Are You Better or Worse (Economically) Now Than YOU Were 3 Years Ago ?

I’m three years older, still in good health, and my retirement portfolio bottom line hasn’t changed despite taking the RMD each year.
Last time that happened (and only time, to tell the truth) it was the Bush crash of 2008/2009 and that wasn't inflation, it was crooked banks/bankers and poor regulation of an industry, more important than I and regular Americans. I survived the high inflation of the 70s and 80s back when we were all in this, together, little or no help from government. Now, I will be fine. You are on your own.

No shit sherlock. I can pay my way too. A lot cant. Just goes to show how you dont care about them.

Not to mention INFLATION is TAXATION by another means. Guess you loved corrupt politicians stealing you blind?

No shit sherlock. I can pay my way too. A lot cant. Just goes to show how you dont care about them.

Not to mention INFLATION is TAXATION by another means. Guess you loved corrupt politicians stealing you blind?
This is all a function of too much money (non-producing money) dumped into the system, much at the bottom during trump admin and early Biden, coupled with a reset of the oil and gas industry worldwide after the last glut on the market, with Covid shutdown giving cover to erase the glut, create shortage and control the rate at which the vacuum for the needed resource is filled, worldwide, as the US cannot make up for the intentional cutbacks of OPEC and others. It is not in the interests of the producers to let more product on the international market. The international producers, get higher profit at lower production, maintaining higher profit at lower costs and preserving their supply of the resource, this being good for them both short term and long term, but bad for consumers. The profits are going to the ones that own the resources, industries and business interests.

If you think worldwide production will change just because Donny got re-elected forget it. Even the producers in our country did not go back to work to maximize production when all other industries did, even though it might have made the difference in him winning or losing.
This is all a function of too much money (non-producing money) dumped into the system, much at the bottom during trump admin and early Biden, coupled with a reset of the oil and gas industry worldwide after the last glut on the market, with Covid shutdown giving cover to erase the glut, create shortage and control the rate at which the vacuum for the needed resource is filled, worldwide, as the US cannot make up for the intentional cutbacks of OPEC and others. It is not in the interests of the producers to let more product on the international market. The international producers, get higher profit at lower production, maintaining higher profit at lower costs and preserving their supply of the resource, this being good for them both short term and long term, but bad for consumers. The profits are going to the ones that own the resources, industries and business interests.

If you think worldwide production will change just because Donny got re-elected forget it. Even the producers in our country did not go back to work to maximize production when all other industries did, even though it might have made the difference in him winning or losing.

Let’s just keep going in this direction then. Soon we’ll all be living in parking lot. You’re best hope will be living on a level one.
This is all a function of too much money (non-producing money) dumped into the system, much at the bottom during trump admin and early Biden, coupled with a reset of the oil and gas industry worldwide after the last glut on the market, with Covid shutdown giving cover to erase the glut, create shortage and control the rate at which the vacuum for the needed resource is filled, worldwide, as the US cannot make up for the intentional cutbacks of OPEC and others. It is not in the interests of the producers to let more product on the international market. The international producers, get higher profit at lower production, maintaining higher profit at lower costs and preserving their supply of the resource, this being good for them both short term and long term, but bad for consumers. The profits are going to the ones that own the resources, industries and business interests.

If you think worldwide production will change just because Donny got re-elected forget it. Even the producers in our country did not go back to work to maximize production when all other industries did, even though it might have made the difference in him winning or losing.
LOL. When did I say that.

Take your projection somewhere else.
Let’s just keep going in this direction then. Soon we’ll all be living in parking lot. You’re best hope will be living on a level one.
I think PJ and I will just keep the mortgage free home, loan free cars, and excellent multiple health insurrances (government and private) with real pensions, because we would only work for companies that had pensions and 401K, that we didn't touch for forty years, other than to manage and allocate. This will keep us insulated by our decisions of a long time ago, based on parent and grandparent advice, living the economy since 1973 and making A's in Managerial Finance.
I think PJ and I will just keep the mortgage free home, loan free cars, and excellent multiple health insurrances (government and private) with real pensions, because we would only work for companies that had pensions and 401K, that we didn't touch for forty years, other than to manage and allocate. This will keep us insulated by our decisions of a long time ago, based on parent and grandparent advice, living the economy since 1973 and making A's in Managerial Finance.
Cool story bro. Now out of grandma’s basement and get a job

Biden pulls 3 offshore oil lease sales, curbing new drilling ...

