Are you actually pro-life?

It's sickening seeing how many people use this label without knowing what it means. It's not just anti-abortion. Protecting children from the pro-abort crowd is just one facet. A true pro-life position is also:

pro-social harmony

These aren't just words. They aren't labels. They are hard and fast positions. To call oneself pro-life and demand someone's death is a blunt contradiction. Claim to promote peace and hawk for war and you're simply the worst sort of hypocrite. Say you care about children and then leave them to starve in the streets or send them back to grow up in a war zone and you're no better than the baby butchers than whom you pretend to be any different.

So you don't know the difference between protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty? Seriously? I'm pro-choice, but that's stupid.

And no, I don't have to be a socialist to be pro-life. You are pro-slavery, your own
It's sickening seeing how many people use this label without knowing what it means. It's not just anti-abortion. Protecting children from the pro-abort crowd is just one facet. A true pro-life position is also:

pro-social harmony

These aren't just words. They aren't labels. They are hard and fast positions. To call oneself pro-life and demand someone's death is a blunt contradiction. Claim to promote peace and hawk for war and you're simply the worst sort of hypocrite. Say you care about children and then leave them to starve in the streets or send them back to grow up in a war zone and you're no better than the baby butchers than whom you pretend to be any different.

Sorry Pedro, you don't get to define who is what.
ER..yes, it is.
There's a family of four in the Florida panhandle. He works at a meat packing plant. She's a housekeeper. They have a daughter of six and a son of eight months. Together they can just barely afford an apartment and the bare basics. Or they could until last week anyway. He slipped and fucked his back up. He can't work for six months. Now they have a hospital bill they can't afford on top of all the normal bills they suddenly can't pay either. They've been fighting about whether to pay the utilities or lights ever since. You don't know this couple. You can help them. Can you look at them and walk away?
Why would I?
And what on God's green earth does helping them with their heating bill have to do with abortion??? Ps...the church helps out ppl in this situation ALL THE TIME.
None of the Churches in my county do it, they don't even have food pantries...
It is the same everywhere. That is the problem. That's how government moved into the empty space…
Yes I know, but those advocating charity only seem to forget that..My Mom was a member of the big fancy Methodist church in Arkansas..The only whey they would help is you had to become a member of their church, then they might be able to help you...
1/ "Alabamian born and bred" >>> we say "born and raised" and not "born and bred"
I've always heard and used both. My family's from all over but I didn't even leave my part of the state until shipping out.

2/ "My recent ancestors" >>>There is no such thing. The word "recent" is used, even in Alabama as a reference to and event, or time in the near past, not to ancestry. We say simply "my ancestors" or "my grandparents" etc…if we want to narrow down ancestry.
Within the past several generations. You wanna know more about them? Their names were Nunya and Damn Bizness.

3/ "Illigally immigrated">>> Refugees from the Eastern Block were received by countries from the refugee camps in near Vienna, Austria and Capua, Italy. Those two were the main "distribution centers" It was almost impossible to enter the USA illegally from an Eastern Block country in the 1950-ies. It is a lie.
They didn't come in the 1950s. They came about the time the USSR conquered Poland. I'm not about to give you their life story.

4/ "Russian Commie scum took over Poland" >>>Verify the year when your "recent ancestors" left Poland.
What? Pull records? Again, it's not your business who they were because it's not your business who I am. I'm not about to post information like that on a public forum where some fanatic can fucking find me. Are you insane?

We use the term "neighbors," "less fortunate," "needy" in reference to helping others. Referring to strangers within our country we do not say "brothers and sisters."
Neighbors doesn't drive the point of literal kinship home. People think of their neighbors as just the people who live next door. Not many people realize that those people next door are your seventh cousins.

Anyhoo, your thought process is alien to the American thought process. It is easy to detect it. Go cuddle up with some babushka, play your accordion or balalaika, drink your Stolichnaya and have a good time instead of meddling with American domestic issues.
I'm totally aware that my thought process is alien to the average American. That's why no party represents my interests. No politician has my support. I'm a member of no interest group. Probably the closest to my personal belief system would be Catholic distributism, except I hate Catholicism for teaching men to worship a dead Jew or burn.
It's sickening seeing how many people use this label without knowing what it means. It's not just anti-abortion. Protecting children from the pro-abort crowd is just one facet. A true pro-life position is also:

pro-social harmony

These aren't just words. They aren't labels. They are hard and fast positions. To call oneself pro-life and demand someone's death is a blunt contradiction. Claim to promote peace and hawk for war and you're simply the worst sort of hypocrite. Say you care about children and then leave them to starve in the streets or send them back to grow up in a war zone and you're no better than the baby butchers than whom you pretend to be any different.

