Are you seeing the thousands of protestors in Pittsburg calling Trump a fascist?

Trump arrives in Pittsburgh as synagogue victims mourned, protesters gather

Robert Bowers, 46, is accused of storming into the synagogue yelling "All Jews must die!" and opening fire on members of three congregations holding Sabbath prayer services there.


They don't want him there. But he went anyway.

Think he will throw them rolls of paper towels?

Those protesters in Pittsburgh are NOT stupid, like the followers of TrumpSatan are stupid.

Those protesters in Pittsburgh KNOW that Trump put the shooter up to the dirty, murderous deed in Pittsburgh.

Why would those protesters want the very scum in their midst that initiated the hate, the bigotry, the nationalism, and the xenophobia that murdered their fellow citizens?

The protesters are TOO SMART for Trump.

What about his daughter, son-in-law, and grandchild who are Jewish cupcake?
Too fucking bad what a bunch of goddamn leftist protesters want.

It's 100% appropriate for the President of the United States to reach out to a community that is in mourning from a tragic event.

Trump has no more reason to be in Pittsburgh than Westborough Baptist church does at a soldier's funeral. The grieving people don't want him there. He shouldn't be there.

One fucker has a sign that reads: "BUILD BRIDGES NOT WALLS !".
I realize this could be a metaphor for many things, but taking it literally, this is just more evidence that the mother fucking Dims want little or no border security, and less immigration law enforcement.
How does the crazy left manage to get things upside down? The Pittsburgh assassin was a freaking democrat. The Obama administration was anti-Semetic from the top down. President Trump is the only President in modern history who has taken on the issue of moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel and the crazy left hates him for it.

And the check is in the mail.
Too fucking bad what a bunch of goddamn leftist protesters want.

It's 100% appropriate for the President of the United States to reach out to a community that is in mourning from a tragic event.

Trump has no more reason to be in Pittsburgh than Westborough Baptist church does at a soldier's funeral. The grieving people don't want him there. He shouldn't be there.


Funeral rule #1 If the grieving family doesn't want you there, don't go.
One protestor held a sign that said, "Your Hate Speech has Consequences." Another sign said, "President Trump: Denounce White Nationalism."
Hey I'm white. And I believe in nationalism vs globalism.

If being a nationalist is defined as being more concerned for the prosperity and welfare of your own nation than being more concerned for the prosperity of nations all over the globe not of your own, then count me in. I'm a nationalist.

Trump seems to be more concerned with the jobless rate of American citizens rather than the jobless rate of Chinese citizens - Nationalist? Check

Trump seems to be more concerned with security of the American people and border law enforcement than concerned with letting foreign nationals flood over our border for the sake of personal political power like some other political parties do - Nationalist? Check

When someone joins the US military and serves this nation at risk of their own life in many cases, are they serving this nation or foreign nations - Nationalist? Check

Seems like nationalism is a very good thing for this Nation. Anyone disagree?

BTW.. since when did the idea of being a nationalist become a racist thing? Since the communist left decided to employ vocabulary-con to instigate racial division in the United States of America in order to "get out" the black vote?

What would actually do this country some good would be to have more black nationalists > Thank you Kanye West. More power to ya.
Now don't you feel like one idiotic stupid fuk?

Pittsburgh, PA - Video: Thousands Protest Trump Visit To Synagogue Where Massacre Took Place

Pittsburgh - Thousands of protesters turned their backs on President Donald Trump on Tuesday as his motorcade approached the synagogue where a gunman killed 11 worshippers.


One protestor held a sign that said, "Your Hate Speech has Consequences." Another sign said, "President Trump: Denounce White Nationalism."
Hey I'm white. And I believe in nationalism vs globalism.

If being a nationalist is defined as being more concerned for the prosperity and welfare of your own nation than being more concerned for the prosperity of nations all over the globe not of your own, then count me in. I'm a nationalist.

Trump seems to be more concerned with the jobless rate of American citizens rather than the jobless rate of Chinese citizens - Nationalist? Check

Trump seems to be more concerned with security of the American people and border law enforcement than concerned with letting foreign nationals flood over our border for the sake of personal political power like some other political parties do - Nationalist? Check

When someone joins the US military and serves this nation at risk of their own life in many cases, are they serving this nation or foreign nations - Nationalist? Check

Seems like nationalism is a very good thing for this Nation. Anyone disagree?

