Are You a White Nationalist or Hispanic nationalist or........

I'm white, I love my country and am PROUD of it. Am I racist? Not a chance.
So you want a wall to preserve the country you love???
Yep, A nice 100 mile wall would be nice. It would certainly help keep the ILLEGAL riffraff out of my country.

As a matter of fact, a wall would NOT keep any "riffraff" out. Then, again, I might not understand you. So, let me present this to you and you explain your position.

The argument is, if we allow people to come in "legally" as they call it, the sun shines in Heaven and America becomes great. Correct? If I got that wrong, feel free to expound on your post.

So, what is happening with the foreigners that are coming in "legally?" They become part of the body politic. The leadership in the 116th Congress is composed this way:

"There are 52 immigrants and children of immigrants serving in the House of Representatives and 16 serving in the Senate. Counting both chambers, 57 of the 68 lawmakers who are immigrants or children of immigrants are Democrats. Ten others are Republicans, and one – Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont – is an independent."

Rep. Ilhan Omar and Bernie Sanders are among those "legal citizens." So, here is what I don't understand. The right claims to be all about reducing government. But, they want to go to the trouble of forcing people to become citizens in exchange for rights. With those government granted rights comes the privilege of voting. And 57 out of 68 people in this immigrant class ended up voting Democrat. Democrats pretend not to like the wall idea. The Democrats are committed to completely changing our culture. So, you make them become citizens; ultimately they outvote you (Republicans lost the last presidential elections on the popular vote count, but were saved by the electoral vote) and, at some point, there are more of them than there are of you. They outvote you, rescind all the anti-immigrant measures you put into place... and so your strategy doesn't make sense to me.

Playing that strategy has Nationalists losing - whether they think they are the bastardized social liberal Nationalists OR White Nationalists. The non-white world realizes that America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. So, they are dedicated to removing our statues, monuments, and memorials. They are removing our flags, changing the names of schools, streets, etc. and marginalizing our holidays. They are going to take the faces of white people off the currency. In short, these people have been programmed to hate the white people. They want to erase you from the pages of history and turn America into a socialist cesspool. The white people who have this wall mentality (that a wall and forced citizenship) will make America great again seem to me to out of touch with reality. You're only two election cycles away from being irrelevant as a voting bloc. Maybe you would like to explain it better so I understand it better.
The 14th Amendment did NOT make blacks and whites equal
In what respect?

dblack ran from that answer. The Declaration of Independence provides:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The presupposition that we fought the War of Independence over was that man has Rights that are above the government. John Adams, the second president of the United States once stated:

“You have Rights antecedent to all earthly governments; Rights that cannot he repealed or restrained by human laws; Rights derived from the Great Legislator of the universe.

Even in the United States Supreme Court's Heller decision the high Court admitted that originally your Rights preexisted and that your Rights under the Second Amendment (which would cover the entire Bill of Rights since the Bill of Rights is ONE law) were "codified into law." From what were those guaranteed Rights in the Bill of Rights codified from? The answer there is the Declaration of Independence. And the Declaration of Independence proclaims that your unalienable Rights are bestowed upon you by your Creator (your God, whomever you deem that to be.) Those Rights are above the law; nobody can take them from you; no legislator can constitutionally limit them or deny them to you (the Second Amendment guarantees the Right to keep and bear Arms so that the citizenry cannot be forced to accept infringements on your Rights.)

The 14th Amendment changed the equation. The 14th Amendment has the government doling out "rights" (which are actually privileges) and they get to decide who gets what right and who does not. You no longer have unalienable Rights, but government granted rights. For votes, the liberals passed the current immigration laws. Now, according to the government, those immigration laws allow people to come here equally from all countries. Today, even the right chants the liberal mantra - I don't care whether you are black, or white, Muslim, Christian, atheist..." blah, blah, blah. Well for the whites to endorse and want those laws enforced boggles my mind. Whites are less than 20 percent of the world's population, so enforcing the current immigration laws has made whites an almost statistical minority at this juncture since most immigrants are non-white.

