Are you a social conservative who supports civilized values?

the govt needs to just get out of marriage, completely. The govt sucks at everything, why should marriage be any different?

well, that would be like saying the govt should get out of murder. Any society should have at least some shared values; opposition to murder being one, and opposition to marrying your fishing rod being another. Now that liberals have destroyed the church ( who created love and marriage much to liberal dismay) govt must step in to promote marriage no matter how poorly it will do at it.

So it was the destruction of the Mormon church that outlawed polygamy?
If you would quote my whole post you's see I gave you a 3 rd choice

what is it??????????????????

you can't figure it out?

an advocate of a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control.

You can't have a society where every man is entitled to his own set of laws, rules, and regulations.

Where did I ever say that?

I never said everything should be legal did I?

but there are countless choices that are illegal that shouldn't be

You said you advocate freedom of action for the individual, over state control.

yeah and?

Look as much as you want to believe it laws do not prevent crime. People choose to commit crimes every day.

but I am talking about choices that have no effect an anyone but the person making the choice that the state should not attempt to exert any control over.
Not my words, the constitutions words, that "conservatives" want to conserve the constitution, vs progressive who believe human nature progresses and government should progress with whatever is socially acceptable to them.
the constitution says that about progressives???? Where???????????????

Mm no never said constitution says anything about progressives, I was contrasting what conservatives and progressives believe regarding the constitution. I thought that was clear, go back and read it again if you need.

That post was in response to your previous post. Your post stated Congress's job is to make laws, which was in response to me quoting the first amendment that states congress shall make no law.... one would believe that you were suggesting it's congress job to make laws concerning religion.
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You my friend are a progressive, you want to use government as a tool to fix whatever it is you see wrong with the world. .

if you have evidence of that I will pay you $10,000? Bet?

Do you have 10 grand?
if you have evidence of that I will pay you $10,000? Bet?

Do you want an amendment to define marriage as one man one woman?

who cares?? the issue is that now our decadent libcommie culture has far more energy and enthusiasm for gay marriage than straight marriage.
the govt needs to just get out of marriage, completely. The govt sucks at everything, why should marriage be any different?

well, that would be like saying the govt should get out of murder. Any society should have at least some shared values; opposition to murder being one, and opposition to marrying your fishing rod being another. Now that liberals have destroyed the church ( who created love and marriage much to liberal dismay) govt must step in to promote marriage no matter how poorly it will do at it.

So it was the destruction of the Mormon church that outlawed polygamy?

actually Mormon church was not destroyed. Its alive and well. Sorry to rock your world!!
You're helping my point that government is to stay out of it.

what????govt is deeply in it just now making gay marriage legal and helping to destroy heterosexual marriage. Hello?????

The problem is simple. The term 'marriage' needs to be tossed. Marriage is a religious ceremony, so some people tend to get hung up on the terminology. If the government is to make dividends issuing licenses, then they can be called a 'civil unions', business agreements, or whatever.
If you are appalled you live in a country that offers far more enthusiasm for gay marriage than heterosexual marriage you are a social conservative with civilized values. In fact, not only do liberals offer no enthusiasm they offer opposition to heterosexual marriage with their feminism, welfare, abortion and no fault divorce culture.
When did more gays get married than straights?
. Marriage is a religious ceremony,
why not tell us why you think its not a govt issue?? Do you think people will learn it from
star gazing?

I'm not saying marriage isn't currently a government issue. The problem is, it shouldn't be. Should have never been in the first place.
its like murder, govt and religion should work together to improve human behavior.

I believe the government should be secular.
. Marriage is a religious ceremony,
why not tell us why you think its not a govt issue?? Do you think people will learn it from
star gazing?

I'm not saying marriage isn't currently a government issue. The problem is, it shouldn't be. Should have never been in the first place.
its like murder, govt and religion should work together to improve human behavior.

See I told you you were a progressive. You think government should socially engineer human behavior. Government should be in the business of upholding rights. The difference between murder and marriage is that one takes away rights from another vs one that doesn't effect others.
. Marriage is a religious ceremony,
why not tell us why you think its not a govt issue?? Do you think people will learn it from
star gazing?

I'm not saying marriage isn't currently a government issue. The problem is, it shouldn't be. Should have never been in the first place.
It has been for a while due to health and contractual law concerns..

Nope started out as keeping blacks from marrying rights. If you think government should have control of marriage because of the very very minuscule percentage of family members who want to marry each other well...they don't stop those relationships anyway, and what else do you think government should take control of BC of a minuscule percentage of bad actors?
I think we encourage TOO much marriage .

How many young kids get married because the guys going into the military? What's the divorce rate for people married in their early 20s?
Because not getting married= pregnancies= broken families?

1/2 end in divorce so they end up broken anyway .

No one should have a kid till at least 25!
Well then we should just pass a law. You can't have sex until you're off your parents insurance at 26.

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