Are you one of the 53%

And you know even less than factloser. Military retirees have been the first place the government has looked to slash the budget ever since Clinton instituted TRICARE. And probably before that. But TRICARE was the first time they took away from me as a retiree.....

Don't you get free health care from the VA?

VA health care is available to veterans on a sliding scale depending on one's income.

For some people it's free. Others pays some part of the cost.

In context, define "free".
I am unaware of "free" anything provided by the government.
Last I looked, the government must take money from one person to provide "free" services to another.
Don't you get free health care from the VA?

VA health care is available to veterans on a sliding scale depending on one's income.

For some people it's free. Others pays some part of the cost.

In context, define "free".
I am unaware of "free" anything provided by the government.
Last I looked, the government must take money from one person to provide "free" services to another.

After extracting a shipping and handling fee.
We are PROUD to pay for Veterans benefits. No they are not free. They are given with appreciation.

One of the few entitlements that are truly tested for merit and are NOT charity... Especially now with an all-Volunteer force... If only we could pare down the BS corporate candy and casino cash that Congress is constantly wasting -- we'd never have to skimp on this program..
And you know even less than factloser. Military retirees have been the first place the government has looked to slash the budget ever since Clinton instituted TRICARE. And probably before that. But TRICARE was the first time they took away from me as a retiree.....

Don't you get free health care from the VA?

VA health care is available to veterans on a sliding scale depending on one's income.

For some people it's free. Others pays some part of the cost.
ollie is a retired military person, put in 20 years plus in the he does qualify for Military health care benefits in the private sector if he wishes and/or along with medicare if he is 65....which then makes the military benefit more of a supplemental insurance covering most deductibles of medicare.

the VA medical care on a sliding scale is primarily for those who served less than the 20 years, plus those classified as disabled. those with 30% or higher service related disabilities are eligible for free health care, but some fees for prescriptions apply. This could have changed
as money becomes scarce, but 10 years ago, those were the rules.
The Bush tax cuts defunded the government and now your benies are being cut.

How sad!

Maybe you should stop voting Republican.

They want to drown the government in a bath tub.

And you know even less than factloser. Military retirees have been the first place the government has looked to slash the budget ever since Clinton instituted TRICARE. And probably before that. But TRICARE was the first time they took away from me as a retiree.....

Don't you get free health care from the VA?

No I do not. VA treats Veterans free of charge for service related injuries, Other care is given based upon your income............
SFC Ollie,

Damned you are stuck, heh? As long as you think you are in the condition that you are in and have no faith to move elewhere, yep. you are right. sometimes it sucks to be right. Sometimes it takes a sea change to admit one is wrong and get the hell out of a stuck position.

Don't do it for my sake. do it for yours. In the meantime you are welcome to go ahead and curse me. It bounces off.

Stuck? Move? Condition? Wrong? What the fuck are you babbling about?
I pay for part of my VA services, because I make enough so that I can pay. No one should ever begrudge our veterans for what we receive in medical care in return for keeping America safe.

My personal opinion is that everyone should pay federal income tax if they make more than $500 a year. Such folks who currently do not pay such should pay a minimum of $50 so that they understand we all have an obligation to carry on the social compact.

I also believe that the rich should pay accordingly, for where much is given much is expected.
Are you someone who actually pays taxes so the other 47% can get government assistance for nothing??

I am.

ETA, I'm talking about Federal Withholding Taxes............just to make myself clear. Some have a problem u n d e r s t a n d i n g. (did I type that slow enough?)
Do we have an over/under pool on the percentage of the Occupados being part of the 47%?

I'm banking over 70% of them earn from their tax 'paying'.
You're part of the scum taking money not giving money.

It's sad when Republicans refer to half of America as "debris". They actually believe one out of two Americans just "live it up" from government money. Sad.
The Tea Party has the support of some 25% of the population. That's not enough for revolution. It also has the active and visceral opposition of more people than support it. As for what the movement has produced to date, it's only a month old (in its overt visible manifestation anyway) and yet it's already changed the framing of the conversation. As I said, if that weren't so this thread wouldn't even exist. Before OWS, the only discussion was about how to cut spending. Now, the conversation has shifted to discussing the corrupting influence of corporate money on government, the declining middle class, the excessive concentration of wealth, and the malfeasance of big business. Things are on the table that were off of it a month ago.

I'd say that's not a bad beginning.

They don't need the support of anymore than a majority of the folks in the districts or states they run in. That New York does not like them does not mean squat. It appears they will increase in number in the house in 2012.

As to that other stuff "on the table", I am not sure what table you are at....but it's been there for a long long time. The problem is that many on the right can't seem to get past their own members in trying to surface this kind of topic.

But, what will also happen is that once we understand the issues of big business...we will understand the issues of big government. They have been to closely tied, linked and sleeping together for over two decades. And President Obama's GM bailout was just what the doctor ordered when in came to exposing those links.
And now the government is more deeply in debt because of Bush.

