed that forgiving 3 times was being more than generous. So, Peter asked Jesus how many times do I have to forgive? 7?
And Jesus replied:
Matthew 18:21-22 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

And the meaning of that was, as many times as they need it. That is how many times you are forgiven for your various sins, if you ask for it. If you have a specific "crime", you are suppose to turn away from it, as best you can. Having said that, if you feel bad about beating up your spouse and ask for forgiveness, then turn around that night and do it again and then again and again, then God will know in your heart you aren't repentant at all.
He judges your heart.

When you feel defeated, look up scripture on the grace of God on your computer. Start by remembering this:

2 Corinthians 12:9

But he replied, “My gift of undeserved grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak

Thank God for undeserved grace. Without it we would all be doomed...


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Prior to Christ, Jews believed that forgiving 3 times was being more than generous. So, Peter asked Jesus how many times do I have to forgive? 7?
And Jesus replied:
Matthew 18:21-22 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

And the meaning of that was, as many times as they need it. That is how many times you are forgiven for your various sins, if you ask for it. If you have a specific "crime", you are suppose to turn away from it, as best you can. Having said that, if you feel bad about beating up your spouse and ask for forgiveness, then turn around that night and do it again and then again and again, then God will know in your heart you aren't repentant at all.
He judges your heart.

When you feel that way, look up scripture on the grace of God on your computer. Start by remembering this:

2 Corinthians 12:9

But he replied, “My gift of undeserved grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak

Thank God for undeserved grace. Without it we would all be doomed...

Yes but the problem is some sins I just cannot turn away from no matter how hard I try to or want to. I'm mostly talking about cussing for this one. I've gotten a whole lot better with it don't get me wrong, but I still do it from time to time because I don't know how else to express myself when I'm angry.
yet time and time again every time I sin I constantly beat myself up for it. My mind keeps telling me oh God surely isn't going to forgive me this time. I sure wish why I felt that way and what I could do to stop it.

Yes but the problem is some sins I just cannot turn away from no matter how hard I try to or want to. I'm mostly talking about cussing for this one. I've gotten a whole lot better with it don't get me wrong, but I still do it from time to time because I don't know how else to express myself when I'm angry.
A couple of things to keep in mind: First remember that sin against the Holy Spirit that is unforgivable? People have been wondering what exactly that sin might be. One thought is a belief that a sin cannot or won't be forgiven. That belief indicates a supreme lack of trust in God and what he can do--and from you I haven't seen an iota that you do not trust in God's in the above, it appears that lack of trust appears regarding your own power! Some call that a sign a person is humble. Humbleness is a virtue, so you are on target.

One of Jesus' teachings to keep in mind: One cannot just clear out a sin(s) and leave that space empty. One must replace it with something else. Is there a short quote, line from a song/poem, or prayer you can say when you feel anger building? A joke or incident that always makes you smile are also possibilities.

What has worked for me is that I have a carving of a lion lying down with a lamb. I see the lion as representing the strong emotions, the lamb as the gentler ones. It is not the lion who should gobble up the lamb, nor should the lamb silence the lion. They lie down together and figure it out. Anger is often an alert that action is required. I think of the Lion yelling, Action! and then allowing the lamb to determine the best action. (Doing nothing is prohibited.) Discover what works for you.

I know you will be able to figure it out!
It's a mind set RR. Give it to God to take away from you. Pick one of the words you wish wouldn't come out of your mouth, and come up with a substitute for it. e.g. crap instead of shit. Ask God to ring a bell in your mind before the word comes out and he'll give you a conscious awareness to use the substitute. And then give yourself the time it takes to make the substitute the norm.

Paul felt the same way you do. He lamented over his ongoing struggle with sin in his life:
Romans 7: 18-19 “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing."
Then he tells us who fixes it for us:
Though our efforts to do right seem desperate, we do have hope “through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 7:25; Hebrews 4:15). And He, in fact, is the key to our victory over sin.

Our key to victory in our struggle with sin lies in the very promise of God Himself:

1 Corinth 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it”.
A couple of things to keep in mind: First remember that sin against the Holy Spirit that is unforgivable? People have been wondering what exactly that sin might be. One thought is a belief that a sin cannot or won't be forgiven. That belief indicates a supreme lack of trust in God and what he can do--and from you I haven't seen an iota that you do not trust in God's in the above, it appears that lack of trust appears regarding your own power! Some call that a sign a person is humble. Humbleness is a virtue, so you are on target.

One of Jesus' teachings to keep in mind: One cannot just clear out a sin(s) and leave that space empty. One must replace it with something else. Is there a short quote, line from a song/poem, or prayer you can say when you feel anger building? A joke or incident that always makes you smile are also possibilities.

What has worked for me is that I have a carving of a lion lying down with a lamb. I see the lion as representing the strong emotions, the lamb as the gentler ones. It is not the lion who should gobble up the lamb, nor should the lamb silence the lion. They lie down together and figure it out. Anger is often an alert that action is required. I think of the Lion yelling, Action! and then allowing the lamb to determine the best action. (Doing nothing is prohibited.) Discover what works for you.

