Are You Self Actualized?

Are You Self Actualized? Do/are you.....

  • embrace the unknown and ambiguous?

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • accept yourself, including your flaws?

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • unconventional, BUT, don't seek to shock or disturb?

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • motivated by growth, NOT needs?

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • NOT trouble by small things?

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • grateful

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • humble

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
I feel very unsafe.


the next WW just might be on our soil. We have many enemies.

the next WW just might be on our soil. We have many enemies.
they've been our enemies for some time. other president's thought they were keeping them at bay, but no... they are just biding time waiting for the right moment. also be careful what you believe in the news, they are notorious for making things seems a way that they are not.. or exaggerating stories...
Not so much now, but when I was a teenager, I self actualized every chance I got.

What is it about this board? Everything gets turned into lib bashing, con bashing, or sex!!! :biggrin:
I wish I knew.
For instance, the remark below...
I don't think Maslow had it right. We all enter and leave stages and re-enter them and the cycle continues.
...though clearly not making light of the OP theme/question, is yet another illustration of what catalyzed me to create the two threads I cite above.

Penelope says she doesn't think Maslow was right. Okay...Well here -- A Theory of Human Motivation -- is what Maslow presented to show that he was "right," and as the basis for her contravention of Maslow's proposition, Penelope offers this, "We all enter and leave stages and re-enter them and the cycle continues."

Now, I'm not "ragging" on Penelope. Her remarks are but a convenient and timely foil that illustrates what many members here do: express a statement that implies the writer has undertake rational consideration/analysis of some measure and arrived at a conclusion that, by their stating it, should be taken somewhat seriously by us readers. When I read that sort of thing, I wonder how in the hell am I supposed to take the writer seriously. What have they said that even remotely, as in the "Maslow" example Penelope gives us here, indicates there disagreement has even the faintest light of merit?

We all do enter and leave the stages. It's not like we take care of our needs (e.g. food, shelter) then never address them again. We have to keep eating!
Maslow's model isn't about "day-to-day" existences, but rather about the overall nature of one's existence. Upon fulfilling a given need, one will from that point onward have that level of need continually met, particularly physiological and safety needs. Belonging ones should also work that way; however, in somewhat unusual circumstances, they may not.

Think of it thus:
  • When one hasn't certainty of eating, one isn't terribly concerned about safety because all the safety in the world won't put food in one's belly. One could, say, boulder oneself into a cave. One'd be safe as can be, but one would not eat.
  • Once one has, however, obtained a steady and reliable source of sustenance and shelter, one's next need is to maintain that while also obtaining a sufficient degree of safety. Maybe one's food source, shelter and mode of being safe are all proximate to a cave into which one can nightly shutter oneself. That'd the be great for then one has effectively fulfilled, for the foreseeable future, the first two genres of need.
  • According to Maslow, one is at some point going to need to feel like one belongs to something, a community of some sort. That community can be one that one joins or it may be of one's own making as is the case with a family.
The progression continues, with each need being fulfilled and maintained as one embarks upon fulfilling the next-level need.

Might some folks achieve a given need-level and have it securely in place and give it up to fulfill the next level need? Yes, some people might do that. Doing so is what's called dysfunctional/dystopian because it produces a lacuna where there isn't supposed to be one.

Accordingly, Maslow's model is all about "crawling before walking, which, in turn, one does before one runs," such that when one is at the "running" point, one has given up nothing re: one's ability to crawl or walk, and the benefits of having done both those things. Every runner is also a walker and a crawler, but not all crawlers or walkers have reached the point of being able to run. So it is with fulfilling needs as per Maslow's hierarchy.

It's probably worth noting that for as popular as is the Maslow "triangle," that triangle is merely a simplification of Maslow's central theme. Maslow didn't put a triangle in his paper. He fully explained his model of need-driven behavior and cognition.

The simplification of scientific models that happens when people summarize them is handy, but reading the original source is necessary to ensure that one doesn't misconstrue the context of the idea in the course of considering it's basic "nuts and bolts."

Charts, cute graphics, bullet points, etc. are great as talking prompts and mnemonics, but they don't ever convey the full context of an idea, and context is critical.​
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Pinapple must be in the hidden innards of Maslow's pyramid. On the other hand, pinapple might be Freud's department.
But why do we worry? Even the homeless have basic needs met in the US

No. Still lots of hungry people without shelter or basic healthcare. An emergency room will sew you up if you're bleeding, but they won't do anything for a diabetic.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.
Not so much now, but when I was a teenager, I self actualized every chance I got.

What is it about this board? Everything gets turned into lib bashing, con bashing, or sex!!! :biggrin:
I wish I knew.

You seem to think this is a place for reasoned discussion and debate on politics and the other pressing issues of the day, or perhaps a few other items of common interest. It's not. It's a pig pen where you can wrassle an idiot, and make fun of a crazy any time you want. If you want the other, you need to run just as fast and as far as you can from here. What you want has never been, and will never be here.

He's talking about USMB as a whole
You are talking about The Badlands

But why do we worry? Even the homeless have basic needs met in the US

No. Still lots of hungry people without shelter or basic healthcare. An emergency room will sew you up if you're bleeding, but they won't do anything for a diabetic.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.

Great idea. Now all those hungry people without kids just need to come up with a kid so they can qualify, and all problems are solved.
But why do we worry? Even the homeless have basic needs met in the US

No. Still lots of hungry people without shelter or basic healthcare. An emergency room will sew you up if you're bleeding, but they won't do anything for a diabetic.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.
But why do we worry? Even the homeless have basic needs met in the US

No. Still lots of hungry people without shelter or basic healthcare. An emergency room will sew you up if you're bleeding, but they won't do anything for a diabetic.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.