I know plenty. I know my taxes pay for your benies.


like Papa Obama spending almost as much as Bush did in eight years
in less than four, has nothing to do with it...


The economy crshing in part because of the GOP Congress's dereliction of duty from 1994 to 2006, then the dems in 2007 to 2010: we are all at fault.


gov't spending is the problem

Of course Bush did have 911, two wars and overall avg did better than Papa Obama so far

If fact ....

CBO: Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act
- According to CBO numbers in its Budget and Economic Outlook published this month, the cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom was $709 billion for military and related activities, including training of Iraqi forces and diplomatic operations.
- The projected cost of the stimulus, which passed in February 2009, and is expected to have a shelf life of two years, was $862 billion.

Papa Obama leftist policies just don't work

Only a fool would believe that we are only one tax on the rich or one spending cut from some program from fixing our problems
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It's sad when Republicans refer to half of America as "debris". They actually believe one out of two Americans just "live it up" from government money. Sad.

So the ones who don't pay taxes,
Who's money are they "living it up" on ?

I know maybe......

all that money goes to friends of Papa Obama
like CEO's of GE or the owners of Solyndra ?
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like Papa Obama spending almost as much as Bush did in eight years
in less than four, has nothing to do with it...


The economy crshing in part because of the GOP Congress's dereliction of duty from 1994 to 2006, then the dems in 2007 to 2010: we are all at fault.


gov't spending is the problem

Of course Bush did have 911, two wars and overall avg did better than Papa Obama so far

If fact ....

CBO: Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act
- According to CBO numbers in its Budget and Economic Outlook published this month, the cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom was $709 billion for military and related activities, including training of Iraqi forces and diplomatic operations.
- The projected cost of the stimulus, which passed in February 2009, and is expected to have a shelf life of two years, was $862 billion.

Papa Obama leftist policies just don't work

Only a fool would believe that we are only one tax on the rich or one spending cut from some program from fixing our problems

hooray for our side... while the misbegotten, stupid, unnecessary, counterproductive Iraq war has cost $709 Billion (to date)... it's a bargain compared to Obama's Stimulus Package... I feel so proud to be on the side that throws money down the toilet slightly less fast than the other side...
The economy crshing in part because of the GOP Congress's dereliction of duty from 1994 to 2006, then the dems in 2007 to 2010: we are all at fault.


gov't spending is the problem

Of course Bush did have 911, two wars and overall avg did better than Papa Obama so far

If fact ....

CBO: Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act
- According to CBO numbers in its Budget and Economic Outlook published this month, the cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom was $709 billion for military and related activities, including training of Iraqi forces and diplomatic operations.
- The projected cost of the stimulus, which passed in February 2009, and is expected to have a shelf life of two years, was $862 billion.

Papa Obama leftist policies just don't work

Only a fool would believe that we are only one tax on the rich or one spending cut from some program from fixing our problems

hooray for our side... while the misbegotten, stupid, unnecessary, counterproductive Iraq war has cost $709 Billion (to date)... it's a bargain compared to Obama's Stimulus Package... I feel so proud to be on the side that throws money down the toilet slightly less fast than the other side...

out of control gov't spending is both sides
along with crony capitalism

but you are correct
when it comes to statism and spending
the Left can not be outdone
they have no equals
The economy crshing in part because of the GOP Congress's dereliction of duty from 1994 to 2006, then the dems in 2007 to 2010: we are all at fault.


gov't spending is the problem

Of course Bush did have 911, two wars and overall avg did better than Papa Obama so far

If fact ....

CBO: Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act
- According to CBO numbers in its Budget and Economic Outlook published this month, the cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom was $709 billion for military and related activities, including training of Iraqi forces and diplomatic operations.
- The projected cost of the stimulus, which passed in February 2009, and is expected to have a shelf life of two years, was $862 billion.

Papa Obama leftist policies just don't work

Only a fool would believe that we are only one tax on the rich or one spending cut from some program from fixing our problems

hooray for our side... while the misbegotten, stupid, unnecessary, counterproductive Iraq war has cost $709 Billion (to date)... it's a bargain compared to Obama's Stimulus Package... I feel so proud to be on the side that throws money down the toilet slightly less fast than the other side...

Valid source for the $709 billion?

The Iraq War is a bargain compared to the stimulus package?

How much were we told the Iraq War would cost before we went in?

What is the price tag of over 4,000 American lives?

What is the price tag of the tens of thousands of other causalities we will be caring for for the rest of their lives?

The Iraq war was a bargain compared to the stimulus lol.......give me a fucking break.
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gov't spending is the problem

Of course Bush did have 911, two wars and overall avg did better than Papa Obama so far

If fact ....

CBO: Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act
- According to CBO numbers in its Budget and Economic Outlook published this month, the cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom was $709 billion for military and related activities, including training of Iraqi forces and diplomatic operations.
- The projected cost of the stimulus, which passed in February 2009, and is expected to have a shelf life of two years, was $862 billion.

