Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy?

How very normal. Exactly what the democrats, wrong, accuse the republicans of doing they in fact are doing it.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
You are absolutely right and where is the outrage from the Democrats? Their party is the only one where a candidate win the state and lose on delegates. The Democrat Sheeple do not seem to mind, so what the hell, let the party dictate the outcome.

I hate that, so what do you suggest we do to overturn the rules from the inception?

Is that such a bad thing? The super delegates is a bad setup that has the potential to buck the actual vote. Why keep it?
Because it also prevents a candidate with smaller plurality of the popular vote, but with more delegates, than another candidate who has a larger plurality of the popular vote, but fewer delegates, from being the nominee. And unlike your "oh it might happen someday" scenario, that actually did happen in 1972
It really does not 'prevent' that from happening unless the supers are tied to the popular vote which they are not.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
You are absolutely right and where is the outrage from the Democrats? Their party is the only one where a candidate win the state and lose on delegates. The Democrat Sheeple do not seem to mind, so what the hell, let the party dictate the outcome.

I hate that, so what do you suggest we do to overturn the rules from the inception?

Is that such a bad thing? The super delegates is a bad setup that has the potential to buck the actual vote. Why keep it?

Simple: it grants the DNC a semblance of influence over the nomination by imparting an air of momentum on their favored candidate. And helps avoid populist assholes talking about their own dick on national television from being the Democrat's leading candidate.
I fond that extremely 'distasteful' tbh. The party has enough control as it is over candidate selection - they really do not need to be able to tell the voters that they do not like their selection so they are going to ignore it. The EC already does a bang up job of that travesty - why are you accepting it in your party as well?

And no, it does not stop a Trump from coming in and talking about his dick. You are deflecting.
The rules, and the DNC officials, and even the suprerdelegates themselves are either elected to some position or appointed a person elected.

The state dem parties don't prohibit anyone from becoming involved the election and selection of superdelegates (nor do the state gop parties either)

The superdelegates will support any nominee who wins the majority of pledged delegates, and just to allow that, the superdelegates can even change their support right until the nomination votes. However, if there's ever a natl contest in which NO candidate has a clear MAJORITY of pledged delegates, then the superdelegates will most likely vote as to who is most electable.

It's no more "undemocratic" than electing representatives and senators who will vote on issues. That is, you have a remedy. Vote them out.
The rules, and the DNC officials, and even the suprerdelegates themselves are either elected to some position or appointed a person elected.

The state dem parties don't prohibit anyone from becoming involved the election and selection of superdelegates (nor do the state gop parties either)

The superdelegates will support any nominee who wins the majority of pledged delegates, and just to allow that, the superdelegates can even change their support right until the nomination votes. However, if there's ever a natl contest in which NO candidate has a clear MAJORITY of pledged delegates, then the superdelegates will most likely vote as to who is most electable.

It's no more "undemocratic" than electing representatives and senators who will vote on issues. That is, you have a remedy. Vote them out.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
You are absolutely right and where is the outrage from the Democrats? Their party is the only one where a candidate win the state and lose on delegates. The Democrat Sheeple do not seem to mind, so what the hell, let the party dictate the outcome.

I guess that's something that only Democrats have a right to decide, and so far, it doesn't seem to be a problem. You would be better off worrying about your own party where your opinion might count. As long as you are not a democrat, you can GFY
You are right, Bulldog... The Republican party where an opinion counts. Certainly not the Democrat party.

I'm not sure that Hispanics, Women, Gays, the Handicapped, Any religion other than Christian, the Poor, or any Sane people would agree, but it's your party. You can describe it any way you want.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
You are absolutely right and where is the outrage from the Democrats? Their party is the only one where a candidate win the state and lose on delegates. The Democrat Sheeple do not seem to mind, so what the hell, let the party dictate the outcome.

I hate that, so what do you suggest we do to overturn the rules from the inception?

Is that such a bad thing? The super delegates is a bad setup that has the potential to buck the actual vote. Why keep it?

I agree, so what can I do?
Call for change within your own party. Not saying that such is going to happen today, tomorrow or even ever but hey - that does not mean advocating for change is a bad thing ;)
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends

So you disagree with or support both the SuperDelegates and Citizens United?

