Are you a social conservative who supports civilized values?

You my friend are a progressive, you want to use government as a tool to fix whatever it is you see wrong with the world. .

if you have evidence of that I will pay you $10,000? Bet?

Do you have 10 grand?
if you have evidence of that I will pay you $10,000? Bet?

And I'm supposed to believe you're going to be objective to that?

I play you're game. Do you believe in freedom of religion, and that congress shall make no law impeding the free exercise of religion?
Yes, and???????????????????

And if a church wants to marry man to man, government has no right to impede this. Congress shall make no law.
If you don't mind your own business when it comes to the personal choices of other people you do not have
"civilized" values
If you are appalled you live in a country that offers far more enthusiasm for gay marriage than heterosexual marriage you are a social conservative with civilized values. In fact, not only do liberals offer no enthusiasm they offer opposition to heterosexual marriage with their feminism, welfare, abortion and no fault divorce culture.
Social conservativism is the bane of the American Nation.

The social right’s ‘values’ are in conflict with the most fundamental tenets of this Republic, its Constitution, with the Constitution’s case law, the rule of law, and the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

This thread’s premise is further proof of that.
Social conservativism is the bane of the American Nation.
exactly, modern hip-hop culture is so much better. Imagine going backwards in time to a point at which kids lived in families with 2 loving parents!!

exactly, imagine going back to the horrible old fashioned conservative paradigm wherein you loved and married the person with whom you had sex, and then loved the children and family that resulted. Modern liberal hip-hop culture is such an improvement. No love is required. You simple have meaningless sex with strangers and kill the babies that results or raise them in poverty so they are more likely to go to prison than to college.
If you don't mind your own business when it comes to the personal choices of other people you do not have
"civilized" values

murder is a personal choice, starving your children, not sending them to school? Please think before you post despite being a liberal
If you don't mind your own business when it comes to the personal choices of other people you do not have
"civilized" values

murder is a personal choice, starving your children, not sending them to school? Please think before you post despite being a liberal

funny I'm not a liberal nor am I a conservative

murder is illegal, child abuse and neglect is illegal, I have no problem with parents who home school

I don't care about gay marriage, or abortion or any other legal choice a person makes because those choices are none of my business and they are none of yours either
Traditional marriage consisted of polygamy, child marriage, arranged marriage.
depends what tradition you are talking about. 1+1=2

Polygamy probably has a longer tradition than monogamy. In fact I'm certain it has.

It's in the Bible!

And I don't believe government should have a say when more that 2 consenting adults want to marry each other. What's your point?

Howard Stern had a liberal guy on who married a dolphin and another who married a redwood tree on theory that once married to a human you have the same rights as a human married to a human. The subject is far too complex for a liberal to grasp but society through govt should define hetersexual love and marriage as primary and different.
Traditional marriage consisted of polygamy, child marriage, arranged marriage.
depends what tradition you are talking about. 1+1=2

Polygamy probably has a longer tradition than monogamy. In fact I'm certain it has.

It's in the Bible!

And I don't believe government should have a say when more that 2 consenting adults want to marry each other. What's your point?

Howard Stern had a liberal guy on who married a dolphin and another who married a redwood tree on theory that once married to a human you have the same rights as a human married to a human. The subject is far too complex for a liberal to grasp but society through govt should define hetersexual love and marriage as primary and different.
Howard Stern?

Really? It's bad enough that you listen to him but that you actually pay to listen to him well....
Congress shall make no law.

actually Congress exists to make laws. 1+1=2

Not my words, the constitutions words, that "conservatives" want to conserve the constitution, vs progressive who believe human nature progresses and government should progress with whatever is socially acceptable to them.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I'm sorry if you don't like the first amendment, most progressives don't. But that's the text and it's pretty clear
Not my words, the constitutions words, that "conservatives" want to conserve the constitution, vs progressive who believe human nature progresses and government should progress with whatever is socially acceptable to them.
the constitution says that about progressives???? Where???????????????

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