Papa Obama leftist policies just don't work

Only a fool would believe that we are only one tax on the rich or one spending cut from some program from fixing our problems

hooray for our side... while the misbegotten, stupid, unnecessary, counterproductive Iraq war has cost $709 Billion (to date)... it's a bargain compared to Obama's Stimulus Package... I feel so proud to be on the side that throws money down the toilet slightly less fast than the other side...

Valid source for the $709 billion?

The Iraq War is a bargain compared to the stimulus package?

How much were we told the Iraq War would cost before we went in?

What is the price tag of over 4,000 American lives?

What is the price tag of the tens of thousands of other causalities we will be caring for for the rest of their lives?

The Iraq war was a bargain compared to the stimulus lol.......give me a fucking break.

CBO as it says look it up

You miss the main point
Gov't spending is the problem from both sides

No matter how much the Left wants to blame Bush
When it comes to spending, Papa Obama is far from "frugal"

His spending and plans have not worked so far
there is no reason to trust him with even more of our money

Join the OWS "Obama's Wall-street Stooges "
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Don't you get free health care from the VA?

VA health care is available to veterans on a sliding scale depending on one's income.

For some people it's free. Others pays some part of the cost.

In context, define "free".
I am unaware of "free" anything provided by the government.
Last I looked, the government must take money from one person to provide "free" services to another.

Well for those that do not pay

it appears "free"
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hooray for our side... while the misbegotten, stupid, unnecessary, counterproductive Iraq war has cost $709 Billion (to date)... it's a bargain compared to Obama's Stimulus Package... I feel so proud to be on the side that throws money down the toilet slightly less fast than the other side...

Valid source for the $709 billion?

The Iraq War is a bargain compared to the stimulus package?

How much were we told the Iraq War would cost before we went in?

What is the price tag of over 4,000 American lives?

What is the price tag of the tens of thousands of other causalities we will be caring for for the rest of their lives?

The Iraq war was a bargain compared to the stimulus lol.......give me a fucking break.

CBO as it says look it up

You miss the main point
Gov't spending is the problem from both sides

No matter how much the Left wants to blame Bush
When it comes to spending, Papa Obama is far from "frugal"

His spending and plans have not worked so far
there is no reason to trust him with even more of our money

Join the OWS "Obama's Wall-street Stooges "

No, I get the point. But don't come to me with some bullshit like the Iraq War is a bargain compared to the stimulus. That's a bunch of nonsense.

And the $709 billion dollar figure Bill cited isn't to date.... it's from over a year ago. That's why I asked for a valid source.
Valid source for the $709 billion?

The Iraq War is a bargain compared to the stimulus package?

How much were we told the Iraq War would cost before we went in?

What is the price tag of over 4,000 American lives?

What is the price tag of the tens of thousands of other causalities we will be caring for for the rest of their lives?

The Iraq war was a bargain compared to the stimulus lol.......give me a fucking break.

CBO as it says look it up

You miss the main point
Gov't spending is the problem from both sides

No matter how much the Left wants to blame Bush
When it comes to spending, Papa Obama is far from "frugal"

His spending and plans have not worked so far
there is no reason to trust him with even more of our money

Join the OWS "Obama's Wall-street Stooges "

No, I get the point. But don't come to me with some bullshit like the Iraq War is a bargain compared to the stimulus. That's a bunch of nonsense.

And the $709 billion dollar figure Bill cited isn't to date.... it's from over a year ago. That's why I asked for a valid source.

Well it was to cover Bush's time in office, was it not,,,,

Do you have ideas that it is less?

Just to keep things in perspective

the Iraq War years in which Bush was President (2003-2008)
spending on the war was $554B.

Federal spending on education over that same time period was $574B.

Yeah it was Bush's fault

Join the OWS "Obama's Wall-street Stooges "
Yes I am one of the 53% that pay Fed tax, and im proud that a small portion of that amount feeds a support system for the 47% of my fellow Americans, which might provide enough to feed their family and keep the lights on. Most have 8hr a day jobs who makes minimum wage or below the mean, the money everyone seems to be up in arms about is minuscule in comparison to military spending 1/5000 +\- 2. Spending policies by our government is misguided in purpose when killing hundreds of thousands rather than sustaining the growth and development of our own citizens to keep America great.

As a small business owner and ex corporate exec Ive paid what was expected by my country. I also pay FICA, Social Security, and Payroll taxes just to name a few, at 42 Ill never see SS or a number of programs, my point is simply to say Suck it Up. Our success is in how we respect each other and our communities. Work doing what you love, take care of yourself and those closest to you, then involve yourself into the betterment of your community. The fact is, the cost of these taxes are peanuts, the issue is far more complex. The question is misleading, in that picking a side relates to picking sides like its the Super Bowl, when really its just class warfare. Real nice.

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