Support Citizens United, that just letting people spend $ and I don't care about democrat Superdelegates, we know it's a Party that thrives on fraud elections

So both do the same thing but you only support one. Based, coincidentally of course, on political party.

They are distinct animals. The DNC is a private organization and can make whatever rules they want to screw their voters. CU relates to organizations being able to petition the government.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
You are absolutely right and where is the outrage from the Democrats? Their party is the only one where a candidate win the state and lose on delegates. The Democrat Sheeple do not seem to mind, so what the hell, let the party dictate the outcome.

I hate that, so what do you suggest we do to overturn the rules from the inception?

Is that such a bad thing? The super delegates is a bad setup that has the potential to buck the actual vote. Why keep it?
the winner takes all setup has the potential to buck the actual vote. why keep it?
It does. I have advocated against that for a long time - the EC should have been eliminated a long time ago. Do you have a point or did you just want to exercise the mental masturbation of a 'gotcha' question?
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends

Democrat Super Delegates are going to pledge to the Democrat in this race, Hillary Clinton, and not some nursing home candidate that just changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket.


Furthermore this country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates especially one that is out there campaigning on free college tuition, when we're already 19 trillion in red ink, and he wants to expand Federal Government spending by 40%.

A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for Donald Trump, because that is exactly who would be the next POTUS with a Bernie Sanders nominee. Just move the blue over to New Hampshire and Vermont and color the rest of this country RED.

Reagan v Mondale--1984 all over again.

Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends

Democrat Super Delegates are going to pledge to the Democrat in this race, Hillary Clinton, and not some nursing home candidate that just changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket.


Furthermore this country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates especially one that is out there campaigning on free college tuition, when we're already 19 trillion in red ink, and he wants to expand Federal Government spending by 40%.

A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for Donald Trump, because that is exactly who would be the next POTUS with a Bernie Sanders nominee. Just move the blue over to New Hampshire and Vermont and color the rest of this country RED.

Reagan v Mondale--1984 all over again.


So who the fuck cares what the people want, you let the Party Bosses pick your candidate.

Why bother having a "primary"?
The rules, and the DNC officials, and even the suprerdelegates themselves are either elected to some position or appointed a person elected.

The state dem parties don't prohibit anyone from becoming involved the election and selection of superdelegates (nor do the state gop parties either)

The superdelegates will support any nominee who wins the majority of pledged delegates, and just to allow that, the superdelegates can even change their support right until the nomination votes. However, if there's ever a natl contest in which NO candidate has a clear MAJORITY of pledged delegates, then the superdelegates will most likely vote as to who is most electable.

It's no more "undemocratic" than electing representatives and senators who will vote on issues. That is, you have a remedy. Vote them out.
The rules, and the DNC officials, and even the suprerdelegates themselves are either elected to some position or appointed a person elected.

The state dem parties don't prohibit anyone from becoming involved the election and selection of superdelegates (nor do the state gop parties either)

The superdelegates will support any nominee who wins the majority of pledged delegates, and just to allow that, the superdelegates can even change their support right until the nomination votes. However, if there's ever a natl contest in which NO candidate has a clear MAJORITY of pledged delegates, then the superdelegates will most likely vote as to who is most electable.

It's no more "undemocratic" than electing representatives and senators who will vote on issues. That is, you have a remedy. Vote them out.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
You are absolutely right and where is the outrage from the Democrats? Their party is the only one where a candidate win the state and lose on delegates. The Democrat Sheeple do not seem to mind, so what the hell, let the party dictate the outcome.

I guess that's something that only Democrats have a right to decide, and so far, it doesn't seem to be a problem. You would be better off worrying about your own party where your opinion might count. As long as you are not a democrat, you can GFY
You are right, Bulldog... The Republican party where an opinion counts. Certainly not the Democrat party.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
You are absolutely right and where is the outrage from the Democrats? Their party is the only one where a candidate win the state and lose on delegates. The Democrat Sheeple do not seem to mind, so what the hell, let the party dictate the outcome.

I hate that, so what do you suggest we do to overturn the rules from the inception?

