Are You a White Nationalist or Hispanic nationalist or........

Nationalists suck donkey balls.

What do you suck? You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Not a nationalist. See my sig.

You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything. What do you think is wrong with the majority of all Americans right now? They are both advocating for a bastardized form of government that is foreign to what the founders had in mind and it makes NO SENSE.
Nationalists suck donkey balls.

What do you suck? You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Not a nationalist. See my sig.

You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything. What do you think is wrong with the majority of all Americans right now? They are both advocating for a bastardized form of government that is foreign to what the founders had in mind and it makes NO SENSE.

so does that mean you are a Hispanic nationalst???
Nationalists suck donkey balls.

What do you suck? You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Not a nationalist. See my sig.

You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
I stand for plenty. Just not a nation-state. Government should be the servant of the people. I don't "stand for" my government any more than I stand for my barber.
Have you read this thread?

have I read is not question; for 6th time question is: are you white or hispanic nationalist. Do you know why you are so scared???

I fear nothing. If you check my posts, others fear me. They cannot make any response other than personal attacks and / or flee the thread.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." Winston Churchill
Nationalists suck donkey balls.

What do you suck? You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Not a nationalist. See my sig.

You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything. What do you think is wrong with the majority of all Americans right now? They are both advocating for a bastardized form of government that is foreign to what the founders had in mind and it makes NO SENSE.

so does that mean you are a Hispanic nationalst???

"13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven
." Matthew 16: 13 though 17

I find myself in the same position. Everybody has an opinion. Unfortunately for me, God hasn't told anyone who I am so it's impossible to tell you.

How can I be a Hispanic Nationalist when I'm not Hispanic, have only a working knowledge of Spanish, don't like the cuisine, ain't a Catholic, and wish that Americans would support Americans and quit thinking Trump is some kind of God that can save them from their own actions? Then, again, how can I be a White Nationalist when I vehemently disagree with the suicidal proposed solutions the Whites have been conned into supporting?
Nationalists suck donkey balls.

What do you suck? You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Not a nationalist. See my sig.

You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
I stand for plenty. Just not a nation-state. Government should be the servant of the people. I don't "stand for" my government any more than I stand for my barber.

I'm not loyal to government nor to political parties. I believe in foundational principles: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness for example. I believe in unalienable Rights. That is to say, I believe that all human beings have Rights that transcend government. The colonists went to war over that concept - and defeated the mightiest nation in the annals of history. Government should be very very limited. When we don't limit them, they are working 24 / 7 to limit us.

I believe that the White people have a destiny to fulfill and the the Right to their own homeland and the Right to pursue a government that best represents their culture and values. Then, again, the values of the current generation are 180 degrees opposite of what made America great. You condemn such a platform, but most of the people on this earth practice those principles for their own people and NEVER generate any negative criticism. China has more Chinese in China than there are White people on the face of the earth and 98.1 percent of those Chinese are Han Chinese. If we had a town in America composed of 98 percent White people, it would be all over the Internet. Why the stereotyping and hatred aimed toward the White people?
I don't "stand for" my government any more than I stand for my barber.

so you are a communist who stands against your govt?????????

You stand against your barber and want him dead or at least out of business????

See how little sense you make?
suicidal proposed solutions the Whites have been conned into supporting?

the best example is?????????????????????????

The best example was post # 90. What was conservative is now liberal and what was liberal is now one hand washing the other. The Dems used Hegelian Dialectics in that instance. It's funny. The right tries to align themselves with Christian values. Here are the facts:

"15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves."

1) White Nationalists have jumped onto the MAGA bandwagon

2) The MAGA strategy is to declare human beings as being "illegal" and use that as a pretext for mass deportations and a silly wall. That is the same wall the Democrats were calling for just a couple of decades ago

3) Liberty is attacked and people are expected to become citizens in order to have unalienable Rights

4) As these foreigners become more and more entrenched in political office, the more they accomplish toward changing America into a socialist democracy

5) The laws that the right want enforced were put into place by Democrats (with Ted Kennedy as the chief lobbyist) in order to dilute the White vote and declare a subtle war of genocide against Whites. The Whites actually want those laws enforced!!!

