CDZ Are You On the Side of Palestinian Terrorists or Civilians?

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The hardcore leftists will say “Palestine”. Liberals will usually punt on the question, draw some type of moral equivalence to both sides, bash Israel, and then proceed with platitudes.

Smart people will unequivocally say they support Israel

What equivalency? The European refugees sought sanctuary in Palestine and immediately set out to exterminate the inhabitants.

They formed their terror gangs in the early 1920s, killed over 500 British peacekeepers, looted and leveled 300 Arab villages, firebombed the oil refinery at Haifa and murdered Count Bernadotte in the street like a dog after he saved 30,000 European Jews from the Holocaust.
Yeah the Palestinians have never had a country, but they do now in Jordan. They should go live with their people. Israel has been around 70 years now and the Israelis can defend their land. That’s really the only thing that matters: I know you wish Israel gone, but you are trapped in a constant cycle of disappointment. Israel will continue to live and you will continue to suffer because of it, unless you accept it. Either way makes no difference to the reality of what will continue to go on.

....and, of course, the reason the Palestinians never had a country is because there was no such thing as a "Palestinian" people before recent times. They were just Arabs with no particular identity outside of that.

In fact, there is a famous letter by King Abdullah written in the late 40s called "as the Arabs see the Jews", and in it is a long list of Arab grievances, half truths, distortions, and general sophistry. What is most notable, however, is that NOT ONCE does he mention any sort of Palestinian people because, of course, there were none. In fact, through the decade of the fifties and into the sixties, pan Arabism prevailed, and it was only at Arafat's insistence that they started referring to themselves as Palestinians after the six day war.

They were called Palestinians by 1950. Many worked in Arabia and went to Mass or our Protestant church. Palestine was a province of Syria . Herodotus called it Palestine by 500 BC and Palestine and Palestinians are mentioned in the writings of Chaucer and Shakespeare. Be careful of the lies.. Look at the Turkish census of 1850s.. Jews were a tiny minority in Palestine.
A land designation and a people are two different things.

Your anecdotal declarations mean nothing. If there was a Palestinian identity then, King Abdullah would have mentioned it. He didn't. There wasn't.

Abdullah's article is truthful.. You are still claiming Palestine was a land without people., but who do you think protected and preserved the age old evidence of the Patriarchs? It wasn't European Jews.. It was Arab Muslims and Christians.
The hardcore leftists will say “Palestine”. Liberals will usually punt on the question, draw some type of moral equivalence to both sides, bash Israel, and then proceed with platitudes.

Smart people will unequivocally say they support Israel

What equivalency? The European refugees sought sanctuary in Palestine and immediately set out to exterminate the inhabitants.

Have you ever considered telling the truth, instead? They did not set out to exterminate anybody.

They had good relations with the Nashashibi clan and others, and the economic development in the area drew many Arabs from surrounding areas.

Nashashibi clan - Wikipedia

Nashashibi (Arabic: النشاشيبي‎; transliteration, an-Nashāshībī) is the name of a prominent Palestinian family based in Jerusalem. After the First World War, during the British period, Raghib al-Nashashibi was Mayor of Jerusalem (1920–1934). A branch of the family, Al Hassani, are reputed to have moved to Damascus in Syria; another minor branch, the Akattan, is presumed to have been established in Turkey of t…


Mamluk and Ottoman periods

The Nashashibis are reportedly of Kurdish, Turkmen or Arab origin (as their name being the equivalent of fletcher in English may indicate). They first became notable and prominent in Jerusalem with the advent of Prince (of the army) Nasser al-Din al-Nashashibi who migrated (or led a military contingent?…

and Fakhri Nashashibi was assassinated because he sought peace with Jews.

The Zionist gangs killed over 500 British peacekeepers and murdered Count Bernadotte who had saved 30,000 Jews from the Holocaust.

They attacked the King David Hotel pretending they were Arabs and they attacked Americans in Cairo also pretending to be Arabs. Remember the Lavon Affair that lead to the Suez Crisis?

Abdullah's article is truthful.. You are still claiming Palestine was a land without people., but who do you think protected and preserved the age old evidence of the Patriarchs? It wasn't European Jews.. It was Arab Muslims and Christians.
I have claimed no such thing. Please stop your lies.

