Are you good enough to be a Muslim?

OK, the thread title is a slight wind up but the topic is more serious.

This month is the Muslim holy month of Ramadan where all (Well, almost all) Muslims should fast in daylight hours.

Apart from all the religious stuff about fasting, it should remind us what it's like to be hungry and make us consider the people who are unable to eat because they're simply too poor to afford food.

Of course, not all Muslims who should fast, do so but the vast majority do.

Here's the challenge.

I ask you to take breakfast before sun up but not eat or drink anything until sundown.
If you manage, you'll have a pretty good idea what it's like to be hungry and have no hope of buying food.

With that thought - go out and be nice to someone.

Ramadan is more than just not eating, even something like cursing is enough to consider you breaking your fast.
OK, the thread title is a slight wind up but the topic is more serious.

This month is the Muslim holy month of Ramadan where all (Well, almost all) Muslims should fast in daylight hours.

Apart from all the religious stuff about fasting, it should remind us what it's like to be hungry and make us consider the people who are unable to eat because they're simply too poor to afford food.

Of course, not all Muslims who should fast, do so but the vast majority do.

Here's the challenge.

I ask you to take breakfast before sun up but not eat or drink anything until sundown.
If you manage, you'll have a pretty good idea what it's like to be hungry and have no hope of buying food.

With that thought - go out and be nice to someone.

Ramadan is more than just not eating, even something like cursing is enough to consider you breaking your fast.

Loads f stuff we aren't supposed to do.
Sex in fasting hours, dirty thoughts about sex in fasting hours, dirty thoughts about bondage in fasting hours, dirty thoughts about being tied up, whipped and abused by a dom in fasting hours, and absolutely no dirty thoughts about Thai ladyboys in fasting hours, even the ones without whips.

Luckily, cold showers are perfectly acceptable.
Republicans hate Muslims more than blacks and Hispanics, but they hate gays the most.
Those that I listed are in Shariah Law and not something which one can accept or not, if a true Muslim.
You are just turning to the Doctrine of Taqqiya to protect the religion.
OK, the thread title is a slight wind up but the topic is more serious.

This month is the Muslim holy month of Ramadan where all (Well, almost all) Muslims should fast in daylight hours.

Apart from all the religious stuff about fasting, it should remind us what it's like to be hungry and make us consider the people who are unable to eat because they're simply too poor to afford food.

Of course, not all Muslims who should fast, do so but the vast majority do.

Here's the challenge.

I ask you to take breakfast before sun up but not eat or drink anything until sundown.
If you manage, you'll have a pretty good idea what it's like to be hungry and have no hope of buying food.

With that thought - go out and be nice to someone.

For one day it's easy.

When you have to do it for a whole month its more difficult

Tell me about it - worse when something tosses a spanner into the works and naffs up your dinner plans.
I had to hag on an extra 45 minutes this evening because the taxi bringing my wife to the shopping centre was playing about.

For one day it's easy.

When you have to do it for a whole month its more difficult

Tell me about it - worse when something tosses a spanner into the works and naffs up your dinner plans.
I had to hag on an extra 45 minutes this evening because the taxi bringing my wife to the shopping centre was playing about.


A bit cross thread but...
I'm still really busy with work stuff so very little time to post.
I'll get back to you on that other thread as soon as I'm able.
Those that I listed are in Shariah Law and not something which one can accept or not, if a true Muslim.
You are just turning to the Doctrine of Taqqiya to protect the religion.

There is no such thing as a singular code of Sharia law. Try again.
I am better than that, I am a open minded agnostic woman. Islam doesn’t like outspoken women that rejects male hierarchy based on phallocentric mindless superstition. Islam? Those mad boys are intolerant as the day is long, those children crash planes into buildings. Who are you trying to fool with this malarkey?
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I am better than that, I am a open minded agnostic woman. Islam doesn’t like outspoken women that rejects male hierarchy based on phallocentric mindless superstition. Islam? Those mad boys are intolerant as the day is long, those children crash planes into buildings. Who are you trying to fool with this malarkey?

And Indonesia isn't a mainly Muslim country.

Raden Adjeng Kartini Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -

You, as so many do, are mistaking Islamic culture and tradition for local culture and tradition.
Refusing education to a girl here is not just illegal, it's socially unacceptable.
Perhaps girls like you would benefit from education more if they opened their eyes first, rather than using uneducated, bigots as their teachers.

However, I know trying to educate you is pointless as you'll find a way to dismiss one of Indonesia's national heroes and blindly hate, ignoring what you see, because it doesn't fit into your narrow view of the world.

To be educated, you have to open your mind to ideas.

I am a open minded agnostic woman
phallocentric mindless superstition

That sounds more like militant atheism but I suspect you're basis your views on what you think Christianity is.
Perhaps I could go as far as suggesting you read Al Qur'an and the old testament.
You'll find the two are very similar in more than a few ways.

For instance, the Christian tradition of stoning to death.
In Zambia, a CHRISTIAN country, 70-year old woman stoned to death for suspicion practicing witchcraft

Some Christians stone people to death so they all must.

Or the way Christian schools treat their students

Probe into strict Christian sect school that 'shut up' girl pupil for 37 days... for making Facebook page | Mail Online

Some Christians do so they all must

or Christian teachers who sexually abuse girls

Former music teacher at Christian school charged with sexual abuse - Chicago Tribune

Some Christians do so they all must

Some Christians whip their 10 year old daughters with electrical cable

Southern Education

Some Christians do so they all must

Some Christians like to be whipped whist boys are watching

Principal fired after asking to be whipped | Juneau Empire - Alaska's Capital City Online Newspaper

Some Christians do so they all must

OK, that'll do.
I hope you can see how, if twisted correctly, any group could be made out to be really odd.
At the moment, Muslims are in the firing line for a variety of reasons but where were all these Muslim stories before the Berlin wall fell?

People are being taken for fools by governments and the press.
As yourself, are you a fool?
OK, the thread title is a slight wind up but the topic is more serious.

This month is the Muslim holy month of Ramadan where all (Well, almost all) Muslims should fast in daylight hours.

Apart from all the religious stuff about fasting, it should remind us what it's like to be hungry and make us consider the people who are unable to eat because they're simply too poor to afford food.

Of course, not all Muslims who should fast, do so but the vast majority do.

Here's the challenge.

I ask you to take breakfast before sun up but not eat or drink anything until sundown.
If you manage, you'll have a pretty good idea what it's like to be hungry and have no hope of buying food.

With that thought - go out and be nice to someone.
Funny part about Ramadan is Mohammad looted, murdered, and robbed caravans during this so called holy month.

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