CDZ Are You On the Side of Palestinian Terrorists or Civilians?

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The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eagero see escalation of military acion from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do ot combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

Israeli military have killed more Palestinians indiscriminately in one week than Hamas has killed Jews in 20 years.

The attacks on Israel aren't indiscriminate.

These are outrageous lies. There is no doubt in my mind you are an antisemite
the Palestinians are to blame, they openly support Hamas a terrorist group that places missile mortar and rocket launchers in civilian areas, that builds tunnels to use to hide in while denying civilians that right.

Wrong. The Israelis are to blame. They're the ones that stole the Palestinians land in 1948.

But that's beside the point. The latest round of violence started with a bunch of jewish squatters claiming they have the authority to take homes away from Palestinians.

Where I come from, we call that theft, and will kill to defend our homes.

I guess if some freak wearing a funny little hat shows up at your house, and tells you to get out, you'll just pack up and leave right?
Liar the current problems were caused by Arab squatters refusing to pay rent.
the Palestinians are to blame, they openly support Hamas a terrorist group that places missile mortar and rocket launchers in civilian areas, that builds tunnels to use to hide in while denying civilians that right.

Wrong. The Israelis are to blame. They're the ones that stole the Palestinians land in 1948.

But that's beside the point. The latest round of violence started with a bunch of jewish squatters claiming they have the authority to take homes away from Palestinians.

Where I come from, we call that theft, and will kill to defend our homes.

I guess if some freak wearing a funny little hat shows up at your house, and tells you to get out, you'll just pack up and leave right?
Liar the current problems were caused by Arab squatters refusing to pay rent.
The attacks on Israel aren't indiscriminate.
Firing rockets that are not guided to a specific target is indiscriminate. The explosion occurs wherever the rocket happens to strike. Firing a thousand unguided rockets into a region in hopes of killing people is indiscriminate murder.

Muslims have killed more Muslims in Israel than Israelis have.
the Palestinians are to blame, they openly support Hamas a terrorist group that places missile mortar and rocket launchers in civilian areas, that builds tunnels to use to hide in while denying civilians that right.

HAMAS is Israel's tarbaby.

How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas – Attack the System
May 13, 2021 · By Andrew Higgins, Washington Post Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor's bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile's trajectory back to an "enormous, stupid mistake" made 30 years ago. "Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for…
Those poor, suffering Hamas members seem to be able to purchase a billion dollars worth of missiles but can't build an electric plant.
You're such a tool.
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

Again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

View attachment 489753
Boy, that didn't age well.

Israel only exists because the west felt bad about the Holocaust and decided to give away Palestinian land to the survivors. It was a terrible idea then, and it's a terrible idea now.
I admire Muslims for their willingness to murder people all over the world to provide a land for the Palis.
You're such a tool.
The attacks on Israel aren't indiscriminate.
Firing rockets that are not guided to a specific target is indiscriminate. The explosion occurs wherever the rocket happens to strike. Firing a thousand unguided rockets into a region in hopes of killing people is indiscriminate murder.

Muslims have killed more Muslims in Israel than Israelis have.
It's mostly because Hamas members are not educated in firing missiles.
The attacks on Israel aren't indiscriminate.
Firing rockets that are not guided to a specific target is indiscriminate. The explosion occurs wherever the rocket happens to strike. Firing a thousand unguided rockets into a region in hopes of killing people is indiscriminate murder.

