Are You Learning Yet?

No. Liberals tell themselves that the NRA is on the ropes. NRA members are destroyng their weapons.
You know I was never one to join the NRA or any other organization for that matter but last week I became a member of both the NRA and Gun owners of America and I am seriously considering getting certified as an NRA pistol instructor
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No. Liberals tell themselves that the NRA is on the ropes. NRA members are destroyng their weapons.
I have these weapons you speak of yet never joined the NRA..I am a member of zero clubs, frats or freak shows...I just haven't been able to find a freak show lately...
Some seem to be cult joiners.....and some go in for blood cults.
Conservatives relish gun massacres. They immediately rush to make it easier for criminals to get guns. And the NRA leads their charge.

What has anyone done to make it easier to get guns than it has been for the past 30 years?

Pleas be specific and provide links
Specific and privide links? Okay little fairy. Here you go: signs&sort=date&pageNum=1

The NRA Has Been Outstandingly Successful Where It Really Counts

N.R.A. Victories in Congress Grow With Chief Lobbyist’s Role

The NRA fights to keep flooding the country wih guns. 400+ million isn’t enough. The kids massacred in Parkland are a small price they’re happy to pay.
No. Liberals tell themselves that the NRA is on the ropes. NRA members are destroyng their weapons.
I have these weapons you speak of yet never joined the NRA..I am a member of zero clubs, frats or freak shows...I just haven't been able to find a freak show lately...
Some seem to be cult joiners.....and some go in for blood cults.
I grew up being in many organizations through my family but after adulthood I never cared to join any, even the passive dean's list org....
Is that because Trump said to grab the guns without due process? Must be.
Conservatives relish gun massacres. They immediately rush to make it easier for criminals to get guns. And the NRA leads their charge.

That's like saying Progressive who pass out condoms and teach kids how to use them with cucumbers somehow support statutory rape or pedophilia.

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