Are you supporting Kim Davis for defending her faith?

Do you support Kim Davis for standing up for her Christian faith?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters
She doesnt want
That's what it comes down to, what she wants - not upholding the oath she swore to with her hand on...wait for it...a BIBLE!

Like its been said...the oath she swore to was marriage between a man and a woman. It would be completely different if Gay marriage was already in place, and she got in there, then decided "hey Im not going to do this".

Gay marriage is legal in the United States. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the supreme court’s decision doesn’t change that fact. A clerk of court’s job is to issue licenses based upon the law. When Ms. Davis accepted her position she knew what her responsibilities would entail. She accepted the duty knowing the nature of the US court system and that laws change.Whether Kim Davis agrees or not, it is part of her job. If she can not perform her duties because of her moral objection, then it is then her place to step down.

The best comment to date concerning this issue. This isn't rocket got issues with your job, step down, put a period behind it and keep it movin'. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE VERY PEOPLE YOU REFUSE TO SERVE, PAY YOUR FUCKIN SALARY TOO.
Well there are 12 people supporting Kim Davis for defending her faith and 12 people who voted on a poll they choose to serve Jesus Christ so it looks like everything is coming together here. This board is being converted to Jesus Christ. No question about it. I'm excited! God is on the move!
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky? For any who are not aware of who Kim Davis is, she is the clerk who was put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. In the State of Kentucky marriage is between a man and a woman. Are you supporting Kim Davis for standing up for her faith in Jesus Christ? Yes or no?

Kim Davis is a law breaking redneck hypocritical racist who should be recalled and set out to pasture in some field piled with horse shit, with Huckabee by her side.
She doesnt want
That's what it comes down to, what she wants - not upholding the oath she swore to with her hand on...wait for it...a BIBLE!

Like its been said...the oath she swore to was marriage between a man and a woman. It would be completely different if Gay marriage was already in place, and she got in there, then decided "hey Im not going to do this".

Gay marriage is legal in the United States. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the supreme court’s decision doesn’t change that fact. A clerk of court’s job is to issue licenses based upon the law. When Ms. Davis accepted her position she knew what her responsibilities would entail. She accepted the duty knowing the nature of the US court system and that laws change.Whether Kim Davis agrees or not, it is part of her job. If she can not perform her duties because of her moral objection, then it is then her place to step down.

Youve got to be kidding me.
So ALL mans laws and ALL those who uphold them should never be challenged or questioned.

Most of you are nothing but pathetic bloviating hypocrtits.
She doesnt want
That's what it comes down to, what she wants - not upholding the oath she swore to with her hand on...wait for it...a BIBLE!

Like its been said...the oath she swore to was marriage between a man and a woman. It would be completely different if Gay marriage was already in place, and she got in there, then decided "hey Im not going to do this".

Gay marriage is legal in the United States. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the supreme court’s decision doesn’t change that fact. A clerk of court’s job is to issue licenses based upon the law. When Ms. Davis accepted her position she knew what her responsibilities would entail. She accepted the duty knowing the nature of the US court system and that laws change.Whether Kim Davis agrees or not, it is part of her job. If she can not perform her duties because of her moral objection, then it is then her place to step down.

The best comment to date concerning this issue. This isn't rocket got issues with your job, step down, put a period behind it and keep it movin'. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE VERY PEOPLE YOU REFUSE TO SERVE, PAY YOUR FUCKIN SALARY TOO.

Youve got to be kidding me.
So ALL mans laws and ALL those who uphold them should never be challenged or questioned.

Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky?
If you don't like America, leave it and go found a religious state


The preemption doctrine derives from the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution which states that the "Constitution and the laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land...anything in the constitutions or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." This means of course, that any federal law--even a regulation of a federal agency--trumps any conflicting state law.

Wrong, Dante. The Constitution protects Kim Davis's rights to her faith and to defend her faith. She was elected to do that job and took an oath to do it as it was at that time - marriage is between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. She was released from jail because her rights were violated. I thank God she stood up for her rights as a Christian. She did the right thing.
What a bunch of BS.

If you thumpers are gonna believe in your bible, then you should also support polygamy, incest, murder.

But no.

You believe in Davis and her bastard kids, multiple marriages and adultery.

You're a bunch of hypocrites who pick and choose whatever supports your agenda of hate and fear.
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky?
If you don't like America, leave it and go found a religious state


The preemption doctrine derives from the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution which states that the "Constitution and the laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land...anything in the constitutions or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." This means of course, that any federal law--even a regulation of a federal agency--trumps any conflicting state law.

Wrong, Dante. The Constitution protects Kim Davis's rights to her faith and to defend her faith. She was elected to do that job and took an oath to do it as it was at that time - marriage is between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. She was released from jail because her rights were violated. I thank God she stood up for her rights as a Christian. She did the right thing.

omfg! Jeremiah , You are soooo wrong on WHY she was released. Read the court order you silly fool.

