Are you starting to prefer the political / social ‘divide’ now….be honest?

How many “white supremacists” will commit rape and murder this weekend in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, New York and Los Angeles?
Difference is no one thinks those rapes and murders are good things. You morons think a fascist white ethno state is your God given birth right.
The divide is thanks to career politicians and social media.

Those two things have destroyed any chance of Americans ever being able to agree again.
Hahaha…those phrases are Prog favorites. Are you pretending they aren’t?
Are you stupid? Do you not recognize the difference between acknowledging different communities and disparaging them with your racist generalities? 😄
Difference is no one thinks those rapes and murders are good things. You morons think a fascist white ethno state is your God given birth right.
It is “RIGHT” to some degree…there’s a little document called the Declaration Of Independence that provides us a right to sovereignty.
BUT for the most part, living among good quality human beings is a common preference…ask the BLM founder.
It is “RIGHT” to some degree…there’s a little document called the Declaration Of Independence that provides us a right to sovereignty.
BUT for the most part, living among good quality human beings is a common preference…ask the BLM founder.
It affords all people the right to sovereignty and citizenship to all born on this land. That means it doesn't assure you a white ethno state it only makes it possible if you can convince other whites to keep the blood lines pure, and you can't. Apparently whites love diverse sexual partners. :funnyface:
The divide is thanks to career politicians and social media.

Those two things have destroyed any chance of Americans ever being able to agree again.
Yeah, humans always got along before those people existed, why the entire human history of war proves that theory, derpa.
Have you started to realize and accept that we have become a nation of people with way too many fundamental differences?
Gone are the days of socializing while in line at the bank, neighborhood gatherings and friendly waves to strangers.
Thanks Democrats.
I've realized that we as a society, among those to are political, are far too gone to ever come back. Nobody is trying to pull back the reins and cool things down, least of all our government. They are actually stoking the fire.

We will continue in a downward trajectory because we're too stupid to try and see eye to eye, and work things put, so the rhetoric and hate will continue to drive us apart.
You Change America / Hate America folks have forced conservatives to act as America’s keeper and now ALL productive, moral, decent and sane people hate you…hence the divide.
I disagree. A country needs to change and evolve
Gone are the days of socializing while in line at the bank, neighborhood gatherings and friendly waves to strangers.
Thanks Democrats.

Sucks that you live in such a shitty place, none of that is gone where I live.
Conservative media, 24/7 for decades, hammering into fragile conservative minds that Democrats want to murder them and their families, but it's all the Democrats fault. Go fuck yourself, snowflake.
Lol, dem media does the exact same thing, let's not kid ourselves and pretend either side is innocent.
We will continue in a downward trajectory because we're too stupid to try and see eye to eye, and work things put, so the rhetoric and hate will continue to drive us apart.
only partially correct.

Its hard to see eye to eye when career politicians are INTENTIONALLY doing everything they can to keep us divided, along with our enemies in foreign countries on social media.

and a lot of those foreign agents could be right here in this forum.

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