Are You Swallowing the BS about Trump?

No matter how bad the leftist media and the communist traitor dims trash Trump, he still beats beats the bus stop rat bag old hag socialist power-hungry incompetent lying piece of shit Hillary hands down.
The media is doing nothing other than reporting the dumb shit Trump says

That is not bias
What I think:

(1) Trump is the least suited and least prepared person to be president ever
(2) Trump has the emotional level of a child and is incapable of taking criticism
(3) Trump is a pathological liar
(4) Trump looks at women as a pair of tits, a nice ass and a pussy
(5) While Trump is not a bigot, he is willing to seek their support


(1) Trump is not a career politician
(2) Trump says what he thinks, not what he is told to say
(3) That would be a step up from Hillary
(4) Tell that to all of his female executives
(5) You have run out of ammunition
Trump is the most Ill-suited person to run for President ever, he lacks the intellect, experience and temperament
That is not telling it like it is telling what Trump truly is
And yet Trump is able to propose specific actions to deal with America's problems and Clinton, like Obama, has nothing but slogans to offer.
Trump has not provided specifics other than

People do what TRUMP says
When we are at a balance of who counts for the Surpremes and someone called a so called conservative goes "I'd rather vote for Hillary" what you have to do.....take your right fist................put it oh about at least three feet if you want to go a round a bout...........extend if you want to wind it .............and then drive your fucking clenched up fist into that so called republicans mouth and make him see the new tomorrow.

And then go THANK YOU JEB.

Fuck off and die Bush.
Oh my goodness, violence is so becoming to the political process. Jeb Bush, has the right to his opinion as does Donald Trump. And we have the right to state we do not agree with their opinions.
What I think:

(1) Trump is the least suited and least prepared person to be president ever
(2) Trump has the emotional level of a child and is incapable of taking criticism
(3) Trump is a pathological liar
(4) Trump looks at women as a pair of tits, a nice ass and a pussy
(5) While Trump is not a bigot, he is willing to seek their support


(1) Trump is not a career politician
(2) Trump says what he thinks, not what he is told to say
(3) That would be a step up from Hillary
(4) Tell that to all of his female executives
(5) You have run out of ammunition
Trump is the most Ill-suited person to run for President ever, he lacks the intellect, experience and temperament
That is not telling it like it is telling what Trump truly is
And yet Trump is able to propose specific actions to deal with America's problems and Clinton, like Obama, has nothing but slogans to offer.
Trump has not provided specifics other than

People do what TRUMP says
Government check?
All you have to do is watch a rally, watch a TV interview, or listen to a radio interview.

No media spin or commentary needed. Just his own words, actions and behaviors in a variety of settings.

It's delightfully easy to form opinions on something so clear.

How about citing an actual in context quote or tweet that offends you?
Nothing he says offends me.

His "speeches" are non-stop, stream of consciousness strings of shallow platitudes, cartoonish hyperbole, hypersensitivity, self-fluffing and personal insults. He is constantly sticking his foot in his mouth, he doesn't learn from his mistakes, he has some bizarre need to attack anyone who dares to disagree with him, he demonstrates little issue-based or Constitutionally-based knowledge or thought, he does not demonstrate any level of intellectual curiosity or depth, and it constantly seems like he's just faking it.

Hey, aside from that, he's a real peach.
All you have to do is watch a rally, watch a TV interview, or listen to a radio interview.

No media spin or commentary needed. Just his own words, actions and behaviors in a variety of settings.

It's delightfully easy to form opinions on something so clear.
If you are not interested in any of the issues, it may seem so to you.
Oh yeah, he's really deep on the issues.

All you have to do is watch a rally, watch a TV interview, or listen to a radio interview.

No media spin or commentary needed. Just his own words, actions and behaviors in a variety of settings.

It's delightfully easy to form opinions on something so clear.

Isn't there a Hillary phone bank you are suppose to be working?
Just responding to the OP.
We are being treated to the greatest character assassination effort in our nation's history, orchestrated by the Clinton political machine and carried out by its MSM accomplices. Do you actually listen to what Trump says and read his tweets before forming an opinion about him, or do you just accept the MSM reporting of what they want you to hear and swallow their BS narrative of how he is the worst person in the world?