BTW.. since when did the idea of being a nationalist become a racist thing? Since the communist left decided to employ vocabulary-con to instigate racial division in the United States of America in order to "get out" the black vote?

What would actually do this country some good would be to have more black nationalists > Thank you Kanye West. More power to ya.
Saying you are a "Nationalist" is like saying you are a member of the Klux Klan. The "White" and the "Klu" are understood.
Saying you are a "Nationalist" is like saying you are a member of the Klux Klan. The "White" and the "Klu" are understood.
So you think you get to make slanderous proclamations using vocabulary con and that's the end of the argument?

The "White" and the "Klux" are not understood. They're "proclaimed" by idiots for despicable political gain.

I would describe instigating racial division for political gain despicable. And that's exactly what that is. Driving racial division in order to get black voters out to the voting booths. It's as simple as that, and as despicable as that. Gotta keep em angry or they'll get complacent and not get out to vote. That's the whole disgusting evil ploy. Everyone knows it.

You people can't win on the virtue or your policies. There is no virtue in wanting millions of illegal immigrants to flood over the border at the expense of American jobs. There is no virtue in a globalist agenda that grants the communist Chinese grotesque trade advantages at the expense of American manufacturing. There is no virtue in disarming the American people so that the power resides with the government and the police instead of with the people.. again, at the expense of the people. You're a virtueless lot.
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Saying you are a "Nationalist" is like saying you are a member of the Klux Klan. The "White" and the "Klu" are understood.
So you think you get to make slanderous proclamations using vocabulary con and that's the end of the argument?

The "White" and the "Klux" are not understood. They're "proclaimed" by idiots for despicable political gain.

I would describe instigating racial division for political gain despicable. And that's exactly what that is. Driving racial division in order to get black voters out to the voting booths. It's as simple as that, and as despicable as that. Gotta keep em angry or they'll get complacent and not get out to vote. That's the whole disgusting evil ploy. Everyone knows it.

You people can't win on the virtue or your policies. There is no virtue in wanting millions of illegal immigrants to flood over the border at the expense of American jobs. There is no virtue in a globalist agenda that grants the communist Chinese grotesque trade advantages at the expense of American manufacturing. There is no virtue in disarming the American people so that the power resides with the government and the police instead of with the people.. again, at the expense of the people. You're a virtueless lot.
Oh, they are understood all right. By everyone.

When your kind says "American Jobs", you mean simple unskilled labor that Republicans can do.
The US has 7.1 million unfilled jobs. We don't even have that many people out of work.

America has a record 7.1 million job openings, making it an especially advantageous time to ask for a raise.
Are you seeing the thousands of protestors in Pittsburg calling Trump a fascist?
They don't want him there. But he went anyway.

Yeah, I saw that. Thousands of radical, crazed Leftist hate-mongers once again turning a senseless tragedy into an even more senseless political event. What they want doesn't count for shit.
Leftwingers never miss an opportunity to take advantage of a tragedy. It's what they are.
Saying you are a "Nationalist" is like saying you are a member of the Klux Klan. The "White" and the "Klu" are understood.
So you think you get to make slanderous proclamations using vocabulary con and that's the end of the argument?

The "White" and the "Klux" are not understood. They're "proclaimed" by idiots for despicable political gain.

I would describe instigating racial division for political gain despicable. And that's exactly what that is. Driving racial division in order to get black voters out to the voting booths. It's as simple as that, and as despicable as that. Gotta keep em angry or they'll get complacent and not get out to vote. That's the whole disgusting evil ploy. Everyone knows it.

You people can't win on the virtue or your policies. There is no virtue in wanting millions of illegal immigrants to flood over the border at the expense of American jobs. There is no virtue in a globalist agenda that grants the communist Chinese grotesque trade advantages at the expense of American manufacturing. There is no virtue in disarming the American people so that the power resides with the government and the police instead of with the people.. again, at the expense of the people. You're a virtueless lot.
Oh, they are understood all right. By everyone.

When your kind says "American Jobs", you mean simple unskilled labor that Republicans can do.
The US has 7.1 million unfilled jobs. We don't even have that many people out of work.

America has a record 7.1 million job openings, making it an especially advantageous time to ask for a raise.
What's your point, asshole? Do you imagine that's a justification to opening the floodgates to illegal aliens? Yes you do, but you won't admit it.

high demand for labor is the reason wages increase. You're just admitting you want to drive the wages of American workers down.
Too fucking bad what a bunch of goddamn leftist protesters want.