Is that such a bad thing? The super delegates is a bad setup that has the potential to buck the actual vote. Why keep it?
the winner takes all setup has the potential to buck the actual vote. why keep it?
It does. I have advocated against that for a long time - the EC should have been eliminated a long time ago. Do you have a point or did you just want to exercise the mental masturbation of a 'gotcha' question?
the point is while the super delegates could be used to thwart the popular vote it's also possible that they would be used to reinforce it. the elected nature of the super delegates seems to me to make it far more likely to reinforce than usurp.

however in the republican's system the winner take all nature of only some of the states could mean that a candidate that managed to squeak only a plurality out in those contests could win the nomination even if most of the vote had gone to another candidate.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends

Democrat Super Delegates are going to pledge to the Democrat in this race, Hillary Clinton, and not some nursing home candidate that just changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket.


Furthermore this country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates especially one that is out there campaigning on free college tuition, when we're already 19 trillion in red ink, and he wants to expand Federal Government spending by 40%.

A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for Donald Trump, because that is exactly who would be the next POTUS with a Bernie Sanders nominee. Just move the blue over to New Hampshire and Vermont and color the rest of this country RED.

Reagan v Mondale--1984 all over again.


So who the fuck cares what the people want, you let the Party Bosses pick your candidate.

Why bother having a "primary"?
you are a very ignorant person.

who were the party bosses that selected barack obama?
The rules, and the DNC officials, and even the suprerdelegates themselves are either elected to some position or appointed a person elected.

The state dem parties don't prohibit anyone from becoming involved the election and selection of superdelegates (nor do the state gop parties either)

The superdelegates will support any nominee who wins the majority of pledged delegates, and just to allow that, the superdelegates can even change their support right until the nomination votes. However, if there's ever a natl contest in which NO candidate has a clear MAJORITY of pledged delegates, then the superdelegates will most likely vote as to who is most electable.

It's no more "undemocratic" than electing representatives and senators who will vote on issues. That is, you have a remedy. Vote them out.
The rules, and the DNC officials, and even the suprerdelegates themselves are either elected to some position or appointed a person elected.

The state dem parties don't prohibit anyone from becoming involved the election and selection of superdelegates (nor do the state gop parties either)

The superdelegates will support any nominee who wins the majority of pledged delegates, and just to allow that, the superdelegates can even change their support right until the nomination votes. However, if there's ever a natl contest in which NO candidate has a clear MAJORITY of pledged delegates, then the superdelegates will most likely vote as to who is most electable.

It's no more "undemocratic" than electing representatives and senators who will vote on issues. That is, you have a remedy. Vote them out.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
You are absolutely right and where is the outrage from the Democrats? Their party is the only one where a candidate win the state and lose on delegates. The Democrat Sheeple do not seem to mind, so what the hell, let the party dictate the outcome.

I guess that's something that only Democrats have a right to decide, and so far, it doesn't seem to be a problem. You would be better off worrying about your own party where your opinion might count. As long as you are not a democrat, you can GFY
You are right, Bulldog... The Republican party where an opinion counts. Certainly not the Democrat party.
Dude, their fixing to nominate someone other than the guy with 1272. get a freaking clue you partisan twit. LOL
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends

So you disagree with or support both the SuperDelegates and Citizens United?

Support Citizens United, that just letting people spend $ and I don't care about democrat Superdelegates, we know it's a Party that thrives on fraud elections

So both do the same thing but you only support one. Based, coincidentally of course, on political party.


Can you tell us the mechanism that makes them both do the same?

Ask Frank, hes the one who said it
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends

Democrat Super Delegates are going to pledge to the Democrat in this race, Hillary Clinton, and not some nursing home candidate that just changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket.


Furthermore this country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates especially one that is out there campaigning on free college tuition, when we're already 19 trillion in red ink, and he wants to expand Federal Government spending by 40%.

A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for Donald Trump, because that is exactly who would be the next POTUS with a Bernie Sanders nominee. Just move the blue over to New Hampshire and Vermont and color the rest of this country RED.

Reagan v Mondale--1984 all over again.


So who the fuck cares what the people want, you let the Party Bosses pick your candidate.

Why bother having a "primary"?
you are a very ignorant person.

who were the party bosses that selected barack obama?

The same Superdelegates who crushed Hillary in 2007
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends

So you disagree with or support both the SuperDelegates and Citizens United?

