Aren't you the slighest bit curious about President Obama's background?

The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?
Wow, yet another Trumpette who does not know all college records are only available to that person. No one seals them.

Presidents have made them available. And Obama claims he is brilliant so showing off his transcripts would be a feather in his cap...unless he has something to hide.


Tax returns??????????

Here you are having a fucking fit because you don't know of Obama took basket weaving while supporting a total jackass who has not released his tax returns.

Call up Columbia & Harvard & asked if Obama earned degrees from these universities.

This is why you assholes are assholes. My God.

Tax returns give zero indication as to the ability to run a country. Education transcripts do.

The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?
Wow, yet another Trumpette who does not know all college records are only available to that person. No one seals them.

Presidents have made them available. And Obama claims he is brilliant so showing off his transcripts would be a feather in his cap...unless he has something to hide.


Tax returns??????????

Here you are having a fucking fit because you don't know of Obama took basket weaving while supporting a total jackass who has not released his tax returns.

Call up Columbia & Harvard & asked if Obama earned degrees from these universities.

This is why you assholes are assholes. My God.

Tax returns give zero indication as to the ability to run a country. Education transcripts do.


Tax returns tell us where hs money comres from & which banks he owes m0ney.

My God, how fucking stupid can you get.
You must file a different return than normal people.
Yes, "normal" people, like billionaires with foreign assets and debts to foreign banks that launder Russian money.:113:

You think the government is looking at that stuff? They care about income, expenses, and taxes, and they want it put on a tax form. If you claim an expense, are they asking for your receipts?

You think the government is looking at that stuff?
Huh? Stay focused ...we were talking about the relevance of information in a tax return to a person's suitability for the job of POTUS, not what is required. We get it, you don't care. Gotcha!
You think the government is looking at that stuff?
Huh? Stay focused ...we were talking about the relevance of information in a tax return to a person's suitability for the job of POTUS, not what is required. We get it, you don't care. Gotcha!

And like I said, the information you feel would be relevant wouldn't be spelled out enough on a tax return for you to make a determination.

And like I said, the information you feel would be relevant wouldn't be spelled out enough on a tax return for you to make a determination.
It doesn't need to be. we can read between the lines, thanks. Why do you suppose Trump is hiding his?
Lol. You can read between the lines.

Have you ever even seen a tax form?
Yes, and thank you for asking.

yes, we would be allowed to read between the lines. this is the court of public opinion, not a court of law.

And it was very impolite of you to ignore my question, and then ask me a question. So, don't be a sissy... answer my question.
The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history.

lol Birthers and their lies.

Far more records of Donald Trump's are 'sealed' than those of Barack Obama- but Birthers never ask for any records- except those of Obama's. I wonder why.....

They didn't ask for Romney's. They didn't ask for Trump's.

Just Barack Obama.

Things that make you go hmmm....
I'm just sad that the birther stuff has shifted all the attention away from semen stains on blue dresses and the insertion of cigars into the vaginas of interns.

That was a whole lot more fun.

Well we will always have the grabbing them by the pussies.

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
I always wondered why he hung out with anarchists, terrorists, and communists. Oh and of course he sat around for 20 years in that America hating church, but you assholes are worried about Trumps taxes? Funny

You assholes whined about all of that for 8 years- yet real Americans elected him twice.

Meanwhile- you are fine with Trump hiding his taxes.
The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?
Howbout something new? this is 4 years old.
Those records werent sealed, and its stuff that the president isnt normally releasing.
Yet Trump still hasnt released his tax returns, but Mueller certainly has them.

He's under no obligation to release his tax returns.

LOL of course not- anymore than he and Obama are obligated to release any of the documents that Birthers stomp their feet about for Obama- but not for Trump.
The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?
Wow, yet another Trumpette who does not know all college records are only available to that person. No one seals them.

Presidents have made them available. And Obama claims he is brilliant so showing off his transcripts would be a feather in his cap...unless he has something to hide.


Tax returns??????????

Here you are having a fucking fit because you don't know of Obama took basket weaving while supporting a total jackass who has not released his tax returns.

Call up Columbia & Harvard & asked if Obama earned degrees from these universities.

This is why you assholes are assholes. My God.

Tax returns give zero indication as to the ability to run a country. Education transcripts do.


So tell us all about your examination of Trump's transcripts.

Because of course- you relied upon Trump's college transcripts- right?
Lol. You can read between the lines.

Have you ever even seen a tax form?
Yes, and thank you for asking.

yes, we would be allowed to read between the lines. this is the court of public opinion, not a court of law.

And it was very impolite of you to ignore my question, and then ask me a question. So, don't be a sissy... answer my question.

Trump is hiding his for the very same reason most people do. Its no one's business. So, why did Obama hide his school transcripts?


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