It's 100% appropriate for the President of the United States to reach out to a community that is in mourning from a tragic event.

Trump has no more reason to be in Pittsburgh than Westborough Baptist church does at a soldier's funeral. The grieving people don't want him there. He shouldn't be there.


Funeral rule #1 If the grieving family doesn't want you there, don't go.

When did any family members say they didn't want Trump to be there, asshole?
Too fucking bad what a bunch of goddamn leftist protesters want.

It's 100% appropriate for the President of the United States to reach out to a community that is in mourning from a tragic event.
Wait a second. You don't seriously believe he cares? He called some Nazi's very fine people.

Bullshit, he was referring to the fact that not everyone there opposing the taking down of confederate statues was a neo-nazi. just as not everyone on the other side was an Antifa thug. There were plenty of normal people there who showed up on both sides of a protest. Of course the Media filled with people like yourself have to twist things.
Show me where Trump said there are some very fine Nazis.... or there are some very fine people who are Nazis.... it's not going to happen, because Trump was never pro nazi in the past. He was never accused of that while he was a New York liberal, so why suddenly in 2016 is he transformed into a Nazi? Why is because he supprised Hillary and became Pres. IF Trump is a Nazi, it is oh so much easier to impeach his ass.... its all politicaly motivated BS by a news media who by and large supports the Democratic party.
Are you seeing the thousands of protestors in Pittsburg calling Trump a fascist?
They don't want him there. But he went anyway.

Yeah, I saw that. Thousands of radical, crazed Leftist hate-mongers once again turning a senseless tragedy into an even more senseless political event. What they want doesn't count for shit.
Leftwingers never miss an opportunity to take advantage of a tragedy. It's what they are.
A tragedy caused by your kind.
Too fucking bad what a bunch of goddamn leftist protesters want.

It's 100% appropriate for the President of the United States to reach out to a community that is in mourning from a tragic event.
Wait a second. You don't seriously believe he cares? He called some Nazi's very fine people.

Bullshit, he was referring to the fact that not everyone there opposing the taking down of confederate statues was a neo-nazi. just as not everyone on the other side was an Antifa thug. There were plenty of normal people there who showed up on both sides of a protest. Of course the Media filled with people like yourself have to twist things.
Show me where Trump said there are some very fine Nazis.... or there are some very fine people who are Nazis.... it's not going to happen, because Trump was never pro nazi in the past. He was never accused of that while he was a New York liberal, so why suddenly in 2016 is he transformed into a Nazi? Why is because he supprised Hillary and became Pres. IF Trump is a Nazi, it is oh so much easier to impeach his ass.... its all politicaly motivated BS by a news media who by and large supports the Democratic party.
Trump defined every one there as part of two groups just with his description of "both sides".

You can't "guess" what he meant. Not when we already know.
Too fucking bad what a bunch of goddamn leftist protesters want.

It's 100% appropriate for the President of the United States to reach out to a community that is in mourning from a tragic event.
Wait a second. You don't seriously believe he cares? He called some Nazi's very fine people.

Bullshit, he was referring to the fact that not everyone there opposing the taking down of confederate statues was a neo-nazi. just as not everyone on the other side was an Antifa thug. There were plenty of normal people there who showed up on both sides of a protest. Of course the Media filled with people like yourself have to twist things.
Show me where Trump said there are some very fine Nazis.... or there are some very fine people who are Nazis.... it's not going to happen, because Trump was never pro nazi in the past. He was never accused of that while he was a New York liberal, so why suddenly in 2016 is he transformed into a Nazi? Why is because he supprised Hillary and became Pres. IF Trump is a Nazi, it is oh so much easier to impeach his ass.... its all politicaly motivated BS by a news media who by and large supports the Democratic party.
Trump defined every one there as part of two groups just with his description of "both sides".

You can't "guess" what he meant. Not when we already know.

But the fact is, it's just a guess that everyone there who had a reason for not wanting the statues torn down was a Nazi.Thats a mis -characterization. Fact is , it was a politically charged environment that was getting lots of people involved and showing up. What Trump said was simply an act of trying to diffuse the situation. The news media took that statement and immediately twisted it around saying he supports Nazis. Nazis and neo-nazis are dogs of the human species, for their ugly outlook on life and their fellow humans.. which is exactly why they are over all shunned by the majority of Americans. The vast majority. It gets real old when your a patriotic American who may not agree with the liberal way every time that you get labled a Nazi. It's disingenuous

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