The significant aspect to his letter filled with half truths and distortions is that not once did he mention a "Palestinian" people. That is proof that such an identity DID NOT EXIST.
Again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Wrong. That is an ignorant and incorrect view that i have seen too many people like you repeat. Terrorists and freedom fighters are two separate things. A "freedom fighter" fights for freedom, while a "terrorist" intentionally targets civilians to achieve their political or ideological goals. Just because you fight for freedom, doesnt mean you cant also be a terrorist. Palestinians are terrorists.
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Abdullah's article is truthful.. You are still claiming Palestine was a land without people., but who do you think protected and preserved the age old evidence of the Patriarchs? It wasn't European Jews.. It was Arab Muslims and Christians.
I have claimed no such thing. Please stop your lies.

The significant aspect to his letter filled with half truths and distortions is that not once did he mention a "Palestinian" people. That is proof that such an identity DID NOT EXIST.

The letter is NOT filled with distortions and half truths. Check the facts.

Israel was a tiny city state on the trade route.. bandit territory. Most of its history it was ruled by Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Syrians, Romans and Turks.......

Ancient Jerusalem: The Village, the Town, the City ...

Oct 17, 2020 · Overall, however, the area comprises only about 11–12 acres. Geva estimates the population of the city during this period at between 500 and 700 “at most.” (Previously other prominent scholars had estimated Jerusalem’s population in this period as 880–1,100, 1,000, 2,500, 3,000; still this is hardly what we would consider a metropolis.)
Again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Wrong. You are so simple minded to think that. Terrorists and freedom fighters are two separate things. A "freedom fighter" fights for freedom, while a "terrorists" intentionally target civilians to achieve their political or ideological goals. Just because you fight for freedom, doesnt mean you cant also be a terrorist. Palestinians are terrorists.

Nope. The Palestinians have been the majority in Palestine for 2000 years.. long before Islam. Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and in 500 BC Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria.
I cant believe the mods think this is a suitable subject for the CDZ when it is framed in such a way.
The Afghani war orphans (Taliban) filled the void in a lawless, crime ridden Afghanistan after the US pulled out.

The word among US politicians was that the Taliban would evolve and become a benign monarchy of sorts. It was a self serving lie.

I don't think they ever gave it that much thought. They just saw an opportunity to fuck with the USSR and armed some very bad people.

The biggest problem with our efforts in Afghanistan is the CIA didn't know jack shit about Afghan culture, language or politics, and they were happy to recruit Arabs like Bin Laden to do the fighting.
and Fakhri Nashashibi was assassinated because he sought peace with Jews.

Yitzak Rabin was assassinated by Jews when he sought peace with the Palestinians... what's your point?

It kind of sounds like a good reason why we shouldn't be involved.
Wrong. That is an ignorant and incorrect view that i have seen too many people like you repeat. Terrorists and freedom fighters are two separate things. A "freedom fighter" fights for freedom, while a "terrorist" intentionally targets civilians to achieve their political or ideological goals. Just because you fight for freedom, doesnt mean you cant also be a terrorist. Palestinians are terrorists.

Again, you are proving my point. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

George III probably thought the Founding Fathers were terrorists. Except that word hadn't entered the vocabulary yet.


Hmmm... that sounds familiar.

The Afghani war orphans (Taliban) filled the void in a lawless, crime ridden Afghanistan after the US pulled out.

The word among US politicians was that the Taliban would evolve and become a benign monarchy of sorts. It was a self serving lie.

I don't think they ever gave it that much thought. They just saw an opportunity to fuck with the USSR and armed some very bad people.

The biggest problem with our efforts in Afghanistan is the CIA didn't know jack shit about Afghan culture, language or politics, and they were happy to recruit Arabs like Bin Laden to do the fighting.

The Soviets pulled out in 1989. The Taliban was founded in 1994.
Wrong. That is an ignorant and incorrect view that i have seen too many people like you repeat. Terrorists and freedom fighters are two separate things. A "freedom fighter" fights for freedom, while a "terrorist" intentionally targets civilians to achieve their political or ideological goals. Just because you fight for freedom, doesnt mean you cant also be a terrorist. Palestinians are terrorists.

Again, you are proving my point. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

George III probably thought the Founding Fathers were terrorists. Except that word hadn't entered the vocabulary yet.

