Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy?

Ah. I see Skylar has beaten me to the question.

Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
Can you provide an example where superdelegates have perverted democracy?

Of course not. But then these are conservatives. It isn't about what they can prove. Its about what they can insinuate...and how often. If they offer a horseshit narrative often enough, they might actually believe it.
"In order to be the nominee, you have to have a certain number of votes," Clinton said. "Not like, a plurality. You’ve got to have a certain number. You know, it’s like anything else in life, there’s certain rules. You take a driving test, you don’t pass the driving test, you don’t get your license. It’s not like, well, that’s good enough for government. You’ve got to win. You don’t just say, 'Well, I have more than anybody else, therefore I’m in.' "

Hypothetically speak, how would a statement like this indicate Hillary is hoping to get the nomination without getting the most pledged delegates?

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Support Citizens United, that just letting people spend $ and I don't care about democrat Superdelegates, we know it's a Party that thrives on fraud elections.
Superdelegates aren't involved in elections. This is a NOMINATION process and they're party officials. Of course they should have a say in who the nominee is. It's not like they get more than one vote. They're just like any other delegate.
Get a clue people...primaries are run by the parties. Don't like it? Join your local Central Committee
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
Can you provide an example where superdelegates have perverted democracy?

Can you tell me when Citizen United ever did the same?
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
Can you provide an example where superdelegates have perverted democracy?

Can you tell me when Citizen United ever did the same?
I support the Citizens United decision. Always have. If you search on it and my name on this forum, you'll see this is true. Sucks for you.

Now...can you provide an example where superdelegates have perverted democracy?
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
Can you provide an example where superdelegates have perverted democracy?

Can you tell me when Citizen United ever did the same?

You're the one comparing Super Delegates to Citizens United. Why are you demanding *we* make your argument when you can't even polish that turd?
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
You are absolutely right and where is the outrage from the Democrats? Their party is the only one where a candidate win the state and lose on delegates. The Democrat Sheeple do not seem to mind, so what the hell, let the party dictate the outcome.

I hate that, so what do you suggest we do to overturn the rules from the inception?
When something is wrong, you change it! Don't any of the DNC members have a conscience of what is right and what is wrong? DWS is rigging your process and nobody stands up and says "NO! Let our voices stand!"

At least the Republican rank and file are brave enough to buck the elite when they are wrong. They have a voice!

No one is rigging anything.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
Can you provide an example where superdelegates have perverted democracy?

Can you tell me when Citizen United ever did the same?
I support the Citizens United decision. Always have. If you search on it and my name on this forum, you'll see this is true. Sucks for you.

Now...can you provide an example where superdelegates have perverted democracy?

That's not the question in the title or OP.

Start a thread with "examples of CU and Superdelegates perverting democracy"
What's happening here is a meme was started when Sanders won New Hampshire. Some naive people thought Sanders might steamroll right over Clinton in the primaries. At the same time, they saw that most of the NH superdelegates had pre-pledged to Clinton, and so it looked like Clinton received more delegates from NH than Sanders, even though Sanders had won. The rubes then extrapolated this into Clinton stealing the nomination away from Sanders, assuming he was going to go on to win a majority of votes in all the rest of the primaries.

Despite the fact this fantasy is not coming true, and it is becoming more and more blazingly obvious Clinton is going to sew up the majority of votes in the primaries, the "she's gonna steal the nomination" meme has not died.

It's a zombie meme that will not die.

Besides which, even if Sanders had gone on to win the majority of votes in the primaries, there is no way the Democrats would let Clinton steal the nomination away. As I said way back when, there would be blood in the streets if they tried.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
You are absolutely right and where is the outrage from the Democrats? Their party is the only one where a candidate win the state and lose on delegates. The Democrat Sheeple do not seem to mind, so what the hell, let the party dictate the outcome.
you already know super delegates are unpledged delegates until they vote at the convention, so who they have committed to now and the convention will change, and super delegates collectively and since created have voted basically with who the overall popular vote has upsets....the Clinton/Obama race was the closest, since they were nearly tied.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends

So you disagree with or support both the SuperDelegates and Citizens United?

Yes, I do.
20 Dem Primaries, Bernie won 8.

Dem delegate count:

Hillary 1,221
Bernie 571

Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends

Pervert democracy?

Tell Jake I said hello

Why do you call everyone Jake?
Frank has a difficult time believing so many people are telling him how wrong he is all the time. His belief system is so fragile, that if too many people are telling him he is wrong, it would collapse in on itself. So he deludes himself into thinking there's only one or two critics, and that the rest are all socks.

It's a stupid little thing we all tolerate. No one wants to see the poor bastard crack up.
The only state Sanders won that has more voters than wildlife is Mich.
Aren't Dem SuperDelegates as bad as Citizens United in their ability to pervert democracy? They may even be worse! Citizens United is just about money and buying ad time, these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends
Can you provide an example where superdelegates have perverted democracy?

Can you tell me when Citizen United ever did the same?
I support the Citizens United decision. Always have. If you search on it and my name on this forum, you'll see this is true. Sucks for you.

Now...can you provide an example where superdelegates have perverted democracy?

That's not the question in the title or OP.

Start a thread with "examples of CU and Superdelegates perverting democracy"

What perversion of democracy?
I support the Citizens United decision. Always have. If you search on it and my name on this forum, you'll see this is true. Sucks for you.

Now...can you provide an example where superdelegates have perverted democracy?

That's not the question in the title or OP.

Start a thread with "examples of CU and Superdelegates perverting democracy"
You very plainly said in the OP, "these SuperDelegates buy elections and pervert Democracy to their own ends."

When did "these SuperDelegates" "pervert Democracy"?

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