Are you actually pro-life?

Good heavens, a pontificating asshead. You certainly like to blather. Meanwhile, what total claptrap. You don't have the moral authority to dictate what pro lifers must believe. That's the problem with baby killers....they think they have the authority to take life at will, and assign thought. Guess don't. People don't have to pass a test before they're 'allowed' to speak out against human rights violations. Go take a nap.
If you want that Mexican family sent back to their country for not having papers, knowing damn well that their village is swarming with murderous drug gangs, then no. You're not pro-life. You're not pro-their-lives. And their blood will be on your hands if you had any influence in deporting them back to a deathtrap. If you supported the first war in Iraq, knowing damn well that it would destabilize the region and ignite the powder keg of tribal and religious hatreds Saddam was just barely keeping under control, then no. You're not pro-life. And you have the blood of US military personnel and Iraqi soldiers and civilians on your hands. If you support cutting welfare, knowing damn well that much of the country relies on government programs just to live day by day, then no. You're not pro-life. You're condemning parents to watch their children starve and the working poor to even greater constant fear of ever missing a check. It really is that simple. It's not just about the baby butchers. It's about living up to your own ideals, stepping up for your brothers and sisters, and just not being a hypocrite.
How many "pro-lifers" are anti-executions, vegetarians and anti-war?

I'm going to say not many.


It must be very convenient to be able to say you're anti-war with the current president being the blood-soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace who can murder over 25,000 people in six months in a country we weren't at war with, namely Libya, without Congressional Approval or a declaration of war..... Perhaps if Hillary gets in office she can beat him on the body count, without Congressional approval or a declaration of war, and get her Nobel Prize too.



Most "pro-life" people probably supported Bush's war in Iraq. How many people died? We don't know, could be 1 million for all we know.


Shall we take a close look at which congressmen/women were on the Committee Of Armed Services and Subcommittees for that department during the start of those war years and were responsible for giving the acting President (Bush) accurate information?

United States Senate career of Hillary Rodham Clinton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


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How many "pro-lifers" are anti-executions, vegetarians and anti-war?

I'm going to say not many.
You have to be vegetarian before you're allowed to defend women and children? What rule book is that in? Link, please.

No, I didn't say that. Read what I wrote again. It might help.
Yes, you did.

No, clearly I didn't. But if you don't want to debate properly, then this might as well be our last exchange.
Do you think I care? You're an idiot who thinks it's hypocritical to try to save the lives of women and children if you're not a vegetarian. I've heard a lot of fruit loopery from baby killers, but that's even crazier than the usual tripe.

Wow, now you're onto insulting. Bye.
How many "pro-lifers" are anti-executions, vegetarians and anti-war?

I'm going to say not many.
That's exactly what I'm saying is a problem. We have waaay too many people using this title who haven't earned it and have no idea what it even means. Plenty just adopted it because it sounds good. Plenty more think abortion is the only issue that matters.

Yeah, generally "pro-life" just means anti-abortion, they're trying to use positives for what they do, but then say something which just isn't true.
No, pro life means pro life. The baby killers don't like it when they're faced with their own pro murder stance.
Good heavens, a pontificating asshead. You certainly like to blather. Meanwhile, what total claptrap. You don't have the moral authority to dictate what pro lifers must believe. That's the problem with baby killers....they think they have the authority to take life at will, and assign thought. Guess don't. People don't have to pass a test before they're 'allowed' to speak out against human rights violations. Go take a nap.
If you want that Mexican family sent back to their country for not having papers, knowing damn well that their village is swarming with murderous drug gangs, then no. You're not pro-life. You're not pro-their-lives. And their blood will be on your hands if you had any influence in deporting them back to a deathtrap. If you supported the first war in Iraq, knowing damn well that it would destabilize the region and ignite the powder keg of tribal and religious hatreds Saddam was just barely keeping under control, then no. You're not pro-life. And you have the blood of US military personnel and Iraqi soldiers and civilians on your hands. If you support cutting welfare, knowing damn well that much of the country relies on government programs just to live day by day, then no. You're not pro-life. You're condemning parents to watch their children starve and the working poor to even greater constant fear of ever missing a check. It really is that simple. It's not just about the baby butchers. It's about living up to your own ideals, stepping up for your brothers and sisters, and just not being a hypocrite.
How ridiculous. But then you death cultists are all insane.
ER..yes, it is.
There's a family of four in the Florida panhandle. He works at a meat packing plant. She's a housekeeper. They have a daughter of six and a son of eight months. Together they can just barely afford an apartment and the bare basics. Or they could until last week anyway. He slipped and fucked his back up. He can't work for six months. Now they have a hospital bill they can't afford on top of all the normal bills they suddenly can't pay either. They've been fighting about whether to pay the utilities or lights ever since. You don't know this couple. You can help them. Can you look at them and walk away?
Good heavens, a pontificating asshead. You certainly like to blather. Meanwhile, what total claptrap. You don't have the moral authority to dictate what pro lifers must believe. That's the problem with baby killers....they think they have the authority to take life at will, and assign thought. Guess don't. People don't have to pass a test before they're 'allowed' to speak out against human rights violations. Go take a nap.
If you want that Mexican family sent back to their country for not having papers, knowing damn well that their village is swarming with murderous drug gangs, then no. You're not pro-life. You're not pro-their-lives. And their blood will be on your hands if you had any influence in deporting them back to a deathtrap. If you supported the first war in Iraq, knowing damn well that it would destabilize the region and ignite the powder keg of tribal and religious hatreds Saddam was just barely keeping under control, then no. You're not pro-life. And you have the blood of US military personnel and Iraqi soldiers and civilians on your hands. If you support cutting welfare, knowing damn well that much of the country relies on government programs just to live day by day, then no. You're not pro-life. You're condemning parents to watch their children starve and the working poor to even greater constant fear of ever missing a check. It really is that simple. It's not just about the baby butchers. It's about living up to your own ideals, stepping up for your brothers and sisters, and just not being a hypocrite.
How ridiculous. But then you death cultists are all insane.
You just don't get it. For whatever reason you just can't get it through your skull that, by condemning someone to death, you might as well be killing them yourself. There's no difference except that you'll be able to sleep at night if you didn't personally commit the act. Is that what it comes down to? Do you really give a shit about other people's lives, or do you just tell yourself that you do because it makes you feel better? If you insist that you really do then prove it. Put your money where your mouth is.
How many "pro-lifers" are anti-executions, vegetarians and anti-war?