Also, she has asked the state for a reasonable accommodation, which cannot by the rules hamper the employer. The state will be sued if they do not force her to do the job she swore an oath to do. She needs an act of the legislature for this. Try and keep up with the facts

You're also dead wrong on what exactly the US Constitution says
What a bunch of BS.

If you thumpers are gonna believe in your bible, then you should also support polygamy, incest, murder.

But no.

You believe in Davis and her bastard kids, multiple marriages and adultery.

You're a bunch of hypocrites who pick and choose whatever supports your agenda of hate and fear.

Lunch counter religious faith is almost always a cover for hypocrisy and bigotry
What a bunch of BS.

If you thumpers are gonna believe in your bible, then you should also support polygamy, incest, murder.

But no.

You believe in Davis and her bastard kids, multiple marriages and adultery.

You're a bunch of hypocrites who pick and choose whatever supports your agenda of hate and fear.

Lunch counter religious faith is almost always a cover for hypocrisy and bigotry

Its also a cover for their work to get sharia law enacted across the US.
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky?
If you don't like America, leave it and go found a religious state


The preemption doctrine derives from the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution which states that the "Constitution and the laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land...anything in the constitutions or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." This means of course, that any federal law--even a regulation of a federal agency--trumps any conflicting state law.

Wrong, Dante. The Constitution protects Kim Davis's rights to her faith and to defend her faith. She was elected to do that job and took an oath to do it as it was at that time - marriage is between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. She was released from jail because her rights were violated. I thank God she stood up for her rights as a Christian. She did the right thing.

You're wrong on several counts but I'm sure you already know that.

"The Constitution protects Kim Davis's rights to her faith and to defend her faith."
Where? Link and quote.

Her bible says adultery is wrong. What's your excuse for that?

Her bible says bastards kids are wrong. Bet you've got an excuse for that as well.

And, as mentioned above, her bible includes polygamy (hundreds of wives), rape, incest. You believe in those too?

Her rights were not violated and I hope that if she acts in contempt of court again, she is jailed again because she, nor you, are above the law.
What a bunch of BS.

If you thumpers are gonna believe in your bible, then you should also support polygamy, incest, murder.

But no.

You believe in Davis and her bastard kids, multiple marriages and adultery.

You're a bunch of hypocrites who pick and choose whatever supports your agenda of hate and fear.

Lunch counter religious faith is almost always a cover for hypocrisy and bigotry

Its also a cover for their work to get sharia law enacted across the US.

some politicians maybe, not the average person...and not any Christian who is genuinly trying to follow Gods word.
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky?
If you don't like America, leave it and go found a religious state


The preemption doctrine derives from the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution which states that the "Constitution and the laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land...anything in the constitutions or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." This means of course, that any federal law--even a regulation of a federal agency--trumps any conflicting state law.

Wrong, Dante. The Constitution protects Kim Davis's rights to her faith and to defend her faith. She was elected to do that job and took an oath to do it as it was at that time - marriage is between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. She was released from jail because her rights were violated. I thank God she stood up for her rights as a Christian. She did the right thing.

omfg! Jeremiah , You are soooo wrong on WHY she was released. Read the court order you silly fool.

Also, she has asked the state for a reasonable accommodation, which cannot by the rules hamper the employer. The state will be sued if they do not force her to do the job she swore an oath to do. She needs an act of the legislature for this. Try and keep up with the facts

You're also dead wrong on what exactly the US Constitution says

Am I wrong that the Supreme Court had no right to vote on the redefining of marriage - permitting same sex marriages to become legal in America? Yes or no?

Is Mrs/Ms Davis defending her faith, or exploiting it?

It looks like exploitation to me. No more different than those crazies arguing that raping infidels is sanctioned by their religion.

I see a lot of BS as part of the 'defending her faith' argument. If the job entails doing something that is against your faith, don't you think you should change jobs.

What is next? Whores suing their pimps because fornication goes against their faith.

Jews and Muslim demonstrating outside of slaughter houses because the meat is not prepared in a religious manner.

How about Hindi's trying to close down burger joints.

There is a difference between defending ones faith(Which, if it was true, would not need defending) and pushing ones faith onto others.
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky?
If you don't like America, leave it and go found a religious state


The preemption doctrine derives from the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution which states that the "Constitution and the laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land...anything in the constitutions or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." This means of course, that any federal law--even a regulation of a federal agency--trumps any conflicting state law.

Wrong, Dante. The Constitution protects Kim Davis's rights to her faith and to defend her faith. She was elected to do that job and took an oath to do it as it was at that time - marriage is between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. She was released from jail because her rights were violated. I thank God she stood up for her rights as a Christian. She did the right thing.

omfg! Jeremiah , You are soooo wrong on WHY she was released. Read the court order you silly fool.