Muslims have killed more Muslims in Israel than Israelis have.
It's mostly because Hamas members are not educated in firing missiles.
I wish you people would stop calling Hamas terrorists. It is Israel who has broken over 80 UN resolutions far more than any other country and are the true terrorists, not Hamas.
UN resolutions are decided by all the countries of the world. Unfortunately, the security council made up of six nations That have the power individually to veto any sanctions the rest of the world feels are appropriate and the US has vetoed every sanction ever imposed on Israel making it a terrorist nation simply by aiding and abetting Israeli terrorism.
The present resumption of Israeli terrorism and ethnic cleansing started because Israel decided to threaten to evict Palestinians from East Jerusalem on land they have occupied for centuries and also launched a criminal assault on the Al Aqsa Mosque on the last day of Ramadan the Muslim Holy month.
In response, Palestinian kids increased their firing of crude missiles - lengths of piping filled with fertiliser because they can't afford high explosives. Though these so-called missiles seldom do any damage let alone kill anyone Isreal used it as an excuse to launch their state-of-the-art missile strikes on civilian areas that constitute War Crimes under the UN Charter. Rather like using a sledgehammer to crack an egg. It should also be noted that around 50% of people in these areas are children. Hamas has now become involved and stated on Monday if Isreal stops Hamas will stop.
Israel has no intention of stopping and the Israeli Prime Minister has every reason to carry on the killing merely to keep him in power and boost his personal ratings.

I rather suspect that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has planned the whole escalation even to the point of a ground invasion and all-out war simply to try and turn the tide of growing disapproval for the only Prime Minister I've ever heard of that is standing trial on corruption charges at the same time he is running the State of Israel.
It would be hilarious if not so brutally tragic. And of course, it is working as Israeli's love nothing better than a bit or rather a lot of Palestinian blood letting and blood lust.

So no Hamas is like its sister organisation was in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, a charitable and social support organisation that builds and administers the infrastructure needed particularly for the poor. It is for that reason their support goes without question by a huge majority of the Palestinian people.
Contrast that with the wibbly wobbly support the criminal fascists of Israels Netanyahu's Government can barely command. And not without the once a decade bloodletting war and mass murder of Palastinian women and children, to quench the blood lust thirst of Israeli bestiality.
The attacks on Israel aren't indiscriminate.
Firing rockets that are not guided to a specific target is indiscriminate. The explosion occurs wherever the rocket happens to strike. Firing a thousand unguided rockets into a region in hopes of killing people is indiscriminate murder.

Muslims have killed more Muslims in Israel than Israelis have.
It's mostly because Hamas members are not educated in firing missiles.
I wish you people would stop calling Hamas terrorists. It is Israel who has broken over 80 UN resolutions far more than any other country and are the true terrorists, not Hamas.
UN resolutions are decided by all the countries of the world. Unfortunately, the security council made up of six nations That have the power individually to veto any sanctions the rest of the world feels are appropriate and the US has vetoed every sanction ever imposed on Israel making it a terrorist nation simply by aiding and abetting Israeli terrorism.
The present resumption of Israeli terrorism and ethnic cleansing started because Israel decided to threaten to evict Palestinians from East Jerusalem on land they have occupied for centuries and also launched a criminal assault on the Al Aqsa Mosque on the last day of Ramadan the Muslim Holy month.
In response, Palestinian kids increased their firing of crude missiles - lengths of piping filled with fertiliser because they can't afford high explosives. Though these so-called missiles seldom do any damage let alone kill anyone Isreal used it as an excuse to launch their state-of-the-art missile strikes on civilian areas that constitute War Crimes under the UN Charter. Rather like using a sledgehammer to crack an egg. It should also be noted that around 50% of people in these areas are children. Hamas has now become involved and stated on Monday if Isreal stops Hamas will stop.
Israel has no intention of stopping and the Israeli Prime Minister has every reason to carry on the killing merely to keep him in power and boost his personal ratings.

I rather suspect that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has planned the whole escalation even to the point of a ground invasion and all-out war simply to try and turn the tide of growing disapproval for the only Prime Minister I've ever heard of that is standing trial on corruption charges at the same time he is running the State of Israel.
It would be hilarious if not so brutally tragic. And of course, it is working as Israeli's love nothing better than a bit or rather a lot of Palestinian blood letting and blood lust.

