Are You Swallowing the BS about Trump?

What I think:

(1) Trump is the least suited and least prepared person to be president ever
(2) Trump has the emotional level of a child and is incapable of taking criticism
(3) Trump is a pathological liar
(4) Trump looks at women as a pair of tits, a nice ass and a pussy
(5) While Trump is not a bigot, he is willing to seek their support


(1) Trump is not a career politician
(2) Trump says what he thinks, not what he is told to say
(3) That would be a step up from Hillary
(4) Tell that to all of his female executives
(5) You have run out of ammunition
1. True
2. Without thinking he speaks too much
3. Anyone is a step up from her
4. Truth
5. Trump offers an endless supply
Stupid Liberals...
Blowing their Loads 2 full months before the election.
That's right, morons, attack him with everything you've conjured up in July and August.
Trump takes his hits and dips now and kicks Hillary's ass in November.
Lots of people are talking about the BS about Trump, some incredibly smart people. I'm not saying it is true but people are calling me about it. A lot of people are saying it. It's incredible.
What's even funnier, is that in a speech on Wednesday, he railed against the NJ governor, confusing him with Hillary's VP, who never served politically in NJ, because all his work was done in Virginia.

The difference between Donald and Hillary is that when he misspeaks, it is by accident.
He should get to a doctor then because he has an accident nearly every time he opens his yap.
If you want to know what democrats are up to, just look at what they accuse others of doing.

This is just the latest character assassination. Remember Harry Reid "it worked didn't it"? They do it every time. I don't pay any attention to what democrats say. I just wish republicans did the same.
We are being treated to the greatest character assassination effort in our nation's history, orchestrated by the Clinton political machine and carried out by its MSM accomplices. Do you actually listen to what Trump says and read his tweets before forming an opinion about him, or do you just accept the MSM reporting of what they want you to hear and swallow their BS narrative of how he is the worst person in the world?

Isn't it interesting that practically everyone who had ever worked for him has nothing but good things to say about him? Do you really think he wants to start WW3 and destroy this country along with his own family? Do you really think he disrespects veterans and their families? Do you really want him to surrender to the political correctness that is destroying free speech in this country?

The sad thing is that many of you do believe this and are willing to elect a corrupt traitor as President.

Character assassination?

Since when is the truth character assassination?

Trump hires foreign workers to work in the United States instead of American workers- fact.

Actual real billionaires- who are MORE successful than Donald Trump warn against Trump.

The only one assassinating Trump's character is Donald Trump- and he has been doing that for years.
What I think:

(1) Trump is the least suited and least prepared person to be president ever
(2) Trump has the emotional level of a child and is incapable of taking criticism
(3) Trump is a pathological liar
(4) Trump looks at women as a pair of tits, a nice ass and a pussy
(5) While Trump is not a bigot, he is willing to seek their support


(1) Trump is not a career politician
(2) Trump says what he thinks, not what he is told to say
(3) That would be a step up from Hillary
(4) Tell that to all of his female executives
(5) You have run out of ammunition
Trump is the most Ill-suited person to run for President ever, he lacks the intellect, experience and temperament
That is not telling it like it is telling what Trump truly is
All you have to do is watch a rally, watch a TV interview, or listen to a radio interview.

No media spin or commentary needed. Just his own words, actions and behaviors in a variety of settings.

It's delightfully easy to form opinions on something so clear.
This is the truth.

Only Libtards think that their opinions are the same thing as truth.
Lots of people are talking about the BS about Trump, some incredibly smart people. I'm not saying it is true but people are calling me about it. A lot of people are saying it. It's incredible.
They are shocked because they are so used to Obama and Clinton having no ideas about how to deal with problems that when they hear Trump put forth plans to deal with problems like Islamic terrorism or illegal immigration or US companies moving to countries they think something must be wrong.
We are being treated to the greatest character assassination effort in our nation's history, orchestrated by the Clinton political machine and carried out by its MSM accomplices.

I think Trump does a fine job by himself....
He makes it real easy for people to go after him.....
Trump doesnt say what hes told to say?

