Aren't you the slighest bit curious about President Obama's background?

Tax returns??????????

Here you are having a fucking fit because you don't know of Obama took basket weaving while supporting a total jackass who has not released his tax returns.

Call up Columbia & Harvard & asked if Obama earned degrees from these universities.

This is why you assholes are assholes. My God.

Tax returns give zero indication as to the ability to run a country. Education transcripts do.


So tell us all about your examination of Trump's transcripts.

Because of course- you relied upon Trump's college transcripts- right?

Nope. But I did say they are more relevant than a tax return.

Why aren’t you demanding them?

OK, I demand them. Now what?


What I find fascinating is your blatant two faced double standard you have for Barack Obama- and every other President.


Lets see if we can spot the only President that Mark demands produce what no other President has?

(by the way- every President in the photo showed voters their tax returns......but Trump.....nope he is the only President too scared to show his)
The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?

no, hack... we know his background. no matter how much trumpscum rant and rave.
The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?

no, hack... we know his background. no matter how much trumpscum rant and rave.

Oh? What's his mama's name?
Google “who started the birther movement” and there are a ton of references saying the same thing.
Wow, yet another Trumpette who does not know all college records are only available to that person. No one seals them.

Presidents have made them available. And Obama claims he is brilliant so showing off his transcripts would be a feather in his cap...unless he has something to hide.


Tax returns??????????

Here you are having a fucking fit because you don't know of Obama took basket weaving while supporting a total jackass who has not released his tax returns.

Call up Columbia & Harvard & asked if Obama earned degrees from these universities.

This is why you assholes are assholes. My God.

Tax returns give zero indication as to the ability to run a country. Education transcripts do.

Then why won’t Trump release his transcripts?

We all know they are way this guy graduated college

Why didn't Obama?

The Great Obama graduated at the top of his class....Fat Donnie didn’t

It is claimed Donnie cheated to graduate
He needs to provide documentation
Tax returns give zero indication as to the ability to run a country. Education transcripts do.


So tell us all about your examination of Trump's transcripts.

Because of course- you relied upon Trump's college transcripts- right?

Nope. But I did say they are more relevant than a tax return.


Yet not a single Birther ever demanded to see Donald Trump's college transcripts- including yourself.

But they did stomp their feet and demand the transcripts of Barack Obama- and not a single other candidate.


You are correct. And the only reason I wanted to see Obama's was because, according to reports, he was from Kenya. I wanted to see what his transcripts showed. And again, I'll bet my bottom dollar he did not register as an American citizen, much like "Fauxcahontas".


LOL- according to reports, Trump was born in Russia and is brother of know....according to 'reports'.....

I would like to see Trump's tax returns- you know- tax returns that every legitimate modern President has not been to afraid to show voters- I would like to have seen those- pretty sure that they would show more of Trump's lies regarding both his wealth and his source of income.
Everyone knows Trump was born in Jamaica

“There has never been evidence that Clinton or her campaign started the birther rumors,” said Ben Smith, editor in chief of BuzzFeed, who as a POLITICO reporter in 2011

BuzzFeed and Politico??? Sorry, not credible. Obama himself said her campaign was the source

I love how all the Trumpsters want to believe that Donald Trump was just another gullible idiot manipulated by Hillary Clinton when he went full Birther for 5 years.

It started on a rightwing site long before Andy Martin started talking about it. From March 1st, 2008, the earliest date I can find it on the Web...

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

391 posted on 3/1/2008, 4:47:59 AM by FARS

It started on a rightwing site long before Andy Martin started talking about it. From March 1st, 2008, the earliest date I can find it on the Web...

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

391 posted on 3/1/2008, 4:47:59 AM by FARS

Stop confusing the Birther issue with facts.

Birthers rely on some of the most credible convicted felons and con-men in the industry for their 'information' - how could that possibly be wrong?

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