Sorry Pedro, you don't get to define who is what.
His name is probably Grisha or Grushenka...
I'm utterly against it and have been since about twelve. The last couple threads were more or less experimental restatements of their talking points.

Dear Pedro de San Patricio
I'd like to work with you on more constructive approaches to ending abortion that don't target women
but focus on men and women not having sex if one or both partners aren't in agreement to have children.

Whatever it takes to enforce that idea, that it is either abusing sex or the relationship,
if one or both partners doesn't want or isn't prepared to have children yet is having sex.

This is better addressed on a personal level, but it would help if prochoice and prolife groups worked in UNISON so we share a unified message and enforce the same direction, not divide against and obstruct each other.

How can we work together? there is a faction of Prolife Democrats within the party.
What can we do to work more effectively to prevent and end abortion.
With the challenge of staying within Constitutional bounds and not passing laws that are unfairly biased
and/or working on mutually agreed legislation that both sides support as preventing abortion without
targeting or discriminating against women, penalizing or punishing them while not holding the men accountable.
People must change their hearts,not their minds,when pro abortion people refuse to even admitt its a human independent life,it will never end.this is a battle of hearts
Poland isn't Russia...
Of course not.. but you are in Russia… a Russian hack. Your lie was exposed and then you came up with bullshit about did not want to be tracked down and fucking idiocy like that. Nobody wanted any personal information.. if you are second or third generation.. who the fuck cares anymore….you are under an alias nobody knows who the fuck you are… couldn't or denied to answer anything
Da svidanya… tovarish…
It's sickening seeing how many people use this label without knowing what it means. It's not just anti-abortion. Protecting children from the pro-abort crowd is just one facet. A true pro-life position is also:

pro-social harmony

These aren't just words. They aren't labels. They are hard and fast positions. To call oneself pro-life and demand someone's death is a blunt contradiction. Claim to promote peace and hawk for war and you're simply the worst sort of hypocrite. Say you care about children and then leave them to starve in the streets or send them back to grow up in a war zone and you're no better than the baby butchers than whom you pretend to be any different.

Whoa there buckaroo!

You can be pro charity but not for govt welfare that rewards enabling behavior!

You are not distinguishing the POLITICAL/LEGAL label from the reality of what people support.

I can be for education but against what public schools are doing wrong to mess it up.

I can be FOR national defense but against abuse of military for unjustified war and war crimes.

I can even be AGAINST abortion and 100% for preventing it in 100% of all cases,
and yet Legally support pro choice where any laws are passed by free choice and consensus
since I find that more constitutional.

I can be AGAINST execution and 100% for preventing 100% of murders and 100% of executions
but legally support keeping the OPTION of execution legal on the books to use as leverage
in compelling people to work with authorities on resolving crimes and deciding a plan for restitution.

Just because you are LEGALLY for the choice of abortion, war, executions, etc.
doesn't mean you can't be 100% against these things. making them legal or illegal is a separate
level from the real work it takes to prevent them in practice! Sometimes keeping them legal
takes political pressure off so groups can work together to PREVENT more cases of what you are so against!

government welfare is not charity
ER..yes, it is.

no it isnt

welfare and charity are two different things
from the perspective of the takers, it's charity.

from their perspective it is an entitlement
"Pro-life" is a very good (but meaningless) propaganda term. Anyone that was actually anti-life would be too dead to make the claim or be branded with it.
Who runs the CIA? Oh, wait, the CIA director who has a boss. Who is the boss of the CIA director? The US govt.

Why would the CIA give false information to the govt, when the govt WANTED this information?

I could say war criminal for Obama too. He was stupid to go to Libya, just as Bush was stupid to go to Iraq.

Iraq was as illegal as Libya.


You've already said you can't prove that the White House ordered any such information so the falsified information originated in the CIA. Therefore whoever in the CIA supplied the information is a traitor. Who did you say was that Democrat was in the CIA at that time? If you want to make a case about stupidity it would have to be the people in the CIA during Bush's years and Obama himself for letting his a$$ hang out there for all to see...... If... And I mean IF Bush had anything to do with the misinformation then I'd say your argument obviously proves Bush was a pretty smart cookie. After all you can't prove that Bush knowingly did so.

Looks like Obama and the CIA are pretty stupid.



No. You're making the assumption that because i can prove something, that it didn't happen.

Can you or can't you?

If you can't then all you have is libel.

But then if I can't prove someone in the CIA ordered it either, then what? Does that mean that no one ordered it? No it doesn't.

It gives us a place to start looking for a traitor.

