Are your pets family?

Are your pets family?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 92.9%
  • No

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Some are, some aren't.

    Votes: 3 5.4%
  • Undecided/Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yes. When my cats die i morn their loss. I just spent 20k on one.... you bet they are family.

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Absolutely! They have their own Christmas stockings and everything!
My dog Jake who was a 155 lbs Great Dane/Bull Mastiff mix was the BEST dog in the world. He passed away in my arms from old age. He was too big to bury in the backyard. I had him cremated and he sits on a shelf in my living room where he loved to be with his family. He was such a good dog that I have never wanted another. My cat Spanky can't wait for me to get home and sit down so he can curl up in my lap. He sleeps on top of me every night. Yep, my pets are family.

I have a two year old Austrailian Shepherd who sleeps with us and rarely leaves my side
All of mine are.
The Bird gets bird treats & toys to play with
The Turtle gets fish treats
And cat gets catnip toys for Christmas.
And all of them know which presents are theirs under the tree.
Nah. They're useless. They like brown people.


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Are your pets family?

Behind the word "family" lies a legal interpretation, and for some religious interpretation.
Let's assume a dog/cat kidney is the same with a human kidney: No one would donate a kidney to a pet if the pet's life would depend on it.

Pets can never replace other humans or be equalized with family members.
Family is a very different thing. A pet is at most a "friend" of the family or a companion to the family. And in worst form it is just a distraction for the kids so the parents have their peace.

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