6) The nutty wall idea is being characterized as measure to enforce the law. And what laws? Those would be laws passed by the Democrats to wage war against the Posterity of the founders / framers of this country AND power grabs by the United States Supreme Court to disenfranchise we, the people

7) Under the 14th Amendment, all persons are guaranteed the "equal protection of the laws." So, the right calls people "illegal aliens" for exercising their Right to Liberty as guaranteed to all persons. When unconstitutional laws are passed to confiscate our firearms, we have no presumption of innocence; we denied it to the foreigners. The United States Supreme Court ruled that it is not a crime to be present in the United States without papers

8) Playing true to form, those MAGA supporters will fight harder than Clinton did to institute pure slavery. They do not want a conversation; no honest discussion and they cannot understand they got played. For if the foreigner can be pursued for exercising their Liberty, so can the gun owner - no matter what the Second Amendment guarantees

9) There is a 100 mile Constitution Free Zone in place to enforce those immigration laws. It affects over half of the American people already. If you are within 100 miles of the U.S. border, your Rights can automatically be suspended on the pretext that the LEOs are enforcing immigration laws. How long before that extends to every scenario wherein LEOs pursue suspected criminals... including YOU. No presumption of innocence, no warrants necessary... "equal protection of the laws" - AND all because the MAGA people conflate unalienable Rights with citizenship

10) The people supporting the MAGA concept and the agenda of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump seem oblivious to the fact that those guys have already spent more money than they told you this nutty idea was supposed to save. Worse, the Republicans, Tea Party types and MAGA folks have instituted a POLICE STATE with the power to take over the United States and void the Constitution. Most of it has been done. The rest of the precedents will be forthcoming during this Corona virus crisis. And that is the Reader's Digest version of that aspect.
suicidal proposed solutions the Whites have been conned into supporting?

the best example is?????????????????????????

The best example was post # 90. What was conservative is now liberal and what was liberal is now one hand washing the other. The Dems used Hegelian Dialectics in that instance. It's funny. The right tries to align themselves with Christian values. Here are the facts:

"15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves."

1) White Nationalists have jumped onto the MAGA bandwagon

2) The MAGA strategy is to declare human beings as being "illegal" and use that as a pretext for mass deportations and a silly wall. That is the same wall the Democrats were calling for just a couple of decades ago

3) Liberty is attacked and people are expected to become citizens in order to have unalienable Rights

4) As these foreigners become more and more entrenched in political office, the more they accomplish toward changing America into a socialist democracy

5) The laws that the right want enforced were put into place by Democrats (with Ted Kennedy as the chief lobbyist) in order to dilute the White vote and declare a subtle war of genocide against Whites. The Whites actually want those laws enforced!!!

6) The nutty wall idea is being characterized as measure to enforce the law. And what laws? Those would be laws passed by the Democrats to wage war against the Posterity of the founders / framers of this country AND power grabs by the United States Supreme Court to disenfranchise we, the people

7) Under the 14th Amendment, all persons are guaranteed the "equal protection of the laws." So, the right calls people "illegal aliens" for exercising their Right to Liberty as guaranteed to all persons. When unconstitutional laws are passed to confiscate our firearms, we have no presumption of innocence; we denied it to the foreigners. The United States Supreme Court ruled that it is not a crime to be present in the United States without papers

8) Playing true to form, those MAGA supporters will fight harder than Clinton did to institute pure slavery. They do not want a conversation; no honest discussion and they cannot understand they got played. For if the foreigner can be pursued for exercising their Liberty, so can the gun owner - no matter what the Second Amendment guarantees

9) There is a 100 mile Constitution Free Zone in place to enforce those immigration laws. It affects over half of the American people already. If you are within 100 miles of the U.S. border, your Rights can automatically be suspended on the pretext that the LEOs are enforcing immigration laws. How long before that extends to every scenario wherein LEOs pursue suspected criminals... including YOU. No presumption of innocence, no warrants necessary... "equal protection of the laws" - AND all because the MAGA people conflate unalienable Rights with citizenship

10) The people supporting the MAGA concept and the agenda of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump seem oblivious to the fact that those guys have already spent more money than they told you this nutty idea was supposed to save. Worse, the Republicans, Tea Party types and MAGA folks have instituted a POLICE STATE with the power to take over the United States and void the Constitution. Most of it has been done. The rest of the precedents will be forthcoming during this Corona virus crisis. And that is the Reader's Digest version of that aspect.
long dopey rant because you could not answer? give us best example or admit you lack ability to do so.

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