View attachment 959178
The Washington Post › 2022/05/11 › gulf-o...
May 11, 2022 — The Interior Department confirmed Wednesday that it will not hold three oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of ...


Trump put the holy grail for teabaggers, ANWR, up for lease.

Trump Administration Rushes To Sell Arctic National ...

View attachment 959175
Science Friday › Segments
Dec 11, 2020 — After decades of debate, the sale of drilling rights in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has been scheduled for January 6.

Sale of Drilling Leases in Arctic Refuge Fails to Yield a ...

View attachment 959177
The New York Times › 2021/01/06 › climate › arcti...
May 27, 2021 — Just half of the 22 available tracts of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge got bids, and big oil companies stayed away.


US led global oil production for sixth straight year in 2023

View attachment 959179
Fox Business › economy › us-led-globa...
Mar 11, 2024 — The U.S. surpassed its 2019 world record for oil production with an average of 12.9 million barrels a day in 2023.



Corporate profits hit record high as economy boomed in ...

View attachment 959180
The Hill › business › 4561631-corporate-hit-r...
Mar 28, 2024 — Adjusted profits after taxes hit a record high of $2.8 trillion, beating the record of $2.7 trillion in the third quarter of 2022. Profits ...
1. I've already commented on the left wing media's propaganda, and all the suckers who fall for it.
2. I also already commented on Biden "transitioning awy from fossil fuels", just as he promised in the 2020 debates.
3. I also already commented on Biden's puny oil production, totally dwarfed by Trump, that is before Biden started ramping up, in conjunction with the 2024 election getting closer. Ho Hum.

Read the thread before posting.
In the last three months theirs gotta be 50 threads where the leftards are just saying fuck the poor and the middle classes

Hey eviscerate the proletariat....I'm down baby

But the championions of the working classes :p....the ones who will give you a twelve page lecture on how theyhave such empathy for people and that's why they're commies ......errrr I mean democratic socialist.......

Tee hee
I know shocker

Workers of the world unite and fetch me a scotch
Chop chop
So how does all this square with the question of the OP, and Biden's 3 years of agonizing inflation ?
Didn't we get a $1400 stimulus check in the mail 3 years ago from Biden?

I'm certain there are many folks renting, in the same shape as you... Because you not only face rising food costs, but also the rising rents...and if you are in or close to retirement then there is little you can do to improve your income situation other than maybe getting a part time job, to supplement.

Have you thought of moving to a state with cheaper rents?
Where would that be ? (not that I have any intention of moving).

I think instead of me moving, the one who need to move is Joe Biden - out of the White House.
Wages increased 4.1% in the 12 months through May so they are growing faster than inflation. Math is my friend.
According to whom ? Joe Biden's stats ? Don't make us laugh.

Plus as I already noted, millions of people, like myself, dont get wages. We live on Social Security and pensions, which barely move, while prices are skyrocketing.
He claims it doesn’t affect him if he doesn’t pay rent. Real Estate taxes are up across the board as are insurance costs. He must pay neither.
Correct, but even more devastating than taxes & insurance, is the inability of consumer to buy things because so much of the income has now been diverted to rent, gas, & food (especially rent).

$$$$$ that previously would have gone to sporting goods, books, furniture, clothing, home electronics, musical instruments, etc, is now going to massively incresed rents.
They claim to be making much more money than before, they also want the government to forgive college debt.

I’ve proposed that, since they have such wealth, they should start a non profit that pays off the graduates college debt with their considerable wealth.

None have responded. Guess we know they actually don’t care?

And I’ve heard none of them offer to take in a single illegal. You?
Instead, they're devising ways to ship the illegals out of their communities.
You don't think if Trump is elected and he imposes higher and many more tariffs you're not going to see higher inflation? Who will really pay for the tariffs?
NO, I most certainly do NOT think that. When Trump was president, inflation was ZERO, and at times hovered around that level. When he left office, it was a meager 1.4%, and he was placing tariffs all over the place,
I guess I missed this or rather the people around the corner from me that is asking $2900 a month rent with a $10,000 deposit for a 3 bedroom, 1 bath house.
DeSantis vetoed it. So if you are a Florida business owner or renter, now you know who to not vote for in a Republican primary.

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