So no Hamas is like its sister organisation was in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, a charitable and social support organisation that builds and administers the infrastructure needed particularly for the poor. It is for that reason their support goes without question by a huge majority of the Palestinian people.
Contrast that with the wibbly wobbly support the criminal fascists of Israels Netanyahu's Government can barely command. And not without the once a decade bloodletting war and mass murder of Palastinian women and children, to quench the blood lust thirst of Israeli bestiality.
The UN is made up of African and Arab Nation, you moron.
The attacks on Israel aren't indiscriminate.
Firing rockets that are not guided to a specific target is indiscriminate. The explosion occurs wherever the rocket happens to strike. Firing a thousand unguided rockets into a region in hopes of killing people is indiscriminate murder.

Muslims have killed more Muslims in Israel than Israelis have.
It's mostly because Hamas members are not educated in firing missiles.
I wish you people would stop calling Hamas terrorists. It is Israel who has broken over 80 UN resolutions far more than any other country and are the true terrorists, not Hamas.
UN resolutions are decided by all the countries of the world. Unfortunately, the security council made up of six nations That have the power individually to veto any sanctions the rest of the world feels are appropriate and the US has vetoed every sanction ever imposed on Israel making it a terrorist nation simply by aiding and abetting Israeli terrorism.
The present resumption of Israeli terrorism and ethnic cleansing started because Israel decided to threaten to evict Palestinians from East Jerusalem on land they have occupied for centuries and also launched a criminal assault on the Al Aqsa Mosque on the last day of Ramadan the Muslim Holy month.
In response, Palestinian kids increased their firing of crude missiles - lengths of piping filled with fertiliser because they can't afford high explosives. Though these so-called missiles seldom do any damage let alone kill anyone Isreal used it as an excuse to launch their state-of-the-art missile strikes on civilian areas that constitute War Crimes under the UN Charter. Rather like using a sledgehammer to crack an egg. It should also be noted that around 50% of people in these areas are children. Hamas has now become involved and stated on Monday if Isreal stops Hamas will stop.
Israel has no intention of stopping and the Israeli Prime Minister has every reason to carry on the killing merely to keep him in power and boost his personal ratings.

I rather suspect that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has planned the whole escalation even to the point of a ground invasion and all-out war simply to try and turn the tide of growing disapproval for the only Prime Minister I've ever heard of that is standing trial on corruption charges at the same time he is running the State of Israel.
It would be hilarious if not so brutally tragic. And of course, it is working as Israeli's love nothing better than a bit or rather a lot of Palestinian blood letting and blood lust.

So no Hamas is like its sister organisation was in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, a charitable and social support organisation that builds and administers the infrastructure needed particularly for the poor. It is for that reason their support goes without question by a huge majority of the Palestinian people.
Contrast that with the wibbly wobbly support the criminal fascists of Israels Netanyahu's Government can barely command. And not without the once a decade bloodletting war and mass murder of Palastinian women and children, to quench the blood lust thirst of Israeli bestiality.
The UN is made up of African and Arab Nation, you moron.
Hmm, learning difficulties, or are you bipolar? Perhaps you could ask an adult to explain it to you.
The Soviets pulled out in 1989. The Taliban was founded in 1994.

Um, yeah, so? So they gave their little club a new name.

Still the same people Reagan had armed in the 1980's.

You are a useful idiot if you promote the idea that Reagan ever met with the Taliban.

The photo actually shows Reagan meeting with Afghan mujahedeen in 1983, approximately a decade before the Taliban formed.

And who do you think joined the Taliban when it formed? The same people who were in the Muhajadin in the 1980's. The same backwards idiots who hated the Soviets because they were teaching girls how to read.

This is often the problem with American Foreign Policy... we get involved in local conflicts thinking they are about our larger global concerns, whether it be Vietnam, Afghanistan or yes, even Palestine. In that regard, the Zionists have played us like a fiddle. In the 1980's, they had us all convinced the PLO were a bunch of pro-Soviet Commies. In the 2020's, they have us convinced that Hamas is part of some global Jihadist conspiracy.

When in reality, the truth is, the Zionists stole their land, and they want it back.
The Soviets pulled out in 1989. The Taliban was founded in 1994.