Support Citizens United, that just letting people spend $ and I don't care about democrat Superdelegates, we know it's a Party that thrives on fraud elections

So both do the same thing but you only support one. Based, coincidentally of course, on political party.

They are distinct animals. The DNC is a private organization and can make whatever rules they want to screw their voters. CU relates to organizations being able to petition the government.

Is there an instance of them screwing over the voters I dont know about or are you just being colorful?
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends

Democrat Super Delegates are going to pledge to the Democrat in this race, Hillary Clinton, and not some nursing home candidate that just changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket.


Furthermore this country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates especially one that is out there campaigning on free college tuition, when we're already 19 trillion in red ink, and he wants to expand Federal Government spending by 40%.

A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for Donald Trump, because that is exactly who would be the next POTUS with a Bernie Sanders nominee. Just move the blue over to New Hampshire and Vermont and color the rest of this country RED.

Reagan v Mondale--1984 all over again.


So who the fuck cares what the people want, you let the Party Bosses pick your candidate.

Why bother having a "primary"?
you are a very ignorant person.

who were the party bosses that selected barack obama?

The same Superdelegates who crushed Hillary in 2007
wow. you're just making shit up now.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends

Democrat Super Delegates are going to pledge to the Democrat in this race, Hillary Clinton, and not some nursing home candidate that just changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket.


Furthermore this country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates especially one that is out there campaigning on free college tuition, when we're already 19 trillion in red ink, and he wants to expand Federal Government spending by 40%.

A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for Donald Trump, because that is exactly who would be the next POTUS with a Bernie Sanders nominee. Just move the blue over to New Hampshire and Vermont and color the rest of this country RED.

Reagan v Mondale--1984 all over again.


So who the fuck cares what the people want, you let the Party Bosses pick your candidate.

Why bother having a "primary"?
you are a very ignorant person.

who were the party bosses that selected barack obama?

The same Superdelegates who crushed Hillary in 2007
wow. you're just making shit up now.

From your Bible, Wikipedia

"Although Obama led Clinton in delegates won through state contests, Clinton claimed that she had the popular vote lead as she had more actual votes from the state contests.[2] However, this calculation could not include many states that had held caucuses, which Obama had dominated, and it did include Michigan and Florida, which neither Clinton nor Obama contested due to the Democratic National Committee's penalization of those states for violating party rules.[3]

Obama received enough superdelegate endorsements on June 3 to claim that he had secured the simple majority of delegates necessary to win the nomination, and Clinton conceded the nomination four days later.[4][5] Obama was nominated on the first ballot, at the August convention..."

Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
You are absolutely right and where is the outrage from the Democrats? Their party is the only one where a candidate win the state and lose on delegates. The Democrat Sheeple do not seem to mind, so what the hell, let the party dictate the outcome.

I hate that, so what do you suggest we do to overturn the rules from the inception?

Is that such a bad thing? The super delegates is a bad setup that has the potential to buck the actual vote. Why keep it?

Simple: it grants the DNC a semblance of influence over the nomination by imparting an air of momentum on their favored candidate. And helps avoid populist assholes talking about their own dick on national television from being the Democrat's leading candidate.
I fond that extremely 'distasteful' tbh. The party has enough control as it is over candidate selection - they really do not need to be able to tell the voters that they do not like their selection so they are going to ignore it.

And when have they ever done this? We both know the answer and why your narrative is complete horseshit. And you know I know it. I just want you to say it.

When have the super delegates ever given the nomination to a candidate that didn't have the majority of pledged delegates?

C' know you wanna say it.

The EC already does a bang up job of that travesty - why are you accepting it in your party as well?

What travesty? You realize that your imagination isn't actually a travesty, right?

And no, it does not stop a Trump from coming in and talking about his dick. You are deflecting.

No, but then I never said it did. So you're offering a strawman.

I said that it helps the the DNC avoid having a populist asshole who goes on national television and talks about his dick as their leading candidate.

Try again, this time without the strawmen. If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need the fallacies.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
Can you provide an example where superdelegates have perverted democracy?
What's hilarious is that its actually a republican candidate that just signaled that the GOP nomination shouldn't go to the candidate with the most votes. With talk of a brokered convention rising among republicans.

And republicans know it. So of course, they accuse the democrats of doing what they're considering doing.

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