Isn't it interesting that practically everyone who had ever worked for him has nothing but good things to say about him? Do you really think he wants to start WW3 and destroy this country along with his own family? Do you really think he disrespects veterans and their families? Do you really want him to surrender to the political correctness that is destroying free speech in this country?

The sad thing is that many of you do believe this and are willing to elect a corrupt traitor as President.

The character assassination of Birfer Trump is being conducted by Trump himself. He's a joke.

And you Trumptards are too blind to see it because Orange Jesus is your messiah.
I quit watching The Apprentice because of Trump's personality. He came off as only respecting those that kissed his butt. I'm a Republican and while I didn't support him in the primary I did plan to support whoever the nominee was. I have to say that support is now razor thin because so far this campaign he has exhibited to be indeed as big a jerk as he was on his TV show.
I quit watching The Apprentice because of Trump's personality. He came off as only respecting those that kissed his butt. I'm a Republican and while I didn't support him in the primary I did plan to support whoever the nominee was. I have to say that support is now razor thin because so far this campaign he has exhibited to be indeed as big a jerk as he was on his TV show.
I've been watching Trump for a long time, long before he was on TV, and I concluded a long time ago he is a jerk and has always been a jerk.

Still, whenever he started a new business project, investors flocked to him because despite being a jerk, his projects made money for them, and I support him for president because despite being a jerk, Trump has laid out specific plans for dealing with some of America's problems that I agree with. These are not empty promises or pie in the sky dreams, these are how to plans to solve the problem of illegal immigration, Islamic terrorism, unemployment among the country's poor, low wages, corporations moving to other countries, the US's huge trade deficit, failed schools in America's inner cities, how to deal rationally with the conflict between Israel and the Arabs, how to get the Europeans to pay their fair share of the costs of NATO, and more.

Trump is a jerk, but he is also the only candidate I can remember who has the balls to take a fresh look at some of America's most difficult problems. I support Trump because he is a jerk who has clear and specific plans to protect America and make America prosperous again.
All you have to do is watch a rally, watch a TV interview, or listen to a radio interview.

No media spin or commentary needed. Just his own words, actions and behaviors in a variety of settings.

It's delightfully easy to form opinions on something so clear.
If you are not interested in any of the issues, it may seem so to you.
Oh yeah, he's really deep on the issues.

Indeed he is, and you would know that if you were interested in the issues. Clinton, of course, has nothing to say about any of America's problems.
I quit watching The Apprentice because of Trump's personality. He came off as only respecting those that kissed his butt. I'm a Republican and while I didn't support him in the primary I did plan to support whoever the nominee was. I have to say that support is now razor thin because so far this campaign he has exhibited to be indeed as big a jerk as he was on his TV show.
I've been watching Trump for a long time, long before he was on TV, and I concluded a long time ago he is a jerk and has always been a jerk.

Still, whenever he started a new business project, investors flocked to him because despite being a jerk, his projects made money for them, and I support him for president because despite being a jerk, Trump has laid out specific plans for dealing with some of America's problems that I agree with. These are not empty promises or pie in the sky dreams, these are how to plans to solve the problem of illegal immigration, Islamic terrorism, unemployment among the country's poor, low wages, corporations moving to other countries, the US's huge trade deficit, failed schools in America's inner cities, how to deal rationally with the conflict between Israel and the Arabs, how to get the Europeans to pay their fair share of the costs of NATO, and more.

Trump is a jerk, but he is also the only candidate I can remember who has the balls to take a fresh look at some of America's most difficult problems. I support Trump because he is a jerk who has clear and specific plans to protect America and make America prosperous again.

I think you mean the only candidate from the 2 major parties. :)
All you have to do is watch a rally, watch a TV interview, or listen to a radio interview.

No media spin or commentary needed. Just his own words, actions and behaviors in a variety of settings.

It's delightfully easy to form opinions on something so clear.
If you are not interested in any of the issues, it may seem so to you.
Oh yeah, he's really deep on the issues.

Indeed he is, and you would know that if you were interested in the issues. Clinton, of course, has nothing to say about any of America's problems.

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