Also, she has asked the state for a reasonable accommodation, which cannot by the rules hamper the employer. The state will be sued if they do not force her to do the job she swore an oath to do. She needs an act of the legislature for this. Try and keep up with the facts

You're also dead wrong on what exactly the US Constitution says

Am I wrong that the Supreme Court had no right to vote on the redefining of marriage - permitting same sex marriages to become legal in America? Yes or no?


The Supreme Court was asked to hear a case of rights and liberties being violated. It is their job
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky?
If you don't like America, leave it and go found a religious state


The preemption doctrine derives from the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution which states that the "Constitution and the laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land...anything in the constitutions or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." This means of course, that any federal law--even a regulation of a federal agency--trumps any conflicting state law.

Wrong, Dante. The Constitution protects Kim Davis's rights to her faith and to defend her faith. She was elected to do that job and took an oath to do it as it was at that time - marriage is between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. She was released from jail because her rights were violated. I thank God she stood up for her rights as a Christian. She did the right thing.

omfg! Jeremiah , You are soooo wrong on WHY she was released. Read the court order you silly fool.

Also, she has asked the state for a reasonable accommodation, which cannot by the rules hamper the employer. The state will be sued if they do not force her to do the job she swore an oath to do. She needs an act of the legislature for this. Try and keep up with the facts

You're also dead wrong on what exactly the US Constitution says

Am I wrong that the Supreme Court had no right to vote on the redefining of marriage - permitting same sex marriages to become legal in America? Yes or no?


The Supreme Court was asked to hear a case of rights and liberties being violated. It is their job

Dante', it is not the job of the Supreme Court to redefine marriage nor is it their right. What they did was wrong. They had no right to do it.

A person who rejects God's plan for marriage - See Genesis 1:26,27 - God created a woman for man. Not a man for man. God created a man and a woman and said that they were to be fruitful and multiply - a man and a man cannot produce a child, a woman and a woman cannot produce a child. What's next? Marrying a man to a boy? Or marrying a horse to a man? Where does this perverse wickedness end?

No man has a right to defy God's plan of marriage and the founding fathers' agreement with the Word of God - marriage being between a man and a woman (would any of them have disagreed? No, I do not believe so) as our nation was a nation dedicated to the God of the Bible. Would it not be reasonable to understand then that the intent from the beginning was always - marriage is between one man and one woman? As I said, No man has the "right" to marry another man according to how our laws in America were established, nor do they have the liberty to defy those laws by using the Supreme Court to redefine marriage in order to accommodate their wickedness.
If you don't like America, leave it and go found a religious state


The preemption doctrine derives from the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution which states that the "Constitution and the laws of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land...anything in the constitutions or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." This means of course, that any federal law--even a regulation of a federal agency--trumps any conflicting state law.

Wrong, Dante. The Constitution protects Kim Davis's rights to her faith and to defend her faith. She was elected to do that job and took an oath to do it as it was at that time - marriage is between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. She was released from jail because her rights were violated. I thank God she stood up for her rights as a Christian. She did the right thing.

omfg! Jeremiah , You are soooo wrong on WHY she was released. Read the court order you silly fool.

Also, she has asked the state for a reasonable accommodation, which cannot by the rules hamper the employer. The state will be sued if they do not force her to do the job she swore an oath to do. She needs an act of the legislature for this. Try and keep up with the facts

You're also dead wrong on what exactly the US Constitution says

Am I wrong that the Supreme Court had no right to vote on the redefining of marriage - permitting same sex marriages to become legal in America? Yes or no?


The Supreme Court was asked to hear a case of rights and liberties being violated. It is their job

Dante', it is not the job of the Supreme Court to redefine marriage nor is it their right. What they did was wrong. They had no right to do it.

A person who rejects God's plan for marriage - See Genesis 1:26,27 - God created a woman for man. Not a man for man. God created a man and a woman and said that they were to be fruitful and multiply - a man and a man cannot produce a child, a woman and a woman cannot produce a child. What's next? Marrying a man to a boy? Or marrying a horse to a man? Where does this perverse wickedness end?

No man has a right to defy God's plan of marriage and the founding fathers' agreement with the Word of God - marriage being between a man and a woman (would any of them have disagreed? No, I do not believe so) as our nation was a nation dedicated to the God of the Bible. Would it not be reasonable to understand then that the intent from the beginning was always - marriage is between one man and one woman? As I said, No man has the "right" to marry another man according to how our laws in America were established, nor do they have the liberty to defy those laws by using the Supreme Court to redefine marriage in order to accommodate their wickedness.
There is separation of church and state in the US, so church doctrine cannot over rule the law of the land. As it should be.

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