I'm going to say not many.


It must be very convenient to be able to say you're anti-war with the current president being the blood-soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace who can murder over 25,000 people in six months in a country we weren't at war with, namely Libya, without Congressional Approval or a declaration of war..... Perhaps if Hillary gets in office she can beat him on the body count, without Congressional approval or a declaration of war, and get her Nobel Prize too.



Most "pro-life" people probably supported Bush's war in Iraq. How many people died? We don't know, could be 1 million for all we know.


Shall we take a close look at which congressmen/women were on the Committee Of Armed Services and Subcommittees for that department during the start of those war years and were responsible for giving the acting President (Bush) accurate information?



Do you know anything about intelligence at all?

The Senate Report on Iraqi WMD Intelligence showed us that Bush essentially got the CIA to go make stuff up so he could present it. He wouldn't have to prove his intelligence, it was classified, so he could say what he liked as long as it couldn't be proven wrong.

"Most of the major key judgments in the Intelligence Community’s October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), Iraq’s Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction, either overstated, or were not supported by, the underlying intelligence reporting. A series of failures, particularly in analytic trade craft, led to the mischaracterization of the intelligence"

There was a guy, called "Curveball", an Iraqi defector. It might have been a guy who worked for the Iraqi nuclear weapons program BEFORE 1991. Yet they took everything he said as meaning present conditions even though the guy defected from Iraq after the Gulf War in 1991.
"Let's keep in mind the fact that this war's going to happen regardless of what Curve Ball said or didn't say. The Powers That Be probably aren't terribly interested in whether Curve Ball knows what he's talking about."

The powers that be, people like Bush, for example, didn't care whether what he said was true or not, they cared that it could be useful to "prove" that Iraq had WMDs.

"Powell said that "every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence." Despite this, the Committee concluded that "[m]uch of the information provided or cleared by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for inclusion in Secretary Powell’s speech was overstated, misleading, or incorrect.""

Basically the CIA did what they were told and "found" the information necessary for Bush to be able to do what he liked. The truth was not important.

The CIA is not from any party. At the time the director, George Tenant, was a Democrat, however Bush was basically offering him a situation to expand the CIA. For agents within the CIA this would have been very appealing. "Hey, guys, work with us and we'll expand, your chances of promotion are higher, chances of being fired lower", so they did what Bush wanted.

