Are you one of the 53%

Have I ever taken a dime I didn't earn? No. Do I pay taxes on my retirement? Yes
Are you a fucking moron? Of course.

Says you on all 3 counts.

Nice to be right 3 times in one post.

Nice to be full of yourself, heh? Nice to think you are not among those who think they are somehow entitled, heh? Nice to be able to put down widows, orphans, handicapped, the oppresed because you put your 20 years in and "earned" your entitlement. Nice to be a "patriot", heh?
Says you on all 3 counts.

Nice to be right 3 times in one post.

Nice to be full of yourself, heh? Nice to think you are not among those who think they are somehow entitled, heh? Nice to be able to put down widows, orphans, handicapped, the oppresed because you put your 20 years in and "earned" your entitlement. Nice to be a "patriot", heh?

Never put down anyone. I bet there's an empty seat in a reading comprehension course waiting for you to fill it.

I really love you fools who think that military retirees haven't earned their pensions. Step into a VFW bar some Friday night and tell everyone there what you think. Then when you are able, come back and tell us about it.
Nice to be right 3 times in one post.

Nice to be full of yourself, heh? Nice to think you are not among those who think they are somehow entitled, heh? Nice to be able to put down widows, orphans, handicapped, the oppresed because you put your 20 years in and "earned" your entitlement. Nice to be a "patriot", heh?

Never put down anyone. I bet there's an empty seat in a reading comprehension course waiting for you to fill it.

I really love you fools who think that military retirees haven't earned their pensions. Step into a VFW bar some Friday night and tell everyone there what you think. Then when you are able, come back and tell us about it.

Aw..but when it comes down to cutting entitlements what little fool tells me you will be among the 1st to protect yours over those widows, orphans. disabled and oppressed?
Abled bodied though you may be. But.. go "earned" it.
Nice to be full of yourself, heh? Nice to think you are not among those who think they are somehow entitled, heh? Nice to be able to put down widows, orphans, handicapped, the oppresed because you put your 20 years in and "earned" your entitlement. Nice to be a "patriot", heh?

Never put down anyone. I bet there's an empty seat in a reading comprehension course waiting for you to fill it.

I really love you fools who think that military retirees haven't earned their pensions. Step into a VFW bar some Friday night and tell everyone there what you think. Then when you are able, come back and tell us about it.

Aw..but when it comes down to cutting entitlements what little fool tells me you will be among the 1st to protect yours over those widows, orphans. disabled and oppressed?
Abled bodied though you may be. But.. go "earned" it.

You see, you are wrong again. After 10 angioplasties (5 within a 4 month span) I am not as able bodied as I once was.

And now the current administration has just added a significant cost to my medical plan. And they are talking about another increase on military retirees health care. You know guys like me on a fixed income having to pay more. Or that doesn't count? DO you know anything about which you type and make a fool of yourself with? But do you know what I commented on Military .com when they announced this? I said to go ahead and pile it on, we may be retired but we still have strong backs, we are used to carrying the load.

So you keep trying to piss me off, I'll wait until you get really stupid before I neg you again......

Why don't you start a thread about military retirees in the military area, I'm sure all of the retirees on this board would love to hear about how you feel.....
Never put down anyone. I bet there's an empty seat in a reading comprehension course waiting for you to fill it.

I really love you fools who think that military retirees haven't earned their pensions. Step into a VFW bar some Friday night and tell everyone there what you think. Then when you are able, come back and tell us about it.

Aw..but when it comes down to cutting entitlements what little fool tells me you will be among the 1st to protect yours over those widows, orphans. disabled and oppressed?
Abled bodied though you may be. But.. go "earned" it.

You see, you are wrong again. After 10 angioplasties (5 within a 4 month span) I am not as able bodied as I once was.

And now the current administration has just added a significant cost to my medical plan. And they are talking about another increase on military retirees health care. You know guys like me on a fixed income having to pay more. Or that doesn't count? DO you know anything about which you type and make a fool of yourself with? But do you know what I commented on Military .com when they announced this? I said to go ahead and pile it on, we may be retired but we still have strong backs, we are used to carrying the load.

So you keep trying to piss me off, I'll wait until you get really stupid before I neg you again......

Why don't you start a thread about military retirees in the military area, I'm sure all of the retirees on this board would love to hear about how you feel.....

Actually I know something about geting up every morning, being responsible and getting to work. I know sitting around and expecting others to take care of me is a death sentence. I know that faith in God helping me each day to have the strength to carry on is what it is all about. I refuse to rely on a fickle government. I rely on my God and He has been good to me. I have had health challenges that I have been able overcome. Each and eneryone!

No thanks to government who would place me in a whole lot of losing situations and give me an excuse to not use my faith. Faith works, government is a failure.
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Never put down anyone. I bet there's an empty seat in a reading comprehension course waiting for you to fill it.

I really love you fools who think that military retirees haven't earned their pensions. Step into a VFW bar some Friday night and tell everyone there what you think. Then when you are able, come back and tell us about it.

