Are you a transabledphobe?

I'm not a nwordphobe, homophobe, transphobe, transabledphobe or any of that stupid shit.

Being a phobe means you have an irrational fear of something.

I'm not afraid of trannies. I just simply don't like them at all.
Because physicians swear "To do no harm" ... blinding someone is harmful in medical terms ... and it's felony assault ...
In other words, the doctor should have their medical license revoked if not be indicted.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As for the woman who wanted to be blind, her new address should be the nearest loony bin.
There are cases where people hate their legs so much that they search for a doctor who is willing to amputate a healthy limb. I remember reading about a person who couldn't find a doctor who was willing so he laid on the railroad tracks and succeeded in removing his legs. Strangely enough there are surgeons who fall all over themselves these days trying to find people who want healthy genitals and reproductive organs removed.
How many Democrats accept Elizabeth Warren, the female who identified as Native American throughout her career, as a Native American ... all 1 / 1024 of it? This is a Democrat politician who took advantage of her identity to advance her education, background and political aspirations. This is YOUR example of how identifying as something you're not works.

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