Are you starting to prefer the political / social ‘divide’ now….be honest?

There is a fundamental difference in the proper role of the Federal government. Unfortunately, that factor intrudes in far more areas of life that it ever did before.

Family get-togethers have become an emotional "mine field" in which "we" are all paranoid about stepping on a subject that will inflame a family member.

Since going to law school, I enjoy argumentation, and I can disagree with someone without being insulted or thinking less of my counterpart (as long as they can defend their position with facts and logic). But sadly, people who can argue this way are few and far between.
damn dude my family had knocked down drag outs in the 1960s and 1970s but, not anymore and we talk about what ever we want. Politics is rather a drole subject though.
Have you started to realize and accept that we have become a nation of people with way too many fundamental differences?
Gone are the days of socializing while in line at the bank, neighborhood gatherings and friendly waves to strangers.
Thanks Democrats.

The ultimate problem is we let too many foriengers into America. Now we have millions of people from allover the world all with their idea of what America should be, their own customs and beliefs, all with their own set of morals and standards, and none of them want to budge. None of them want to compromise and they all want America to conform to them, they don't want to conform to America.

Then we have gays, trannies, Muslims, and other fringe groups that once just minded their own business now are forcing their way into society and trying to all make their fringe group a main group. Every time a fringe group becomes normalized then the next group that was once even fringier than the last steps up to the plate to be normalized.

So between too many foriengers and too many Americans that are in fringe groups America has become this jumbled mess.

Used to Americans on average were comfortable in America. Wherever you went you mostly saw people that looked like you, spoke like you, had the same unspoken understandings, had similar morals and values, spoke the same language, grew up in a similar background, shared similar customs and so on. Most Americans were comfortable being around other Americans because we mostly had a commonality and understanding.

Now we don't have that anymore. It's why countries like Switzerland has such a insanely low rate of violent crime, a society of generally happy people and so on. Because you can't even become a swiss citizen unless you pay a lot, fluently speak their language, and understand their customs and culture. You have to practically be swiss to become a swiss in other words. They don't do the whole "let anyone in regardless of if they care about the country or even speak it's language".

As a kid I had lots of friendly encounters in public. But everyone looked like me, spoke like me, had decent manners, and we all were comfortable with each other because we all knew where we stood. Now I go out and see a lot of people that don't look like me, sound like me, quite a few don't even speak my language, don't have the same expectations of manners I do and so on and I don't want anything to do with them, they irritate me and I wish they didn't live near me.
The ultimate problem is we let too many foriengers into America. Now we have millions of people from allover the world all with their idea of what America should be, their own customs and beliefs, all with their own set of morals and standards, and none of them want to budge. None of them want to compromise and they all want America to conform to them, they don't want to conform to America.

Then we have gays, trannies, Muslims, and other fringe groups that once just minded their own business now are forcing their way into society and trying to all make their fringe group a main group. Every time a fringe group becomes normalized then the next group that was once even fringier than the last steps up to the plate to be normalized.

So between too many foriengers and too many Americans that are in fringe groups America has become this jumbled mess.

Used to Americans on average were comfortable in America. Wherever you went you mostly saw people that looked like you, spoke like you, had the same unspoken understandings, had similar morals and values, spoke the same language, grew up in a similar background, shared similar customs and so on. Most Americans were comfortable being around other Americans because we mostly had a commonality and understanding.

Now we don't have that anymore. It's why countries like Switzerland has such a insanely low rate of violent crime, a society of generally happy people and so on. Because you can't even become a swiss citizen unless you pay a lot, fluently speak their language, and understand their customs and culture. You have to practically be swiss to become a swiss in other words. They don't do the whole "let anyone in regardless of if they care about the country or even speak it's language".

As a kid I had lots of friendly encounters in public. But everyone looked like me, spoke like me, had decent manners, and we all were comfortable with each other because we all knew where we stood. Now I go out and see a lot of people that don't look like me, sound like me, quite a few don't even speak my language, don't have the same expectations of manners I do and so on and I don't want anything to do with them, they irritate me and I wish they didn't live near me.

Manners...........only enter in the back door.
The ultimate problem is we let too many foriengers into America. Now we have millions of people from allover the world all with their idea of what America should be, their own customs and beliefs, all with their own set of morals and standards, and none of them want to budge. None of them want to compromise and they all want America to conform to them, they don't want to conform to America.

Then we have gays, trannies, Muslims, and other fringe groups that once just minded their own business now are forcing their way into society and trying to all make their fringe group a main group. Every time a fringe group becomes normalized then the next group that was once even fringier than the last steps up to the plate to be normalized.

So between too many foriengers and too many Americans that are in fringe groups America has become this jumbled mess.

Used to Americans on average were comfortable in America. Wherever you went you mostly saw people that looked like you, spoke like you, had the same unspoken understandings, had similar morals and values, spoke the same language, grew up in a similar background, shared similar customs and so on. Most Americans were comfortable being around other Americans because we mostly had a commonality and understanding.

Now we don't have that anymore. It's why countries like Switzerland has such a insanely low rate of violent crime, a society of generally happy people and so on. Because you can't even become a swiss citizen unless you pay a lot, fluently speak their language, and understand their customs and culture. You have to practically be swiss to become a swiss in other words. They don't do the whole "let anyone in regardless of if they care about the country or even speak it's language".

As a kid I had lots of friendly encounters in public. But everyone looked like me, spoke like me, had decent manners, and we all were comfortable with each other because we all knew where we stood. Now I go out and see a lot of people that don't look like me, sound like me, quite a few don't even speak my language, don't have the same expectations of manners I do and so on and I don't want anything to do with them, they irritate me and I wish they didn't live near me.
How ironic, a human that had immigration in their past being against immigrants.
How ironic, a human that had immigration in their past being against immigrants.
Todays illegal subhuman thirdworlders are NOTHING like Euro and Asian immigrants of the past. The fact that you can’t make such a simple distinction tells us that you are not to be taken seriously.
By the way…check out all these Euro and Asian immigrants.
Todays illegal subhuman thirdworlders are NOTHING like Euro and Asian immigrants of the past. The fact that you can’t make such a simple distinction tells us that you are not to be taken seriously.
By the way…check out all these Euro and Asian immigrants.
Ghee, do you always try to pigeonhole a group into a box? The criminals that came to the US a hundred years ago are the same groups you accept as good people now.
Ghee, do you always try to pigeonhole a group into a box?
“Black community”
“Minority community”
“Gay community”
“LGBT community”
“Latino community”

Aren’t those your words…I thought you wanted to stay compartmentalized?
Oh I see…today you want “inclusion”?
Have you started to realize and accept that we have become a nation of people with way too many fundamental differences?
Gone are the days of socializing while in line at the bank, neighborhood gatherings and friendly waves to strangers.
Thanks Democrats.
Democrats?!?! Haha. If you can’t admit that it takes two to tango then you are either ignorant or lying
“Black community”
“Minority community”
“Gay community”
“LGBT community”
“Latino community”

Aren’t those your words…I thought you wanted to stay compartmentalized?
Oh I see…today you want “inclusion”?
Show me proof of what you claim, yet you have none since you are creating that which does not exist in any of my post. Do try to stay on topic and stop ranting lies.
Have you started to realize and accept that we have become a nation of people with way too many fundamental differences?
Gone are the days of socializing while in line at the bank, neighborhood gatherings and friendly waves to strangers.
Thanks Democrats.
I love it. About time the rest of country wake up to how they've fostered this deplorable mutant culture of fascist white supremacy.

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