Are you a social conservative who supports civilized values?

I think we encourage TOO much marriage .

How many young kids get married because the guys going into the military? What's the divorce rate for people married in their early 20s?
Homosexuality is a sin, but it is a minor sin, easily forgiven if done secretly so as not to cause scandal to children.

Open homosexuality is the sin of scandal, and Jesus Christ described scandalizing children as one of the worst of sins, deserving of especially harsh condemnation.

You don't have to know that much about Bible to understand that all men and women who practice homosexuality openly are damned to hell.

or they may be just creating a random wave whereupon Western society adopts ancient Greek sexual culture without having an intellectual point of view about it happening having been too numbed by politically correct liberal culture.
as a self proclaimed social conservative, you should believe in the first amendment, which states congress shall make no law concerning an establishment of religion, and the free exercise there of.
that's really stupid since marriage in not a religion!! And govt could not establish it anyway because it has been established for 3000 years.

My point is what say does the government have since it's been around for ages, what point are you making off that? You're helping my point that government is to stay out of it. And sure marriage is not religion, but it is generally a religious ceremony. Just because there is gay marriage doesn't mean you have to like it or condone it. Just like you don't have to like what muslims believe or condone it, yet I'm sure you believe that they have the right to practice that as long as they aren't hurting or stealing from anyone and claiming religious liberty, since in the act of doing that, they'd be impeding on other people's rights
I am a quasi-libertarian.

Which means I'm an economic conservative but not a social conservative.
As far as the govt stepping in, that can only make matters worse.

thats pretty absurd. Values come from somewhere and often it is govt. Where do you think they come from? Our founders knew what laws we should live under and they did not include you marrying your fishing rod and many other crazy deadly absurd ideas that common liberal people would gravitate toward if left to their own devices
I don't know about you, but as far as I'm concerned the last people on the face of the Earth that should be establishing values is the govt. Look at the schools. Are you comfortable with the "values" our govt controlled schools are espousing? Apparently it's more important that our children know all about billy's 2 mommys than it is to be able to read.
This is a false equivalency. Murder vs marriage... come on now..
come on what??? they are equivalent to the extent they are both very basic and very important

One is the taking of human life, the other is a ceremony.
goofy!!! they both govern central and fundamental aspects of social interaction and thus are of concern to govt.

If you're a progressive and believe that government should be central in social aspects then sure. I do not share your values. I'm not a progressive. Clearly you are. You may not be a Hillary progressive, but a progressive republican. Same solutions, different problems.

Do you agree with how government got its foot in the door with marriage keeping blacks from marrying whites?
I am a quasi-libertarian.

Which means I'm an economic conservative but not a social conservative.

Me too. I think the govt should step in but the country is so democratic now and so socially liberal that it is doubtful it could do any good without a big shift in people's consciousness
I am a quasi-libertarian.

Which means I'm an economic conservative but not a social conservative.

Me too. I think the govt should step in but the country is so democratic now and so socially liberal that it is doubtful it could do any good without a big shift in people's consciousness

That's not libertarian. If you're wanting to use government to press your values onto others, you're a progressive
And exactly what is the govt going to do? Pass a love your spouse law?
exactly thats what we had in the 1950's. If you didn't pick right you were doomed to a life of misery; so love and family became a big deal as it should have.

liberals are short term and stupid. They picked divorce over marriage and welfare over work, short term solutions with long term consequences. Liberals being stupid always make thing worse in the long run because they lack the IQ to understand the long run.
I am a quasi-libertarian.

Which means I'm an economic conservative but not a social conservative.

Me too. I think the govt should step in but the country is so democratic now and so socially liberal that it is doubtful it could do any good without a big shift in people's consciousness

That's not libertarian. If you're wanting to use government to press your values onto others, you're a progressive

no true a libertarian is not an anarchist. Any society must have some shared values which are promoted and maintained in part with govt.
If you are appalled you live in a country that offers far more enthusiasm for gay marriage than heterosexual marriage you are a social conservative with civilized values. In fact, not only do liberals offer no enthusiasm they offer opposition to heterosexual marriage with their feminism, welfare, abortion and no fault divorce culture.

50% of marriages end in divorce, lack of 'enthusiasm' seems to be universal but never put it past a con-operative to try to use a dead fish for political gain.
A by product of anti traditional marriage, child hating culture.
And exactly what is the govt going to do? Pass a love your spouse law?
exactly thats what we had in the 1950's. If you didn't pick right you were doomed to a life of misery; so love and family became a big deal as it should have.

liberals are short term and stupid. They picked divorce over marriage and welfare over work, short term solutions with long term consequences. Liberals being stupid always make thing worse in the long run because they lack the IQ to understand the long run.
Agreed, sadly the govt has not only made this possible but gone out of their way to promote such things. I've listened to Thomas Sowell a well known black conservative speak of how he watched govt personnel and govt supported social groups go door to door in the 1960s telling black families about how much more money they could get if the father left the home. The govt is a disease,
If you are appalled you live in a country that offers far more enthusiasm for gay marriage than heterosexual marriage you are a social conservative with civilized values. In fact, not only do liberals offer no enthusiasm they offer opposition to heterosexual marriage with their feminism, welfare, abortion and no fault divorce culture.

What's uncivilized about same sex marriage?
Do you agree with how government got its foot in the door with marriage keeping blacks from marrying whites?

Not until the 16th century did European states begin to require that marriages be performed under legal auspices. In part, this was an attempt to prevent unions between young adults whose parents opposed their match.

The American colonies officially required marriages to be registered, but until the mid-19th century, state supreme courts routinely ruled that public cohabitation was sufficient evidence of a valid marriage. By the later part of that century, however, the United States began to nullify common-law marriages and exert more control over who was allowed to marry.

By the 1920s, 38 states prohibited whites from marrying blacks, “mulattos,” Japanese, Chinese, Indians, “Mongolians,” “Malays” or Filipinos. Twelve states would not issue a marriage license if one partner was a drunk, an addict or a “mental defect.” Eighteen states set barriers to remarriage after divorce.
If you are appalled you live in a country that offers far more enthusiasm for gay marriage than heterosexual marriage you are a social conservative with civilized values. In fact, not only do liberals offer no enthusiasm they offer opposition to heterosexual marriage with their feminism, welfare, abortion and no fault divorce culture.

50% of marriages end in divorce, lack of 'enthusiasm' seems to be universal but never put it past a con-operative to try to use a dead fish for political gain.
A by product of anti traditional marriage, child hating culture.

Traditional marriage consisted of polygamy, child marriage, arranged marriage.


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