Are you voting for Trump?

Are you going to vote for Trump?

  • Yes

  • No

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So far the poll is going as expected. The site is roughly 70% to 75% for him.
Probably far more accurate than all the various polls out there.

If you hate police and think America is evil, then you will vote Biden.
If you appreciate police and think America is the best country in the world, then you should vote TRUMP.

It's truly this simple.
So far the poll is going as expected. The site is roughly 70% to 75% for him.
Probably far more accurate than all the various polls out there.

If you hate police and think America is evil, then you will vote Biden.
If you appreciate police and think America is the best country in the world, then you should vote TRUMP.

It's truly this simple.
So you feel that Trump will get 70% to 75% of the popular vote this time?
So you feel that Trump will get 70% to 75% of the popular vote this time?
The irrelevant popular vote?

Hitlery won cheating-ass California by, what? 5 million votes? That is something that has never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever happened before. If you don't think that's a result of massive cheating, you can go fuck yourself.

You are going full partisan hack now. You must have finally accepted the truth and entered full meltdown mode.

Either that, or you finally accepted the FACT that conventional presidents are dog shit.
So you feel that Trump will get 70% to 75% of the popular vote this time?
The irrelevant popular vote?

Hitlery won cheating-ass California by, what? 5 million votes? That is something that has never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever happened before. If you don't think that's a result of massive cheating, you can go fuck yourself.

You are going full partisan hack now. You must have finally accepted the truth and entered full meltdown mode.

Either that, or you finally accepted the FACT that conventional presidents are dog shit.
I asked a simple question, based specifically on what he said.
Well, anonymous poll so don't be shy. Have at it.

Of course I'm voting for Trump. Despite partisan lies, he's handled the pandemic as well as any leader could gave. The pandemic is surging in Europe again. Is that Trump's fault?

After the pandemic, does anyone seriously believe Joe Biden can bring the economy and jobs back better than Trump? Joe Biden wants to shut everything down again which will kill the economy.

You're on the wrong side of history in the making. This in New York.

Ever notice when Conservatives hold a rally there's no trash and garbage littering the area?

Democrats don't understand what pride is. They've never been taught to respect anything. Part of the entitlement mentality they've been taught. Someone else can clean up after me sort of thing.

We hire Trump supporters to clean up after us....

That's a lie. We dont take EBT.
Given the violent tendencies of the Left, I am concealing my intent to vote for Trump and providing the Left with what they want to hear.

You're on the wrong side of history in the making. This in New York.

Ever notice when Conservatives hold a rally there's no trash and garbage littering the area?

Except for when there is...

The first sentence explains why lol.

Leftist rallies don't even look for the waste bin.



I used to be one of those “Democrats are my opponents, not my enemies” type of people. Not anymore. Committed leftists are our enemies, enemies of the country and just about everything good and just in the world. They have hated us for decades, but did their best to hide it as much as possible. They are no longer hiding it. We should accept their hate and give it back as hard as we can.

It’s not like this is new for me – I’ve been disgusted by Democrats for years. But over time I’ve always blown past the worst parts of the left. In the past, when a Republican has died, I’ve been disgusted by the vitriol and celebration but quickly moved past it. When Ronald Reagan died, many leftist, including many who weren’t even alive when he was president, cheered. The same thing happened with George H. W. Bush, and he was a man almost universally likable. Justice Antonin Scalia’s passing was celebrated, with Democrats giddy at the prospect of replacing him on the Supreme Court.

Each time, and every time in between, conservatives ignored the mob dancing on their graves because the leaders said the “right things.” They were civil, put on their Sunday best, and acted like decent human beings at memorials. We now know it was all a sham.

Something about Donald Trump broke the left, including the so-called leaders. I don’t expect everyone in power to like each other. I don’t even want them to. Being too cozy runs risk of them getting together to do really bad, really stupid things. But I do expect them to be human, always. Democrats aren’t capable of it anymore.

For awhile now, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have been drifting toward public exposure of what we suspected they were like in private. You can’t ignore your members anti-Semitism, intense hatred of the country, and wishes of ill on political opponents and not have people suspicious. That they’re now openly engaging in those same actions, for all the world to see, lets everyone know the mild, occasional pearl-clutching they’ve done in the past was a fraud.

Pelosi doesn’t “pray for the president." She hates the man. She wraps herself in her “faith” when it’s convenient, but she’s about as genuinely “devoutly Catholic” as a Bar Mitzvah. Chuck Schumer sees President Trump’s diagnosis with COVID-19 as an opportunity, one he couldn’t must through any measure of persuasion, to delay the Supreme Court confirmation process for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Of course, what can you expect from the party whose nominee compares the President of the United States to Joseph Goebbels, as Joe Biden did last week? It turns out you can only expect the worst.

Whether Democratic Party leadership is reflecting their party members or their party members are a reflection of its leadership, the end result is the same – a gang of people boiling over with hate.

After a week of liberals falsely claiming the president refused to condemn “white supremacy,” those Democrats, in Congress and the media, either celebrated the president, first lady, and others being diagnosed with coronavirus, or accusing him of faking the whole thing. Noted homophobe and hate-crime hoaxer turned “journalist” Joy Reid spread the conspiracy theory, as did human planet and hypocritical communist capitalist Michael Moore.

Through all of this, there was no condemnation from the leaders of this cabal. Democrats didn’t refuse to appear on MSNBC or call out these lies when they did. How do you respect a party like that? How do you vote for it?