View attachment 489854
Hmmm... that sounds familiar.

View attachment 489855
The definition doesnt change based on perspective. Only ignorant people would think that.
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

I’m against apartheid type policies of the wingnut lead government of Israel.
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

Is that you in the video? If so, well done!

No, but I totally agree with what the man says.
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

Again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

View attachment 489753
Boy, that didn't age well.

Israel only exists because the west felt bad about the Holocaust and decided to give away Palestinian land to the survivors. It was a terrible idea then, and it's a terrible idea now.
You are a useful idiot if you promote the idea that Reagan ever met with the Taliban.

Verdict: False

The photo actually shows Reagan meeting with Afghan mujahedeen in 1983, approximately a decade before the Taliban formed.

Fact Check:

This image, which has been circulating on social media since at least 2016, was shared on Facebook after President Donald Trump announced that he had called off talks with Taliban leaders just days before the 18th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Reagan sits in the Oval Office with a group of men wearing turbans in the picture. “NeverTrumpers: A President meeting with the Taliban,” reads the caption. “This is horrific!”

However, a reverse image search reveals that the photograph does not depict Reagan meeting with the Taliban. The picture, which the Daily Caller found on the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library website, actually shows the president meeting with “Afghan Freedom Fighters” to discuss “Soviet atrocities in Afghanistan,” according to its caption.

The men, also referred to as mujahedeen, were Islamic guerrilla fighters who opposed the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan during the 70s and 80s. The Reagan administration provided funds to aid their resistance efforts.

Adding even more to the Facebook post’s dubiousness, the photograph was taken in 1983, according to its caption, so it is impossible for the men who met with Reagan to be Taliban members. The Taliban didn’t emerge until the mid-90s, roughly a decade after the picture was taken.
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

I’m against apartheid type policies of the wingnut lead government of Israel.

Israel does not support apartheid. Your misconceptions concerning Israel and the Israeli government are the direct result of your ignorance of the truth.

Currently, there are 15 Muslims in the Israeli Parliament ( Knesset ).

  1. Hamad Amar ( Yisrael Beiteinu )
  2. Taleb Abu Arar ( United Arab List, Joint List )
  3. Zouheir Bahloul ( Zionist Union )
  4. Issawi Frej ( Meretz )
  5. Bassel Ghattas ( Balad, Joint List )
  6. Massud Ghnaim ( United Arab List, Joint List )
  7. Akram Hason ( Kadima Kulanu )
  8. Youssef Jabareen ( United Arab List, Joint List )
  9. Ayoob Kara ( Likud )
  10. Abdullah Abu Ma’rof ( Joint List )
  11. Ahmad Tibi ( Balad, Ta’al, United Arab List )
  12. Haneen Zoabi ( Balad, Joint List )
  13. Osama Saadi ( Joint List )
  14. Abd al-Hakeem Hajj Yahya ( Joint List )
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

I’m against apartheid type policies of the wingnut lead government of Israel.

How do you feel about real apartheid policies in Palestinian Territories?
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

I’m against apartheid type policies of the wingnut lead government of Israel.

How do you feel about real apartheid policies in Palestinian Territories?
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eagero see escalation of military acion from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do ot combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

Palestinian terrorists? You mean all of those women and children living in Tents on the Gaza strip?

Israeli military have killed more Palestinians indiscriminately in one week than Hamas has killed Jews in 20 years.

The attacks on Israel aren't indiscriminate. They are in retaliation for yet more violent trespassing Jews attempting to take Palestinian homes.

And this time people all over the world are clearly seeing it. Things just got a little more tricky for the criminal Netanyahu, and he's fast running out of support.
the Palestinians are to blame, they openly support Hamas a terrorist group that places missile mortar and rocket launchers in civilian areas, that builds tunnels to use to hide in while denying civilians that right.

Wrong. The Israelis are to blame. They're the ones that stole the Palestinians land in 1948.

But that's beside the point. The latest round of violence started with a bunch of jewish squatters claiming they have the authority to take homes away from Palestinians.

Where I come from, we call that theft, and will kill to defend our homes.

I guess if some freak wearing a funny little hat shows up at your house, and tells you to get out, you'll just pack up and leave right?
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