I know you will be able to figure it out!

The thing is that when it comes to the democrats, I do wish a lion would gobble them up and that's where my anger is coming from btw. The left who hates God, hates women, and indoctrinates, mentally, physically, and sexually abuses children. So I do believe that my anger's justified it's how I handle it that I need to work on.

It's a mind set RR. Give it to God to take away from you. Pick one of the words you wish wouldn't come out of your mouth, and come up with a substitute for it. e.g. crap instead of shit. Ask God to ring a bell in your mind before the word comes out and he'll give you a conscious awareness to use the substitute. And then give yourself the time it takes to make the substitute the norm.

Paul felt the same way you do. He lamented over his ongoing struggle with sin in his life:
Romans 7: 18-19 “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing."
Then he tells us who fixes it for us:
Though our efforts to do right seem desperate, we do have hope “through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 7:25; Hebrews 4:15). And He, in fact, is the key to our victory over sin.

Our key to victory in our struggle with sin lies in the very promise of God Himself:

1 Corinth 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it”.

Yeah the thing is that's my fear, because I am stuck in my sin that God won't forgive me even though I do not wish to continue doing it and want a way out of it, but with these PEOPLE on here (and in the real world today) it makes it rather difficult to stop.
The thing is that when it comes to the democrats, I do wish a lion would gobble them up and that's where my anger is coming from btw. The left who hates God, hates women, and indoctrinates, mentally, physically, and sexually abuses children. So I do believe that my anger's justified it's how I handle it that I need to work on.

Yeah the thing is that's my fear, because I am stuck in my sin that God won't forgive me even though I do not wish to continue doing it and want a way out of it, but with these PEOPLE on here (and in the real world today) it makes it rather difficult to stop.
I would like God to do with Pelosi, what He did to Jezebel. He literally turned Jeze into dog shit! When I know I should be praying for Nance instead. And Biden? Oh dear God...
It is a real struggle...
I would like God to do with Pelosi, what He did to Jezebel. He literally turned Jeze into dog shit! When I know I should be praying for Nance instead. And Biden? Oh dear God...
It is a real struggle...

So in other words, I'm nowhere near close to being the only one who struggles with this. Not by a longshot.
Good that you are a perfectionist OP. Same as me .
Ask Bully God what went wrong with his efforts .
A total disaster so far .
Did he need practise and a few trials first?
When do you think he will try properly ?
We are to pray for our enemies and for our leaders, period. I know that. But there is something else. We have reached the final Chapter in the Bible, and our leaders are now the ones that Christ himself is going to return to stop. The one world government and the antichrist are at the door. They plan on sole control by 2030.
Now I just pray for Christ to hurry up!
Good that you are a perfectionist OP. Same as me .
Ask Bully God what went wrong with his efforts .
A total disaster so far .
Did he need practise and a few trials first?
When do you think he will try properly ?
God gave dominion of this earth to Adam. Adam acquiesced that job over to Satan for a time. < a very short time on the eternal clock. And a just God will honor that. Christ, the second Adam is about to take it back. In the meantime, God is collecting His army.
Adam gave us the disaster, Christ will give us the victory...
The thing is that when it comes to the democrats, I do wish a lion would gobble them up and that's where my anger is coming from btw. The left who hates God, hates women, and indoctrinates, mentally, physically, and sexually abuses children. So I do believe that my anger's justified it's how I handle it that I need to work on.
Remember, there are many Democrats who love God and women and are very protective of children. Many don't see the "far left" or "woke" as Democrats because their knowledge of true Democrats is so vastly different.

I feel the entire nation might benefit with the rise of a third party. Both current parties need a wake-up call. The population as a whole also needs to wake-up. There has been senility in my family, and I immediately took note of the symptoms in Mr. Biden and was aghast how so few voters were. I was horrified by what the Democrat Machine had planned, but incredibly angry with Jill Biden, whose job was to protect and care for her husband in his condition. While I was never a fan of the President even when he was younger, it is Jill who sickens me. It seems she and the Machine intend to plow ahead again. On Joe's behalf, I feel like gagging. Any human being deserves better.

Would working on a third party be of any interest to you?
Yeah the thing is that's my fear, because I am stuck in my sin that God won't forgive me even though I do not wish to continue doing it and want a way out of it,
Then you have taken the first step, not the only step! Decide what your second step will be, and then take your time. Reflect on how much time God takes in his own work.
Then you have taken the first step, not the only step! Decide what your second step will be, and then take your time.

Well I stopped myself from cussing today and used different words to express my anger instead so I guess baby steps is the key. I think what The Irish Ram meant is that there is a difference with struggling with the same sin and trying to get out of it versus sinning over and over again and not even wanting to attempt to stop and get better.
Yes but the problem is some sins I just cannot turn away from no matter how hard I try ...

you've not found a proper replacement certainly helps ... the heavens is nowhere to turn to for your weakness, best hope for the desert to keep you warm.

nothing is perfect, for religion there is only one goal, purity.

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