Then why does he change his mind all the time 5 minutes after he says something retarded?

Trump isnt a career politician? Why has he had his chubby face involved in politics for as long as ive been alive, namely and more prominantly in the last 3 elections and having spent his whole adult life hanging out with the establishment......even being GOOD FRIENDS(his words) with the Clintons?

Trumpster fire cons another. and another and another and another
All you have to do is watch a rally, watch a TV interview, or listen to a radio interview.

No media spin or commentary needed. Just his own words, actions and behaviors in a variety of settings.

It's delightfully easy to form opinions on something so clear.

Isn't there a Hillary phone bank you are suppose to be working?
No matter how bad the leftist media and the communist traitor dims trash Trump, he still beats beats the bus stop rat bag old hag socialist power-hungry incompetent lying piece of shit Hillary hands down.
We are being treated to the greatest character assassination effort in our nation's history, orchestrated by the Clinton political machine and carried out by its MSM accomplices.
That is pure Trumpery!

What I think:

(1) Trump is the least suited and least prepared person to be president ever
(2) Trump has the emotional level of a child and is incapable of taking criticism
(3) Trump is a pathological liar
(4) Trump looks at women as a pair of tits, a nice ass and a pussy
(5) While Trump is not a bigot, he is willing to seek their support


(1) Trump is not a career politician
(2) Trump says what he thinks, not what he is told to say
(3) That would be a step up from Hillary
(4) Tell that to all of his female executives
(5) You have run out of ammunition
Trump is the most Ill-suited person to run for President ever, he lacks the intellect, experience and temperament
That is not telling it like it is telling what Trump truly is
And yet Trump is able to propose specific actions to deal with America's problems and Clinton, like Obama, has nothing but slogans to offer.
Lots of people are talking about the BS about Trump, some incredibly smart people. I'm not saying it is true but people are calling me about it. A lot of people are saying it. It's incredible.
You mean the "smart" Free Traders?
Lots of people are talking about the BS about Trump, some incredibly smart people. I'm not saying it is true but people are calling me about it. A lot of people are saying it. It's incredible.
They are shocked because they are so used to Obama and Clinton having no ideas about how to deal with problems that when they hear Trump put forth plans to deal with problems like Islamic terrorism or illegal immigration or US companies moving to countries they think something must be wrong.

Their attraction to Hillary is that when everything goes to hell, they can claim they were lied to and thus evade any personal responsibility.
Trump? All we get are lies and fabrications about "racism"

those that know him, know it is not true

they can't win on facts, they can't win on policy, so they have to make shit up
More Trumpery.
We are being treated to the greatest character assassination effort in our nation's history, orchestrated by the Clinton political machine and carried out by its MSM accomplices.

I think Trump does a fine job by himself....
He makes it real easy for people to go after him.....
It's easy for Hillary to go after him since she apparently spends no time trying to figure out how to deal with America's problems.

Trump for president and Hillary for message board troll.
We are being treated to the greatest character assassination effort in our nation's history, orchestrated by the Clinton political machine and carried out by its MSM accomplices. Do you actually listen to what Trump says and read his tweets before forming an opinion about him, or do you just accept the MSM reporting of what they want you to hear and swallow their BS narrative of how he is the worst person in the world?

Isn't it interesting that practically everyone who had ever worked for him has nothing but good things to say about him? Do you really think he wants to start WW3 and destroy this country along with his own family? Do you really think he disrespects veterans and their families? Do you really want him to surrender to the political correctness that is destroying free speech in this country?

The sad thing is that many of you do believe this and are willing to elect a corrupt traitor as President.

I have to ask....did you expect anything less? That is why I support Trump.....he is an actual fighter...if anyone thinks this is only happening because he is Trump, you don't understand how elections are run today. They have attacked him..and as we saw in the Primaries...that only makes him more determined to win........

The other guys...they would be over.......bush, rubio, christie......they would be a puddle of goo right now....Trump, hopefully, will take the fight to them once he realizes that the battlefield has changed, and the entire news establishment is not going to actively support matter what it takes.....

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