Aw..but when it comes down to cutting entitlements what little fool tells me you will be among the 1st to protect yours over those widows, orphans. disabled and oppressed?
Abled bodied though you may be. But.. go "earned" it.

You see, you are wrong again. After 10 angioplasties (5 within a 4 month span) I am not as able bodied as I once was.

And now the current administration has just added a significant cost to my medical plan. And they are talking about another increase on military retirees health care. You know guys like me on a fixed income having to pay more. Or that doesn't count? DO you know anything about which you type and make a fool of yourself with? But do you know what I commented on Military .com when they announced this? I said to go ahead and pile it on, we may be retired but we still have strong backs, we are used to carrying the load.

So you keep trying to piss me off, I'll wait until you get really stupid before I neg you again......

Why don't you start a thread about military retirees in the military area, I'm sure all of the retirees on this board would love to hear about how you feel.....

The Bush tax cuts defunded the government and now your benies are being cut.

How sad!

Maybe you should stop voting Republican.

They want to drown the government in a bath tub.
Aw..but when it comes down to cutting entitlements what little fool tells me you will be among the 1st to protect yours over those widows, orphans. disabled and oppressed?
Abled bodied though you may be. But.. go "earned" it.

You see, you are wrong again. After 10 angioplasties (5 within a 4 month span) I am not as able bodied as I once was.

And now the current administration has just added a significant cost to my medical plan. And they are talking about another increase on military retirees health care. You know guys like me on a fixed income having to pay more. Or that doesn't count? DO you know anything about which you type and make a fool of yourself with? But do you know what I commented on Military .com when they announced this? I said to go ahead and pile it on, we may be retired but we still have strong backs, we are used to carrying the load.

So you keep trying to piss me off, I'll wait until you get really stupid before I neg you again......

Why don't you start a thread about military retirees in the military area, I'm sure all of the retirees on this board would love to hear about how you feel.....

The Bush tax cuts defunded the government and now your benies are being cut.

How sad!

Maybe you should stop voting Republican.

They want to drown the government in a bath tub.

And you know even less than factloser. Military retirees have been the first place the government has looked to slash the budget ever since Clinton instituted TRICARE. And probably before that. But TRICARE was the first time they took away from me as a retiree.....
Aw..but when it comes down to cutting entitlements what little fool tells me you will be among the 1st to protect yours over those widows, orphans. disabled and oppressed?
Abled bodied though you may be. But.. go "earned" it.

You see, you are wrong again. After 10 angioplasties (5 within a 4 month span) I am not as able bodied as I once was.

And now the current administration has just added a significant cost to my medical plan. And they are talking about another increase on military retirees health care. You know guys like me on a fixed income having to pay more. Or that doesn't count? DO you know anything about which you type and make a fool of yourself with? But do you know what I commented on Military .com when they announced this? I said to go ahead and pile it on, we may be retired but we still have strong backs, we are used to carrying the load.

So you keep trying to piss me off, I'll wait until you get really stupid before I neg you again......

Why don't you start a thread about military retirees in the military area, I'm sure all of the retirees on this board would love to hear about how you feel.....

The Bush tax cuts defunded the government and now your benies are being cut.

How sad!

Maybe you should stop voting Republican.

They want to drown the government in a bath tub.
That is some F'n dirty bath water too. Being a self proclaimed environementalist i would distance myself from the whole lot of them.
You see, you are wrong again. After 10 angioplasties (5 within a 4 month span) I am not as able bodied as I once was.

And now the current administration has just added a significant cost to my medical plan. And they are talking about another increase on military retirees health care. You know guys like me on a fixed income having to pay more. Or that doesn't count? DO you know anything about which you type and make a fool of yourself with? But do you know what I commented on Military .com when they announced this? I said to go ahead and pile it on, we may be retired but we still have strong backs, we are used to carrying the load.

So you keep trying to piss me off, I'll wait until you get really stupid before I neg you again......

Why don't you start a thread about military retirees in the military area, I'm sure all of the retirees on this board would love to hear about how you feel.....

The Bush tax cuts defunded the government and now your benies are being cut.

How sad!

Maybe you should stop voting Republican.

They want to drown the government in a bath tub.

And you know even less than factloser. Military retirees have been the first place the government has looked to slash the budget ever since Clinton instituted TRICARE. And probably before that. But TRICARE was the first time they took away from me as a retiree.....

And now the government is more deeply in debt because of Bush.

I know plenty. I know my taxes pay for your benies.
You see, you are wrong again. After 10 angioplasties (5 within a 4 month span) I am not as able bodied as I once was.

And now the current administration has just added a significant cost to my medical plan. And they are talking about another increase on military retirees health care. You know guys like me on a fixed income having to pay more. Or that doesn't count? DO you know anything about which you type and make a fool of yourself with? But do you know what I commented on Military .com when they announced this? I said to go ahead and pile it on, we may be retired but we still have strong backs, we are used to carrying the load.

So you keep trying to piss me off, I'll wait until you get really stupid before I neg you again......

Why don't you start a thread about military retirees in the military area, I'm sure all of the retirees on this board would love to hear about how you feel.....

