Aren't these Trump rallies expensive?

Seems like Trump is having constant rallies even though the next election is far away. Doesn't he have a job to do? Aren't these using up lots of tax dollars?

Trump campaign to hold rallies in Mississippi, Kentucky
Maybe some, but not nearly as much as the tax money we are pissing away paying Congressman to not do their jobs.
You mean all those Bills passed by the House waiting for Moscow Mitch to bring them to the Senate floor......
Seems like Trump is having constant rallies even though the next election is far away. Doesn't he have a job to do? Aren't these using up lots of tax dollars?

Trump campaign to hold rallies in Mississippi, Kentucky
Lol, Obama held as many rallies. He'l after he let Americans die on his watch. He lied about it, then went to Vegas to golf and campaign. You're such a hypocrite.
There is not one single grain of truth in your post.
The Donald is a man that works 20 hours a day. He gets 4X as much done as Obama with half the effort and still has more energy left over than a 20 year old to do two rallies a day.

Yea, he's amazing. I will add that the main thing I judge a president on is RESULTS. Obama produced negative results and Trump has produced positive results. Trump can spend the rest of his presidency playing golf and it wouldn't matter to me provided that he continues produce positive results.
Well if only a few people supported trump as the left insists it doesn't cost much to rent a VFW hall now does it?

I believe much of the money is in the security. It's expensive to move a president all around the country. But you guys stopped caring about fiscal responsibility long ago....

Yep, stopped caring way back when Michelle Obama started taking those extravagant vacations.
That $200 million a day vacation to India, right?

Nope, I was referring to Michelle Obama jaunts....wasn't that what my post said?
Costs far less than one of the armada flights to Hawaii. So many planes for so many pets and so few people.
Trump is doing the best job any President has done in modern history
And we know that because he told you, right?

No, we know that because we have the best employment numbers in 50 years. We know that because employment records have been broken in all minority groups. We know that by the reduction of food stamp recipients. We know that because median household income has also hit a new record. We know that by a reduction in border crossings are down 60% since May thanks to Trump threatening the withdrawal of funds from Mexico. Also, Trump's law of nobody being able to apply for asylum that has been offered it in another country on the way here. We know that because he hasn't cashed a presidential paycheck since he started. We know that because most middle-class workers are paying less in taxes. We know because........

Yep. Thanks for proving my point. Like the article says, Trump starts early in the morning and doesn't finish until late at night.
Wow, that's a.... "Creative" interpretation.

You don't really believe that, do you?
Well if only a few people supported trump as the left insists it doesn't cost much to rent a VFW hall now does it?

I believe much of the money is in the security. It's expensive to move a president all around the country. But you guys stopped caring about fiscal responsibility long ago....

Moron....when it has to do with a campaign the campaign has to pay for it.....

Beat me to it. but that won't stop him from saying that Trump is spending taxpayer dollars on the rallies.

Taxpayers pay for the presidents safety, including flying air force one and secret service protection.

No they don't, on campaign trips, the RNC payes for it and they do not use AirForce 1. None of these rallies are on the Taxpayer dime, and by the way, Trump has NOT taken a dime in Salary yet. You tards can now go back to licking your gonads on the couch.
Trump is doing the best job any President has done in modern history
And we know that because he told you, right?

No, we know that because we have the best employment numbers in 50 years. We know that because employment records have been broken in all minority groups. We know that by the reduction of food stamp recipients. We know that because median household income has also hit a new record. We know that by a reduction in border crossings are down 60% since May thanks to Trump threatening the withdrawal of funds from Mexico. Also, Trump's law of nobody being able to apply for asylum that has been offered it in another country on the way here. We know that because he hasn't cashed a presidential paycheck since he started. We know that because most middle-class workers are paying less in taxes. We know because........
Lol, but no credit to the guy who got everything to that point huh?

How much has tRump.lowered the unemployment rate?

When did food stamp participation start dropping?

Illegal immigration was at historically low numbers into someone posted out that there was no "crisis". Kinda suspicious that is..

In other words yes, because tRump told you.

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