You can go read the documents from the Senate if you like.
Good heavens, a pontificating asshead. You certainly like to blather. Meanwhile, what total claptrap. You don't have the moral authority to dictate what pro lifers must believe. That's the problem with baby killers....they think they have the authority to take life at will, and assign thought. Guess don't. People don't have to pass a test before they're 'allowed' to speak out against human rights violations. Go take a nap.
If you want that Mexican family sent back to their country for not having papers, knowing damn well that their village is swarming with murderous drug gangs, then no. You're not pro-life. You're not pro-their-lives. And their blood will be on your hands if you had any influence in deporting them back to a deathtrap. If you supported the first war in Iraq, knowing damn well that it would destabilize the region and ignite the powder keg of tribal and religious hatreds Saddam was just barely keeping under control, then no. You're not pro-life. And you have the blood of US military personnel and Iraqi soldiers and civilians on your hands. If you support cutting welfare, knowing damn well that much of the country relies on government programs just to live day by day, then no. You're not pro-life. You're condemning parents to watch their children starve and the working poor to even greater constant fear of ever missing a check. It really is that simple. It's not just about the baby butchers. It's about living up to your own ideals, stepping up for your brothers and sisters, and just not being a hypocrite.
How ridiculous. But then you death cultists are all insane.
You just don't get it. For whatever reason you just can't get it through your skull that, by condemning someone to death, you might as well be killing them yourself. There's no difference except that you'll be able to sleep at night if you didn't personally commit the act. Is that what it comes down to? Do you really give a shit about other people's lives, or do you just tell yourself that you do because it makes you feel better? If you insist that you really do then prove it. Put your money where your mouth is.


It's their own government that's turned any particular country the illegal immigrants are coming from into a death sentence. If you don't like that answer then I'll suggest that you do something about the government in that particular country if you don't like them being deported.


How many "pro-lifers" are anti-executions, vegetarians and anti-war?

I'm going to say not many.


It must be very convenient to be able to say you're anti-war with the current president being the blood-soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace who can murder over 25,000 people in six months in a country we weren't at war with, namely Libya, without Congressional Approval or a declaration of war..... Perhaps if Hillary gets in office she can beat him on the body count, without Congressional approval or a declaration of war, and get her Nobel Prize too.



Most "pro-life" people probably supported Bush's war in Iraq. How many people died? We don't know, could be 1 million for all we know.


Shall we take a close look at which congressmen/women were on the Committee Of Armed Services and Subcommittees for that department during the start of those war years and were responsible for giving the acting President (Bush) accurate information?



Do you know anything about intelligence at all?

The Senate Report on Iraqi WMD Intelligence showed us that Bush essentially got the CIA to go make stuff up so he could present it. He wouldn't have to prove his intelligence, it was classified, so he could say what he liked as long as it couldn't be proven wrong.

"Most of the major key judgments in the Intelligence Community’s October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), Iraq’s Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction, either overstated, or were not supported by, the underlying intelligence reporting. A series of failures, particularly in analytic trade craft, led to the mischaracterization of the intelligence"

There was a guy, called "Curveball", an Iraqi defector. It might have been a guy who worked for the Iraqi nuclear weapons program BEFORE 1991. Yet they took everything he said as meaning present conditions even though the guy defected from Iraq after the Gulf War in 1991.
"Let's keep in mind the fact that this war's going to happen regardless of what Curve Ball said or didn't say. The Powers That Be probably aren't terribly interested in whether Curve Ball knows what he's talking about."

The powers that be, people like Bush, for example, didn't care whether what he said was true or not, they cared that it could be useful to "prove" that Iraq had WMDs.

"Powell said that "every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence." Despite this, the Committee concluded that "[m]uch of the information provided or cleared by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for inclusion in Secretary Powell’s speech was overstated, misleading, or incorrect.""

Basically the CIA did what they were told and "found" the information necessary for Bush to be able to do what he liked. The truth was not important.

The CIA is not from any party. At the time the director, George Tenant, was a Democrat, however Bush was basically offering him a situation to expand the CIA. For agents within the CIA this would have been very appealing. "Hey, guys, work with us and we'll expand, your chances of promotion are higher, chances of being fired lower", so they did what Bush wanted.

You can go read the documents from the Senate if you like.


I'm more than willing to let this go to the war trials that you progressives so adamantly demand. However... If Bush can prove that he was presented misinformation and is acquitted then let the treason trials begin. I want to know who was feeding the misinformation and I want the death sentence for those involved.


I have no control over the narcotrafficking cartels that govern Mexico or the puppet government that pretends to. I have slightly more influence here. Ideally we could fix the first cause problems there that cause refugees to flee and come here. Then again, ideally those problems wouldn't exist. The most practical solution is to take care of the people who have come here. You have to staunch the bleeding before you can treat the wound.
I have no control over the narcotrafficking cartels that govern Mexico or the puppet government that pretends to. I have slightly more influence here. Ideally we could fix the first cause problems there that cause refugees to flee and come here. Then again, ideally those problems wouldn't exist. The most practical solution is to take care of the people who have come here. You have to staunch the bleeding before you can treat the wound.


I don't have to do anything except demand that the laws of this country be followed.

Therefore they get deported if they're caught.

I will give them a application for statehood to take back with them though.