The social liberal Nationalists want to use those current immigration laws and the 14th Amendment to only allow those "who can benefit" the U.S. into the country. Since the brown people from south of the border are now the new enemy, only the rich are welcome into New Amerika. The problem is, the really rich find themselves controlling our government and Hispanics like Rep. Ocasio Cortez highly motivated to help the rich foreigners turn America into a haven for third worlders. Ironically, the White Nationalists, lacking leadership and any knowledge of political strategies back the social liberals and both sides are blindly locked in a strategy that guarantees their defeat. The Black people got "equal rights," but they weren't Rights at all, but rather mere privileges. They too, are nothing more than subjects with NO unalienable Rights. Adding insult to injury, most Nationalists, in my experience, cannot understand how their strategy ultimately leads to their inevitable defeat. They conflate Liberty with citizenship. Consequently, they cannot see the disadvantages of building the ultimate POLICE STATE that will be manned by people that oppose them. They are eliminating their options just to wage a war against unalienable Rights. The Black leadership is just about getting their slice of the pie without any regard to the concept of Liberty. So, they too, will remain slaves.
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avoiding the issue for fear Democrats will call you racist? If you avoid the issue you are a Hispanic nationalist by default as cunning and deceitful Democrats use your fear to transform our country into a libcommie Hispanic country.
Why can't you just be a NATIONALIST! A patriot?
What is with all the race labels?
Ever hear of a White Globalist? Why are they all just "globalists?"

So tired of the constant divisiveness in order to try to vilify people just for being for their country first over others while the rest of the world freely puts their countries over ours first as well.

See posts #74, # 81 and # 82
The 14th Amendment did NOT make blacks and whites equal
In what respect?

dblack ran from that answer. The Declaration of Independence provides:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The presupposition that we fought the War of Independence over was that man has Rights that are above the government. John Adams, the second president of the United States once stated:

“You have Rights antecedent to all earthly governments; Rights that cannot he repealed or restrained by human laws; Rights derived from the Great Legislator of the universe.

Even in the United States Supreme Court's Heller decision the high Court admitted that originally your Rights preexisted and that your Rights under the Second Amendment (which would cover the entire Bill of Rights since the Bill of Rights is ONE law) were "codified into law." From what were those guaranteed Rights in the Bill of Rights codified from? The answer there is the Declaration of Independence. And the Declaration of Independence proclaims that your unalienable Rights are bestowed upon you by your Creator (your God, whomever you deem that to be.) Those Rights are above the law; nobody can take them from you; no legislator can constitutionally limit them or deny them to you (the Second Amendment guarantees the Right to keep and bear Arms so that the citizenry cannot be forced to accept infringements on your Rights.)

The 14th Amendment changed the equation. The 14th Amendment has the government doling out "rights" (which are actually privileges) and they get to decide who gets what right and who does not. You no longer have unalienable Rights, but government granted rights. For votes, the liberals passed the current immigration laws. Now, according to the government, those immigration laws allow people to come here equally from all countries. Today, even the right chants the liberal mantra - I don't care whether you are black, or white, Muslim, Christian, atheist..." blah, blah, blah. Well for the whites to endorse and want those laws enforced boggles my mind. Whites are less than 20 percent of the world's population, so enforcing the current immigration laws has made whites an almost statistical minority at this juncture since most immigrants are non-white.

The social liberal Nationalists want to use those current immigration laws and the 14th Amendment to only allow those "who can benefit" the U.S. into the country. Since the brown people from south of the border are now the new enemy, only the rich are welcome into New Amerika. The problem is, the really rich find themselves controlling our government and Hispanics like Rep. Ocasio Cortez highly motivated to help the rich foreigners turn America into a haven for third worlders. Ironically, the White Nationalists, lacking leadership and any knowledge of political strategies back the social liberals and both sides are blindly locked in a strategy that guarantees their defeat. The Black people got "equal rights," but they weren't Rights at all, but rather mere privileges. They too, are nothing more than subjects with NO unalienable Rights. Adding insult to injury, most Nationalists, in my experience, cannot understand how their strategy ultimately leads to their inevitable defeat. They conflate Liberty with citizenship. Consequently, they cannot see the disadvantages of building the ultimate POLICE STATE that will be manned by people that oppose them. They are eliminating their options just to wage a war against unalienable Rights. The Black leadership is just about getting their slice of the pie without any regard to the concept of Liberty. So, they too, will remain slaves.

So are you white nationalist or Hispanic nationalist? or too afraid to say?
The 14th Amendment did NOT make blacks and whites equal
In what respect?

dblack ran from that answer. The Declaration of Independence provides:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The presupposition that we fought the War of Independence over was that man has Rights that are above the government. John Adams, the second president of the United States once stated:

“You have Rights antecedent to all earthly governments; Rights that cannot he repealed or restrained by human laws; Rights derived from the Great Legislator of the universe.

