Are you tired of your Government ?


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
White House meeting a last stab at a fiscal deal | General Headlines | Comcast

last stab at a fiscal deal
Amid partisan bluster, top members of Congress and President Barack Obama were holding out slim hopes for a limited fiscal deal before the new year. But even as congressional leaders prepared to convene at the White House, there were no signs that legislation palatable to both sides was taking shape.
Obama called for the meeting as top lawmakers alternately cast blame on each other while portraying themselves as open to a reasonable last-minute bargain.

Why are these incompetent assholes on the taxpayers payroll ? The entire Government is dysfunctional,From Obama down everyone of these Screwheads should be thrown out of office.
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That's because they no longer care about governing. They are in perpetual campaign mode, trying to hold on to power.. That's all that matters to them. The entire political system is rigged. The same dirtbags remain in office , year in and year out.. MONEY, MONEY, POWER, INFLUENCE, etc.. The common man doesn't stand a chance at winning a seat in an eletction. The Founders never intended on this happening and until we the people DEMAND TERM LIMITS, this will be the result.
"Are you tired of your government?"

Whether the answer is yes or no, you might find the list of job-killing regulations getting ready to come forth, very interesting.
I love my Constitutional Gov't.

I just hate the fact that it's been taken over and perverted by International Banksters and Corrupt Politicians.
Yes I am - term limits would be great. LadyGunSlinger is right - corruption breeds corruption, money influences power, power cotrols money. Too bad ideology trumps everything.
"Are you tired of your government?"

Whether the answer is yes or no, you might find the list of job-killing regulations getting ready to come forth, very interesting.

These regulation are pouring out at the rate of 1,000 every week with no sign of slowing down.

It isn't just the regulations we have that are job killers. Employers don't know if they are going to be regulated out of existence next week.
"Are you tired of your government?"

Whether the answer is yes or no, you might find the list of job-killing regulations getting ready to come forth, very interesting.

These regulation are pouring out at the rate of 1,000 every week with no sign of slowing down.

It isn't just the regulations we have that are job killers. Employers don't know if they are going to be regulated out of existence next week.

Why are the powers to be bent on destroying this Country...
I love my Constitutional Gov't.

I just hate the fact that it's been taken over and perverted by International Banksters and Corrupt Politicians.

There has to be a point when the citizens have had enough and will revolt against there own Government on a county,state ,and federal level-there seems to be no way to keep them out of your pocket and slowing tken away your rights.

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