Um, yeah, so? So they gave their little club a new name.

Still the same people Reagan had armed in the 1980's.

You are a useful idiot if you promote the idea that Reagan ever met with the Taliban.

The photo actually shows Reagan meeting with Afghan mujahedeen in 1983, approximately a decade before the Taliban formed.

And who do you think joined the Taliban when it formed? The same people who were in the Muhajadin in the 1980's. The same backwards idiots who hated the Soviets because they were teaching girls how to read.

This is often the problem with American Foreign Policy... we get involved in local conflicts thinking they are about our larger global concerns, whether it be Vietnam, Afghanistan or yes, even Palestine. In that regard, the Zionists have played us like a fiddle. In the 1980's, they had us all convinced the PLO were a bunch of pro-Soviet Commies. In the 2020's, they have us convinced that Hamas is part of some global Jihadist conspiracy.

When in reality, the truth is, the Zionists stole their land, and they want it back.

Afghanistan had a high rate of litracy before the Soviets.. They also had cinemas and cafes. Afghani communists overthrew the monarchy in 1974 and were reinforced by the Soviets in 1979.

The mujahideen fought the Soviets, but the Taliban were too young... They were war orphans.
Afghanistan had a high rate of litracy before the Soviets.. They also had cinemas and cafes. Afghani communists overthrew the monarchy in 1974 and were reinforced by the Soviets in 1979.

The mujahideen fought the Soviets, but the Taliban were too young... They were war orphans.

I think you are a bit confused.

Yes, life was very nice in Kabul for the wealthy elite before 1973, when they sent the last monarch packing. of course, there were droughts and famines and poor economic conditions for the rest of the country, which is why the Prime minister toppled the Monarchy and declared a Republic.

The communists didn't take over until 1978, when the PM tried to purge his military and they purged him first.

Now, the leader of the Taliban was a character named Mullah Omar.

He was born in 1960. He fought the Soviets, and was wounded four times. And yes, the reason why the Taliban came to power is that a lot of the local warlords were abusing their power. He attracted the very same religious crazies who fought the Soviets.

Yup, Mullah Omar came to power because after the Soviets were gone, people stopped caring about Afghanistan...

Warlords raping girls? No biggie. People starving? Not my problem. They want to tear down some old statues of Buddha? OH MY GOD, THIS IS A CRISIS!!!

I've often said, our biggest problem is that we keep sticking our hands into hornets nests and complain about getting stung. this is a great example.
Understanding pre WW2 populations in the region is a nightmare, We do know that the victors of war set the policies & divide up the land. The Jewish people were given this area because Democratic country's were embarrassed that they had turned a blind eye or aided in the displacement or killing of the Jewish people. America & Israel have supported each other through the years. NETANYAHU once a hero, has fallen victim to power corrupts, and is a crook. Have no solutions, Can not defend the actions of the leaders on either side, No healthy solutions have been brought forth.
Understanding pre WW2 populations in the region is a nightmare, We do know that the victors of war set the policies & divide up the land. The Jewish people were given this area because Democratic country's were embarrassed that they had turned a blind eye or aided in the displacement or killing of the Jewish people. America & Israel have supported each other through the years. NETANYAHU once a hero, has fallen victim to power corrupts, and is a crook. Have no solutions, Can not defend the actions of the leaders on either side, No healthy solutions have been brought forth.
Can not defend the actions of the leaders on either side

What action?
Be specific.
What! you want me to nick pick the actions of the discord over the last 70 years? Instead you show me the workable solutions brought to the table by either side.
What! you want me to nick pick the actions of the discord over the last 70 years? Instead you show me the workable solutions brought to the table by either side.
Show me 2 Arab nations living next to each other in peace.
Show me 2 Arab nations living next to each other in peace.

Morroco seems to get along well with Algeria. Algeria seems to get along well with Tunsinia....

The US only has two land neighbors, we've been to war with both of them.
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