Are you born gay?

Guys. The science is in on this. It has to do with levels of hormones in the mothers bloodstream during key periods of fetal development. So while it's not necessarily genetic, it is biological, and possibly may have genetic factors, considering hormone levels are a combination of many things, including genes.
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Guys. The science is in on this. It has to do with levels of hormones in the mothers bloodstream during key periods of fetal development. So while it's not necessarily genetic, it is biological, and possibly may have genetic factors, considering hormone levels are a combination of many things, including genes.

Hogwash, haven't seen this reported anywhere except obscure sites on the web and from your filthy piehole which makes it highly suspicious.

Its a choice, make the breakthrough from the pc hell you live in, breathe the fresh air.
Guys. The science is in on this. It has to do with levels of hormones in the mothers bloodstream during key periods of fetal development. So while it's not necessarily genetic, it is biological, and possibly may have genetic factors, considering hormone levels are a combination of many things, including genes.
So like blindness, deafness, or retardation, medical science should work to prevent the problem: an anti-gay pill. Yet we have a lobby trying to promote it. :smoke:
1. Have genes for blindness, deafness, or retardation been found?
I imagine that that most of them are choosing to be blind, deaf, or retarded. :rolleyes:

2. None of these conditions is desireable, and society is doing whatever it can to prevent them from occuring. So why is homosexuality encouraged?

Encouraged? It's barely tolerated. IMO, homosexuality isn't something into which a person can be persuaded or encouraged.
Lol, methinks you like a good schlong in your bunghole every now and then otherwise you wouldn't be coming with the stupid shit you post on this subject.

Seeing as your a Brit I know a good dentist you could go see for your fucked up teeth.

Lol your getting the piss today aren't you honey?

I thought for a while that your stupidity and blind ignorance was an act.I am ashamed of myself, you are indeed a real retard.:cheers2:
I imagine that that most of them are choosing to be blind, deaf, or retarded. :rolleyes:

Encouraged? It's barely tolerated. IMO, homosexuality isn't something into which a person can be persuaded or encouraged.

1. You didn't answer the question.

2. How do you explain the homosexual lobby, the pro-gay agenda of liberal groups, and a 'day of silence' for gays in schools? I don't see any pro-groups for the other conditions mentioned.
I thought for a while that your stupidity and blind ignorance was an act.I am ashamed of myself, you are indeed a real retard.:cheers2:

Need that dentist yet? Or are you like all your brethren? Laying in the gutter full of bitters and wishing you had some skank pikey to keep you company in your alcoholic fog.

Your nothing but an insignificant troll fuck, don't ever talk shit about the staff here ever again, as you can see you don't have what it takes creatively to tangle with me, stick to the c division boy.
Need that dentist yet? Or are you like all your brethren? Laying in the gutter full of bitters and wishing you had some skank pikey to keep you company in your alcoholic fog.

Your nothing but an insignificant troll fuck, don't ever talk shit about the staff here ever again, as you can see you don't have what it takes creatively to tangle with me, stick to the c division boy.

I could bich slap the fuck out of you dimwit without breaking sweat.Why don't you run along and do what you do best, play that banjo boy, i'll go get my guitar, you inbred fucking hick.
I like this, I have found a new plaything:spank3:

Pikey you are a Brit, a lowlife, you aren't good enough to wipe my ass. Now i'll do you a favor and leave you alone(or not) before I make you completely drown yourself in a bottle of beefeaters.

Lol your a pissant compared to me, a complete irrelevant joke with the respect of nobody.

Take this as a lesson, next time don't step to me unless your gun is fully loaded and well oiled or like this i'll fuck you up and not think twice about how you feel or what you think.

You are best off to leave this thread alone. Would you like to ask me to voluntarily ban you from this thread so you don't embarrass yourself further?
I could bich slap the fuck out of you dimwit without breaking sweat.Why don't you run along and do what you do best, play that banjo boy, i'll go get my guitar, you inbred fucking hick.

You couldn't do shit what with being a limpwristed Brit pikey and all........

I'm Greek not a hick, remember to look up at me and ask to speak first mate.
The intellectual depth and philosophical probity of this exchange is dazzling. Thanks guys!
Maybe you've hit the nail on the head. Everybody's bisexual. It's just a matter of percentage which way you lean.

Thanks for solving the boards most pressing and frequently debated issue.

I asked the moderators this before and I'll ask again. Since "Homosexuality" is probably the most popular topic on this forum (more than "sports" or "photography") why doesn't it have its own forum heading? Then the people who are obsessed with the issue will know where to go rather than having to jump between "Religion", "War on Terror" and all the other sections this debate rears its stupid head.

Use the Health/Lifestyle forum to discuss homosexuality:
That's the best argument from your side I've heard. If we discriminate against 'discrimination' based on ANOTHER choice, why not homosexuality?

I suppose it's a line-thing. We have to draw lines. People's sexual activity is on the side of the line we should NOT protect.

I’m glad that you recognize that there are shades of gray. The question is not “all or nothing”. The issue comes down to where to draw the line. So many people discount relativism but relativism exists practically everywhere. We already do prohibit people from discriminating against those that make unpopular life choices. To what extent do we allow people to discriminate based on another person’s personal choice is just another example. The government is prohibited from discriminating against someone based on his religious choice.

We allow people do engage in unhealthy behavior to an extent. People are allowed to smoke cigarettes but not marijuana. People are allowed to drink alcohol only after they reach a certain age. People are allowed to hunt deer and cut open frogs for biology class but we are not allowed to perform cruel experiments on our own house pets. The “Bill of Right” says that government will not prohibit the free exercise of religion. What if, based on my interpretation of my “Bible” I am prohibited from authorizing a blood transfusion for my sick infant? Is government authorized to intervene?

There is freedom of speech but do you think that the government should have no interest in my choice to march through down town Harlem at three o’clock in the morning chanting racial slurs? There is still the old bazooka question – one that OCA weasels out of answering because –as far as I know, a bazooka has never been sold to a private citizen. We have the second amendment. Should private citizens be allowed to own fully operational bazookas? The list of questions is practically endless.
I’m glad that you recognize that there are shades of gray. The question is not “all or nothing”. The issue comes down to where to draw the line. So many people discount relativism but relativism exists practically everywhere. We already do prohibit people from discriminating against those that make unpopular life choices. To what extent do we allow people to discriminate based on another person’s personal choice is just another example. The government is prohibited from discriminating against someone based on his religious choice.

We allow people do engage in unhealthy behavior to an extent. People are allowed to smoke cigarettes but not marijuana. People are allowed to drink alcohol only after they reach a certain age. People are allowed to hunt deer and cut open frogs for biology class but we are not allowed to perform cruel experiments on our own house pets. The “Bill of Right” says that government will not prohibit the free exercise of religion. What if, based on my interpretation of my “Bible” I am prohibited from authorizing a blood transfusion for my sick infant? Is government authorized to intervene?

There is freedom of speech but do you think that the government should have no interest in my choice to march through down town Harlem at three o’clock in the morning chanting racial slurs? There is still the old bazooka question – one that OCA weasels out of answering because –as far as I know, a bazooka has never been sold to a private citizen. We have the second amendment. Should private citizens be allowed to own fully operational bazookas? The list of questions is practically endless.

Because there are shades of grey between black and white, doesn't mean black and white don't exist.

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