Even in the United States Supreme Court's Heller decision the high Court admitted that originally your Rights preexisted and that your Rights under the Second Amendment (which would cover the entire Bill of Rights since the Bill of Rights is ONE law) were "codified into law." From what were those guaranteed Rights in the Bill of Rights codified from? The answer there is the Declaration of Independence. And the Declaration of Independence proclaims that your unalienable Rights are bestowed upon you by your Creator (your God, whomever you deem that to be.) Those Rights are above the law; nobody can take them from you; no legislator can constitutionally limit them or deny them to you (the Second Amendment guarantees the Right to keep and bear Arms so that the citizenry cannot be forced to accept infringements on your Rights.)

The 14th Amendment changed the equation. The 14th Amendment has the government doling out "rights" (which are actually privileges) and they get to decide who gets what right and who does not. You no longer have unalienable Rights, but government granted rights. For votes, the liberals passed the current immigration laws. Now, according to the government, those immigration laws allow people to come here equally from all countries. Today, even the right chants the liberal mantra - I don't care whether you are black, or white, Muslim, Christian, atheist..." blah, blah, blah. Well for the whites to endorse and want those laws enforced boggles my mind. Whites are less than 20 percent of the world's population, so enforcing the current immigration laws has made whites an almost statistical minority at this juncture since most immigrants are non-white.

The social liberal Nationalists want to use those current immigration laws and the 14th Amendment to only allow those "who can benefit" the U.S. into the country. Since the brown people from south of the border are now the new enemy, only the rich are welcome into New Amerika. The problem is, the really rich find themselves controlling our government and Hispanics like Rep. Ocasio Cortez highly motivated to help the rich foreigners turn America into a haven for third worlders. Ironically, the White Nationalists, lacking leadership and any knowledge of political strategies back the social liberals and both sides are blindly locked in a strategy that guarantees their defeat. The Black people got "equal rights," but they weren't Rights at all, but rather mere privileges. They too, are nothing more than subjects with NO unalienable Rights. Adding insult to injury, most Nationalists, in my experience, cannot understand how their strategy ultimately leads to their inevitable defeat. They conflate Liberty with citizenship. Consequently, they cannot see the disadvantages of building the ultimate POLICE STATE that will be manned by people that oppose them. They are eliminating their options just to wage a war against unalienable Rights. The Black leadership is just about getting their slice of the pie without any regard to the concept of Liberty. So, they too, will remain slaves.

So are you white nationalist or Hispanic nationalist? or too afraid to say?

If I could figure out which category I belong to, I would proudly declare it. The problem remains. Stick with me on this:

The build the wall types (that is how America sees a White Nationalist) wants unconstitutional immigration laws enforced. Those laws were put into place by Democrats that wanted to dilute the White race and commit a subtle war of genocide. White nationalists are participating in their own demise. They are victims to a host of political guerrilla warfare techniques like Hegelian Dialectics, Tom Sawyer psychology, psychopolitics, etc. and unwilling to take sound counsel.

Personally I believe that America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. I believe, as my forefathers who founded this country, that America is the New Jerusalem of the Bible. As such, we were to be that shining city on a Hill.. a beacon of Liberty to inspire the world with. And our forefathers believe in racial inegrity. Here is part of the first naturalization law of 1790:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof"

Since the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified, I see the law as it was BEFORE the 14th Amendment. North Korea, South Korea, Japan, and China are a homogeneous to the point that at least 98 percent of those countries consist of one people. China is 98.5 percent Han Chinese and nobody complains. The United States has a few whites asking that their culture be respected and they get called racists, hatemongers, etc.

I think that the build the wall kind of people have whizzed off the Hispanics AND Hispanics will not assimilate into the culture of the people who ratified the Constitution. I see no bridge that can be built there. One culture or the other will ultimately prevail.

I cannot buy a ticket on the Titanic when I know it's going to sink. So, what say ye that I am?
I'm an old school American nationalist.

View attachment 310382

I lift my lamp beside the door...

That's not part of the Constitution.
No. It's a poem by a communist. Even so there is no promise of lifetime support and freedom to prey on others.
Republicans are so unAmerican I think we should deport them.

Why would you deport Republicans? They are doing what the Democrats conned them into doing:

The leadership of the Democrats cons the Republicans into adopting their signature issue and now you want to deport the Republicans? They are making the Democrats dreams come true. The Dems were good at Hegelian Dialectics. So, how come they are abandoning their own agenda now? Have the Republicans fed the Democrats a big bowl of stupid or do sides change because you don't want to agree with each other?
I'm an old school American nationalist.

View attachment 310382

I lift my lamp beside the door...