The Bush tax cuts defunded the government and now your benies are being cut.

How sad!

Maybe you should stop voting Republican.

They want to drown the government in a bath tub.

And you know even less than factloser. Military retirees have been the first place the government has looked to slash the budget ever since Clinton instituted TRICARE. And probably before that. But TRICARE was the first time they took away from me as a retiree.....

Now, what fool told me you would be the 1st to defend your entitlement over any other? Damned those widows!
The Bush tax cuts defunded the government and now your benies are being cut.

How sad!

Maybe you should stop voting Republican.

They want to drown the government in a bath tub.

And you know even less than factloser. Military retirees have been the first place the government has looked to slash the budget ever since Clinton instituted TRICARE. And probably before that. But TRICARE was the first time they took away from me as a retiree.....

And now the government is more deeply in debt because of Bush.

I know plenty. I know my taxes pay for your benies.

Because of all self centered political beasts bought and paid for by Wall St.
I heard that Bush was responsible for gay hair gel. I don't know if it is true, but I believe it anyway.
SFC Ollie,

Damned you are stuck, heh? As long as you think you are in the condition that you are in and have no faith to move elewhere, yep. you are right. sometimes it sucks to be right. Sometimes it takes a sea change to admit one is wrong and get the hell out of a stuck position.

Don't do it for my sake. do it for yours. In the meantime you are welcome to go ahead and curse me. It bounces off.
Aw..but when it comes down to cutting entitlements what little fool tells me you will be among the 1st to protect yours over those widows, orphans. disabled and oppressed?
Abled bodied though you may be. But.. go "earned" it.

You see, you are wrong again. After 10 angioplasties (5 within a 4 month span) I am not as able bodied as I once was.

And now the current administration has just added a significant cost to my medical plan. And they are talking about another increase on military retirees health care. You know guys like me on a fixed income having to pay more. Or that doesn't count? DO you know anything about which you type and make a fool of yourself with? But do you know what I commented on Military .com when they announced this? I said to go ahead and pile it on, we may be retired but we still have strong backs, we are used to carrying the load.

So you keep trying to piss me off, I'll wait until you get really stupid before I neg you again......

Why don't you start a thread about military retirees in the military area, I'm sure all of the retirees on this board would love to hear about how you feel.....

The Bush tax cuts defunded the government and now your benies are being cut.

How sad!

Maybe you should stop voting Republican.

They want to drown the government in a bath tub.

The Tax cuts Papa Obama kept going
The Bush tax cuts defunded the government and now your benies are being cut.

How sad!

Maybe you should stop voting Republican.

They want to drown the government in a bath tub.

And you know even less than factloser. Military retirees have been the first place the government has looked to slash the budget ever since Clinton instituted TRICARE. And probably before that. But TRICARE was the first time they took away from me as a retiree.....

And now the government is more deeply in debt because of Bush.

I know plenty. I know my taxes pay for your benies.


like Papa Obama spending almost as much as Bush did in eight years
in less than four, has nothing to do with it...

You see, you are wrong again. After 10 angioplasties (5 within a 4 month span) I am not as able bodied as I once was.

And now the current administration has just added a significant cost to my medical plan. And they are talking about another increase on military retirees health care. You know guys like me on a fixed income having to pay more. Or that doesn't count? DO you know anything about which you type and make a fool of yourself with? But do you know what I commented on Military .com when they announced this? I said to go ahead and pile it on, we may be retired but we still have strong backs, we are used to carrying the load.

So you keep trying to piss me off, I'll wait until you get really stupid before I neg you again......

Why don't you start a thread about military retirees in the military area, I'm sure all of the retirees on this board would love to hear about how you feel.....

The Bush tax cuts defunded the government and now your benies are being cut.

How sad!

Maybe you should stop voting Republican.

They want to drown the government in a bath tub.

And you know even less than factloser. Military retirees have been the first place the government has looked to slash the budget ever since Clinton instituted TRICARE. And probably before that. But TRICARE was the first time they took away from me as a retiree.....

Don't you get free health care from the VA?
And you know even less than factloser. Military retirees have been the first place the government has looked to slash the budget ever since Clinton instituted TRICARE. And probably before that. But TRICARE was the first time they took away from me as a retiree.....

And now the government is more deeply in debt because of Bush.

I know plenty. I know my taxes pay for your benies.


like Papa Obama spending almost as much as Bush did in eight years
in less than four, has nothing to do with it...


The economy crshing in part because of the GOP Congress's dereliction of duty from 1994 to 2006, then the dems in 2007 to 2010: we are all at fault.
The Bush tax cuts defunded the government and now your benies are being cut.

How sad!

Maybe you should stop voting Republican.

They want to drown the government in a bath tub.

And you know even less than factloser. Military retirees have been the first place the government has looked to slash the budget ever since Clinton instituted TRICARE. And probably before that. But TRICARE was the first time they took away from me as a retiree.....

Don't you get free health care from the VA?

VA health care is available to veterans on a sliding scale depending on one's income.

For some people it's free. Others pays some part of the cost.

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