There is nothing beneath these people, every time you think they’ve gone as low as anyone possibly can, they break out a shovel. Those who weren’t smiling or denying were wishing for the death of the president and his family. Celebrities and pundits wishing physical ill or death on another human-being for the simple reason they don’t like their politics is who the Democrats are.

That it’s targeted toward the president is irrelevant, they’ll get around to you sooner than you think because they’re going for the whole country and the “system.”

Progressive activist and former CEO of Twitter, the appropriately named Dick Costolo, said this week on the social media platform, “Me-first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution. I’ll happily provide video commentary.” Dick’s net worth is $300 million. His “video commentary” would be for a very short, first-person film.

But that’s the point – these people are so fanatical. They’re willing to destroy themselves to get their way. Democrats have become the suicide bomber party, willing to destroy anything, including large swaths of themselves, to win.

They hate you, with everything they have. They don’t seek victory, they seek to dominate. This is a non-shooting war, but a war nonetheless. We all need to wake up to this fact and vote, and get others to vote with us, like our lives and America’s existence depends on it, because it does. They hate us, they really hate us. It’s time to hate them back.


I used to be one of those “Democrats are my opponents, not my enemies” type of people. Not anymore. Committed leftists are our enemies, enemies of the country and just about everything good and just in the world. They have hated us for decades, but did their best to hide it as much as possible. They are no longer hiding it. We should accept their hate and give it back as hard as we can.

It’s not like this is new for me – I’ve been disgusted by Democrats for years. But over time I’ve always blown past the worst parts of the left. In the past, when a Republican has died, I’ve been disgusted by the vitriol and celebration but quickly moved past it. When Ronald Reagan died, many leftist, including many who weren’t even alive when he was president, cheered. The same thing happened with George H. W. Bush, and he was a man almost universally likable. Justice Antonin Scalia’s passing was celebrated, with Democrats giddy at the prospect of replacing him on the Supreme Court.

Each time, and every time in between, conservatives ignored the mob dancing on their graves because the leaders said the “right things.” They were civil, put on their Sunday best, and acted like decent human beings at memorials. We now know it was all a sham.

Something about Donald Trump broke the left, including the so-called leaders. I don’t expect everyone in power to like each other. I don’t even want them to. Being too cozy runs risk of them getting together to do really bad, really stupid things. But I do expect them to be human, always. Democrats aren’t capable of it anymore.

For awhile now, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have been drifting toward public exposure of what we suspected they were like in private. You can’t ignore your members anti-Semitism, intense hatred of the country, and wishes of ill on political opponents and not have people suspicious. That they’re now openly engaging in those same actions, for all the world to see, lets everyone know the mild, occasional pearl-clutching they’ve done in the past was a fraud.

Pelosi doesn’t “pray for the president." She hates the man. She wraps herself in her “faith” when it’s convenient, but she’s about as genuinely “devoutly Catholic” as a Bar Mitzvah. Chuck Schumer sees President Trump’s diagnosis with COVID-19 as an opportunity, one he couldn’t must through any measure of persuasion, to delay the Supreme Court confirmation process for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Of course, what can you expect from the party whose nominee compares the President of the United States to Joseph Goebbels, as Joe Biden did last week? It turns out you can only expect the worst.

Whether Democratic Party leadership is reflecting their party members or their party members are a reflection of its leadership, the end result is the same – a gang of people boiling over with hate.

After a week of liberals falsely claiming the president refused to condemn “white supremacy,” those Democrats, in Congress and the media, either celebrated the president, first lady, and others being diagnosed with coronavirus, or accusing him of faking the whole thing. Noted homophobe and hate-crime hoaxer turned “journalist” Joy Reid spread the conspiracy theory, as did human planet and hypocritical communist capitalist Michael Moore.

Through all of this, there was no condemnation from the leaders of this cabal. Democrats didn’t refuse to appear on MSNBC or call out these lies when they did. How do you respect a party like that? How do you vote for it?

There is nothing beneath these people, every time you think they’ve gone as low as anyone possibly can, they break out a shovel. Those who weren’t smiling or denying were wishing for the death of the president and his family. Celebrities and pundits wishing physical ill or death on another human-being for the simple reason they don’t like their politics is who the Democrats are.

That it’s targeted toward the president is irrelevant, they’ll get around to you sooner than you think because they’re going for the whole country and the “system.”

Progressive activist and former CEO of Twitter, the appropriately named Dick Costolo, said this week on the social media platform, “Me-first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution. I’ll happily provide video commentary.” Dick’s net worth is $300 million. His “video commentary” would be for a very short, first-person film.

But that’s the point – these people are so fanatical. They’re willing to destroy themselves to get their way. Democrats have become the suicide bomber party, willing to destroy anything, including large swaths of themselves, to win.

They hate you, with everything they have. They don’t seek victory, they seek to dominate. This is a non-shooting war, but a war nonetheless. We all need to wake up to this fact and vote, and get others to vote with us, like our lives and America’s existence depends on it, because it does. They hate us, they really hate us. It’s time to hate them back.

Well that sucks to be you to have an enemy you hate but can't do anything about.

Yes, Impeached Trump wins on this poll on this forum.

Ask mommy to buy you a dictionary. "Impeached" means nothing. It means he was charged, but later found not guilty. He was charged by lying sacks of filth with false charges, and justice prevailed.

He's now the third president impeached. It's recorded in our history and will be taught in schools in the U.S..

You're on the wrong side of history in the making. This in New York.

Ever notice when Conservatives hold a rally there's no trash and garbage littering the area?

Except for when there is...

OH yeah? Well they didn't burn any buildings down!

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