Are You Better or Worse (Economically) Now Than YOU Were 3 Years Ago ?

All we need is another global pandemic that our POTUS can fuck up the response to and BOOM we can be back to zero inflation
  • Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April. to about 2000/week in June. and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did.
  • Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
  • the Navy hospital ships sent to New York,
  • the stimulus checks,
  • The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
  • opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
  • federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
  • travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
  • Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
  • fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
Better. Why, aren't you?

The purchasing power of your dollar is worse.

No arguing that.

How are you better off ? I'd love to hear your bullshit story.

I had a HELOC working at 5.5%. It floats. Now it is at 11.0%. Many banks quit offering them.

I am fine (so save your superstupid dumbassed comments).
The purchasing power of your dollar is worse.

No arguing that.

How are you better off ? I'd love to hear your bullshit story.

I had a HELOC working at 5.5%. It floats. Now it is at 11.0%. Many banks quit offering them.

I am fine (so save your superstupid dumbassed comments).
The purchasing power fo your dollar reduces every year. That's how capitalism works.

I make more money to compensate for that.

Adjustable rates are for suckers. Everyone knew rate were gonna go up eventually, or they should have. Your loan officer certainly did, lol.
yet you cannot stop yourself from coming to this forum and whining like a 3 year old about how bad things are
For you:
Freedom of Speech = "whining"

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The right to petition is protected by the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
In the United States, the right to petition is enumerated in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which specifically prohibits Congress from abridging "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".
Although often overlooked in favor of other more famous freedoms, and sometimes taken for granted,[1] many other civil liberties are enforceable against the government only by exercising this basic right.[2][1]

If you are so against speaking out against things that are wrong and harmful, what are you doing here, in a computer forum ? Perhaps your time might be better watching Leave It To Beaver.
The purchasing power fo your dollar reduces every year. That's how capitalism works.

I make more money to compensate for that.

Adjustable rates are for suckers. Everyone knew rate were gonna go up eventually, or they should have. Your loan officer certainly did, lol.

HELOC's don't come with fixed rates dumbass. My rate will go down. It has already fallen from the bideninflation high it hit six months ago.

And no, adjustable rates work well for first time homebuyers. Rates do come down eventually.

You are a first class moron.
The purchasing power of your dollar is worse.

No arguing that.

True. It is worse every year. The nature of our system.

How are you better off ?

I am not Crepitus, but I am better off because between my wife and I our income in 2023 was $93,412 more than in 2020.

I spend less on gas and less on housing compared to 2020

I had a HELOC working at 5.5%. It floats. Now it is at 11.0%.

Seems everyone should know better than to get an adjustable rate loan.
And no, adjustable rates work well for first time homebuyers. Rates do come down eventually.

Or they go up.

They are a terrible idea, you are better off locking in a rate and doing a Refi when they come down.
Or they go up.

They are a terrible idea, you are better off locking in a rate and doing a Refi when they come down.

If you live in Cali or AZ, it might be the only way to qualify. I bought my second house on one. It worked fine.
Do you even know what a HELOC is ?

Of course, it is a home equity line of credit. Lenders love them. Our mortgage not long ago got sold to a new company and they are bugging the shit out of us to get one. That alone is enough reason to never get one
Of course, it is a home equity line of credit. Lenders love them. Our mortgage not long ago got sold to a new company and they are bugging the shit out of us to get one. That alone is enough reason to never get one
Most likely because they are adjustable rate loans. they rake back shitloads of money on those.
I did not know that, never had one.

My bad.

Now I know for sure they aren't an option, though. So thanks.

Of course you would not. You are a moron.

The interest rates, even at their highest are lower than most other forms of credit.

And the interest is tax deductible.

If I can't pay cash for a car, this is how I buy them. So I have more negotiating power (I am paying cash), I get a better interest rate than a car loan (if I was taking one out) and I can deduct the interest.

Sucks to be you.
Of course, it is a home equity line of credit. Lenders love them. Our mortgage not long ago got sold to a new company and they are bugging the shit out of us to get one. That alone is enough reason to never get one

They are a line of credit. You use it as you need to.

The interest is lower than most other forms of credit and is still deductible.

As I mentioned to the board moron (Crepitus), it's how I buy my cars if I don't have all the cash up front.

It would be interesting to know what lender you are talking about.

Several banks shut them down saying that the money was needed eslewhere. Maybe things have changed. I've always had one. Always. Not always had a balance, but it's good to have if you need it.
Of course you would not. You are a moron.

The interest rates, even at their highest are lower than most other forms of credit.

And the interest is tax deductible.

If I can't pay cash for a car, this is how I buy them. So I have more negotiating power (I am paying cash), I get a better interest rate than a car loan (if I was taking one out) and I can deduct the interest.

Sucks to be you.
Lol, I can walk into my bank today and get 5.4% fixed all day for a car loan. I just checked because I'm looking at a slightly used Panamera.

Adjustable rates are for suckers.

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