Was Bush smart? He's not stupid. However he's not that smart. Also, he probably didn't order it, someone within his govt probably ordered it, most likely Cheney.

I see now it's Cheney's fault. They have a name for people who think like you.

But it's not that hard to get something done without leaving a trail. I mean, kids could do it.

Good. Then we'll have the traitors in no time and we can string them up along the National Mall in DC.



It's sickening seeing how many people use this label without knowing what it means. It's not just anti-abortion. Protecting children from the pro-abort crowd is just one facet. A true pro-life position is also:

pro-social harmony

These aren't just words. They aren't labels. They are hard and fast positions. To call oneself pro-life and demand someone's death is a blunt contradiction. Claim to promote peace and hawk for war and you're simply the worst sort of hypocrite. Say you care about children and then leave them to starve in the streets or send them back to grow up in a war zone and you're no better than the baby butchers than whom you pretend to be any different.

I am pro execution, that has nothing to do with being pro life.....if you take an innocent life you forfeit your own....and I am all of those things except for Pro internationalism...what do you mean by that....

And it isn't so much being opposed to those things as to opposed to the stupid way that the left tries to implement them...

I am pro healthcare...who isn't...but giving the government control over healthcare is not being pro healthcare....I am anti racist, which is why I am not a member of the democrat party.....

I am pro immigration, but anti "illegal" immigration..

YOu may need to define things in more detail...
I'm utterly against it and have been since about twelve. The last couple threads were more or less experimental restatements of their talking points.

Dear Pedro de San Patricio
I'd like to work with you on more constructive approaches to ending abortion that don't target women
but focus on men and women not having sex if one or both partners aren't in agreement to have children.

Whatever it takes to enforce that idea, that it is either abusing sex or the relationship,
if one or both partners doesn't want or isn't prepared to have children yet is having sex.

This is better addressed on a personal level, but it would help if prochoice and prolife groups worked in UNISON so we share a unified message and enforce the same direction, not divide against and obstruct each other.

How can we work together? there is a faction of Prolife Democrats within the party.
What can we do to work more effectively to prevent and end abortion.
With the challenge of staying within Constitutional bounds and not passing laws that are unfairly biased
and/or working on mutually agreed legislation that both sides support as preventing abortion without
targeting or discriminating against women, penalizing or punishing them while not holding the men accountable.

With the challenge of staying within Constitutional bounds and not passing laws that are unfairly biased

Abortion laws that allow murder are not Constitutional, and are pretty biased against the tiny human in the womb....
Can you or can't you?

If you can't then all you have is libel.

But then if I can't prove someone in the CIA ordered it either, then what? Does that mean that no one ordered it? No it doesn't.

It gives us a place to start looking for a traitor.

Was Bush smart? He's not stupid. However he's not that smart. Also, he probably didn't order it, someone within his govt probably ordered it, most likely Cheney.

I see now it's Cheney's fault. They have a name for people who think like you.

But it's not that hard to get something done without leaving a trail. I mean, kids could do it.

Good. Then we'll have the traitors in no time and we can string them up along the National Mall in DC.




To be honest, you seem to be playing a game, and I'm not interested in silly little games.
Can you or can't you?

If you can't then all you have is libel.

But then if I can't prove someone in the CIA ordered it either, then what? Does that mean that no one ordered it? No it doesn't.

It gives us a place to start looking for a traitor.

Was Bush smart? He's not stupid. However he's not that smart. Also, he probably didn't order it, someone within his govt probably ordered it, most likely Cheney.

I see now it's Cheney's fault. They have a name for people who think like you.

But it's not that hard to get something done without leaving a trail. I mean, kids could do it.

Good. Then we'll have the traitors in no time and we can string them up along the National Mall in DC.




To be honest, you seem to be playing a game, and I'm not interested in silly little games.


Really????? I also notice that you didn't answer the question.


Can you or can't you?

If you can't then all you have is libel.

But then if I can't prove someone in the CIA ordered it either, then what? Does that mean that no one ordered it? No it doesn't.

It gives us a place to start looking for a traitor.

Was Bush smart? He's not stupid. However he's not that smart. Also, he probably didn't order it, someone within his govt probably ordered it, most likely Cheney.

I see now it's Cheney's fault. They have a name for people who think like you.

But it's not that hard to get something done without leaving a trail. I mean, kids could do it.

Good. Then we'll have the traitors in no time and we can string them up along the National Mall in DC.




To be honest, you seem to be playing a game, and I'm not interested in silly little games.


Really????? I also notice that you didn't answer the question.



Do you think I like wasting my time on trolls like you?

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