That's not part of the Constitution.
No. It's a poem by a communist. Even so there is no promise of lifetime support and freedom to prey on others.
Republicans are so unAmerican I think we should deport them.
I think you should too. Right away. When may we expect your deportation force. Soon I hope.
I'm an old school American nationalist.

View attachment 310382

I lift my lamp beside the door...

That's not part of the Constitution.
No. It's a poem by a communist. Even so there is no promise of lifetime support and freedom to prey on others.
Republicans are so unAmerican I think we should deport them.
I think you should too. Right away. When may we expect your deportation force. Soon I hope.
Not my decision kiddo.
The 14th Amendment did NOT make blacks and whites equal
In what respect?

dblack ran from that answer. The Declaration of Independence provides:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The presupposition that we fought the War of Independence over was that man has Rights that are above the government. John Adams, the second president of the United States once stated:

“You have Rights antecedent to all earthly governments; Rights that cannot he repealed or restrained by human laws; Rights derived from the Great Legislator of the universe.

Even in the United States Supreme Court's Heller decision the high Court admitted that originally your Rights preexisted and that your Rights under the Second Amendment (which would cover the entire Bill of Rights since the Bill of Rights is ONE law) were "codified into law." From what were those guaranteed Rights in the Bill of Rights codified from? The answer there is the Declaration of Independence. And the Declaration of Independence proclaims that your unalienable Rights are bestowed upon you by your Creator (your God, whomever you deem that to be.) Those Rights are above the law; nobody can take them from you; no legislator can constitutionally limit them or deny them to you (the Second Amendment guarantees the Right to keep and bear Arms so that the citizenry cannot be forced to accept infringements on your Rights.)

The 14th Amendment changed the equation. The 14th Amendment has the government doling out "rights" (which are actually privileges) and they get to decide who gets what right and who does not. You no longer have unalienable Rights, but government granted rights. For votes, the liberals passed the current immigration laws. Now, according to the government, those immigration laws allow people to come here equally from all countries. Today, even the right chants the liberal mantra - I don't care whether you are black, or white, Muslim, Christian, atheist..." blah, blah, blah. Well for the whites to endorse and want those laws enforced boggles my mind. Whites are less than 20 percent of the world's population, so enforcing the current immigration laws has made whites an almost statistical minority at this juncture since most immigrants are non-white.

The social liberal Nationalists want to use those current immigration laws and the 14th Amendment to only allow those "who can benefit" the U.S. into the country. Since the brown people from south of the border are now the new enemy, only the rich are welcome into New Amerika. The problem is, the really rich find themselves controlling our government and Hispanics like Rep. Ocasio Cortez highly motivated to help the rich foreigners turn America into a haven for third worlders. Ironically, the White Nationalists, lacking leadership and any knowledge of political strategies back the social liberals and both sides are blindly locked in a strategy that guarantees their defeat. The Black people got "equal rights," but they weren't Rights at all, but rather mere privileges. They too, are nothing more than subjects with NO unalienable Rights. Adding insult to injury, most Nationalists, in my experience, cannot understand how their strategy ultimately leads to their inevitable defeat. They conflate Liberty with citizenship. Consequently, they cannot see the disadvantages of building the ultimate POLICE STATE that will be manned by people that oppose them. They are eliminating their options just to wage a war against unalienable Rights. The Black leadership is just about getting their slice of the pie without any regard to the concept of Liberty. So, they too, will remain slaves.

So are you white nationalist or Hispanic nationalist? or too afraid to say?
why do we need to be an 'anything' nationalist?

why do we need to be an 'anything' nationalist?

Wrong of course!! If the country is turning Hispanic through illegal immigration and the Democratic desire to get more votes and you don't oppose it then you are a Hispanic Nationalist by default. Do you feel you're a racist for being a Hispanic Nationalist?
If I could figure out which category I belong to, I would proudly declare it.

????Nobody asked what category you are in????? Just whether you are White or Hispanic nationalist!!!!!!!!!!!! Slow????????????????

If I could figure out what category I'm in, I would declare it. Are YOU slow? The reality is, you're not answering the right questions. I've been accused of both on the same thread by the same posters. I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out where everybody else is on this. It's not as easy as you think. If you read this thread, you'd understand that.

Am I a White Nationalist because I believe in the advancement, preservation and protection of the white people?
Am I White Nationalist because I believe in the Right of Whites to create their own communities?
Am I White Nationalist because I believe Whites have a destiny?


Am I Hispanic Nationalist because I refuse to trade Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety?
Am I Hispanic Nationalist for opposing that nutty wall idea?
Am I a Hispanic Nationalist to support your Right to make your own decisions?

Have you read this thread?

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