It's sickening seeing how many people use this label without knowing what it means. It's not just anti-abortion. Protecting children from the pro-abort crowd is just one facet. A true pro-life position is also:

pro-social harmony

These aren't just words. They aren't labels. They are hard and fast positions. To call oneself pro-life and demand someone's death is a blunt contradiction. Claim to promote peace and hawk for war and you're simply the worst sort of hypocrite. Say you care about children and then leave them to starve in the streets or send them back to grow up in a war zone and you're no better than the baby butchers than whom you pretend to be any different.
True. If you are so enamored of the fetus, you must care even more for the baby. Nothing else is moral.
The thing is Pedro, as a Catholic I might become a liberal and worry about all you have said.

However, since liberals insist on being anti-Christian and pro-abortion, I realize they don't give a damn about any of those other things. I can't associate myself with liars and murderers.
Anti Christian? Why would you think that? It's not liberals who applaud "let him die".
Anti Christian? Why would you think that? It's not liberals who applaud "let him die".
Eh. The identity of "him" changes but that's about it.
Women were long ago granted the legal right to cessate the life of a pre-born human being.
It's the only form of birth control that has been proven to be 100% successful.

Get over it.

At this time I will give it as much consideration and moral outrage as the current president does about black on white and black on black homicides.
So... what you're saying is that you're morally equivalent to a baby butcher and just use this cause to punish them for not giving enough consideration to black on white homicide? Noted.
At this time I will give it as much consideration and moral outrage as the current president does about black on white and black on black homicides.
So... what you're saying is that you're morally equivalent to a baby butcher and just use this cause to punish them for not giving enough consideration to black on white homicide? Noted.


If that's what makes you feel better. I have no reason to feel guilt over the writings of a person who lacks few if any ethics or morals in attaining a goal by attempting to make me feel guilt. I was in the service when the progressive president at that time did nothing while over 100,000 people were butchered in Rwanda. I've already stated that if you don't like what's being done in those counties then have the current acting progressive president do something about it. Until then you're as guilty about the slaughter that's currently going on in the countries you're talking about.


How many "pro-lifers" are anti-executions, vegetarians and anti-war?

I'm going to say not many.


It must be very convenient to be able to say you're anti-war with the current president being the blood-soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace who can murder over 25,000 people in six months in a country we weren't at war with, namely Libya, without Congressional Approval or a declaration of war..... Perhaps if Hillary gets in office she can beat him on the body count, without Congressional approval or a declaration of war, and get her Nobel Prize too.



Most "pro-life" people probably supported Bush's war in Iraq. How many people died? We don't know, could be 1 million for all we know.


Shall we take a close look at which congressmen/women were on the Committee Of Armed Services and Subcommittees for that department during the start of those war years and were responsible for giving the acting President (Bush) accurate information?



Do you know anything about intelligence at all?

The Senate Report on Iraqi WMD Intelligence showed us that Bush essentially got the CIA to go make stuff up so he could present it. He wouldn't have to prove his intelligence, it was classified, so he could say what he liked as long as it couldn't be proven wrong.

"Most of the major key judgments in the Intelligence Community’s October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), Iraq’s Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction, either overstated, or were not supported by, the underlying intelligence reporting. A series of failures, particularly in analytic trade craft, led to the mischaracterization of the intelligence"

There was a guy, called "Curveball", an Iraqi defector. It might have been a guy who worked for the Iraqi nuclear weapons program BEFORE 1991. Yet they took everything he said as meaning present conditions even though the guy defected from Iraq after the Gulf War in 1991.
"Let's keep in mind the fact that this war's going to happen regardless of what Curve Ball said or didn't say. The Powers That Be probably aren't terribly interested in whether Curve Ball knows what he's talking about."

The powers that be, people like Bush, for example, didn't care whether what he said was true or not, they cared that it could be useful to "prove" that Iraq had WMDs.

"Powell said that "every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence." Despite this, the Committee concluded that "[m]uch of the information provided or cleared by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for inclusion in Secretary Powell’s speech was overstated, misleading, or incorrect.""

Basically the CIA did what they were told and "found" the information necessary for Bush to be able to do what he liked. The truth was not important.

The CIA is not from any party. At the time the director, George Tenant, was a Democrat, however Bush was basically offering him a situation to expand the CIA. For agents within the CIA this would have been very appealing. "Hey, guys, work with us and we'll expand, your chances of promotion are higher, chances of being fired lower", so they did what Bush wanted.

You can go read the documents from the Senate if you like.


I'm more than willing to let this go to the war trials that you progressives so adamantly demand. However... If Bush can prove that he was presented misinformation and is acquitted then let the treason trials begin. I want to know who was feeding the misinformation and I want the death sentence for those involved.



The Senate has PROVEN that the CIA gave information to Bush so Bush could carry out what it wanted. The US isn't going to let anyone go to war crimes tribunals, it's never going to happen.

The evidence is there, go read the document.

The only thing you don't have, and won't find, is the link that Bush, or his henchmen, ordered the CIA to do this. Why? Because they're not stupid enough to write this stuff down. This was done on the hush.

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