Great idea. Now all those hungry people without kids just need to come up with a kid so they can qualify, and all problems are solved.
You don't need kids to qualify for medicaid or SNAP benefits, jackass. You just need to be poor.
But why do we worry? Even the homeless have basic needs met in the US

No. Still lots of hungry people without shelter or basic healthcare. An emergency room will sew you up if you're bleeding, but they won't do anything for a diabetic.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.
But why do we worry? Even the homeless have basic needs met in the US

No. Still lots of hungry people without shelter or basic healthcare. An emergency room will sew you up if you're bleeding, but they won't do anything for a diabetic.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.

Great idea. Now all those hungry people without kids just need to come up with a kid so they can qualify, and all problems are solved.
You don't need kids to qualify for medicaid or SNAP benefits, jackass. You just need to be poor.

Medicaid doesn't help feed you, and snap makes a childless person jump through more hoops than a dog show at the circus.
But why do we worry? Even the homeless have basic needs met in the US

No. Still lots of hungry people without shelter or basic healthcare. An emergency room will sew you up if you're bleeding, but they won't do anything for a diabetic.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.
But why do we worry? Even the homeless have basic needs met in the US

No. Still lots of hungry people without shelter or basic healthcare. An emergency room will sew you up if you're bleeding, but they won't do anything for a diabetic.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.

Great idea. Now all those hungry people without kids just need to come up with a kid so they can qualify, and all problems are solved.
You don't need kids to qualify for medicaid or SNAP benefits, jackass. You just need to be poor.

Medicaid doesn't help feed you, and snap makes a childless person jump through more hoops than a dog show at the circus.
Bullshit. I personally know several childless people who got SNAP benefits. You're obviously simply America bashing because you're a Democrat and like the majority of Democrats you hate America.
But why do we worry? Even the homeless have basic needs met in the US

No. Still lots of hungry people without shelter or basic healthcare. An emergency room will sew you up if you're bleeding, but they won't do anything for a diabetic.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.
No. Still lots of hungry people without shelter or basic healthcare. An emergency room will sew you up if you're bleeding, but they won't do anything for a diabetic.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.

Great idea. Now all those hungry people without kids just need to come up with a kid so they can qualify, and all problems are solved.
You don't need kids to qualify for medicaid or SNAP benefits, jackass. You just need to be poor.

Medicaid doesn't help feed you, and snap makes a childless person jump through more hoops than a dog show at the circus.
Bullshit. I personally know several childless people who got SNAP benefits. You're obviously simply America bashing because you're a Democrat and like the majority of Democrats you hate America.

For more than 3 months?
No. Still lots of hungry people without shelter or basic healthcare. An emergency room will sew you up if you're bleeding, but they won't do anything for a diabetic.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.

Great idea. Now all those hungry people without kids just need to come up with a kid so they can qualify, and all problems are solved.
You don't need kids to qualify for medicaid or SNAP benefits, jackass. You just need to be poor.

Medicaid doesn't help feed you, and snap makes a childless person jump through more hoops than a dog show at the circus.
Bullshit. I personally know several childless people who got SNAP benefits. You're obviously simply America bashing because you're a Democrat and like the majority of Democrats you hate America.

For more than 3 months?
Yes. There is no time limit on SNAP or medicaid benefits like there is for cash assistance. IIRC here in Ohio cash assistance from the government is limited to 2 years for able-bodied people with no dependent children. There's local charity for women who are leaving abusive relationships. I do volunteer work for them, fix & maintain cars for them and let them use a few of my properties for temporary housing until they can get them placed in permanent housing. Oftentimes these women arrive at the shelter with literally nothing but the clothes on their back and no income. They quickly get them signed up for SNAP benefits all the time regardless of whether they have children or not. There is no "jumping through hoops" as Bulldog claims. He's FOS as usual.
What? You've never heard of EMTALA, Medicaid or SNAP? I know for a fact that Medicaid will cover 100% of the cost of insulin, syringes and test strips if they someone cannot afford it.

Sure people could have trouble feeding themselves if they choose to. A person with zero income can eat a nutritious balanced diet on SNAP benefits alone. However if they make very poor choices it's their own damn fault. If they choose to trade their SNAP benefits for crack money they just may go hungry. Good thing for them that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. If they choose spend their benefits on overpriced heavily processed foods and soda pop rather than sticking to the edges of the supermarket those benefits won't last the month. Hell, some states even allow SNAP benefits to be spent at fast food joints. If you choose to buy a $5 hamburger with a mere quarter pound of beef rather than spending that $5 on a pound of ground beef at the grocery store perhaps a growling stomach towards the end of the month is the only thing that can convince you that you've made a poor choice.
Great idea. Now all those hungry people without kids just need to come up with a kid so they can qualify, and all problems are solved.
You don't need kids to qualify for medicaid or SNAP benefits, jackass. You just need to be poor.

Medicaid doesn't help feed you, and snap makes a childless person jump through more hoops than a dog show at the circus.
Bullshit. I personally know several childless people who got SNAP benefits. You're obviously simply America bashing because you're a Democrat and like the majority of Democrats you hate America.

For more than 3 months?
Yes. There is no time limit on SNAP or medicaid benefits like there is for cash assistance. IIRC here in Ohio cash assistance from the government is limited to 2 years for able-bodied people with no dependent children. There's local charity for women who are leaving abusive relationships. I do volunteer work for them, fix & maintain cars for them and let them use a few of my properties for temporary housing until they can get them placed in permanent housing. Oftentimes these women arrive at the shelter with literally nothing but the clothes on their back and no income. They quickly get them signed up for SNAP benefits all the time regardless of whether they have children or not. There is no "jumping through hoops" as Bulldog claims. He's FOS as usual.


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